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NAME: ___________________________________________________________DATE: ____________

Complete the sentences with was / were/wasn´t/weren´t

1. Sam __________ second in the race, __________ she?

2. Jack __________ (not) in London.

3. We __________ on the same school team.

4. Betty __________ (not) at the cinema.

5. We __________ the champions last year.

6. Victoria __________ (not) in the UK.

7. Mom and Dad __________ on vacation last week.

8. Sally and Mark __________ (not) at home.

9. There __________ a small lake here many years ago.

10. There __________ any clouds in the sky.

11. My friend __________ ill yesterday.

12. They __________ third in the race.

13. Mom __________ angry when she saw the broken vase.

14. The Romans __________ brave soldiers.

15. It __________ very wet on Monday.

16. __________ it a good film?

17. Larry __________ with his family in Norway.

18. __________ they at home? No they __________ .

19. __________ your friends in Málaga? Yes, they __________ .

20. __________ you a good student last year? Yes, I __________ .

21. Silvia and her sister __________ at the zoo.

22. John and Teresa __________ on holiday in France.

23. __________ your sister at home? Yes, she __________ .

24. __________ famous people always good at school? No, they __________ .

25. __________ Antonio Banderas in Málaga last summer?

NAME: ___________________________________________________________DATE: ____________

Complete each sentence using the verbs in the brackets. Think carefully about regular and irregular

1- My sister ______________ (buy) a beautiful leather jacket yesterday. It was so expensive.

2- Can you tell me if the 6.43 train to Chicago ________________ (leave) on time or not?

3- Don't give me that book, I _______________ (read) it last year and hated it!

4- Every Sunday when I was a child, the whole family _________________ (visit) my grandparents .

5- My wife _________________ (watch) a horror movie on TV last night until midnight.

6- I didn't write that letter, Pete. Your brother _________________ (write) it.

7- The hotel was great and so quiet too. We _______________ (sleep) so well. Today, I feel very relaxed.

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? B: Yes, she ___________.

3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.

4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.

5. A: ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? B: No, they __________.

6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.

7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.

8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.

9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?

10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.

11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.

12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.

13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.

14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?

15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

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