EM2301. Đề bài ôn tập (Eng.ver)

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Question 1 (6 points)

Provide data to calculate sales revenue of a cosmetic company as attached file.

1. Split the Salesperson column into two columns: Last and middle name, First Name columns

2. The characters in the order code indicate the product name, sales area and sale date.
Create columns: Product name, Region, Selling date, Unit price, Revenue, Discount
commission, Bonus, Income.
Indicates the characters encoded as follows:
Product Code Product name Region Code Region
SD Son dưỡng HM Hồ Chí Minh
KN Kem nền HN Hà Nội
SM Son môi NA Nghệ An
KM Kẻ mắt HP Hải Phòng
MC Mascara
E.g. : Order Code : SD_HM43556  Product name : SD ; Region : HM, Selling date : 43556
= 1/4/2019

3. Set up a product salary calculation formula : Revenue = Number of products * Unit price,
given that the unit price of the product depends on the product name and area as follows:
Product unit price list
(unit: Dong)
SD 120,000 108,000 111,000 100,000
KN 300,000 270,000 290,000 310,000
SM 230,000 207,000 250,000 200,000
KM 195,000 175,500 190,000 175,000
MC 140,000 126,000 145,000 135,000

4. Sales discount commission is set at 5% of orders for orders with long-term contracts and 3%
for orders with short-term contracts. The contract type is recorded in the Order code (last 2
characters, DH: Long-term, NH: Short-term).
5. Tiền thưởng thêm được tính thêm 10% của hoa hồng chiết khấu bán hàng nếu đơn hàng được
bán vào thứ 2 trong tuần.
5. Bonus is calculated in addition to 10% of discount commission if the order is sold on Monday
of the week.
6. Calculate Income: Income = Discount Commission + Bonus
7. Extract data of orders sold in the Hai Phong area and have a number of products sold of over
50 units.

Question 2 (2 points)
Based on the data table in question 1, create a pivot table for calculation
1. Calculate total revenue by product, draw a chart showing total revenue by product, sorting
revenue in descending order.
2. Calculate the % revenue by sales region.

Question 3 (2 points)
You plan to organize a music show, with tickets for sale. Given that the cost to rent a
performance venue is $15,000. You plan to invite 10 singers to perform at a salary of $700 per
singer. It is expected that each person who comes to watch the concert will be given a CD and a
souvenir gift of about $20/person.
Prepare an estimation of how profit will change in the following situations:
Tình huống Giá bán Số lượng vé bán ra Chi phí thuê địa điểm
Tốt 100$ 500$ 15,000$
Trung bình 90$ 400$ 14,500$
Xấu 80$ 300 14,300$

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