Example (Contoh) 1

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Tema :

Judul :

1. Salam pembuka
Good morning everyone
A. Perkenalan diri setelah salam pembuka (pilih salah satu)
Let me introduce myself, my name is .... From class.....
2. Kalimat pembuka mengenai topik masalah
I have a short story, that's about me

I once attended a big event, at the event I felt inferior, always wanted to
hide my exist, and Would sat in the back seat, when the presenter gave a
question my heart fluttered for fear of being appointed to answer. and
when the host approached, I felt like just leaving. Actually, I knew the
answer of the question, but I'm worried about other people's views,
afraid that if my answer I give was wrong then they will laugh. This did
not happen once but many times, so the question arose in my heart, what
happened to me? In the past, when I was in junior high school when the
teacher asked a question, I was excited to be the first to answer the
question before my friends, even when I wasn't sure whether the answer
was right or wrong.

To satisfy my curiosity, about what happened to me, I tried to find

information on the internet with some keywords like: why does
someone become insecure? Causing someone is not confident. How to
increase self-confidence. Etc.

Up to a point, I realized that the changes I was experiencing had

occurred in the past year or two. What happened in those years?

B. Perkenalan diri setelah kalimat pembuka

The honorable judges and all attendees, I am .... Standing before you to
discuss less social activity
3. Penjelasan mengenai topik masalah

At the beginning of 2020, the world was shaken by the Covid-19

pandemic until the end of 2021. In those years there were 291 million
cases with 5.4 million of them dying. This situation made governments
around the world impose restrictions and lockdowns for 2 years to
prevent more victims. As a result, we have to stay at home, and all
activities are carried out online, for examplele, such as studying,
working, shopping, and so on.

Just imagine for the past 2 years we have been staying at home, less of
social activities and less interacting with others, this can change a
person's habits little by little because humans have ability to adapt to
new circumstans, so we become accustom to living alone I call it ‘tidak

Now, after the pandemic has passed the government has began to open a
system of social restrictions and lockdowns. What happened to us?of
course, we have to adapt to new circumstans right. Some people adapt
easily but some don't. As a result, some people who cannot adjust to
outside circumstans become people who prefer to be alone, prefer to be
at home rather than outside, and become close to other people. but we
can't stay at home forever waiting for other people to embrace us, we are
social creaturs which means we need other people.

4. Solusi dari topik masalah

The bless audience,

I have read some articles about how to adapt to new environmet quickly,
one of tips said by Winka Orlando in yoursay.id they are :

1. Dare to start a conversation

Don't wait for the other person to come up to you to introduce

themselves and start a conversation. But on the contrary, you must have
the courage to start a conversation.

2. Don't be shy about asking questions or asking for help if needed

If you really need help, don't hesitate to ask people around you for help.
Like the proverb that we often hear "Embarrassed to ask, get lost on the
road" which means don't be shy about asking people who know better or
are wiser.

3. Stay as you are and be yourself

Moving to a new environment doesn't mean you have to change you into
someone else. Environmental influences are strong, but you still have to
stick to your identity.

4. Always think positive

Sometimes, we are afraid to mingle with other people in a new

environment because of our own thoughts, for example fear of being
wrong in behaving, fear of not being accepted well and so on. So, get rid
of thoughts like this so that you are also calmer.

5. Don't shut yourself out

try to say hello first. A comfortable and warm atmosphere will make you
more used to it. Ask them how the day is or their family. Then greet with
care and moderation.

6. Who are the people around you?

You also need to be friendly to others. Greet the people around you and
don't forget to smile.

Of course, the tips above are very easy to listen to, right? but difficult
to put into practice, but if we try, nothing is impossible to do, and over
time the tips above will become a habit.

5. Kesimpulan/ kata penyemangat dari topik masalah

Ladies and gentleman
Time is gold. A second will be valuable if used for positive things. Do
what you like with other people from now on. Let's rise together from
the pandemic that has occurred.

6. Kalimat penutup

Thank you for your attention, forgive me for every mistake that I made,

C. Pengenalan diri setelah kalimat penutup

I am ....

7. Salam penutup

wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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