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“Contribution “
Muhammad Aniq Sami

Hira Zahoor ahoor

Fatima Paracha

Hiba Tehreem

Hamna Ashraf

Iqra Ijaz

Material & Methodology:-

Hira Zahoor

Hamna Mumtaz

Questainare development:-
M. Ikrama Saif

Fatima Munir

M. Danish

Survey coordinator:-
M. Danish

Data collection:-
M. Ikrama saif

M. Danish

Fatima Munir

Fatima Paracha

Iqra Ijaz

Hiba Tehreem

Hira Zahoor

Hamna Ashraf

Hamna Mumtaz

Hafsa Asif

M. Aniq Sami

M. Husnain Bashir

M. Ibtisaam

M. Arsalan

Data analysis:-
Hira Zahoor

M. Ikrama saif

Results: -
Hira zahoor

Fatima Munir:

Hiba tehreem

Iqra Ijaz

Hafsa Asif

Hamna Ashraf

Fatima paracha

References: -Fatima paracha


Serial “ TITLE “ Page #

01 Abstract writing 06

02 Introduction 07

03 Methodology 08

04 Data analysis 10

05 Results 20

06 Discussion 21

07 Conclusion & limitations 22

08 Conflict of interest 22

09 References 23

10 Sample Questainare 25

11 Consent Performa 27
Page# 6

“Prevalence of exercise and its impact on the sleep

quality of medical undergraduates at Nishter medical
university Multan,South Punjab”
Dr. Nadia Tufail**, Hira Zahoor*, Fatima Paracha*,Fatima Munir*,Muhammad Ikramah Saif*,
Muhammad Danish* Hamna Ashraf*,Hiba Tehreem*,Iqra Ijaz*Hafsa Asif*, Hamna Mumtaz*,
Muhammad Aniq Sami*, Muhammad Arsalan*, Muhammad Ibtisaam*, Muhammad Husnain Bashir*

** Assistant professor community medicine department NMU ,*4th year MBBS Student NMU

Background:-Exercise either strenuous or light, daily or occasional, at dawn or at dusk vitally impacts the
quality, extent and infrastructure of our sleep by disrupting the neuronal and hormonal circuits intricated
within and amongst the undergraduate medical students at Nishtar Medical University.

Objectives:-To correlate the prevalence and the role of exercise in the calibre of sleep occuring among
the gender- categorised NMU undergraduates.

Methodology:- A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted. Participants consisted of

volunteering undergraduates of NMU, that performed regular multiple exercises and were asked about
their sleep architecture, through a sample questainare , circulated by google form.The whole process
continued for a 4-week span, October to November. An extensive employment of Data Analysis by EXCEL
was done to proceed with our results.

Results:-A total of 176 students volunteered with the mean age of 22.3 participated in this study and
36.9% have been found to be engaged in some sort of excerise. And 53.6% presented with a favorable
correlation between the two variables we used; excerise & sleep quality .The masculine, hosteller
students and the daily female commuters performing routine physical activity showed lesser
dependence on sleep aids and improved sleep morphology referring to the information analysed by Data
Analysis EXCEL.

Key words:- exercise,sleep quality.


In order to have the best performance in daytime activities along with an excellent mood, both
the duration and quality of sleep must be ensured1 .A good sleep helps in aiding metabolic
capacity while strengthening individual cognitive ability and memory2.Therefore quality sleep
plays an important role in health promotion3 .Because of its importance in homeostatic balance,
1/3rd human life is consumed by sleeping 4.On average, a young adult needs around 8 hours of
sleep per day 5. Yet majority of the students are sleep deprived, as shown by one study in which
70.6% of The college students reported sleeping less than 8 hours with mean total sleep time
being 7.02 hours6.Many physical and psychosocial factors affect sleep hygiene. Being in the
medical profession many individuals have to compromise their sleep over their medical duties
wards rosters & medical assessments. Physiological imbalance b/w neuron circuits in brainstem
& hypothalamus is the reason for the delay in sleep7.Therefore sleep problems highly affect the
physical, mental health , memory and cognitive ability of students 8. There is also a correlation
of suicidal thoughts in patients suffering from insomnia 9. Since sleep issues cause such a strong
and harmful impact on everyday life of people, this problem needs to be solved on an urgent
basis. Therapeutic strategies for treating disorders in the pattern of sleep by physical exercise
have been proven quite successful, because the energy that is exerted in daytime strenuous
exercise is compensated at night by sleep10. People who do daily physical exercise of any sort,
have multiple times less chances of suffering from sleep issues 11. Exercise reduces the latency
period and increases the duration of sleep12.
In a study conducted in France, it was indicated that the moderate exercise could lead to an
improvement in the overall architecture of the sleep pattern .This improvement in sleep due to
exercise was associated with an increase in melatonin level and reduced cortisol level in the
evening . It was proved by calculating levels of these hormones in saliva. In particular, exercise
in the morning benefits more because early morning exercise stimulates earlier melatonin
release and shifts the circadian rhythm forward13.In an Indian study ,in addition to proving
positive relation b/w sleep and exercise , it was also observed that exercise done just before
bed time seemed to have a negative effect on sleep quality 14.In a Chinese study , they
correlated exercise with sleep and emotions, and found that the proportion of emotional
problems and sleep disorders who do a lot of exercise is lower than those who don’t .Sleep
quality is related to mood ,the more severe the sleep problem , the less able they are to control
their emotions15. However in a Pakistani study conducted at RMC, the relationship of excerise
with sleep was observed in male and female students. In that study it was seen that males
having high physical activity experienced low sleep quality while females have low physical
activity level and high sleep efficiency16
In short ,many studies proved that exercise is becoming an important and applicative way to
address sleep problems 17 . So particularly in our study the subjects are medical students , the
more their sleep hygiene is important for their proper functioning and performance ,the more
they are prone to sleep disorders due to hectic routine and exam stress. Therefore in this
scenario,exercise can play an important role in regulating their sleep which can benefit their
mental and physical well being positively.


•Ethical review approval:- This study was conducted as Helnski declaration
of human rights. Data was calculated after fully informed , understood and
volunteer consent of the subjects. Data was collected by interviewing study
subjects individually. Secrecy of their data was maintained.

•Study Design and duration:- A cross-sectional descriptive type of study

was conducted within a period of 4weeks ,from October to November 2023.

•Target population and sample size:- This study was conducted within
the premises of Nishter medical university & hospital Multan , with the target
population of 1657.our sample size was 176, calculated through ‘WHO sample size
calculator “ using confidence level of 95% ,margin of error 7% and population
proportion of 50.

•Sampling technique:- adopted was non-probability convenient sampling.


•Inclusion criteria:- 176 students from first year to final year MBBS of
Nishter medical university,age between 18-24 years were included . All the
students who gave consent , having experience of excerise and non exercise
routine were included.

•Exclusion criteria:- Those with psychiatric problems ( stress , anxiety,

depression, bipolar disorders, OCD and insomnia) were excluded . Those who
were already on psycho-psychatric drugs Or exogenous hormone therapy,were
not eligible for this study. People living in noisy environment were also not part of
this study.

•Data collection tool & procedure:- Data was calculated through

circulation of Google forms among the people under study. Questainare was
developed,based on demographics details , excerise routine and sleep hygiene.
Assistance of PSQI was taken to develop some questions to assess sleep quality.

•Data compilation & data analysis:- Data compilation was done

through “Excel sheet” and an extensive employment of data analysis by excel (XL)
was done to proceed for our results.
Page# 10

In our study sample ,176 people participated . Among them 3.8% from final year MBBS,63.9% from 4th
year MBBS,22.4% from 3rd year MBBS ,5.5% from second year MBBS and 4.4 from first year MBBS,
Nishter medical university multan.

Figure 1: pie chart for age distribution of participants

Figure 1 shows age distribution of participants taking part for sample of people . Majority of participants
belong from age group 22-24 years with 65% ,33.4 % of 19-21 years age group and least contribution of
0.5% from people older than 24 years.

Figure 2: pie chart for gender distribution

Gender Number Percentage

Male 58 32.2%
Female 118 67.8%

Figure 2 shows gender distribution of sample people. Out of 176 responses 118 were female with 67.8%
& 58 males with 32.2% majority of females participated in this survey

Figure 3: distribution count of hostelites and dayscholars

Residency Number Percentage

Dayscholars 88 50
Hostelites 88 50

Figure 3 showing current equal weightage of dayscholars and hostelites taking part in sample collection

Figure 4: engagement in regular physical excerise

Excerise engagement Number Percentage

Yes 63 36.9
No 113 63.1
Figure 4 shows that out of 176 people,only 63 people with 30.6% of sample do regular exercise and 113
people with 69.4% of sample don’t do exercise regularly.

Figure 5: compound bar chart for gender ,& address distrubution with respect to excerise

Figure 5 showing ,among dayscholars who don’t do regular exercise, females out number the males ,
while among dayscholars who do regular excerise, males and females are equal. Among hostelites who
don’t do excerise regularly again females are more in number than females and Among those who
excerise regularly male are 15 number and female are 13, male slightly more intend to excerise than
females. This chart also showing that hostelite males who don’t do excerise regularly are more than
dayscholar males. But hostelite females who don’t do excerise are less than dayscholar females. Excerise
engagement among dayscholars and hostelites is almost equal while non excerising behavior is more in
dayscholar females & hostelite males

Figure 6: compound bar chart for gender & age distribution with respect to excerise engagement

Figure 6 showing that among people of age group 19-21 years majority of females ,42 out of 47 and
males 11 out of 16 don’t take part in regular excerise. While among people of age group 22-24 years
mostly females 55 out of 76 don’t excerise regularly but 24 males out of 43 do excerise. This chart
showing that excerise engaging behavior is less among 19-21 years people than that of 22-24 years
people and mostly males of 22-24 years do excerise than females of same age group

Figure 7 : form of excerise carried out by people under study

Figure 7 showing that mostly people who do excerise are usually intend toward moderate walk and hard
excerise like gym & cardio etc . 16. 2% people prefer walking, 5.6% people prefer mild jogging or
stretching etc and 15. 1% people involved in hard excerise. While as per showing in above charts ,
majority don’t do excerise regularly with percentage of 63.1 out of 100.

Figure 8: time spent on excerise per day by people under study

Figure 8 showing that mostly excercising people 26.2% of sample spend on an average 10 to 20 mints
,14.2% spend 30-40 mins ,10.4 % spend more than 40 mins per day while only 3.3% spend less than
10mins. Majority of people going with no excerise engagement specifically.

Figure 9: compound bar graph for gender distribution with respect to excerise level and duration per

Figure 9 showing that among people experiencing hard excerise, mostly male spend more time than
females, usually 30-40 mins ,& same trend for people experiencing moderate excerise, mostly male
spend 10-20 mins in it while among people experiencing moderate excerise, mostly female spend more
time than males, usually 10-20 mins

Figure 10: number of days per week ,people do excerise usually

Figure 10 showing that majority of people,24% of our sample spend at least 3 to 5 days per week ,16.9%
people usually take part in excerise 1 to 2 days and ,7.1% do excerise throughout the week while
majority,51.9% don’t spend time in doing excerise

Figure 11: compound bar graph for gender distribution with respect to excerise level & days per week

Figure 11 showing that among people experiencing hard excerise, mostly male spend invest more
number of days in exercise than female . Out of 18 males ,10 spend 3 to 5 days and 7 do exercise
regularly. Among people of moderate excerise,again same trend follows while In mild excerise female
spend more time(as per information from figure 9)and more number of days than males.

Figure 12: opinion on Sleep quality improvement among people who are doing excerise

Figure 12 showing that majority of people,engaging themselves in excerise,53.6% experienced that their
sleep quality improved ,while 37.7 % people were not sure that either it showed improvement or not.
Further exploring the data ,we can use this information in correlation development between exercise &
sleep improvement.

Figure 13: compound bar graph for gender distribution with respect to excerise engagement and effect
on sleep improvement

Figure 13 showing that among majority excerising males, 23 out 27 experience improvement in their
sleep quality due to excerise, and majority excerising females 20 out of 26 also experienced
improvement in their sleep quality due to excerise routine. Among no excerising males 14 out of 28 also
experienced good quality sleep. While non excerising females 41 out of 97 whose sleep quality
experience came out good . This graph showing indicating that overall ration of sleep quality
improvement is greater in both excerising males and females than in non excerising males & females.

Figure 14: specific part of the day when people experienced ,excerising has more significant impact on

Figure 14 showing that majority of excerising people,20.8% experiencd that while evening excerise
impacted more on their sleep quality positively, 13.7% experienced morning excerise impacted sleep
more ,while 9.3% experienced that afternoon excerise engagement , effected their sleep positively. This
graph demonstrating that evening excerise have casted more positive effects on sleep quality of people
of our sample.

Figure 15: compound bar graph for distribution of Sleeping difficulty with respect to excerise

Figure 15 showing that the frequency of sleeping difficulty is more pronounced among the non
excerising people,while excerising people experiencing less difficulty in sleeping, indicating that excerise
has improved the sleeping quality of people.

Figure 16: compound bar graph for distribution of wakeness during sleep with respect to excerise

Figure 16 showing that the frequency of wakeness during sleep is comparitively more pronounced
among the non excerising people , while frequency of wakeness during sleep is less in excerising people.
This also shows a positive impact of excerise on sleep quality of people.

Figure 17: hours of sleep obtained on weekdays and weekends respectively by people who excerise

Figure 17 showing that majority of excerising people,39.9% usually take 8 hours of sleep on weekdays
and more than 8 hours of sleep on weekends,33.9% people taking 6 hours of sleep on weekdays & 8
hours of sleep on weekends, while 20.8% people taking 7 hours sleep on weekdays and 9 hours of sleep
on weekends and 2.2% taking 5 hours of sleep on weekdays and 12 hours of sleep on weekends.
According to WHO & PSQI scale of sleep quality,on an average good quality sleep usually comprises 5-7
hours on weekdays & 6-9 hours on weekends. So in this background majority of exercising people are
having proposed number of sleep hours

Figure 18: compound bar graph for frequency of sleeping aids usage with respect to gender & excerise

Figure 18 showing that the diffrence in frequency of using sleeping pills among excerising & non
excerising male is not very appreciating,while rarely usage of sleeping pills is much more in non
excerising females than excercising females

Figure 19: frequency of using sleeping pills among people who excerise (in figure: 18)

Figure 19 showing that majority of excerising people who use sleeping aids,91.8% have not used during
past month, 3.8% use once or twice a week, and 2.7 % use less than once a week. It indicated that
frequency of sleeping aid usage is minimized among people who are engaged in excerise, because of
them have not felt the need to take them during the past month.

Figure 20: consumption of caffein or energy drinks to stay awake or focused during late night study
session among excerising people

Figure 20 showing that 53% excerising people consume caffeine or energy drinks to stay awake or
focused during late night study session And 47% don’t consume caffeine or energy drinks for such
purpose specifically.

The prevalence of exercise among students of Nishter medical university has been
found to be about 36.9 %, 82% of which belong to the 22-24 years age group. The
ratio of people who exercise,among dayscholars & hostelite, is almost equal. But
among the hostelites, the trend of exercise was more pronounced in males,with
54% ,than female hostelites. And among dayscholar, it was found opposite, where
female dayscholars were dominant over female hostelites,with a percentage of
52. Most people preferred a moderate walk or gym,on an average duration of 20-
40 minutes,3 to 5 days a week. 53.6 % of people observed a positive influence of
their exercise routine on their sleep quality, out of which 2/3rd experienced this
influence particularly because of evening exercise. 56.2% of people were
obtaining optimum hours of sleep ,as per criteria of psqi. Less frequency of
sleeping pills usage was found in exercising people in comparison of non
exercising people. 91.8% of people, didn’t find the need to use them during the
past month. Sleep distortion due to difficulty in sleeping & wakeness during sleep
,was also of less frequency among people who exercise. Overall a positive
association of sleep quality was depicted in people who keep doing exercise in
their routine.

The findings of our study suggest that a significant percentage of students are
engaged in exercise. This is a positive trend, as regular physical activity has
numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. It is encouraging to see that
nearly 36.9% of the students surveyed are taking part in some form of exercise.
One interesting observation is the difference in exercise participation between
male and female students. Our study found that a higher percentage of male
students engage in exercise compared to their female counterparts. And 53.6%
people experienced a good influence of their exercise routine on the sleep quality.
There is found a positive correlation between sleep & exercise. Regular physical
activity has been shown to promote better sleep by reducing stress levels,
improving mood, and increasing the release of sleep-regulating hormones.
Similarly, research conducted on college students from The Civil Aviation
University of China also showed that the students who exercise regularly have
better sleep patterns and sleep quality 18
Research conducted on the students in Guangzhou City also showed that there is
a positive impact of exercise on sleep quality 19 .According to a study among
students of Brock university, Canada ,there were significant differences between
males and females on sleep quality such that females reported lower sleep quality
females to derate and high-intensity physical activity and sports club engagement
than did males 20.
While in another study ,done among medical students of Rawalpindi medical
college , the sleep quality & physical activity were found to be negatively
correlated, in association with gender differences 21.However in our study almost
2/3rd people who exercise, experienced this influence on the sleep quality,
particularly after evening exercise. While in an Indian study ,it was indicated that
exercise done just before bedtime,casts a negative impact on sleep pattern.23

In our study, 36.9 percent students who took the survey were found to be
engaged in some form of exercise. Male students were more inclined towards
exercise than females and of the male students who exercise, most of them were
boarders while of the female students who exercise, dayscholars predominated.
Students who regularly engaged in exercise reported obtaining optimum sleep
hours, minimal usage of sleep aids and undisturbed sleep as compared to
students who did not exercise.

The main Limitation faced during the study was the academic stress faced by the
students due to which they can’t take time out for exercise . Moreover, excessive
use of mobile phones and other gadgets results in decreased sleep at night even
with regular exercise. Many students consume nicotine ( tea, coffee) during
study which disturbs with normal sleep and also interfered with results of
research. Little attention has been given to the possibility that the various
components of an exercise regimen (e.g., dose, mode, timing) have differential
effects on sleep. In addition , direct comparisons between different exercise
intensities have not been performed, and thus interfering with the results of our

This study is not funded by any institute or any foundation. No any conflict of
interest is declared by the authors

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Sample Questainare:-
Section 1: Demographic Information
1) Age: ______ years
a)18> b) 19-21 c)22-24 d)24<
2) Gender: _______
a) Male b) female
3) Year of Study in Medical School: ________
a)1st year b) 2nd year c) 3rd year d)4th year e) final year
4) Current Residential Address: _____________________________________
5) Are you :_________
a) Dayscholar b) hostelite
Section 2: Sleep Habits
6) How many hours of sleep do you aim to get per night on weekdays & weekends?
___&___ Hours respectively.
a) 5,12 b)7, 9 c)8, >8 d)6,8
7) How many hours of sleep do you actually get on average on weekdays & weekends?
____&___ hours respectively.
a)5,12 b)7,9 c)8,>8 d) 6,8

8) Do you use any sleep aids (e.g., sleeping pills, herbal remedies, white noise machines) to
Help you sleep?
a)Rarely b)Sometimes c)Often d)Almost always
9) Do you have difficulty falling asleep?

a)Rarely b)Sometimes c)Often d)Almost always

10) Do you wake up while sleeping?
a) Rarely b)Sometimes c) Often d)Almost always
Section 3: Exercise Habits
11)Do you engage in regular physical exercise (at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week)?
a) Yes b)No

12) If you answered “Yes” to Question 9, please specify the type(s) of exercise you regularly
Engage in: _______
a) Mild (jogging,stretching) b) moderate walk c) hard (cardio,gym etc) d)Nil
13)On average, how many days per week do you engage in regular exercise? ______
b) 0 b)1-2 c)3-5 d)6-7
14)How long do you typically spend on each exercise session? ______ minutes
c) Nil b)<10min c) 10-20min d)30-40min e)>40 min
Section 4: Sleep Patterns and Schedule
15) What time do you typically go to bed & wake up on weekdays? _______&_______
16) What time do you typically go to bed & wake up on weekends? _______&_______
17) Do you take short naps during the day to compensate for insufficient nighttime
a) Yes b)No

Section 5: Perceived Effects of Exercise on Sleep

18) In your opinion, has regular exercise positively affected your sleep quality?
a)Yes b) No c) Not sure
19) Have you noticed any specific time of day when exercise has a more significant
impact on Your sleep (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening)?
a)Morning b) Afternoon c)Evening d) No noticeable difference
Section 6: Lifestyle and Coping Mechanisms
20) Do you consume caffeine or energy drinks to stay awake or focused during late-night
study Sessions?
a) Yes b)No
21) In the past month, how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep (prescribed
or ‘over The counter’)?
a) Not during the past month. B)Less than once a week. C)Once or twice a week d)
Three or more times a weekThan

Consent Performa:-
Respected sir/madam!
I am an undergraduate student of MBBS of Nishter medical university multan,I am
conducting a study on topic ,” prevalence of exercise and it’s impact on the sleep quality of
medical undergraduates of Nishter medical university multan, south Punjab “. This study will
help us determine the prevalence & effect of excerise on sleep quality . I request you to kindly
participate in this study ,for the underlined interest of the community.
Your sincerely!

Hira Zahoor, Fatima Paracha,Fatima Munir,Muhammad Ikramah Saif, Muhammad

Danish,Hamna Ashraf,Hiba Tehreem,Iqra Ijaz,Hafsa Asif, Hamna Mumtaz,
Muhammad Aniq Sami, Muhammad Arsalan, Muhammad Ibtisaam, Muhammad
Husnain Bashir
I have read and explained the protocol of this study & I hearby agree to
participate in this study ,which is being carried out through the collaboration of
department of community medicine,under supervision of Dr. Nadia Tufail.

Signature ___________

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