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DR. K. N.


WORKSHEET -2 (2023 – 24)

General Instructions:-
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Do the given assignment in your English notebook.
3. The work should be neat & clean.

Extract Based Questions

"It would be an exotic moment

without rush, without engines,
we would all bpe together
in a sudden strangness."

1. What does it refer to ?

2. Who is the poet speaking to ?
3. What would be the moment like ?
4. Explain : Sudden strangeness.

Short Answer Type Questions

5. What did the British officer's secretary tell the Maharaja? Why did the Maharaja
refuse permission?
6. What does the writer mean when she says, 'Sahib is no longer his own master' ?
7. How did the author feel when he got into the waters of the Cascades?

Long Answer Type Questions

8. All we have to fear is fear itself". Explain.
9. Lost spring explains the grinding
poverty and traditions that
condemn thousands of people to a
life of abject poverty. Do you
agree? Why/ Why not?

10. How did the Tiger King meet his

end? What is ironical about his

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