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Student Information

Student Name: Keera Rico ID #:225293

Brief Description of Senior Capstone Project Topic:

Art competition part of art fest, Teams of two or individuals will sign up for art competition, participants get 1
hour to make a work of art on canvas, working as judge and coordinating with team members. In charge of
marketing the art competition, bringing necessary supplies on art fair day, researching how to run a successful
competition and art fair, will spread messages through social media.

Mentor Information

Mentor Name: Mentor Contact Information:

Zuri Timmons

Please state your qualifications and experience in the subject area of the student’s project:
An art teacher, has run art events on campus, bachelors in illustration.

In the space below, please list the responsibilities BOTH of you agree to fulfill.

Student Responsibilities: Mentor Responsibilities:

1) Marketing using art skills 1) Meet with student multiple times a month

Bring necessary supplies Provide feedback and suggestion to student based on

2) 2)
Research and coordinate with the school on event Help student by reviewing specifics of events such
3) 3)
as place, time, or approval
4) Work as judge at event itself 4) Guide student through each stage of planning the
5) Coordinate with team members 5)Suggesting changes to improve event and how to
improve project itself
All written work must be appropriate for high school. I agree to mentor this student on the required Senior
Project. I agree to meet/communicate with the student a minimum of two times per month in order to monitor
the progress of the project. We both agree to fulfill the responsibilities as listed above.

Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Mentor Signature: _____________________________________________________ 09-28-23

Date: ____________________

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