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Conditional 1

A. Finish the sentences.

1. If I take my umbrella _________________________________________________

2. If she is hungry _____________________________________________________

3. They will get wet ____________________________________________________

4. He will not be able to write the report ____________________________________

5. If the weather holds this weekend _______________________________________

6. If we leave now _____________________________________________________

7. He will pass the test _________________________________________________

8. The flowers will not bloom in time if _____________________________________

9. If you take it out of the oven now _______________________________________

10. If her boyfriend doesn’t call her soon ____________________________________

11. The hotel will charge you an extra day __________________________________

12. Airlines will charge extra _____________________________________________

13. If you don’t have a visa ______________________________________________

14. If I want to travel to Namibia ___________________________________________

15. If you have a foreign drivers license ____________________________________

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs. (conditional 1)

1. If I am late, I'll apologize. If she is late, she'll be punished.

2. If I ______ (to be) hungry, I_____________ (to have) lunch.

3. I ____________(to listen) to some quiet music if I ______ (to be) angry.

4. If I ______ (to be) thirsty, I_____________ (to drink) some mineral water.

5. I_____________ (to have) a rest if I ______ (to be) tired.

6. If I ___________ (not to be) busy, I _____________ (to phone) you.

7. If I ______ (to be) sleepy, I_____________ (to go) to bed immediately.

8. If he ______ (to be) at home today, I_____________ (to visit) him.

9. I_____________ (to send) her some flowers if she ______ (to be) at work.

10. If he ______ (to be) in, he_____________ (to watch) sports on TV.

11. If my cat ______ (to be) too excited, it_____________ (to play) the whole day.

12. He_____________ (to win) €1,000 if he ______ (to be) lucky.

13. If she ______ (to be) happy, she_____________ (to sing) songs and dance.

14. If my husband ______ (not to be) at home today, I_____________ (to tidy) his study.

15. If my dog ______ (to be) fat, it_____________ (to have to) keep to a diet.

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