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Nivel I
Lección 3

Actividad de práctica 3.2: Daily Rutines/ Rutinas diarias.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de la descripción de las actividades diaria de Ana y Lee y fíjate bien en
el uso del presente para describir este tipo de actividades, el objetivo es que seas capaz de describir tus
propias actividades en un párrafo similar al ejemplo (mínimo 50 palabras).

I get up everyday at seven o’clok, then i take a shower. After that i have breakfast and go out to take the bus
to go to the university.

I finis my classes at two o’clock and then i have lunch at the University’s restaurant.

At three pm, i go to the librabry to study for a while and at five pm i go home.

Once i get home, a take a shower, prepare dinner and eat. Around nine pm i seat in the living room and
watch tv until i get sleepy and go to bed.


I get up every day at five in the morning and go to work. Afterwards at work we take a break and have
breakfast at nine in the morning.

The time I leave work is at one in the afternoon, then I have lunch.

At four in the afternoon I take a bath and then I start doing my university homework, around eight I finish
with all my activities.

Once I finish all my homework, I prepare dinner, watch videos for half an hour and go to sleep.


Escribe la actividad que corresponde a la imagen. Apoyate del vocabulario de Ana y Lee.

Have breaktast

Brush vour teeth

Make my bed

Comb my hair

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