(ENGLISH) Lapdul AMDAL Sumbar 020322

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Accelerating Insfrastructure Delivery

through Better Engineering Services Project (ESP)

Project Preparation Consultant (PPC) Firm for Development of

Regional Water Supply System
in West Indonesia

Loan No. 3455-INO

PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


This Inception Safeguard Report book is the first report in a series of reports that will
be prepared by a PPC consultant in the context of the study "Compilation of an
Environmental Study (AMDAL) Regional WSS for Agam Regency - Bukittinggi City,
West Sumatra Province".

This Inception Report will describe the Introduction, Overview of Work, Approach and
Methodology and Implementing Organization and Schedule of Activities.

We would like to thank all parties who have contributed to the preparation of the
Inception Environmental Study Report (AMDAL) Regional WSS Agam Regency –
Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra Province.

Padang, January 2022

PPC West Indonesia of Water Supply System Development

Joselito N Jose Resident Engineer Coordinator
Team Leader West Sumatra Province

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | 1

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................. I
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... II
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. III
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... IV
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1. Purpose of AMDAL Activities ..................................................................................... 3
1.3. GOALS ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. ACTIVITY PLAN LOCATION............................................................................................................. 3
1.5. SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II OVERVIEW OF WORK ............................................................................................... 6
2.1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY AREA .................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1. West Sumatra Province .............................................................................................. 6
2.2.2. Agam Regency ........................................................................................................... 15
2.2.3. Bukittinggi City............................................................................................................ 53
2.3. OVERVIEW OF WORK LOCATIONS ................................................................................................ 91
2.3.1. Intake Plan .................................................................................................................. 91
2.3.2. Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Plan ........................................................................ 95
2.3.3. Regional WSS Service Plan for Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City .................... 99
CHAPTER III APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 108
3.1. AMDAL METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH ..................................................................................... 108
3.1.1. Applicable Laws and Policies related to AMDAL Preparation ........................... 108
3.1.2. Preparation phase ................................................................................................... 108
3.1.3. Environmental Study Approach ............................................................................. 109
3.1.4. Method of collecting data ........................................................................................ 112
3.1.5. Data Analysis Methods ........................................................................................... 116
3.1.6. Impact Prediction Method ....................................................................................... 117
3.1.7. Directions for Environmental Management and Monitoring .............................. 123
4.1 IMPLEMENTING ORGANIZATION AND SCHEDULE OF AMDAL ACTIVITIES .......................................... 134
4.1.1 Organization of AMDAL Implementation .............................................................. 134
4.1.2 Personnel Schedule ................................................................................................ 136
4.1.3 Work Implementation Schedule ............................................................................. 136

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | ii

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


Figure 2. 1 Administrative Map of West Sumatra Province ..................................................... 8

Figure 2. 2 West Sumatra River Basin Distribution Map ....................................................... 12
Figure 2. 3 Administrative Map of Agam Regency ................................................................ 18
Figure 2. 4. Agam Regency Topographical Map ................................................................... 20
Figure 2. 5. Regional Fault Routes in the Agam Region – Bukittinggi .................................. 23
Figure 2. 6. Geological Map of Agam Regency ..................................................................... 24
Figure 2. 7. Earthquake Risk Map of Agam Regency ........................................................... 26
Figure 2. 8. Agam Regency Volcano Disaster Risk Map ...................................................... 27
Figure 2. 9. Landslide Disaster Risk Map of Agam Regency ............................................... 28
Figure 2. 10. Agam Regency Land Use ............................................................................... 41
Figure 2. 11. Spatial Pattern Plan Map of Agam Regency ................................................... 44
Figure 2. 12. Bukittinggi City Administration Map .................................................................. 55
Figure 2. 13. Topographical Map of Bukittinggi City .............................................................. 57
Figure 2. 14. Bukittinggi City Geological Map ....................................................................... 60
Figure 2. 15. Earthquake Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City ................................................... 62
Figure 2. 16. Landslide Disaster Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City ........................................ 63
Figure 2. 17. Flood Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City ............................................................ 64
Figure 2. 18. Bukittinggi City Land Use Map ......................................................................... 79
Figure 2. 19. Spatial Pattern Map of the Bukittinggi City ....................................................... 81
Figure 2. 20. Map of Bukittinggi City Waste Management ................................................... 85
Figure 2. 21. Map of the Bukittinggi City Drainage Network System ..................................... 87
Figure 2. 22. Location of the Planned Intake on the Landia River ........................................ 94
Figure 2. 23. WTP Planned Location in Nagari Balingka ...................................................... 96
Figure 2. 24. Bungil WTP Situation Map/Layout .................................................................. 98
Figure 2. 25. Location of the Canduang Offtake Plan ......................................................... 100
Figure 2. 26. Schematic of Zone 1 Offtake Service WSS Regional Agam Regency –
Bukittinggi City ..................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 2. 27. Location of the Bangkaweh Offtake Plan ....................................................... 103
Figure 2. 28. Schematic of Offtake Service Zone 2 WSS Regional Agam Regency –
Bukittinggi City ..................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 2. 29. The location of the Balingka Offtake Plan within the Bungin WTP Location Area
............................................................................................................................................. 106
Figure 2. 30. Schematic of Offtake Service Zone 3 WSS Regional Agam Regency –
Bukittinggi City ..................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 3. 1. The working principle of the GPS RTK method ............................................... 114

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | iii

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


Table 2. 1. Area and Number of Islands by Regency/City ............................................................ 7

Table 2. 2 . Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of West
Sumatra Province ................................................................................................................................ 9
Table 2. 3. Natural Disasters in West Sumatra Province ............................................................ 12
Table 2. 4. Area and Name of the Capital City by District in Agam Regency in 2020 ............. 16
Table 2. 5. Data from Observation of Climate Elements (rainfall, rainy days and humidity,
wind speed, and solar radiation) According to the Month of Agam Regency in 2020 at the
Bukit Kototabang GAW Station ....................................................................................................... 30
Table 2. 6. Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of Agam
Regency in 2020 ................................................................................................................................ 31
Table 2. 7. Gender Ratio of the Population of Agam Regency in 2020 ..................................... 32
Table 2. 8. Total Population by Age Group in Agam Regency in 2020 ..................................... 32
Table 2. 9. Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on Current Prices by Business Field in
Agam Regency (billion rupiah), 2019–2020 .................................................................................. 33
Table 2. 10. Agam Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on 2010 Constant
Prices According to Business Field 2010-2020 (billion rupiah), 2019-2020 ............................. 34
Table 2. 11. Number of Schools in Agam Regency in 2020/2021 ............................................ 36
Table 2. 12. Health Facilities per District in Agam Regency in 2020 ......................................... 36
Table 2. 13. Number of Muslim Places of Religion Service in Agam Regency in 2019 ....... 37
Table 2. 14. Road Length According to Government Authority in Agam Regency in 2020 .... 38
Table 2. 15. Road Length Based on Type of Surface in Agam Regency in 2020 ................... 38
Table 2. 16. Panjang Jalan dan Kondisi Permukaan Jalan Kabupaten Agam Tahun 2020 ... 39
Table 2. 17. Number of Electricity Customers According to Branch/Office of Watch .............. 39
Table 2. 18. Number of Telephone Central Capacity and Number of Subscribers in Agam
Regency .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Table 2. 19. Summary of SPALD Access Data by Type of SPALD in Agam Regency ........... 45
Table 2. 20. Waste Generation in Agam Regency in 2020 ......................................................... 46
Table 2. 21. Number of DLH Garbage Transportation Facilities in Agam Regency ................ 47
Table 2. 22. Population With Access To Sanitation Facilities According .................................. 50
Table 2. 23. Realization of Agam Regency Regional Revenue (thousands of rupiah) ........... 52
Table 2. 24. Realization of Agam Regency Government Expenditure ...................................... 52
Table 2. 25. Number of Sub-Districts, Area and Percentage of District Area to Area of
Bukittinggi City in 2020 ..................................................................................................................... 54
Table 2. 26. Proportion of Land Area in Bukittinggi City Based on Land Slope Classification
.............................................................................................................................................................. 56
Table 2. 27. River / Stem Through the Bukittinggi City ................................................................ 65
Table 2. 28 Hydrology in the Bukittinggi City ................................................................................. 66
Table 2. 29. Data from Observations of Climatic Elements (rainfall, rainy days and humidity,
wind speed, and solar radiation) by Moon in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 at the Bukit
Kototabang-Palupuh GAW Station ................................................................................................. 68
Table 2. 30. Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of Bukittinggi
City in 2020 ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Table 2. 31. Gender Ratio of the Population of Agam Regency in 2020 .................................. 69

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | iv

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Table 2. 32. Total Population by Age Group in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 ............................. 69
Table 2. 33. Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on Current Prices by Business Field in
the Bukittinggi City (million rupiah), 2019–2020 ............................................................................ 71
Table 2. 34. Gross Regional Domestic Product at 2010 Constant Prices by Business Field in
the Bukittinggi City (million rupiah), 2019–2020 ............................................................................ 71
Table 2. 35. Number and Distribution of School Education Facilities ........................................ 73
Table 2. 36. Number of Health Facilities in the Bukittinggi City in 2019 .................................... 73
Table 2. 37. Number of Population According to Religion Followed .......................................... 74
Table 2. 38. Number and Distribution of Religion Service Facilities in the Bukittinggi City,
2018 ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
Table 2. 39 Status and Length of Roads in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 ................................... 75
Table 2. 40 Road Length and Type of Surface in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 ......................... 75
Table 2. 41 Road Length and Road Conditions for the Bukittinggi City in 2019 ...................... 75
Table 2. 42 Installed Power, Electricity Production and Distribution PT. PLN (Persero) at
PLN Branch/Rayon in Bukittinggi City in 2020 .............................................................................. 76
Table 2. 43 Electric Power Sold in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 .................................................. 76
Table 2. 44 Area of Land Use per District in the Bukittinggi City ................................................ 77
Table 2. 45. Bukittinggi City Spatial Pattern Plan (Area) ............................................................ 80
Table 2. 46. Existing condition of waste water management ...................................................... 82
Table 2. 47. Current Coverage of Domestic Wastewater Services in the Bukittinggi City ...... 83
Table 2. 48. Average Weight of Waste Generation from Bukittinggi City to Payakumbuh
Regional TPA January to December 2020 .................................................................................... 83
Table 2. 49. Number and Capacity of Garbage Containers in the Bukittinggi City .................. 84
Table 2. 50. Number of PDAM Customers in 2020 ...................................................................... 88
Table 2. 51. Average Regional Expenditure Revenue Budget Growth ..................................... 89
Table 2. 52. Realization of Government Expenditures for the Bukittinggi City by Type of
Expenditure (millions of rupiah) in 2018-2019 ............................................................................... 90
Table 2. 53. Realization of Bukittinggi City Government Financing (millions of rupiah).......... 91
Table 2. 54. Landia River Monthly Average Discharge Data ...................................................... 92
Table 2. 55. Landia River Discharge Data ..................................................................................... 93

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | v

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


1.1. Background
1. In order to improve infrastructure to promote inclusive growth in Indonesia, and
assist the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in implementing an
increasing number of infrastructure projects in the road, water and wastewater, and
water resources sectors, the government intends to strengthen capacity The Ministry
of PUPR in implementing its public investment program in 2017-2019 through the
Project to Accelerate Infrastructure Provision through the Better Engineering Service
Project (ESP). ESP will support meet the infrastructure development objectives of the
PUPR Ministry's 2015–2019 Strategic Development Plan (Sector Development
Program/SDP), by increasing the quality and timeliness of implementation of the SDP
public investment program. The impact will help the MPWH achieve its SDP
infrastructure development goals. The result will strengthen the MPWH capacity to
efficiently design and implement public investment programs.
2. The Government of Indonesia through the National Medium Term Development
Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 has set a target of 100% access to proper drinking water
and 15% access to safe drinking water in 2020-2024. BPS data for 2019, people who
have access to proper drinking water were 84.91%. Meanwhile, the challenges in
developing a clean water supply system include idle capacity of 37,900 liters/second,
33% national non-income water, raw water demand for drinking water supply of around
128 m3/second, low commitment to fund water supply by local governments (Pemda)
with only 0.04% of their budget (APBD), the number of 'healthy' PDAMs is 30%, and
the increase in access is only 4.5% in the last 5 years.
3. The platform to achieve 100% access for both urban and rural areas is 60%
piped water with more than 27 million household connections, 40% non-piped safe
protected drinking water supply for 2 million households, and with 100% 'healthy'
PDAM. The rationale for establishing a Regional Water Supply System (Regional
WSS) is based on: (i) geographically uneven availability of raw water; (ii) new regional
governments that emerged because of regional autonomy; and (iii) collaboration
between Regional Governments to jointly utilize the same source of raw water. It
further aims to result in (a) improving operator (PDAM) performance, (b) increasing
efficiency in investment and operations, and (c) increasing economies of scale to
attract other sources of investment.
4. For realizing Regional WSS, especially in West Sumatra Province, after
reviewing the WSS Masterplan of West Sumatra Province, and indicating the potential
for utilizing water from the river in Jorong Ranah, Kenagarian Sungai Landia which will
meet the water needs in the surrounding areas that have not been served by PDAM ,

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | 1

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

especially Agam Regency and Bukittinggi City, the next step is to carry out an
Environmental Study of the Agam - Bukittinggi Regional WSS.
5. In detail, the background for the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL)
of the Agam - Bukittinggi Regional WSS is:
a. That a good and healthy environment is the basic right of every Indonesian
citizen as mandated in article 28H of the 1945 Constitution.
b. That the national economic development as mandated in the 1945 Constitution
of the Republic of Indonesia is carried out based on the principles of sustainable
and environmentally sound development.
c. That the declining quality of the environment has threatened the survival of
humans and other living things, so it is necessary to protect and manage the
environment in a serious and consistent manner by all stakeholders.

1.2. Purpose and objectives

6. The purpose of this activity is to provide infrastructure for the public interest
through the construction of the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS in accordance with
the regional spatial plan and development priorities that have been set.
7. The objectives of the Agam – Bukittinggi Regional WSS Environmental/AMDAL
activities are:
a. Prepare environmental impact activities (AMDAL) of the project and must
determine and discuss the proposed environmental impacts and consequences
(both beneficial and adverse).
b. Ensuring and coordinating various participatory workshops and meetings, (a)
formal public consultation workshops to discuss assessment of development
issues, (b) FGDs with stakeholders in the main areas affected by the program
including women's groups and civil society; and (c) meetings/interviews with
government officials (national, provincial and district), potential beneficiaries,
and potentially affected parties
8. While the objective based on Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 27
of 2016 is that with the implementation of the programs contained in the WSS
Masterplan Document of West Sumatra Province, it is expected that Business Entities
will be able to meet their own needs by providing Drinking Water services in order to
guarantee the people's right to Drinking Water, the realization management and
service of quality drinking water at affordable prices, achieving balanced interests

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | ii

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

between customers and administrators, achieving effective and efficient provision of

drinking water to expand the scope of drinking water services

1.2.1. Purpose of AMDAL Activities

1) Identification of the existing environment and its characteristics
2) Conduct an analysis of potential environmental impacts on physical, chemical,
biological, artificial, socio-economic and cultural properties in the pre-
construction period
3) Analysis of the magnitude of environmental impact and action/mitigation plan
Preparation of environmental monitoring plan for each
4) Technical Approval

1.3. Goals
9. The expected goal of this activity is the Compilation of the Agam–Bukittinggi
Regional WSS AMDAL Document which is ready to be followed up by the West
Sumatra Provincial Government WSS Organizer to become a Legal document for the
West Sumatra Provincial Government.

1.4. Activity Plan Location

10. Work location for preparing Environmental Documents (AMDAL) for the
Development of Regional WSSs for Agam and Bukittinggi Regencies, West Sumatra
Province. In Agam Regency, it is located in 4 (Four) Districts in the Agam Regency
area and the entire area of Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra Province.

11. The service area plan for each regency and city is as follows:
1) Agam Regency, IV Koto District, Banuhampu District, Candung District and
Ampek Angkek District.
2) Bukittinggi City, all districts, namely Aur Birugo Tigo Boleh District, Guguk
Panjang District and Mandiangin Koto Selayan District
Locations of planning activities can be seen on the map below:

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | iii

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Kec. Canduang

Kec. Sungai Pua

Figure 1.1 Location of Agam–Bukittinggi Regional WSS Activities, West Sumatra Province
Source: PPC WSS Regional Sumatera Barat, processed data

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | 4

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

1.5. Scope of Activities

12. The scope of work from the Environmental Document (AMDAL) of the Agam–
Bukitinggi Regional WSS are:
1) Prepare environmental documents (AMDAL) for the Development of
Regional WSS for Agam Regency and Bukittinggi City in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations;
2) Conduct a feasibility study including:
a) Socio-economic survey and location feasibility;
b) Analysis of the costs and benefits of development for the region and
the community;
c) Estimated value of land and;
d) Environmental impacts and social impacts that may arise as a result
of land acquisition and development;

13. Scope of AMDAL work:

1) Preparation and collection of activity plan data and secondary data;
2) Preliminary environmental baseline survey at the activity location;
3) Community involvement;
4) Preparation and discussion of Terms of Reference Form documents;
5) Field surveys and sampling and data analysis;
6) Preparation and discussion of the Andal and RKL-RPL documents;
7) Issuance of Environmental Approval (SKKL);
8) Technical approval.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | 5

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
Laporan Pendahuluan AMDAL | Provinsi Sumatera Barat


2.1. General
14. The activity of compiling the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL)
document for the Agam – Bukittinggi Regional WSS development plan for West
Sumatra Province will cover two regencies/cities of Agam Regency and Bukittinggi

2.2. Overview of the Study Area

2.2.1. West Sumatra Province Geographical Location and Conditions
15. Geographically, West Sumatra Province is located between 0054' N - 3030' S
and 98036' E - 101053' E and is traversed by the equator (zero latitude/equator).
Administratively, the province of West Sumatra has the following boundaries:
• North part is bordered by North Sumatra Province;
• South part is bordered by Bengkulu Province;
• East part is bordered by Riau and Jambi provinces; And
• West part is bordered by the Indian Ocean.
16. West Sumatra Province consists of 19 Regencies/Cities with an area of 42.01
thousand km2. The Mentawai Islands Regency has the largest area, namely 6.01
thousand km2 or around 14.31% of the area of West Sumatra Province. Meanwhile,
Padang Panjang City has the smallest area of 23.0 Km2 (0.05%).
17. West Sumatra Province has 218 islands spread over 7 Regencies/Cities,
namely Mentawai Islands Regency (113 islands), Pesisir Selatan Regency (48
islands), Padang Pariaman Regency (1 island), Agam Regency (2 islands), Pasaman
Barat Regency (26 islands), Padang City (21 islands), Pariaman City (4 islands) and
those in the Province of West Sumatra (3 islands). The area and number of islands in
West Sumatra Province are presented in the following table:

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo 6
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Table 2. 1. Area and Number of Islands by Regency/City

in West Sumatra Province, 2020
Percentage of
Regency/City Number
No Regency/City Area the province
Capital of Islands
A. Regency
1. Kep. Mentawai Tua Pejat 6.011,35 14,31 113
2. Pesisir Selatan Prainan 5.749,89 13,69 48
3. Solok Aro Suka 3.738,00 8,90 -
4. Sijunjung Muaro Sijunjung 3.130,40 7,45 -
5. Tanah Datar Batusangkar 1.336,10 3,18 -
6. Padang Parit Malintang
1.332,51 3,17 1
7. Agam Lubuk Sikaping 3.974,63 4,29 2
8. Lima Puluh Kota Sarilamak 3.571,14 8,50 -
9. Pasaman Lubuk Sikaping 3.947,63 9,40 -
10. Solok Selatan Padang Aro 3.346,20 7,96 -
11. Dharmasraya Pulau Punjung 2.961,13 7,05 -
12. Pasaman Barat Simpang Empat 3.887,77 9,25 26
B. City
1. Padang Padang 693,66 1,65 21
2. Solok Solok 71,29 0,17 -
3. Sawahlunto Sawahlunto 231,93 0,55 -
4. Padang Panjang Padang Panjang 23,00 0,05 -
5. Bukittinggi Bukittinggi 25,24 0,06 -
6. Payakumbuh Payakumbuh 85,22 0,20 -
7. Pariaman Pariaman 66,13 0,16 4
Wilayah Provinsi
Sumatra Barat
West Sumatra 42.012,89 100,00 218
Source : Provinsi Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka 2021

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 1 Administrative Map of West Sumatra Province

Source: Rencana Tata Ruang Povinsi Sumatera Barat, 2021
PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |
PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Regional Demographics

18. The population growth in West Sumatra Province from 2010-2020 has
continued to increase, where the population in 2010 was 4,846,909 people and in 2020
the population has increased to 5,534,472 people with an average population growth
rate by 1.29%.
19. For the highest population in 2020, Padang City has 909,040 people or 16.43%
of the population of West Sumatra Province while the lowest population is Padang
Panjang City with 56,311 people or 1.02% of the Province's population. West Sumatra.
The population, growth rate and population density of West Sumatra Province are
presented in the following table.

Table 2. 2 . Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of West
Sumatra Province
Regency/City Population Growth Rate
No Density
per year
A. Regency
1. Kep. Mentawai 87.623 1,36 14,58
2. Pesisir Selatan 504.418 1,57 87,73
3. Solok 391.497 1,13 10,4,73
4. Sijunjung 235.045 1,49 75,08
5. Tanah Datar 371.704 0,91 278,20
6. Padang 430.626
0,94 323,17
7. Agam 529.138 1,47 293,26
8. Lima Puluh Kota 383.525 0,93 107,40
9. Pasaman 299.851 1,65 75,96
10. Solok Selatan 182.027 2,27 54,40
11. Dharmasraya 228.591 1,73 77,20
12. Pasaman Barat 431.672 1,63 111,03
B. City
1. Padang 909.040 0,84 1.310,5
2. Solok 73.438 2,07 1.030,13
3. Sawahlunto 65.138 1,32 280,85
4. Padang Panjang 56.311 1,76 2.448,30
5. Bukittinggi 121.028 0,81 4.795,09
6. Payakumbuh 139.576 1,74 1.637,83
7. Pariaman 94.224 1,71 1.424,83
West Sumatra 5.534.472 1,29 131,73
Source : Provinsi Sumatera Barat Dalam Angka 2021 Hidrology
20. West Sumatra Province is crossed by 606 rivers which are divided into 9 River
Unit Areas (SWS) and the 81 rivers that are cross-regency/city rivers. Several rivers
are upstream of rivers in Jambi, Bengkulu and Riau Provinces which functionally cross

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

4 provinces so their planning and management must be integrated or within the

BKSDA of the river area.
21. Karst ecosystems are unique landscapes. This area is formed from the process
of dissolving carbonate rock or limestone or limestone with water. This ecosystem is
characterized by a landscape in the form of basins and sharp small hills and has cave
inlets. The surface of the lime layer looks rough and has holes.
22. Exploitation of karst areas greatly disturbs and damages ecosystems and the
environment and occurs in various districts that have high karst potential, for example
in Tanah Datar District, where the Lintau Buo karst is threatened by the extraction of
mineral C by the community. Meanwhile, timber harvesting is also allegedly
threatening the availability of water in the karst area in Sijunjung Regency.
23. Ecosystems that are not maintained, then the karst will lack water supply, thus
biodiversity will also get a negative impact. Including the plan to build a new cement
factory in West Pasaman Regency, especially in the karst area in Talu District.
24. In Indonesia, the karst area stretches along the mainland from Aceh to Papua
covering an area of 15.4 million hectares. In West Sumatra, karst ecosystems are
found along the Barisan Hills. This ecosystem passes through West Pasaman District,
Payakumbuh City, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, Tanah Datar District, Padang Panjang
City, Solok District, Padang City and Sijunjung Regency.
25. Utilization of environmental services is an effort to utilize potential services
(both in the form of provisioning services, regulating services, as well as cultural
services) provided by ecosystem functions without damaging or reducing the basic
functions of the ecosystem. Environmental service utilization activities can take the
form of nature tourism businesses, water utilization businesses, carbon trading
businesses or efforts to save forests and the environment.
26. The management of watersheds is carried out in the context of realizing a
reduction in the rate of environmental damage in order to maintain the balance of
watershed functions. Problems that exist in river ecosystems can occur in water
catchment areas, river banks and water bodies. Damage to river ecosystems can
eventually cause damage, even causing the extinction of river ecosystems. This river
ecosystem damage disrupts the balance of river functions with the Economic-Social
and Environmental components as a buffer.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

27. The government commitment to realizing sustainable river management has

spawned a policy to determine national priority watersheds. Currently, 13 (thirteen)
national priority watersheds have been determined, with one of them being Batang
Kampar which passes through West Sumatra and Riau Provinces.
28. Batang Kampar is one of several national priority watersheds in West Sumatra.
This river originates in several areas such as the Lima Puluh Kota Regency and
Pasaman District before flowing into the province of Riau and empties into the Malacca
Strait. The upstream area of Batang Kampar in Lima Puluh Kota Regency and
Pasaman is part of the Bukit Barisan mountain range with relatively well-maintained
conservation forest conditions.
29. The Batang Kampar segment in Lima Puluh Kota Regency at least passes
through three districts of Bukit Barisan District, Kapur Sembilan District and Pangkalan
Koto Baru District. In the Bukit Barisan area, Batang Kampar upstream starts from a
series of mountains which are part of the Alahan Panjang/Malampah conservation
forest area. In this area, it is known as the tea garden area which was victorious during
the New Order era. Unfortunately, the potential for this plantation is currently neglected
due to various factors, one of which may be because its value is no longer economical.
30. Still in the Bukit Barisan District area, the Batang Kampar segment also passes
through an area called Nagari Maek through its tributary, namely Batang Maek. The
Maek area is better known as the Thousand Menhirs Region, a large stone age
monument (megalithic) which is a symbol of the advancement of civilization. It is not
without reason that prehistoric humans-built civilizations in this region. In addition to
the availability of a wealth of food, the existence of Batang Kampar has also become
a toll road like various other great world civilizations such as the Indus River in India,
the Nile in Egypt, Yellow in China and the Euphrates - Tigris in Mesopotamia / Iraq.
31. Issues related to water, in the form of significant differences in river water
discharge between the dry season and the rainy season. Besides that, there has been
a decline in surface water quality in several rivers and lakes in West Sumatra. The
river with the maximum/minimum discharge ratio exceeding the normal limit of 120 is
the Batang Arau River. The rivers and lakes that have been polluted are the
Batanghari, Batang Lembang and Batang Agam rivers. Some wells in Padang City
contain moderate heavy metals, while in Padang Panjang City some wells, the water
contains E-Coli and Coliform above normal limits. The West Sumatra River Basin is

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broadly divided into 4 WSS: Aquaman, Masang-Pasaman, Siberut-Pagai-Sipora, and

Silaut Tarusan.

Figure 2. 2 Map of West Sumatra River Basin Distribution

Source: Rencana Tata Ruang Povinsi Sumatera Barat, 2021 Disaster-prone areas

32. The Province of West Sumatra is included in areas prone to natural disasters
in the form of earthquakes, floods, landslides, high waves and tsunamis, and volcanic
eruptions. Table 2.5 presents natural disasters in West Sumatra Province in 2005-
2007 and these earthquake natural disasters are related to the geographical location
of West Sumatra Province which is at the confluence of continental plates. Meanwhile,
landslides and floods are caused more by physical signs and diminishing land cover
(forest). Likewise, the hazards of other natural disasters are related to each other.
33. So far, this type of natural disaster in this province has certainly become an
obstacle in efforts to develop cultivation areas to improve the community development
and welfare.

Table 2. 3. Natural Disasters in West Sumatra Province

No Disaster Type
2005 2006 2007
1 Earthquake - 11 5
2 Landslide 7 11 3
3 Flood 11 16 12
4 Beach Abrasion 1 - 2

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5 Tidal Wave 3 - -
6 Tornado 3 2 3
7 Erupting volcano 1 - -
Total 87 52 57

Source : Bappeda Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2007

34. Based on the disaster-prone profile that was compiled in 2008, the types of
existing disasters, especially geological disasters, can be described as follows:
1) Active fault hazard
The danger of active faulting is a part of the earth's plate that has broken or
been faulted and is still moving today. Active faults are indicated by the shape
of the topographic lineament where the location of the epicenter occurs around
it. The occurrence of these faults is usually triggered by relatively large
earthquakes with a seismic scale capable of causing movement or shifting of
the earth crust which can be a disaster for the region concerned according to
the geological conditions in each region.
Regency areas with geological conditions that are affected by active faults are
as shown in the Geological Map of West Sumatra Province, including the
following urban district areas:
a. Pasaman Regency, especially in the hilly areas to the west and east of the
Sumpur river valley, starting south of Lubuk Attitude, extending to the north.
b. West Pasaman Regency, especially in the hilly areas to the north and east
of Simpang Empat city.
c. Agam Regency and Bukittinggi City, especially in the hilly areas to the north
of Lake Maninjau, to the west of Bukittinggi City and along the Bukit Barisan
route which are to the north and east of Bukittinggi City.
d. Padang Pariaman Regency, Pariaman City and Padang City, in the hilly
area in the east of the district, east of Padang City, and along the coastline
starting from Pariaman City to the north.
e. Pesisir Selatan Regency, along the hilly area that occupies the
administrative boundary line of the regency, starting from the boundary
zone with Padang City in the north to the border with Muko-muko Regency,
Bengkulu province in the south.
f. Limapuluh Kota Regency and Payakumbuh City, namely in the hilly areas
along the Bukit Barisan route that passes through this area.

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g. Padang Panjang City, which is in the hilly area to the south of the city area.
h. Tanah Datar Regency, Solok Regency, South Solok Regency, Solok City,
Sawahlunto City, Sijunjung Regency, and Dharmasraya Regency, namely
in the hilly areas along the Bukit Barisan route that passes through this
2) Earthquake Seismicity Hazard
The seismicity hazard of an earthquake is a disaster that occurs due to the
release of the tectonic energy of the earth's crust. As a result of exposure to
earthquake seismic waves. In the province of West Sumatra, the zoning of
damage due to seismic wave exposure is spread along the Bukit Barisan
Mountains, which pass through areas along the hills as shown in the
Earthquake Disaster Risk Map in West Sumatra Province.
3) Tsunami Hazard
The area off the coast of West Sumatra is a place where tectonic subduction
occurs. The offshore distribution of epicenters indicates the potential for an
earthquake to cause a large tsunami. For the West Sumatra region which is
included in the areas that could potentially be hit by a tsunami are areas along
the west coast of West Sumatra Province as shown in the Tsunami Disaster
Risk Map in West Sumatra Province.
4) Volcano Eruption
Indonesian territory is passed by a volcanic route which is part of the world's
volcanic route in the west of the Pacific Ocean and is commonly referred to as
the "Rings of Fires". This volcanic path is circular starting from the northern tip
of the island of Sumatra (along the mountain path) extending to the south and
continuing to the island of Java to the eastern part of Indonesia through the
area along the Nusa Tenggara archipelago and continuing to the east with a
total of 128 volcanoes.
In West Sumatra, several active volcanoes can be found, such as Mount
Marapi, Mount Tandikat, Mount Talang and Mount Kerinci. The area around the
location of this volcano needs attention because of the potential for disasters
that can occur due to the distribution of volcanic eruption products as shown in
the Volcano Eruption Disaster Risk Map in West Sumatra Province.
5) Land Movement/Slide Hazard

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Land movement/slide is the process of transferring/moving soil and rock

masses due to the influence of gravity. Common types of ground motion are:
falls, slides, slumps, flows and creeps. Landslide/slide occurs due to several
factors such as the type and nature of rock/soil, slope angle, rainfall, vegetation
cover, human activity or due to physical and engineering development.

• Debris Falls
The fallout type found in Agam Regency is represented by Quaternary Tufa
Rocks such as those found in Sianok Gorge.
• Sliding
In Agam Regency, the most common type of slip is found on various road
walls and river slopes/valleys of various sizes, such as those found around
Nagari Galapung, Lintabung River, south of Lake Maninjau.
• Slumps
These slides are identified by the presence of cracks in the surface. The
movement of the avalanche is shown from the shape of the surface in the
form of a circle or a horseshoe shape. In Agam Regency, this type of
avalanche is found around the outer slopes of Mount Maninjau, namely on
the road between Koto Tuo - Balingka at the entrance to the Telkom
transmission station and on the road between Matur - Palembayan.

2.2.2. Agam Regency Geographical Location and Conditions
35. Agam Regency is one of the regencies in West Sumatra Province.
Geographically, Agam Regency is located at 000 01' 34" – 000 28' 43" South Latitude
and 99046'39"–100032'50"East, with the following administrative boundaries:
• North part is bordered by Pasaman and West Pasaman Regencies
• East part is bordered by Lima Puluh Kota Regency
• South part is bordered by Padang Pariaman Regency and Tanah Datar
• West part is bordered by the Indonesian Ocean.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

36. Agam Regency has an area of 2,232.30 km² or (5.29%) of the area of West
Sumatra Province which has an area of 42,229.04 km².

Table 2. 4. Area and Name of the Capital City by District in Agam Regency in 2020
No District District capital Area Km2
1 Tanjung Mutiara Tiku 205,73
2 Lubuk Basung Manggopoh 278,4
3 Ampek Nagari Bawan 268,69
4 Tanjung Raya Maninjau 244,03
5 Matur Matur 93,69
6 IV Koto Balingka 68,72
7 Malalak Malalak 104,49
8 Banuhampu Sungai Buluh 28,45
9 Sungai Puar Limo Suku 44,29
10 Ampek Angkek Biaro 30,66
11 Canduang Lasi 52,29
12 Baso Baso 70,30
13 Tilatang Kamang Pakan Kamis 56,07
14 Kamang Magek Magek 99,60
15 Palembayan Palembayan 349,81
16 Palupuh Palupuh 237,08
Agam Regency Lubuk Basung 2.232,40
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka Tahun 2021 Topography
37. Agam Regency has quite varied topographical conditions, ranging from
highlands to relatively lowlands, with elevations ranging from 0 - 2,891 meters above
sea level.
38. According to the physiographical conditions, the elevation of the Agam
Regency area varies from 2 m asl to 1,031 m asl. The grouping based on height is as
• Areas with an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level covering 44.55% are mostly
located in the western region, namely Tanjung Mutiara District, Lubuk Basung
District, Ampek Nagari District and parts of Tanjung Raya District.
• An area with an altitude of 500-1000 m asl covering 43.49% is in the Baso
District 725-1525 m asl, Ampek Angkek Canduang District, Malalak District 425
-2075 m asl, Tilatang Kamang District, Palebayan District 50 - 1425 m asl,

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Palupuh District 325 -1650 m asl, Banuhampu District 925-2750 m asl and
Sungai Pua District 625-1150 m asl.
• Area with an altitude of > 1000 m asl covering an area of 11.96% covering parts
of IV Koto District 850-2750 m asl, Matur District 825-1375 m asl and Canduang
District, Sungai Pua 1150-2625 m asl.

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 3 Administrative Map of Agam Regency

Source: Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Agam Tahun 2021

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

39. The western area is an area that is flat to sloping (0 – 8%) reaching an area of
71,956 ha, while the central and eastern parts are areas that are wavy and hilly to very
steep slopes (> 45%) which are recorded with an area of 129,352 Ha. Areas with very
steep slopes (> 45%) are in the Bukit Barisan range with the peaks of Mount Merapi
and Mount Singgalang located in the South and Southeast of Agam Regency. Geology
40. The rock formations found in the Agam Regency area consist of various types
of rocks ranging from the oldest rocks of Pre-Tertiary (Carbon) age to those of Tertiary
age and the youngest rocks of Quaternary (Holocene) age. Older rocks are mainly
found along Bukit Barisan which is in the east of the regency area, consisting of:
carbonate rocks, metamorphic/altered rocks, intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks
(source: Sheet Geological Map of Padang, P3G, 1996).
41. Carbonate (Cl) rocks of carbon age, white to grayish in color (fresh rock
outcrops) and dark gray (weathered results), with grain sizes between 0.5 – 5.0 mm
or more, forming ridges of hills with sharp slopes which line the northeast of the
Bukittinggi City.
42. Carboniferous metamorphic rock (Cs) that underlies the hills with a sloping
ridge in the northeast of the Bukittinggi City, reddish in color, slightly split, locally
showing laminations and twisted lineations ranging from a few meters to tens. meters.
The siltstones are graded to soft meta-sandstones which mostly consist of quartz
grains in a clay matrix, compact quartzite and quartz conglomerate. Limestone (Pl),
Perem age, in the form of solid, hollow, white, gray and reddish limestone, containing
thin inserts of slate, phyllite, tercerized shale, and quartzite, forming a rough
topography with ridges with sharp slopes. Permian-aged metamorphic rock (Ps),
consisting of phyllite, slate, hornfels and mica grewak which can be found in the west
of the Bukittinggi City. Filites are bluish-grey, to dark blue. The slate is gray, bluish to
light blue and brown. Grewak mica and tuff are found as inserts in the slate.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 4. Agam Regency Topographical Map

Source: Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Agam Tahun 2021

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

43. Granite rock (Tmgr) is a breakthrough rock with a composition between granite
and quartz diorite of Miocene age which is found breaking through metamorphic rock
to the west of the Bukittinggi City. Afanitic Rhyolitic Rock (QTpr), is an igneous rock
that is estimated to be Pliocene-Plistocene age which can be found in an area about
5 Km southwest of Phambatan (east of Lake Maninjau). Andesite or Dacite Porphyry
(QTp), is a Pliocene-Plistocene igneous rock containing hornblende, slightly glassy
bottom mass with some mafic minerals (pyroxene?) which have been replaced by
epidote and chlorite, thought to occur as plugs associated with Andesite (found on the
east of Lake Maninjau).
44. Undecomposed lava flow (QTau) consists of lava, fanglomerate and other
colluvium deposits of Pliocene age found on Batubalah Hill, north of the Bukittinggi
45. Andesite (Qamj) is an andesite rock originating from the Pleistocene Lake
Maninjau Caldera. The elongated shape of the caldera probably indicates a relatively
long eruption period when there was a right lateral shift on the Sumatran Great Fault,
also pumice tuffs were seen covering all of the Maninjau volcanic rocks. Andesite
(Qast), originating from Mount Singgalang and Mount Tandikat which is considered to
be between Qama and Qamj because Tandikat eruptions were recorded in the past,
but now do not show fumarole activity (field evidence not found). Andesite (Qama),
which originates from Mount Marapi which is considered the youngest because it
shows active fumarole activity in its history, as well as the Lapilli Marapi tuff covering
tuff (Qpt) to the north of Baso, indicating that some of the Marapi products are at least
younger than pumice tuff. .
46. Andesite/Basal (Qpt) pumice tuff, namely pumice tuff which generally consists
of glass fibers and white pumice fragments (containing almost no mafic minerals) with
a proportion ranging from 5 to 80%, with a diameter of 1 to 20 cm rather compact.
Locally there is a layer of sand which is rich in quartz, also a layer of gravel which
consists of components of quartz, volcanic rocks and limestone. Local pieces of
obsidian and "pitchstone" are reddish gray to brown in color. These tuff deposits may
originate from the last eruption of the Maninjau caldera or the eruption of a rift
associated with the Great Sumatran Fault (Westerveld, 1953). Hypersten Hornblenda
pumice tuff (Qhpt), composed almost entirely of pumice lapilli, diameter ranges from

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

2 to 10 cm, contains 3 - 10% hornblende, hyperstene and/or biotite, rather compact,

white or grayish yellow (which fresh) and brownish (rotten ones).
47. Alluvium (Qal), consisting of silt, sand and gravel, is generally found in the
coastal plains, including swamp deposits to the north of Tiku, where occasionally there
are remnants of pumice tuff (Qhpt or Qpt).
48. The geological structures in the Agam Regency area include faults, folds and
joints. The influence of the existence of a geological structure on the availability of
water sources includes the emergence of springs or diversion of river flow in the fault
zone area, while the influence of geological structure in the planning of WSS network
infrastructure buildings is to be used as input material in the selection of building
locations along with the planning of the foundations of the buildings that become
components of the planned WSS network.
49. 49. In general, the geological structure found at the work site is closely related
to the geological conditions that developed in the province of West Sumatra as a
whole. In the eastern boundary zone of Agam Regency, the Bukit Barisan mountain
range is found which is the central part of the Bukit Barisan route which stretches along
the island of Sumatra from Aceh at the northern end to Lampung at the southern end
with a general direction almost Northwest-Southeast.
50. 50. This tectonic process has also caused the formation of geological structures
in the form of faults or faults, folds and joints in areas along the island of Sumatra
including the Agam Regency area. The main fault structure along the island of
Sumatra is in the form of a large fault zone on the island of Sumatra (Great Sumatran
Fault) called the Semangko Fault in an almost Northwest-Southeast direction parallel
to the Bukit Barisan hill range as shown in Figure 2.5.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 5. Regional Fault Routes in the Agam – Bukittinggi Region

Source: Peta Geologi Lembar Padang skala 1: 250.000, P3G Bandung, 1996

51. As seen in the pictures above, the planning location for Agam Regency -
Bukittinggi City WSS is in the Great Sumatran Fault zone.

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 6. Geological Map of Agam Regency

Source: Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Agam Tahun 2021

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Disaster Prone Potential

52. Based on a disaster risk study that has been compiled by the National Disaster
Management Agency or BNPB (2015), the Agam Regency is one of the areas that has
a lot of disaster risk vulnerabilities with the types of disasters including: earthquakes,
tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides landslides and flash floods.
53. According to the results of the BNPB study above, the risk level for earthquakes
in this region can be divided into areas with: low risk, medium risk, to high risk, as
shown in Figure 2.5 on the following page:
54. Meanwhile, Agam Regency is also one of the areas with a risk of volcanic
disaster which is around the slopes of volcanoes, namely Mount Marapi and Mount
Tandikat as shown in Figure 2.6. on the following page:
55. Furthermore, areas with a risk of land movement/slide disasters in the Agam
Regency area are mainly found in the eastern region which is included in the Agam
highlands. The landslide risk areas are spread over the area around Lake Maninjau
and at the foot of the slopes of Mount Singgalang and Mount Tandikat which are
generally geologically composed of volcanic rock in the form of sedimentary material
resulting from volcanic eruptions.
56. Along the Bukit Barisan footpath on the Agam plateau which is also composed
of volcanic rocks, especially in the Palupuh area, it is also an area at risk of landslides.
Areas at risk of landslides are also found in the Matur sub-district and are developing
towards the headwaters of the Sianok river, namely along the walls of the Sianok
Gorge valley which limits the area of Bukittinggi City and IV Koto District to the west.
The following is a map that includes landslides in Agam Regency as follows.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 7. Map of Earthquake Risk Agam Regency

Source: BPBD Kabupaten Agam, Tahun 2021

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Figure 2. 8. Map of Volcano Disaster Risk Agam Regency

Source: BPBD Kabupaten Agam, Tahun 2021

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 9. Map of Landslide Disaster Risk Agam Regency

Source: BPBD Kabupaten Agam, Tahun 2021

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Hidrology
57. Based on the River Basin System, Agam Regency is included in 3 (three) River
Basin Systems namely: SWS Arau, Kuranji, Anai, Mangau, Antokan and (AKUAMAN),
SWS Masang Pasaman and SWS Indragiri.
58. Based on the division of areas based on watersheds (DAS), Agam Regency
consists of 8 (eight) watersheds: Batang Tiku watershed, Andaman watershed,
Mangau watershed, Antokan watershed, Masang Kiri watershed, Masang Kanan
watershed, Batang Naras watershed and Kuantan watershed.
59. Agam Regency has Lake Maninjau which is located in Tanjung Raya District
with an area of around 94.5 km2. Another source of water is the reservoir. Large
reservoirs in Agam Regency function as water storage and irrigation areas.
60. The potential for clean water supply in Agam Regency is currently quite varied,
starting from the use of deep groundwater, river water, and springs. The provision of
clean water managed by the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) in Agam
Regency uses a piped and non-piped system. Clean water services managed by
PDAM are carried out through nine service units which have service coverage of
around 31 percent of the population in the service area or 9 percent of the population
of Agam Regency. For rural WSS services through piped and non-piped systems, it
only reaches 4 percent of the rural areas that must be served. Water supply in Agam
Regency is currently still lacking, seen from the large number of residents who use
river water for bathing/washing/latrine needs. Climatology
61. Based on the climate map made by Oldeman (1979) and the hydroclimatology
data base published by Bakosurtanal (1987), the Agam Regency area has 4 rainfall
classes, namely:
• Areas with rainfall > 4500 mm/year without dry months (areas with Type A
climate), located around the slopes of Mount Merapi-Singgalang covering parts
of District IV Koto and Sungai Pua.
• Areas with rainfall of 3500-4500 mm/year without dry months (areas with type
A1) cover parts of Tilatang Kamang, Baso and Ampek Angkek Districts.

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• Areas with rainfall of 3500-4000 mm/year with dry months for 1-2 consecutive
months covering parts of the Districts of Palembayan, Palupuh and IV Koto.
• Areas with rainfall of 2500-3500 mm/year with dry months for 1-2 consecutive
months, covering parts of Lubuk Basung and Tanjung Raya Districts.
62. The air temperature in Agam Regency consists of two kinds, in the lowland
areas with a minimum temperature of 25oC and a maximum of 33oC (Lubuk Basung),
while in high areas, a minimum of 20oC and a maximum of 29oC (Tilatang Kamang).
The average air humidity is 91%, the wind speed is between 0.55-1.66 m/s and the
average solar radiation is 51%. The rainy season in Agam Regency occurs between
January and May and September to December, while the dry season lasts from June
to August.

Table 2. 5. Data from Observation of Climate Elements (rainfall, rainy days and
humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation) According to the Month of Agam Regency
in 2020 at the Bukit Kototabang GAW Station
Number of Average
Average Solar
Rainy Average Wind
No Month Rainfall Intensity
Days humidity (%) Speed
(mm) (%)
(Days) (m/s)
1 January 236 13 91,00 1,66 42
2 February 234 8 90,00 1,66 55
3 March 191 17 89,00 1,11 67
4 April 379 23 92,00 1,11 59
5 May 319 21 91,00 1,11 54
6 June 254 16 92,00 1,38 57
7 July 155 16 90,00 1,11 60
8 August 201 18 91,00 0,83 63
9 September 258 19 92,00 0,83 35
10 October 187 20 91,00 1,38 45
11 November 411 25 92,00 0,83 43
12 December 188 19 92,00 0,55 40
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021 Regional Demographics

A. Total, Growth Rate and Population Density
63. The population of Agam Regency in 2020 is 529,138 people. When viewed by
sub-district, the population of Lubuk Basung District is the largest compared to other
sub-districts with a population reaching 81,351 people, or reaching 15.37% of the total
population of Agam Regency. The district with the smallest population is Malalak
District with a population of 10,644 people.

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64. Based on the 2020 population census, the average population growth rate for
Agam Regency is 1.5%. Ampek Nagari district is the district with the highest population
growth rate of 3.01%, while the district with the lowest population growth rate is Ampek
Angkek district, which is 0.68%.
65. In general, the population density of Agam Regency in 2020 is 233 people per
square kilometer. The level of population density among sub-districts is quite varied.
The district with the highest population density is Ampek Angkek District with a density
of 1,513 people per square kilometer. Meanwhile, the district with the lowest
population density is Palupuh District with a density of 63 people per square kilometer.
66. The population, population growth rate and population density of Agam
Regency in 2020 are presented in detail in the following table.

Table 2. 6. Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of Agam
Regency in 2020
Population Population
District Population Growth Rate Density Per
(%) Km2
1 Tanjung Mutiara 33.050 1,55 160
2 Lubuk Basung 81.351 1,76 292
3 Ampek Nagari 30.498 3,01 113
4 Tanjung Raya 37.368 1,15 153
5 Matur 19.116 1,21 204
6 IV Koto 25.938 1,19 377
7 Malalak 10.644 1,35 101
8 Banuhampu 41.211 1,34 1.447
9 Sungai Puar 26.606 1,44 703
10 Ampek Angkek 46.396 0,68 1.513
11 Canduang 25.542 1,54 488
12 Baso 36.721 1,06 522
13 Tilatang Kamang 40.901 1,84 426
14 Kamang Magek 22.649 1,26 227
15 Palembayan 36.051 2,03 103
16 Palupuh 15.096 1,46 63
Agam Regency 529.138 1,50 233
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

B. Gender Ratio and Total Population by Age Group

• Population Gender Ratio
Sex ratio is the ratio of the male population to the female population. The sex
ratio of the population of Agam Regency in 2020 is 101.7 which means that for
every 100 female residents there are 101.7 male residents. The sex ratio for the

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
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population of Agam Regency for each district in 2020 is presented in the table

Table 2. 7. Gender Ratio of the Population of Agam Regency in 2020

No District Sex Ratio
1 Tanjung Mutiara 106,7
2 Lubuk Basung 102,4
3 Ampek Nagari 106,1
4 Tanjung Raya 101,2
5 Matur 99,8
6 IV Koto 100,1
7 Malalak 100,5
8 Banuhampu 99,9
9 Sungai Puar 103,4
10 Ampek Angkek 101,0
11 Canduang 99,2
12 Baso 99,6
13 Tilatang Kamang 98,6
14 Kamang Magek 100,5
15 Palembayan 104,1
16 Palupuh 105,6
Agam Regency 101,7
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

• Number of Population by age group

According to the age group, the productive age population (15-64 years) in Agam
Regency in 2020 is 358,332 people or around 67% of the total population of
Agam Regency. In detail presented in the following table.

Table 2. 8. Total Population by Age Group in Agam Regency in 2020

No Age Group Amount
1 0-4 36.662
2 5-9 41.091
3 10-14 44.940
4 15-19 47.734
5 20-24 46.931
6 25-29 44.210
7 30-34 39.078
8 35-39 37.006
9 40-44 33.763
10 45-49 31.313
11 50-54 29.275
12 55-59 26.453

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No Age Group Amount

13 60-64 22.569
14 65-69 18.641
15 70-74 12.517
16 75+ 16.955
Agam Regency 529.138
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021 Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions

A. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
67. In 2020, in general, economic growth will experience a decline, this is due to
the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on current prices according to business field, Agam
Regency's GRDP in 2020 amounted to 20,371.33 billion rupiahs, a decrease of 0.81%
from the previous year. And based on constant prices according to business field,
Agam Regency's GRDP in 2020 fell by 1.38% from 14,608.89 billion rupiahs in 2019
to 14,407.13 billion rupiahs in 2020. The acceleration of economic growth in Agam
Regency in 2020 is certainly supported by growth existing economic sectors. The rate
of economic growth in various sectors varied quite a lot, some of which experienced
acceleration but some experienced a slowdown compared to the previous year.
68. Growth in the livestock sector, fisheries sector, information and communication
sector, education services in 2020 will show an increase. The growth rate of the trade
sector in 2020 has decreased from 19.05% to 18.84%. Growth in the agricultural
sector is the biggest contributor to economic growth in Agam Regency, because it has
a large contribution to the economy. The contribution of the agricultural sector in 2020
is 29.99%. The gross regional domestic product of Agam Regency can be seen in the
table below:
Table 2. 9. Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on Current Prices by Business
Field in Agam Regency (billion rupiah), 2019–2020
2019 2020
A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 6.178,82 6.108,35
B Mining and quarrying 769,64 748,25
C Manufacturing 2.018,00 1.981,87
D Electricty and Gas 5,32 4,98

Water Supply; Sewerag, Waste Management and

E 10,18 10,24
Remediation Activaties

F Construction 1.901,42 1.893,28

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2019 2020
Wholesale and Reatail Trade. Repair of Motor Vehicles
G 3.911,75 3.838,63
and Motorcycles

H Transportation and Food Service Active 1.444,56 1.296,80

I Accommodation and Food Service 195,48 159,29

J Information and communication 1.098,52 1.187,01

K Finance and Insurance Activites 241,49 245,92
L Real Estate Activities 384,82 387,94
M.N Business activities 7,61 7,36
Public Administration and Defence. Compulsary Social
O 902,88 961,05

P Education 1.060,35 1.123,71

Q Human Health and Social Work Activities 234,19 260,42

R.S.T.U Other Services Activities 171,98

A Gross Vlue Added at Basic Price 20.537,07 20.371,33
B Taxes Less Subsidies on Products - -
C Gross Domestic Product 20.537,07 20.371,33
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

Table 2. 10. Agam Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on 2010
Constant Prices According to Business Field 2010-2020 (billion rupiah), 2019-2020
2019 2020
A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 4.304,33 4.348,62
B Mining and quarrying 521,31 503,95
C Manufacturing 1.664,67 1.595,95
D Electricty and Gas 3,70 3,41
Water Supply; Sewerag, Waste Management and
E 7,45 7,48
Remediation Activaties

F Construction 1.154,69 1.088,69

Wholesale and Reatail Trade. Repair of Motor Vehicles and
G 2.807,94 2.752,68

H Transportation and Food Service Active 1.066,82 940,97

I Accommodation and Food Service 112,56 90,38

J Information and communication 998,67 1.082,11
K Finance and Insurance Activites 172,52 173,83
L Real Estate Activities 269,06 269,14
M.N Business activities 5.711,51 5.433,31
Public Administration and Defence. Compulsary Social
O 568,59 556,35
P Education 668,88 705,98
Q Human Health and Social Work Activities 164,14 177,66

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2019 2020
R.S.T.U Other Services Activities 117,81 104,42
A Gross Vlue Added At Basic Price 14.608,89 14.407,13
B Taxes Less Subsidies on Products - -
C Gross Domestic Product 14.608,89 14.407,13
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

B. Livelihoods
69. The livelihoods of the people in Agam Regency are very varied, Agriculture,
Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries, Wholesale and Retail Trade Processing Industries,
Restaurants and Hotels, Community Services, Social and Other Individuals (Mining
and Quarrying, Electricity, Gas and Water, Building, Transportation, Warehousing,
Communication, Finance, Insurance, Building Rental Business, Land and Company
C. Customs, Traditions and Culture
70. The customs that exist in Agam Regency are based on the religion that the
followed by community. Most of the people are Moslem so that the customs. Traditions
and culture in Agam Regency are based on religion. Then the customs and culture in
the Agam Regency are based on the principle of " Adat Basandi Syarak. Syarak
Basandi Kitabullah”. Public Facilities and Infrastructure

A. Educational Facilities
71. The school enrollment rate is an indicator that describes the school enrollment
rate of the population in a certain age group. From the age group, there is a tendency
that the higher the school-age group of the population in the regency, the smaller the
school enrollment rate. In 2020 the number of schools in the Agam Regency area
consists of 265 kindergartens, 458 SD/MI units, 121 junior high schools and 71 senior
high schools. In the following table it can be seen that the distribution of educational
facilities in Agam Regency, starting from kindergarten to senior high school, is evenly
distributed throughout the existing districts. The increasing number of educational
facilities indicates the increasing participation of the community to continue their
education and the increasing quality of human resources in Agam Regency. The
complete number and distribution of educational facilities in Agam Regency is
presented in the following table.

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Table 2. 11. Number of Schools in Agam Regency in 2020/2021

Kinder Elementary Mid school High School Un
No District
garten Public Private Public Private Public Private iv.
1 Tanjung Mutiara 10 30 - 3 - 1 1 -
2 Lubuk Basung 28 61 5 7 3 3 1 -
3 Ampek Nagari 25 23 2 4 - 1 - -
4 Tanjung Jaya 28 38 3 4 1 2 - -
5 Matur 8 20 - 3 - 1 - -
6 IV Koto 14 23 - 2 - 2 - -
7 Malalak 3 12 - 3 - - - -
8 Banuhampu 15 22 1 1 2 1 1 -
9 Sungai Pua 9 16 - 3 - 1 -
10 Ampek Angkek 26 28 3 3 2 1 1 -
11 Canduang 17 17 - 4 - 1 - -
12 Baso 19 28 - 4 - 1 - -
13 Tilatang Kamang 16 26 - 4 - 2 - -
14 Kamang Magek 13 21 - 2 - 1 - -
15 Palembayan 26 38 - 6 - 2 1 -
16 Palupuh 8 19 - 4 - 1 - -
Agam Regency 265 422 14 57 8 21 5 -
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

B. Health Facilities
72. Until the end of 2019 in Agam Regency there was 1 hospital, 23 special
hospitals and 31 polyclinic units, 31 puskesmas units (15 treatment puskesmas and 8
non-treatment centers), 131 supporting puskesmas units. And for more details, the
number of health facilities in Agam Regency can be seen in the following table.
Table 2. 12. Health Facilities per District in Agam Regency in 2020
No District Health Facilities (Unit)
Hosp Public Health Pustu Polindes Clinic Amount
ital Service
1 Tanjung 2 10 2 14
2 Lubuk Basung 1 2 14 6 23
3 Ampek Nagari 2 9 2 13
4 Palembayan 2 15 4 21
5 Palupuh 1 6 1 8
6 Kamang 1 7 4 12
7 Tilatang 2 6 6 14
8 Matur 1 8 1 10
9 Tanjung Raya 2 16 4 22
10 IV Koto 1 10 2 13
11 Banuhampu 1 8 2 11
12 Sungai Pua 1 6 1 8
13 Ampek Angkek 1 9 6 16
14 Canduang 1 6 5 12
15 Baso 2 8 4 14
16 Malalak 1 2 4 7
Total 2 2 1 23 140 54
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

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C. Religion Service Facilities

73. The majority of the population of Agam Regency are Moslem as many as
524,557 people spread across all districts, while the people who Protestant Christianity
and Catholicism are only spread in Tanjung Mutiara District, Ampek Nagari District
and IV Angkat Canduang District. The population by religion can be seen in the table
74. Muslim Religion Service facilities in Agam Regency consist of 549 mosques
and 1,180 prayer rooms spread across 16 districts. As for Protestant Christians and
Catholics, the church is located in the Bukittinggi City. For more details, the following
table shows the number of places of Religion Service for each religion based on
Table 2. 13. Number of Religion Service for Moslem in Agam Regency in 2019
No District Mosque Mushalla Church Temple Monastery
1 Tanjung Mutiara 23 70 - - -
2 Lubuk Basung 107 194 - - -
3 Ampek Nagari 32 49 - - -
4 Tanjung Raya 43 115 - - -
5 Matur 34 44 - - -
6 IV Koto 23 57 - - -
7 Malalak 20 41 - - -
8 Banuhampu 28 42 - - -
9 Sungai Pua 10 58 - - -
10 IV Angkat Canduang 35 86 - - -
11 Canduang 23 54 - - -
12 Baso 28 97 - - -
13 Tilatang Kamang 35 76 - - -
14 Kamang Magek 25 55 - - -
15 Palembayan 56 74 - - -
16 Palupuh 27 68 - - -
Total 549 1.180 - - -
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

D. Transportation Facilities
75. Transportation infrastructure in Agam Regency includes infrastructure for land
transportation, river and lake transportation and sea crossings. The transportation
infrastructure is a system that supports socio-economic activities and activities of the
community so that a development plan is needed that is integrated with the spatial
planning system so that community activities can run synergistically.

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76. For land transportation facilities, Agam Regency has 1,959.10 km, with a
breakdown based on road status as follows: 138.51 km of state roads, 125.96 km of
provincial roads and 1,694.63 km of regency roads. In addition, there are 320 bridges.
77. As for the river, lake and crossing transportation network in Agam Regency,
only the lake transportation network is still visible. Lake transportation is more
developed for the purposes of supporting tourism and supporting fishing businesses.
Meanwhile, river and crossing transportation has not developed because the physical
condition of the river does not support the development of river transportation. In line
with the directions for the development of the lake transportation network in the RTRW
of West Sumatra Province, the development of lake transportation in Agam Regency
until 2030 is aimed at supporting the development of Lake Maninjau tourism and
freshwater fisheries.

Table 2. 14. Road Length According to Government Authority in Agam Regency in


Road Status (Km)

No Location Total (Km)
State Province Regency
1 Agam Regency 138,56 188,53 1.694,63 2021.72
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka,2021

Table 2. 15. Road Length Based on Type of Surface in Agam Regency in 2020
Road Status (Km)
No District Concrete
Asphalt Gravel Soil Amount
1 Tanjung Mutiara 61,92 19,25 56,25 76,08 213,50
2 Lubuk Basung 158,71 22,05 52,21 67,66 300,63
3 Ampek Nagari 36,57 14,80 31,33 21,50 104,20
4 Tanjung Raya 101,10 - 2,50 0,20 103,80
5 Matur 54,40 - 11,05 3,90 69,35
6 IV Koto 46,95 2,54 - 5,26 54,75
7 Malalak 20,75 - - - 20,75
8 Banuhampu 56,30 - - 2,70 59,00
9 Sungai Pua 44,30 - 4,20 - 48,50
10 IV Angkat Canduang 81,80 - - 0,30 82,10
11 Canduang 83,44 - 1,30 0,80 85,54
12 Baso 89,11 7,30 9,15 3,40 108,96
13 Tilatang Kamang 110,40 1,00 1,40 1,70 114,50
14 Kamang Magek 49,10 1,40 8,55 4,50 63,55
15 Palembayan 96,77 7,68 24,40 35,30 164,15
16 Palupuh 66,35 - 3,80 31,20 101,35

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Road Status (Km)

No District Concrete
Asphalt Gravel Soil Amount
Agam Regency 1.157,97 76,02 206,14 245,50 1.694,63
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka,2021

Table 2. 16. Road Length and Road Surface Conditions in Agam Regency in 2020
Road Status (Km)
No Location Total (Km)
State Province Regency
1 Good 138,56 188,53 1.310,08 1.637,17
2 Lightly Damaged - - 175,60 175,60
3 Heavy Damaged - - 208,95 208,95
Agam Regency 138,56 188,53 1.694,63 2.021,72
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka,2021

E. Electrical Facilities
78. The current condition of the electricity service system in Agam Regency is
served by the PLN unit in the Agam Regency sector. The source of power generation
comes from the Maninjau Hydropower and Agam Hydropower. The current installed
power is 253.5 Kwh and the productivity of the electricity source is 949,322,993.00
Kwh. Electrical energy needs are mostly used for household needs, social, economic
and industrial facilities.

Table 2. 17. Number of Electricity Customers According to Branch/Office of Watch

in Agam Regency 2020

Tarif Usage Type Amount Power ( KVA)

S2 Social Agency 4009 6.994
S3 Social Agency 1 690
R1 Simple Household 123.649 103.514
R2 Middle Household 428 1.716
R3 Big Household 26 314
B1 Small business 11.543 17.208
B2 Medium effort 567 7.704
B3 Big business 1 690
I1 Small Industry 29 130
I2 Medium industry 25 2.006
I3 Big Industry 3 2.010
LB Special Service 129 311
P1 Office building 519 2.670
P3 Public Street Lighting 88 378
Total 141.017 146.333
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021

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F. Telecommunication Facilities
79. The number of telecommunications towers based on provider names by district
in Agam Regency in 2019 was 7 providers. The number of providers spread across
Agam Regency can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. 18. Number of Telephone Central Capacity and Number of Subscribers in Agam

No District Simpati/ Simpati/ Mentari/
Telkomsel Mitratel Indosat
1 Tanjung Mutiara 3 1 0 1 1
2 Lubuk Basung 12 1 2 0 4
3 Ampek Nagari 3 0 0 0 0
4 Tanjung Raya 5 1 0 0 2
5 Matur 4 0 3 2 2
6 IV Koto 5 1 0 0 2
7 Malalak 0 1 0 0 0
8 Banuhampu 4 1 1 1 5
9 Sungai Pua 1 0 1 0 3
10 IV Angkat 5 0 1 0 5
11 Canduang
Canduang 4 0 0 0 1
12 Baso 7 1 2 0 4
13 Tilatang Kamang 4 1 1 0 4
14 Kamang Magek 3 0 0 0 1
15 Palembayan 4 1 1 0 0
16 Palupuh 3 1 0 0 2
Agam Regency 67 10 12 4 36
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka 2021 Environmental Condition

A. Land Use
80. Land use in Agam Regency is divided into:
1) Protected Areas, consisting of areas that provide protection to their subordinate
areas (protected forests, water catchment areas), local protected areas (river
boundaries, coastal boundaries, lake boundaries and springs), and nature reserve
areas and disaster-prone areas.
2) Cultivation Areas, consisting of residential areas in urban and rural areas,
agricultural areas (wetlands, dry land with annual crops, and dry land with
seasonal crops), as well as production forest areas.

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Figure 2. 10. Agam Regency Land Use

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81. The pattern of spatial use to be developed in Agam Regency is formulated

based on considerations:
• Spatial use pattern directions based on spatial plans for the National Region
and West Sumatra Province.
• Analysis of the carrying capacity of regional development, especially the
carrying capacity of land for various cultivation activities and water resources.
• Determination of forest status based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry.
• Spatial structure concept to be applied.
• Allocation of land allotment according to area requirements and suitability.
82. Based on the above considerations, the spatial use pattern plan for Agam
Regency includes the allocation of space utilization: - Protected Areas, which consist
of areas that provide protection to their subordinate areas (protected forest, water
catchment areas); - local protected areas (river banks, areas around lakes and
springs); - natural reserve areas, and - disaster-prone areas.
83. Currently, Agam Regency is in the Revision stage of the Regency RTRW.
According to Government Regulation Number 13 of 2017 concerning the National
Spatial Plan (RTRWN) and West Sumatra Provincial Spatial Plan for 2012-2032, the
planned protected area in Agam Regency until 2030 covers approximately 56,075.74
hectares or approximately 25% of the total area administration. Protected areas in
Agam Regency, in the form of:
a. Protected forest;
b. Areas that provide protection for their subordinate areas;
c. Local protected areas;
d. Areas of nature reserves, nature conservation and cultural heritage;
e. Disaster-prone areas;
f. Geological protected area;
g. Other protected areas.
84. Cultivation Areas, which consist of residential/urban and rural areas,
agricultural areas (wetlands, dry land with annual plants, and dry land with seasonal
plants), as well as production forest areas (annual plants).
85. Determination of cultivation areas in Agam Regency until 2030 is not only based
on Government Regulation Number 13 of 2017 concerning RTRWN and RTRWP of

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West Sumatra Province, but also the result of an inter-regional agreement at the
Directorate General of Spatial Planning concerning the classification of district and
provincial space utilization. The total area of the cultivation area in Agam Regency
reaches ± 155,136.69 Ha or around 70% of the administrative area, which includes:
a. Production Forest Allotment Area
b. Food Crops Area
c. Horticultural Area
d. Livestock Area
e. Commodity Plantation Area 1-n
f. Fisheries Designated Area
g. Mining Area
h. Industrial Allotment Area
i. Designated Tourism Areas
j. Residential Area
k. Other Designated Areas
86. For more details, the spatial pattern plan can be seen in Figure 2.11 of the
Agam Regency Spatial Pattern Plan.

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Figure 2. 11. Map of Spatial Pattern Plan Agam Regency

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B. Condition of Environmental Health Facilities and Infrastructure

B.1. Wastewater
87. Agam Regency is quite concerned about the handling of the Domestic
Wastewater Management System (SPALD), both access to the Local Domestic
Wastewater Management System (SPALD-S) and access to the Integrated Domestic
Wastewater Management System (SPALD-T). The following is a table of SPALD
access data based on the type of SPALD in Agam Regency as follows:

Table 2. 19. Summary of SPALD Access Data by Type of SPALD in Agam Regency

B.2. Waste
B.2.1. Waste Generation
88. Waste generation in Agam Regency consists of domestic waste (household
waste) and non-domestic waste (stalls/shops, restaurants, markets, hotels, industry,
educational facilities, health facilities, offices and places of Religion Service. Waste
generation in 2020 of 211,094 m3/year or 63,328 tonnes/year.

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Table 2. 20. Waste Generation in Agam Regency in 2020

Waste Generation
No District Population
1 Tanjung Mutiara 33.851 13.540
2 Lubuk Basung 87.313 34.925
3 Ampek Nagari 28.080 11.232
4 Tanjung Raya 38.795 15.518
5 Matur 15.377 6.151
6 IV Koto 23.906 9.562
7 Malalak 6.555 2.622
8 Banuhampu 46.826 18.730
9 Sungai Pua 26.073 10.429
10 Ampek Angkek 57.846 23.138
11 Canduang 23.177 9.271
12 Baso 36.531 14.612
13 Tilatang Kamang 40.769 16.308
14 Kamang Magek 19.917 7.967
15 Palembayan 30.580 12.232
16 Palupuh 12.139 4.856
Total 527.735 211.094
Source: PSLB3, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Agam

B.2.2. Collection
89. The collection system used in waste management in Agam Regency is a direct
individual, indirect individual and direct communal pattern. The individual pattern is
directly carried out by collecting waste from the source and directly transporting it to
the TPA. Usually institutions, commercial and residential originating close to the main
road use this system. The indirect individual pattern is carried out by using a motorized
trishaw from the office area, sweeping the road and then transporting it to the TPS.
For the area under the authority of the Nagari, it is carried out in accordance with the
policy of the Nagari government itself, it can be carried out by direct individuals,
indirectly by individuals and also by trishaws belonging to the nagari to take them
directly to the TPA.
90. Currently the number of Temporary Shelters (TPS) owned by the Agam
Regency Environmental Service consists of 72 units of 6m3 containers and 120 units
of 0.8 m3 iron tank. There is also shelter provided by the Nagari as an instrument of a
Nagari-Owned Enterprise.

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B.2.3. Transportation
91. Transportation facilities by the Agam Regency Environmental Service in waste
management activities total 16 units consisting of:

Table 2. 21. Number of DLH Garbage Transportation Facilities in Agam Regency

Number of
No Vehicle Amount (Unit) Ritations/Da
1 Arm Roll Truck 7 2
2 Dump Truck 5 2
3 Becak Motor 4 2
Source: PSLB3, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Agam

B.2.4. Garbage Final Processing Site

92. Agam Regency has a TPA located in the West Agam area, namely the Sungai
Jariang TPA. The Sungai Jariang TPA itself accommodates waste from the West
Agam area, such as Tanjung Mutiara, Ampek Nagari, Lubuk Basung, Tanjung Raya,
Palebayan and Matur Districts. This TPA began operating at the end of 2015 with a
controlled landfill system. The TPA is also equipped with various facilities such as
composting, vehicle maintenance workshops, officers mess and UPT TPA office.
93. The profile of TPA/TPST Sungai Jariang is as follows:
• Environmental permit = UKL UPL2011
• Draft design = 20 years (2015-2035)
• Distance to housing = 1.5km
• Distance to water body = 500m
• Distance to the beach = 18 km
• Leachate processing = Yes
• Monitoring well = Yes
• Status = Active
94. Apart from the Sungai Jariang TPA, Agam Regency also distributes waste to
the Payakumbuh Regional TPA for the East Agam area. The Payakumbuh Regional
TPA itself is a TPA owned by the West Sumatra Provincial Environmental Service.
The levy that must be paid is Rp. 20,000/ton of waste which is paid monthly by the
Agam Regency Government.

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B.3. Drainage
95. Drainage management in Agam Regency is handled by the Agam Regency
Public Works Office for Housing and Settlements. Agam Regency as a whole has had
the design and construction of a hardened drainage network as well as a simple and
conventional drainage network except for arterial roads that already use pavement
and are closed. As for local road drainage, there is already a network that is hardened
but still open with a depth of approximately 50 cm. For other drainage systems, it is
still natural and overgrown with shrubs and is a land channel in the form of a
semicircular curve and is interrupted. This does not yet show an integrated drainage
network where the dimensions are only approximate estimates, not calculated
according to standard standards.
96. The environmental condition of the settlements in Agam Regency is still lacking
in the availability of drainage in the neighborhood of the residents' houses which do
not have drainage, overflow of rainwater and household waste is channeled into
vacant land behind the houses and even drainage is found that has not been
maintained and is buried in garbage and soil.
97. In general, it can be described that the environmental risk due to stagnant water
in the household environment in Agam Regency can be categorized as low at 3.6%.
98. Based on the topography of Agam Regency, most of the areas have undulating
plateaus and some areas have lowlands which are prone to frequent puddles due to
rain. Parts of the area that are prone to flooding or waterlogging are in Lubuk Basung,
Tanjung Mutiara and Ampek Angkek Districts. Most of the Agam area consists of 4
parts of the Watershed Area (DAS), so during times of high rainfall several places in
several villages and jorong become submerged and inundated for a while.
99. Locations of floods/rainwater runoff due to lack of drainage in Agam Regency,
among others:
1) Nagari Padang Lua, Nagari Jambu Aia, Banuhampu District
2) Nagari Salareh Aia, Palembayan District
3) Nagari Koto Kaciak and Koto Gadang, Tanjung Raya District
4) Nagari Gadut, Nagari Koto Tangah, Tilatang Kamang District
5) Nagari Pasie Laweh, Palupuh District
6) Nagari Padang Tarok, Baso District

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

100. The area where the flood occurred due to the overflow of river water in Agam
Regency, among others:
1) Nagari Garagahan and Manggopoh, Lubuk Basung District
2) Nagari Bawan, Batu Kambiang, Sitalang, Ampek Nagari District
3) Nagari Tiku V Jorong, North Tiku and South Tiku District of Tanjung Mutiara
101. Inundation or runoff of water occurs due to the lack of drainage facilities,
narrowing and blockage of drainage channels, among others, along roads and Nagari
markets from Padang Lua to Jambu Aia, Salareh Aia, Palembayan District, Koto
Kaciak and Koto Gadang, Tanjung Raya District, Koto Tangah, Tilatang District
Kamang, Padang Tarok, Baso District and Pasie Laweh, Palupuh District, are
temporary during heavy rains. The height of the inundation reaches 0.40-0.60 meters.
Meanwhile, inundation/runoff occurs due to overflow of river water, including in
Garagahan and Manggopoh Nagari, Lubuk Basung District, Nagari Bawan, Batu
Kambing, Sitalang, Ampek Nagari District, Nagari Tiku V Jorong, North Tiku and South
Tiku, Tanjung District with an inundation area of more than 0 .5 ha, the inundation
height reaches more than 0.30 meters and the inundation time is around 1 to 2 hours.
102. Agam Regency have no Drainage Master Plan so that the handling of the
drainage system is carried out in:
1) Primary Canal, through river normalization and maintenance program
2) Secondary and tertiary canals with various dimensions and types that follow the
road network system and water inundation areas due to flooding

C. Environmental Health Facility

103. The environmental health condition of Agam Regency can be seen from some
data regarding:
C.1. Number and condition of family latrines
104. Based on data from the Agam Regency Housing and Settlements Office in
2018, residents with access to proper sanitation facilities (healthy latrines) by district
and health center are 448,447 people or 91.9% of the total. The highest number of
families with latrines is in Lubuk Basung district with 67,284 people 13,457 families
followed by Ampek Angkek district with 45,165 people or 9,033 families, then,
Banuhampu District with 38,175 people or 7,635 families and the lowest number of
latrine owners is in Malalak district with 8,150 people or 1,630 households, followed

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

by Ampek Nagari District with 8,820 people or 1,764 households. For more details
listed in the table below as follows:

Table 2. 22. Population with Access To Sanitation Facilities According

Districts and Community Health Centers in 2018

C.2. Pollution Conditions

105. Based on observations regarding air pollution in Agam Regency, it is generally
caused by vehicle emissions and some from industrial activities. Meanwhile, the
condition of groundwater and surface water sources needs to be protected from the
beginning, because population growth and increased economic activity will affect the
presence of groundwater and surface water sources. In addition, the lack of public
knowledge as well as the behavior and habits of the people who still practice open
defecation and dispose of garbage on vacant land/gardens,
waterways/drainage/irrigation and rivers without prior handling.

C.3. Access to groundwater sources

106. Based on the 2013 PDAM Agam Regency Technical Report Recapitulation
data, the number of people served was 66,443 people with a service level of 22.59%.

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Meanwhile, based on the results of the Population Census of Agam Regency in 2010,
the number of resident wells was around 42,564 households with a classification of
34,045 (30.74%) households having protected well types and 8,519 (7.69%)
households having unprotected well types. In addition, around 10,693 households
(9.65%) use rainwater as access to services for the population's drinking water needs.
Based on the results of the 2011 Agam Regency EHRA survey, it can be seen that
the source of drinking water for residents in Agam Regency comes from PDAM tap
water: well functioning (14.5%), PDAM tap water: not functioning properly (4.0%),
protected dug wells (24 .8%), unprotected dug wells (7.6%), hand pump wells (2.2%),
motorized wells/bore wells (2.2%), public hydrants/PDAM public faucets (1.8% ),
PAMSIMAS/HIPPAM public faucets (9.8%), traveling water vendors/refill water
(9.0%), other/PMA/rainwater storage (34.5%).

C.4. Data on healthy homes, public places and healthy schools.

107. As a result of inspections of residents' houses in Agam Regency carried out by
the Health Service in 2010, there were 69,844 residents houses declared as healthy
or 73.17% of the 82,423 residents houses inspected. Residents houses that were
declared unhealthy were around 12,579 houses or 15.25%. This condition indicates
that most of the houses in Agam Regency meet health requirements, including having
latrines, sewerage channels, garbage disposal sites, and drinking and clean water
sources that meet health requirements. In addition, it has sufficient air ventilation and
lighting so that air circulation is sufficient to make the house healthy to live in. Regional Financial Profile

A. Regional Revenue
108. Data in the financial sector was collected from various sources, namely the
Office of Revenue, Finance and Asset Managers of Agam Regency, Bappeda and
Bank Nagari Lubuk Basung Branch. The data collected from Bappeda and the Agam
Regency Finance and Asset Management Revenue Service is data on government
finance, while data taken from Bank Nagari is banking financial data. Agam Regency
Regional Revenue comes from original income, transfer income and other legal
income. In 2019, the actual receipt of regional original income amounted to Rp.
123,658,583.90 while the balance fund income is Rp. 1,143,666,488,86. For more

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

details on the realization of regional revenue for Agam Regency in 2019, see the
following table.

Table 2. 23. Realization of Agam Regency Regional Revenue (thousands of rupiah)

Year 2018 – 2019
No Type of ReVenue 2018 2019
I Regional ReVenue 99.684.205.38 123.658.583.90
1 Regional Tax 31.336.803.42 31.514.932.22
2 Regional Retribution 5.714.759.71
Regional-Owned Company ReVenue and
3 Separated Management of Regional 8.401.015.41
4 Other Regional ReVenue 54.231.626.84 7.379.522.18
II Balance Funds 1.143.666.488.86
1 Tax Sharing ReVenue 14.859.285.39 1.366.556.24
Non-Tax Sharing ReVenue/Natural
2 1.348.925.48 -
3 General Allocation Fund 813.474.914.00 844.924.099.00
4 Special Allocation Fund 262.382.906.12 284.875.833.63
III Other ReVenue 198.483.149.15 245.488.166.78
1 Grant 59.878.414.10 62.190.430.00
2 Emergency Fund - -

Tax Sharing ReVenue from ProVincial

3 49.262.632.05 59.232.668.78
and Other Regional GoVernments

Regional Adjustment and Autonomy

4 89.342.103.00
Financial Assistance from ProVincial or
5 - -
Other Regional GoVernments
6 Others - -
Total 1.390.233.385.52 1.512.813.239.54
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka, 2020

B. Regional Expenditures
109. Meanwhile, the realization of regional expenditure for Agam Regency in 2019
was Rp. 1,507,976,488.64. For more details on the realization of regional expenditures
for Agam Regency in 2019, see the following table.

Table 2. 24. Realization of Agam Regency Government Expenditure

No Type of Expenditure 2018 2019
I Indirect Expenditures 838.917.933.84 866.585.238.01
1 Personnel Expenditures 667.153.963.25 679.041.276.32
2 Interest Expenditures

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No Type of Expenditure 2018 2019

3 Subsidies Expenditures
4 Grant Expenditures 10.015.670.80 14.422.527.82
5 Social Aid Expenditures 9.088.550.00 8.390.000.00
6 Sharing Fund Expenditure 3.124.677.15 4.116.551.19
7 Financial Aids Expenditures 146.232.961.64 159.324.132.39
8 Unpredicted Expenditures 3.302.111.00 1.290.750.30
II Direct Expenditures 548.642.326.20 641.391.250.63
1 Personnel Expenditures 45.561.214.70 51.325.614.57
2 Goods and SerVices Expenditures 290.761.552.48 309.205.928.26
3 Capital Expenditure 212.319.559.02 280.859.707.80
Total 1.387.560.260.05 1.507.976.488.64
Source: Kabupaten Agam Dalam Angka, 2020

C. Regional Financing
110. Realization of regional financing for Agam Regency in 2019 amounted to Rp.

2.2.3. Bukittinggi City Geographical Location and Conditions
111. Geographically, the Bukittinggi City is located between 100°20' - 100°25' East
Longitude and between 00°16' - 00° 20' South Latitude with boundaries:
• Nort part is bordered with Nagari Gadut and Kapau, Tilatang Kamang District,
Agam Regency;
• South part is bordered with Taluak IV Tribe, Banuhampu District, Agam
• East part is bordered with the Agam patent;
• West part is bordered by Nagari Sianok, Guguk and Koto Gadang, District IV
Koto, Agam Regency;
112. The area of the Bukittinggi City is ± 25,239 Km² (2,523.90 ha) or around 0.06%
of the area of West Sumatra Province. Administratively, the Bukittinggi City is divided
into 3 (three) districts and includes 24 sub-districts:
• Guguk Panjang District with an area of 6,831 km2 (683.10 ha) or 27.06% of the
total area of Bukittinggi City which includes 7 sub-districts.
• Mandiangin Koto Selayan District with an area of 12,156 km2 (1,215.60 ha) or
48% of the total area of Bukittinggi City which includes 9 sub-districts.

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• Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District with an area of 6,252 km2 (625.20 ha) or 24.77%
of the total area of Bukittinggi City which includes 8 districts. For more details,
it can be seen in table 2.25 and figure 2.12 administrative map of the Bukittinggi

Table 2. 25. Number of Districts, Area and Percentage of District Area to Area of
Bukittinggi City in 2020
Total Area District
No District
Sub District (km2) Area (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Guguk Panjang 7 6.831 27,07
2 Mandiangin Koto Selayan 9 12.156 48,16
3 Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh 8 6.252 24,77
Bukittinggi City 24 25.239 100
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka. 2021

113. The natural condition of the Bukittinggi City is in the form of hills with layers of
tuff from the slopes of Mount Marapi so that the soil is fertile, but the area used for
agriculture is very small. This is because most of it is used for residential areas, hotels
and markets. Geographically. The Bukittinggi City is within the scope of the Agam
Regency and is located in a central position within the province of West Sumatra as
well as among nearby provinces. This geographic location is quite strategic to the
regional trajectory. like the route from Padang to Medan. and the route from Padang
to Pekanbaru. The Bukittinggi City has become a crossing point city for the Central
Sumatra Route and a connecting route between the Central Route and the East
Sumatra Route. Bukittinggi with its geostrategic position, has a high and undulating
plain and has cool air, making it possible to attract tourist visits to Bukittinggi.
Therefore, within the scope of Agam Regency. The Bukittinggi City is the main service
orientation for trade and tourism.
114. Bukittinggi with its territory is a small city category. In terms of population, it is
in the Medium City category, so it can be said to be quite dense for a small city. The
Bukittinggi City does not have inland, remote, coastal, mountainous and island areas.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
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Figure 2. 12. Administration Map of Bukittinggi City

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Topography and Physiography

115. The natural condition of the Bukittinggi City is hills formed from pumice tuff with
a height of about 780-950 meters above sea level, so the soil is fertile. However, the
area used for agriculture is very small, namely 639 ha and the Mandiangin Koto
Selayan sub-district has the most extensive agricultural land, namely 344 (ha), while
the Aur BirugoTigo Baleh district is 238 (ha) and Guguk Panjang District is 57 (ha).
This is because most of the land is used for residential, trade and services. With its
location in the highlands, the slope of the Bukittinggi City area varies greatly. and can
be divided into relatively flat topography. hilly and steep. The areas are in the Sianok
Gorge area (15.38%), while the hilly areas (9.64%) are in the Gulai bancah Campago
Ipuh, Guguk Bulek Campago, Benteng Pasar Atas, and Kubu Tanjung areas. Most of
the plains (74.98%) are in the western part of Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District, the
western part of Guguk Panjang District and the central and eastern part of Mandiangin
Koto Selayan District. The proportion of land area in the Bukittinggi City based on the
slope classification is as follows:

Table 2. 26. Proportion of Land Area in Bukittinggi City Based on Land Slope
No Slope ABTB GP MKS %
Ha % Ha % Ha %
1. 0-2% 430,22 68,81 369,77 54,313 584,27 49,06 1,384,26 54,59
2. 3-8% 88,57 14,17 96,70 14,16 71,47 5,88 256,74 9,79
3. 9-15% 25,60 4,09 52,95 7,75 180,63 14,86 259,18 10,60
4. 16-25% 9,73 1,56 23,66 3,46 94,74 7,79 128,13 5,27
5. 26-40% 4,86 0,78 29,93 4,38 73,75 6,07 108,54 4,37
6. >40% 66,22 10,59 110,09 16,12 210,75 17,34 387,05 15.38
TOTAL 625,20 100 683,10 100 1.215,60 100 2.523,90 100
Source: Materi Teknis Revisi RTRW Kota Bukittinggi. Tahun 2017
116. The Bukittinggi City is surrounded by hills to the north, east and west. as well
as the mountains to the south with the topography of the area generally undulating.
Under these conditions, it results in limited use of urban space for settlements and
urban development activities. For more details about the topography of the Bukittinggi
City, see the topographic map of the Bukittinggi City below:

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
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Figure 2. 13. Topographical Map of Bukittinggi City

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117. Based on general ability of morphology. The Bukittinggi City and its
surroundings can be divided into four morphological units namely:
1) Plain Morphology Unit
The slope is generally 10%, with elevations ranging from 865-920 meters above
sea level. Land use is generally for rice fields, gardens/farms and settlements,
this area was formed by young volcanic deposits in the form of floating tuffs.
2) Smooth Relief Morphology Unit
The slope of the slope is between 10-15% with an altitude of 850-920 meters
above sea level. are generally gardens/shrub fields, settlements and
plantations. This area was formed by pumice tuff and partly by metamorphism.
3) Coarse Relief Morphology Unit
Formed by floating tupa rocks with an altitude of between 650-900 meters
above sea level, the terrain is quite steep, the slope is more than 60% of this
morphological unit, this is the cliff of the Sianok Gorge.
4) Volcano Body Morphology Unit
The slope of the terrain between 10 - 20% with a slope of 900 meters above
sea level. Land use in this unit is in the form of shrubs and some rice fields.
Areas with this morphological unit are very fertile. because it was formed by the
deposition of Mount Merapi and Mount Singgalang in the form of lava. Geology
118. Ground Bukittinggi City is composed of natural solid materials. which consists
of bedrock, soil and humus as a stretch for the growth of various plants. In the
Bukittinggi City area, there is only a type of exposed bedrock, namely the pumice tuff,
the result of volcanic processes (volcanism). On the official geological map published
by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The pumice tuff is symbolized as
“Qpt”. Actually, there are fresh Qpt rocks and weathered Qpt into residual soil
(weathering results). The physical appearance of fresh Qpt is: "gray yellow when wet
and whitish yellow when dry". There are 1 mm black particles, white shiny milky white
quartz glass fibers, 1 mm rust yellow particles and amorphous silica lumps. The
particles are weakly bonded to one another. As a whole as a mass of material, Qpt is
cohesive but soft, porous and elastic (Stiff). In several other locations, Qp contains 50
mm pieces of welded tuff and 40 mm pieces of lava, with the majority of the constituent

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

components being plate-sized fine particles (less than 0.2 mm). Fresh Qpt can be
found on natural slopes of Sianok Gorge or excavation slopes in Bukittinggi City.
119. Field trials on fresh Qpt outcrops, using the impact test method, showed “thump
impact. left the hammer tread and a crack occurred around the hammer tread". The
results of the "impact test" show that the fresh Qpt strength scale is "strong enough".
With the hand-squeezing method, the Qpt material allows normal squeezing, showing
relative shear strength in the "firm" class with values of 36 to 72 kPa. Measurement of
unit weight σ = 18 kN/m3 and estimated porosity n = 0.5 Soil as a formation of rock
weathering from rock weathering physically and chemically. consists of two types.
namely 1) sedimentary soil and 2) residual soil. For the Bukittinggi City, sedimentary
soil is found at the bottom of the canyon along the Batang Sianok channel, as a result
of erosion. transportation and deposition by river water (aluvium) and by cliff slides
120. Residual soil as a result of chemical weathering of bedrock, especially in plains
and hillsides in the Bukittinggi City (for example in rice fields and settlements). The
very top of the expanse of land covered with plants (vegetation) is humus. The
thickness of the soil and humus varies from several meters.
121. The Bukittinggi area is located in a zone known as the main route of the
Sumatra Fault System, namely the Central Barisan Fault Zone segment (CBFZ,
Possavec et al. 1973 & Hahn & Weber, 1981). CBFZ is the main component of the
Sumatran Fault System and is often also referred to as the "Semangko Fault" which
stretches along the middle of the mainland of Sumatra Island. Valleys that run parallel
to the rows of hills along the middle of the island, a series of valleys starting from
Muara Labuh, continuing to Gumanti and Solok, continuing to Marapi, continuing to
Palupuh and Rao in East Pasaman. Bukittinggi City, located 1,250 meters east of the
CBFZ line. For a regional scale, this distance is relatively close.
122. The CBFZ segment is the only significant geological structure for the tectonic
dynamics of the Bukittinggi City today, because the active fault line is often the location
of the epicenter of earthquakes on the island of Sumatra.

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Figure 2. 14. Geological Map of Bukittinggi City

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Disaster Prone Potential

123. Based on a disaster risk study that has been compiled by the National Disaster
Management Agency or BNPB (2015), the Bukittinggi City is an area that has a
vulnerability to disaster risk, especially in the form of earthquakes, landslides and
124. According to the results of the BNPB study above, the level of risk for
earthquakes in the Bukittinggi City is high risk with locations spread throughout the
city as shown in the map below:
125. Furthermore, areas with vulnerability to landslides in the Bukittinggi City can be
distinguished into areas with: low risk, medium risk and high risk. Almost all areas of
the city are included in the area with moderate risk of landslides, except for the area
in the northern western border with low risk, and the northern western border area
which is included in the high risk area. Areas with high risk are along the walls of the
Sianok valley with a height of more than 150 meters and at the bottom of the canyon
flows the Sianok river.
126. Regions with a flood risk are divided into areas: low risk, medium risk and high
risk with their respective locations as shown in Figure 2.17. The location is in the
western border area of the city area and the occurrence of flooding in that location is
thought to be more related to urban drainage problems, especially the capacity of the
drainage canals and the canal network system and its outlets.

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Figure 2. 15. Earthquake Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City

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Figure 2. 16. Landslide Disaster Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City

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Figure 2. 17. Flood Risk Map for the Bukittinggi City

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Hidrology dan Hidrogeology

A. Surface Water
127. The Bukittinggi City is located within two river basin area (WAS), namely the
WAS Masang hulu which is in the western part and flows towards the Indonesian
Ocean and WAS Batang Agam which flows towards the east. The relatively wide rivers
in the Bukittinggi City are rivers with a width of 6 to 12 meters, and there are also small
rivers (raven) which are places where surface water flows into the river flow patterns.
The relatively large rivers in Bukittinggi are as follows:
• Batang Sianok with a width of 12-15 meters, which is located along the western
border of Bukittinggi City and Agam Regency which stretches in a valley called
the Sianok Gorge and its flow crosses Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District, Guguak
Panjang District and Mandiangin Koto Selayan District.
• Batang Tambuo with a width of 5-7 meters, which is located to the east of the
Bukittinggi City and the river flows through the Districts of Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh
and Districts of Mandiangin Koto Selayan.
• Batang Agam with a width of 5-7 meters, which is located within the Bukittinggi
City and crosses Guguak Panjang District and Mandiangin Koto Selayan
128. Apart from functioning as a regional hydrological outlet, this river has a role as
a primary drainage network which is the estuary for the distribution of water disposal
from the planning area originating from the secondary and tertiary drainage networks.
For more details, the condition of the rivers in the Bukittinggi City can be seen in the
table below.

Table 2. 27. River / Batang Through the Bukittinggi City

No River / Batang Width (m) Passed District

• Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh
1. Batang Tambuo 7
• Mandiangin Koto Selayan
• Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh
2. Batang Sianok 12 • Guguk Panjang
• Mandiangin Koto Selayan
• Guguk Panjang
3. Batang Agam 6
• Mandiangin Koto Selayan
Source: Dinas PUPR Kota Bukittinggi. 2019

129. For the development of areas around rivers, it is necessary to pay attention to
the river border lines. The river border area is the area to the left and right of the

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

riverbed as a river protection boundary that functions as a buffer space between the
river ecosystem and the land so that river functions and human activities are not
mutually disturbed. According to Minister of Public Works No. 5 of 2008 concerning
Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Green Open Spaces in Urban Areas, for
non-bankable rivers in urban areas (no more than three meters deep) have a border
line of at least 10 meters from the Batang Sianok river, 5 m river border for Batang
Tambuo and 4 m for Batang Agam.
130. The hydrological typology of the Bukittinggi area is a typology of the watershed
areas in the highlands. The majority are upstream areas with a Dendritic pattern.
relatively fast water flow. In addition, the condition of the slopes of the Bukittinggi City
which forms a lot of ravens causes a lot of water infiltration through underground flows.
131. Apart from the river, the Bukittinggi City also has a reservoir that functions as a
reservoir for rainwater and irrigation. Currently, the Bukittinggi City has 3 retention
basins spread throughout the sub-district. One example of a reservoir is the Lubuak
Anak Limau reservoir, which is the largest reservoir in the Bukittinggi City with a total
area of 0.25 ha. This reservoir is located in the Bukittinggi area, precisely located in
the Anak Limau Area, Kubu Tanjuang Village, Aua Birugo Tigo Baleh District.

B. Groundwater
132. The hydrological characteristics of the Bukittinggi City can be classified into 2
(two), namely productive aquifers with a wide distribution. and moderately productive
aquifers. Each type of hydrology is spread evenly in the Bukittinggi City. For more
details about the hydrological conditions in the Bukittinggi City, it can be seen in the
following table and figure. Based on the data in the following table, it is known that the
condition of the aquifers in Bukittinggi City are productive aquifers with wide and
medium distribution with relatively the same area, namely 51% are moderate
productive aquifers and 49% are productive aquifers with wide distribution.

Table 2. 28 Hydrology in the Bukittinggi City

Productive Aquifer Moderate
District Sub District with Wide Productive Area (Ha)
Distribution Aquifer
Aur Birugo Aur Kuning 104.24 0.07 104.31
Tigo Baleh Belakang Balok 7.74 71.01 78.75

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Productive Aquifer Moderate

District Sub District with Wide Productive Area (Ha)
Distribution Aquifer
Birugo 64.96 23.18 88.14
Kubu Tanjung 84.22 84.22
Ladang Cakiah 87.83 87.83
Pakan Labuah 24.11 118.75 142.86
Parit Antang 7.29 26.79 34.08
Sapiran 22.86 0.54 23.4
ATTS 34.41 34.41
Guguak Benteng Pasar Atas 26.12 0.56 26.68
Bukit Apit Puhun 0.71 203.1 203.81
Bukit Cangang Kayu
12.5 14.6 27.1
Kayu Kubu 1.67 62.26 63.93
Pakan Kurai 59.62 59.62
Tarok Dipo 138.19 1.03 139.22
Campago Guguak Bulek 153.81 153.81
Mandiangin Campago Ipuh 93.74 93.74
Koto Selayan
Garegeh 76.06 9.91 85.97
Koto Selayan 54.28 26.21 80.49
Kubu Gulai Bancah 117.84 39.75 157.59
Manggis Ganting 78.78 78.78
Puhun Pintu Kabun 16.14 469.14 485.28
Puhun Tembok 30.89 27.97 58.86
Pulai Anak Air 90.85 90.85

Total 1.216.81 1.266.92 2.483.73

Source: Peta Hidrogeologi Sheet 0715 Skala 1: 250.000. Puslitbang Geologi dalam Dalam Dok. RDTR Kota Bukittinggi Climatology
133. The Bukittinggi City has a wet climate which includes the wet tropics which is
characterized by relatively high air humidity (generally above 90%) has high rainfall
and has an annual temperature of more than 20° C which shows that the Bukittinggi
City is very cool and suitable for agriculture, especially for ornamental plants. as well
as a resting place.
134. In general, the average rainfall in the Bukittinggi City ranges from 3,000 – 4,000
mm per year for all areas in the Bukittinggi City. In 2020 the rainfall for Bukittinggi City
is around 3,010 mm/year with an average humidity of 91%.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

135. For more details, the climate conditions in the Bukittinggi City can be seen in
the following table.

Table 2. 29. Data from Observations of Climatic Elements (rainfall, rainy days and
humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation) by Month in the Bukittinggi City in 2020 at
the Bukit Kototabang-Palupuh GAW Station
Number Average Solar
of Rainy Wind Speed Intensity
No Month Rainfall Humidity (%)
Days (m/sec) (%)
(mm) (Days)
1 January 236 13 91 1,60 42,20
2 February 234 8 90 1,80 54,70
3 March 191 17 89 1,20 66,80
4 April 379 22 91 1,00 58,40
5 May 319 20 91 1,10 54,10
6 June 254 19 92 1,30 56,80
7 July 155 16 90 1,10 59,60
8 August 201 17 91 0,80 63,30
9 September 258 18 92 0,80 35,40
10 October 187 20 91 1,30 45,10
11 November 409 24 92 0,80 43,40
12 December 187 17 92 0,70 43,00
Source: Kota Bukittingg Dalam Angka, 2021 Regional Demographics

A. Number, Growth Rate and Population Density
136. In 2020 the population of the Bukittinggi City is 121,028 people with a
population growth rate of 0.81%. This population growth rate decreased compared to
2019 which was 1.55%.
137. Based on BPS data, the largest population is in Mandiangin Koto Selayan
District, with 53,035 people, due to the large number of new housing developments,
both built by housing developers and by individuals. However, Guguk Panjang
Subdistrict is the most densely populated subdistrict, with 6,059 people per km²,
followed by Mandiangin Koto Selayan Subdistrict with 4,363 people per km² and Aur
Birugo Tigo Baleh Subdistrict with 4,255 people per km². Apart from permanent
residents who are domiciled and have Bukittinggi ID cards as described above, there
is an interesting situation from the demographics of Bukittinggi City. The level of
population mobility is quite high between the Bukittinggi City as the center of local and
regional activities which have an attraction (magnitude) for the commuter and
hinterland areas, so the projected population of the Bukittinggi City during the day is

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

estimated at 350,000 people. Migration of temporary residents to the Bukittinggi City

in 2007 indicated an increasing trend partly due to the large number of seasonal street
vendors, increased health services, education and other visits such as: comparative
studies, seminars/conferences, as well as visits by both domestic and foreign tourists.

Table 2. 30. Total Population, Population Growth Rate and Population Density of
Bukittinggi City in 2020
Population Growth Density
District Population ) 2
No Rate per Year 2019– Area/(km (person/km
2020 )
1 Guguk Panjang 41.391 0,06 6,831 6.059

2 Mandiangin Koto 53.035 1,62 12,156 4.363

3 Aur Birugo Tigo 26.602 0,70 6,252 4.255
Bukittinggi City 121.028 0,81 25,239 4.795
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

B. Gender Ratio and Total Population by Age Group

138. Sex ratio is the ratio of the male population to the female population. The sex
ratio of the population of Bukittinggi City in 2020 is 100, which means that for every
100 female residents there are 100 male residents, this shows that the number of
female and male residents is balanced. The sex ratio for the population of Bukittinggi
City for each district in 2020 is presented in the table below.

Table 2. 31. Gender Ratio of the Population of Agam Regency in 2020

No District Gender Ratio
1 Guguk Panjang 99,72
2 Mandiangin Koto Selayan 100,13
3 Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh 100,20
Bukittinggi City 100,00
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

139. According to the age group, the productive age population (15-64 years) in the
Bukittinggi City in 2020 is 82,503 people or around 68% of the total population of the
Bukittinggi City. In detail presented in the following table.

Table 2. 32. Total Population by Age Group in the Bukittinggi City in 2020
No Group Age Amount
1 0-4 10,746
2 5-9 10,130
3 10-14 10,326
4 15-19 9,936

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No Group Age Amount

5 20-24 10,315
6 25-29 10,760
7 30-34 9,856
8 35-39 8,892
9 40-44 8,131
10 45-49 7,706
11 50-54 6,726
12 55-59 5,768
13 60-64 4,413
14 65-69 3,126
15 70-74 1,913
16 75+ 2,284
Bukittinggi City 121,028
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka 2021 Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions

A. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
140. The economic growth of a region can be seen through the development of the
nominal value of GRDP which is the development of the total added value produced
by all business units in a certain area or the development of the total value of final
goods and services produced by all economic units.
141. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) which consists of two categories.
namely on the basis of current prices (adhb) and on the basis of constant prices (adhk).
The GRDP value of Bukittinggi City from year to year always increases, both at current
prices and at constant prices. In 2019, the GRDP value at current prices was recorded
at 8,695,100.58 million rupiahs, then in 2020 it decreased to 8,627,587.69 million
rupiahs. The 2020 GRDP value at constant prices was recorded at 8,627,587.69
million rupiahs, when compared to 2019 there was a decrease in the GRDP value.
The decline in the value of GRDP in the Bukittinggi City was the impact of the Covid-
19 pandemic which hit all regions in Indonesia including the Bukittinggi City.
142. The sector that contributed the most to the formation of GRDP in Bukittinggi
City was the wholesale and retail trade sector, which amounted to 2,910,422.94 million
rupiahs, then the transportation and warehousing sector, which amounted to
868,106.21 million rupiahs and the smallest sector was the mining and quarrying of
186.58 million rupiah.
143. Although in general all business sectors experienced a decline, there were
sectors that experienced a significant increase, namely the Health Services and Social

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Activities sector from 293,425.72 million rupiah in 2019 to 337,934.34 million rupiah in
144. The general economic growth of the Bukittinggi City can be seen in the following
table, namely the GRDP of the Bukittinggi City ADHB and ADHK, in 2019-2020.

Table 2. 33. Gross Regional Domestic Product Based on Current Prices by Business
Field in the Bukittinggi City (million rupiah), 2019–2020
2019 2020
A Agriculture.Forestry. And Fishing 99.508,03 101.410,07
B Mining and quarrying 190,75 186,58
C Manufacturing 437.222,66 447.376,30
D Electricty and Gas 63.023,35 59.164,34
Water Supply; Sewerag, Waste Management and
E 12.622,31 13.187,98
Remediation Activaties
F Construction 578.563,89 577.807,99
Wholesale and Retail Trade. Repair of Motor
G 2.958.607,74 2.910.422,94
Vehicles and Motorcycles
H Transportation and Food Service Active 943.611,46 868.106,21
I Accommodation and Food Service 526.064,01 405.653,81

J Information and communication 567.676,54 622.251,49

K Finance and Insurance Activites 465.959,44 481.149,49
L Real Estate Activities 289.203,11 292.009,19
M.N Business activities 56.386,13 55.389,48
Public Administration and Defence. Compulsary
O 538.923,42 581.858,04
Social Security
P Education 506.537,37 545.305,28
Q Human Health and Social Work Activities 293.425,72 337.934,34

R.S.T.U Other Services Activities 357.574,64 328.374,14

A Gross Value Added on Base Price 8.695.100,58 8.627.587,69
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

Table 2. 34. Gross Regional Domestic Product at 2010 Constant Prices by Business
Field in the Bukittinggi City (million rupiah), 2019–2020
2019 2020
A Agriculture.Forestry. And Fishing 69.089,41 70.012,79
B Mining and quarrying 123,41 120,04
C Manufacturing 364.832,12 361.107,56
D Electricty and Gas 44.061,92 40.849,56

Water Supply; Sewerag, Waste Management and

E 8.804,26 9.177,56
Remediation Activaties

F Construction 409.929,1 398.580,49

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INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

2019 2020

Wholesale and Retail Trade. Repair of Motor

G 2.059.082,68 2.037.476,63
Vehicles and Motorcycles

H Transportation and Food Service Active 733.918,61 654.886,65

I Accommodation and Food Service 290.011,16 222.403,14

J Information and communication 512.172,78 564.445,23

K Finance and Insurance Activites 323.790,81 329.045,56
L Real Estate Activities 198.085,59 198.587,4
M.N Business activities 40.679,97 39.286,78
Public Administration and Defence. Compulsary
O 336.425,17 335.005,29
Social Security
P Education 322.892,07 346.132,61

Q Human Health and Social Work Activities 204.460,54 229.798,27

R.S.T.U Other Services Activities 233,722,92 208.177,73

A Gross Domestic Product 6.153.082,5 6.045.093,28
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

B. Livelihood
145. The livelihoods of residents in the Bukittinggi City vary widely of Agriculture,
Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries Processing Industry, Wholesale Trade, Retail,
Restaurants and Hotels Other Community, Social and Individual Services (Mining and
Quarrying, Electricity, Gas and Water, Building, Transportation, Warehousing,
Communication, Finance, Insurance, Business Rent of Buildings, Land and Company
C. Customs, Traditions and Culture
146. Customs in the Bukittinggi City are based on the religion that believed by the
community. Most of the people are Moslem. Traditions and culture in the Bukittinggi
City are based on religion then the customs and culture in the Bukittinggi City are
based on the principle of " Adat Basandi Syarak. Syarak Basandi Kitabullah”.

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Public Facilities and Infrastructure

A. Educational Facilities
147. In 2020 the number of schools in the Bukittinggi City consists of 243
kindergartens and Raudatul Anfal, 64 SD/MI units, 21 SLTP units, 30 SLTA units. In
the following table it can be seen that the distribution of educational facilities in the
Bukittinggi City, starting from kindergarten to senior high school, has been evenly
distributed throughout the existing sub-districts. most of the educational facilities are
located in Guguk Panjang and Mandiangin Koto Selayan Districts. The complete
number and distribution of educational facilities in the Bukittinggi City is presented in
the following table.

Table 2. 35. Number and Distribution of School Education Facilities

In the Bukittinggi City in 2020
Kinder Elementary Mid-School High-School
No. District Univ.
garten Private Public Private Public Private Public
1 Guguak Panjang 38 6 17 5 6 12 4 1
Mandiangin Koto
2 189 8 19 5 3 6 4 3
Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh 16 3 11 1 1 3 1
Total 243 17 47 11 10 21 9 4
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

B. Health Facilities
148. The Bukittinggi City already has various health facilities such as 5 units of
Hospitals, 16 units of pharmacies, 7 units of Puskesmas, 11 units of Pustu, 26 units of
Poskespem. For more details, the number of health facilities in Bukittinggi City can be
seen in the following table.

Table 2. 36. Number of Health Facilities in the Bukittinggi City in 2019

No Health Facilities Guguk Mandiangin Aur Birugo Total
Panjang Koto Selayan Tigo Baleh
1 General Hospital 3 - 2 5
2 Special Hospital - - - -
3 Maternity Hospital 1 - - 1
4 Public health center 2 4 1 7
Auxiliary Health
5 3 5 3 11
6 Polyclinic/Clinic 7 3 4 14
7 Drugstore 7 4 5 16
Integrated Healthcare
8 57 48 31 136

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No Health Facilities Guguk Mandiangin Aur Birugo Total
Panjang Koto Selayan Tigo Baleh
9 Polindes 9 9 8 26
Jumlah 89 73 54 216
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

C. Religion Service Facilities

149. Religious facilities in the Bukittinggi City consist of mosques, mushalla and
churches. The distribution of Muslim Religion Service facilities, especially mosques
and mushalla, is mostly located in Mandiangin Koto Selayan District, namely 17
mosques, 35 prayer rooms, other places of Religion Service such as Protestant
churches and Catholic churches in Guguak Panjang District, with 1 unit each. For more
details, the number of Religion Service facilities in the Bukittinggi City can be seen in
the following table.

Table 2. 37. Number of Population According to Religion Followed

in Bukittinggi City in 2020
No District Moslem Protestant Catholic Hindu Buddha Other
1 Guguk Panjang 42.448 594 653 5 135 1
Mandiangin Koto
2 50.531 389 1.178 0 32 0
Aur Birugo Tigo
3 29.989 64 165 0 3 1
Total 122.968 1.047 1.996 5 170 2
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

Table 2. 38. Number and Distribution of Religion Service Facilities in the Bukittinggi City,
Religion Service Facilities
No. District
Mosque Mushalla Church Temple Monaster
1 Guguk Panjang 17 48 2 - y
2 Mandiangin Koto Selayan 19 78 - - -
3 Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh 10 38 - - -
Total 46 164 2 - 1
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

D. Transportation Facilities
D.1. Road Network
150. In general. The road network in the Bukittinggi City consists of a network of
primary arteries, secondary arteries, secondary collectors and local roads. The
primary arterial road in Bukittinggi City is the access in and out of Bukittinggi City from

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

the north. east and south. The secondary arterial road connects the primary arterial
road to activity centers in the Bukittinggi City.
151. The condition of the road network according to the type of surface in the
Bukittinggi City consists of paved roads, gravel roads and dirt roads.

Table 2. 39 Status and Length of Roads in the Bukittinggi City in 2020

Road Status (Km)
No District
State Provinsi Regency Total
Bukittinggi City 11,75 - 180,17 191,92
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

Table 2. 40 Road Length and Type of Surface in the Bukittinggi City in 2020
Road Surface Layer (Km)
Asphalt Gravel Soil Other Total
Bukittinggi City 180,17 - - - 180,17
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2020

Table 2. 41 Road Length and Road Conditions for the Bukittinggi City in 2019
Road Condition (Km)
No District Severely
Good Moderare Damaged Total
Bukittinggi City 61,00 95,91 21,51 1,75 180,17
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2020

D.2. Terminal and Transport Capital

152. Regional movements are served by a regional terminal in the Bukittinggi City,
namely the Aur Kuning Terminal. The existence of the Aur Kuning Terminal on the
Primary Arterial Road functions as a mode change from regional transportation to local
(city) transportation. so that regional movement actors through the Aur Kuning
Terminal can change modes to local transportation (city public transportation) to carry
out internal movements. Apart from the Aur Kuning Terminal, there are also shadow
terminals (city public transport terminals) such as Pasar Bawah Terminal, Pasar
Banto, Depan Jogja and Surau Gonjong.
153. The mode of transportation used in the Bukittinggi City consists of private and
public transportation. Public transportation for city services is in the form of MPU and
mini buses. The mode of tourism transportation is generally in the form of tourist buses
that have regional movements and obtain special permits for the benefit of movement
within the city. Present condiition. Public transportation in the Bukittinggi City can serve
the entire area of the Bukittinggi City. even serving the hinterland region.

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E. Electrical Facilities
154. The condition of the electric energy service system in the Bukittinggi City is
currently served by the Bukittinggi sector PLN unit. The source of power generation
comes from the Maninjau Hydropower and Agam Hydropower. The current installed
power is 253.5 Kwh and the productivity of the electricity source is 949,322,993.00
Kwh. Electrical energy needs are mostly used for household needs, social, economic
and industrial facilities.

Table 2. 42 Installed Power, Electricity Production and Distribution PT. PLN (Persero)
at PLN Branch/Rayon in Bukittinggi City in 2020
Installed Power Electricity Sold Shrink/Lost
(Kwh) (Kwh) (Kwh)

253.50 949,322,993.00 117,235,968.00 -

Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka 2021

155. In 2020, there were 58,241 electricity customers with total electricity sold from
all categories of 117,235,968 Kwh supplied by the State Electricity Company (PLN)
for the Bukittinggi City with details in the following table.
Table 2. 43 Electric Power Sold in the Bukittinggi City in 2020
Electric Power
No Category %
Sold (Kwh)
1 Household (R) 60,019,538 51.20
2 Trade, Office, Industry, Hotel 39,838,060 33.98
3 Agency/Institution/Social Facility 14,196,075 12.11
4 Street Light (P3) 2,249,205 1.1
5 Night market 933,090 0.80
Total 117,235,968 100.00
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka 2021

F. Telecommunication Facilities
156. Telecommunication facilities in the Bukittinggi City, especially the telephone
network, are currently covered by telephone networks in almost all urban villages. The
existing telephone network in Bukittinggi City is currently served by PT Telkom using
the PSTN (Cable Telephone) network. other services are served by cellular telephone
providers through GSM and CDMA channels.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province Environmental Condition

A. Land Use
157. The development of a city can be seen from changes in land use. Therefore, in
the preparation of the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) for the Bukittinggi City, data on
land use is one of the foundations for planning. Land use in the Bukittinggi City can be
seen in table 2.44 below.

Table 2. 44 Area of Land Use per District in the Bukittinggi City

No Type of Use 2014
Guguk Panjang District
1 Paddy Land 12.73
2 Field/Huma/Garden/Moor 96.70
3 Ponds 1.88
4 Building/Yard 476.85
5 Other 94.94
Total 683.10
Mandiangin Koto Selayan District
1 Paddy Land 190.88
2 Field/Huma/Garden/Moor 517.85
3 Ponds 6.06
4 Building/Yard 427.70
5 Other 73.07
Total 1,215.56
Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District
1 Paddy Land 176.86
2 Field/Huma/Garden/Moor 49.40
3 Ponds 4.27
4 Building/Yard 391.52
5 Other 3.15
Total 625.20
Bukittinggi City
1 Paddy Land 380.47
2 Field/Huma/Garden/Moor 663.95
3 Ponds 12.21
4 Building/Yard 1,296.07
5 Other 171.16
Total 2,523.90
Source: RTRW Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2010 -2030

158. Land use in the Bukittinggi City consists of 1,296.07 ha of building land, 663.95
ha of fields, 380.47 ha of paddy fields, 171.16 ha of others and 12.21 ha of ponds. For

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

more details on land use in the Bukittinggi City, it can be seen in the land use map
159. The spatial pattern is a spatial use allocation plan in the Bukittinggi City which
is carried out by designating potential areas as protected areas and agricultural/non-
agricultural cultivation areas.
160. The development of the spatial pattern for Bukittinggi City itself is based on
several main approaches. that is:
a. Developed spatial structure;
b. Evaluation of land suitability and carrying capacity;
c. Current land use conditions and development trends.
161. The basic principle of spatial use planning is the determination of protected
areas and cultivation areas as stipulated in Law Number 26 of 2007, Government
Regulation Number 26 of 2008 and Presidential Decree Number 32 of 1990 with the
following limitations:
a. A protected area is an area that has the main function of protecting the
sustainability of the environment which includes natural resources. built
resources. historical value. and national culture for the benefit of sustainable
b. Cultivation area is an area determined with the main function to be cultivated
based on the conditions and potential of natural resources. built resources. and
human resources.
162. In balancing the demand and availability (supply) of space to approach optimal
conditions. The planning approach is carried out by harmonizing inter-sectoral
activities with space requirements and natural resource potential based on
environmental sustainability towards sustainable development. The spatial pattern
plan for the Bukittinggi City is a spatial allotment distribution plan in the area which
includes a spatial allotment plan for the protection function and a spatial allotment plan
for cultivation functions.

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 18. Land Use Map of Bukittinggi City

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

An overview of the spatial pattern plan in the Bukittinggi City can be seen in the following table
and figure.

Table 2. 45. Bukittinggi City Spatial Pattern Plan (Area)

(ha) (ha) (ha)
All Regions 652,569 567,215 1,303,750 2,523,900
Protected area 85,169 135,978 327,765 549,012
1. Local Protected Areas 56,687 77,103 195,654 329,444
1.1 Sianok Gorge area 56,687 77,103 195,654 329,444
2. Green Open Space 28,482 58,875 132,111 219,568
2.1 GOS Park 3,624 11,640 44,963 60,327
City Park 2,232 6,528 21,188 29,948
City Forest 1,392 5,112 23,775 30,279
2.2 GOS Specific Functions 22,013 42,992 81,731 146,736
Border of the Sianok Gorge 13,858 31,693 56,285 101,836
River Border 5,032 4,899 15,268 25,200
Public Cemetery 3,124 6,399 10,177 19,700
2.3 GOS Green Line Road 2,845 4,243 5,417 12,505
GOS Green Line and
1,520 1,200 2,345 5,065
GOS Space Under the
1.,25 3,043 3,072 7,440
Cultivation Area 567,399 431,238 975,986 1,974,888
1. Residential Area 320,376 211,357 624,927 1,156,927
1.1 High Density Housing 112,985 104,362 298,424 515,771
1.2 Medium Density Housing 194,511 96,928 326,503 617,942
1.3 Low Density Housing 12,879 10,067 0 22,946
2. Trade and Services Area 32,759 131,424 78,229 242,411
3. Office Area 8,555 10,989 19,402 38,945
4. Tourism Area 0 4,021 0 4,021
5. Other Designated Areas 205,520 74,003 253,428 532,951
5.1 Wetland Agriculture 183,390 0 106,948 290,338
5.2 Dryland farming 0 33,337 111,458 144,795
5.3 Public Service Facility 19,345 40,110 33,906 93,361
5.4 Defense and security 2,974 0,556 1,116 4,090

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 19. Spatial Pattern Map of Bukittinggi City

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

B. Condition of Environmental Health Facilities and Infrastructure

B.1. Wastewater
163. The Bukittinggi City's wastewater management system is currently still on site
(local) consisting of individual and communal systems. and currently there are facilities
that are off site (centralized) as a pilot in Belakang Balok sub district. Generally, at this
time, waste water is used for washing and bathing generally disposed of into a channel
that is united with the drainage canal. As for handling faecal waste water, some use
septic tanks. the rest goes straight to the drainage.
164. Many of the septic tanks built by the community did not meet the criteria and
technical specifications. so that the function becomes cubluk. if the distance to
groundwater/wells is too close. seepage from the waste can contaminate
groundwater/wells which is hazardous to the health of the population. Besides the
individual system. The government of Bukittinggi City has also provided facilities and
infrastructure with a communal system in the form of public toilets/toilets placed in
public facilities such as markets, terminal, entertainment venues and others. The
existing condition of waste water management is shown in the following table:

Table 2. 46. Existing condition of waste water management

No Type Unit Capacity Not Note
Local SPAL (Onsite System)
1 Communal Based
MCK Unit 19 √
2 Stool Truck Unit 1 √
3 IPLT : Capacity M3/day
Local SPAL (Onsite System)
Communal Based
1 Communal septic tank Unit
> 10 households
2 Communal WWTP Unit
3 WWTP System M3/day 1 √ No SR yet
Source: Pemutakhiran Strategi Sanitasi Kota (SSK) Bukittinggi

165. Based on the table above, it can be seen that currently the Bukittinggi City does
not have any sludge trucks, and the construction of WWTP is currently underway in

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

the Belakang Balok sub district. WWTP with a planned number of House Connections
(SR) of 300 SRs.

Table 2. 47. Current Coverage of Domestic Wastewater Services in the Bukittinggi City
No Access Feasible Access
Total appropria
Local SPALD Centralized SPALD
Urban te
No District
Populatio BABS WTPLD Settlements
Individual WTPLD
n (KK) Individual Communa Urban
Septic Community Institutio Specific
Tanks Scale l Scale WTPLD
Based n Based Areas

1 Guguak 43.451 - - - -
834 2.900 10.881 6
2 Mandiangin 52.130 - - - -
164 6.452 3.810 10
Koto Selayan
3 Air Birugo 26.889 - - - -
153 3.110 2.114 3
Tigo Baleh
Source: Data Instrumen SSK Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2019

B.2. Waste
166. The generation of urban waste can be determined by several factors, including
the availability of infrastructure and facilities used by residents in their daily activities
to meet their needs. Based on SK Standard. SNI S-04-1991-03 Specifications for
Waste Generation for small and medium cities in Indonesia is between 2.75 – 3.25
l/person/day. According to BPS data for the Bukittinggi City in Figures for 2020, the
total waste generation for the Bukittinggi City is an average of 107.49 tonnes/day or
3,224.55 tonnes/year. Then referring to the data from the UPTD TPA Regional Waste
of West Sumatra Province, the waste generation from the Bukittinggi City that entered
the Payakumbuh Regional TPA in 2019 was an average of 3.27 tonnes/day, as can
be seen in the following table.

Table 2. 48. Average Weight of Waste Generation from Bukittinggi City to

Payakumbuh Regional TPA January to December 2020
Garbage per day Transported Waste
No Month
Ton/Per day Volume per Day
1 January 101.23 3.14
2 February 104.21 2.92
3 March 98.87 3.07
4 April 103.90 3.12
5 May 113.84 3.53
6 June 119.10 3.57
7 July 107.68 3.34
8 August 103.13 3.20
9 September 105.00 3.15

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Garbage per day Transported Waste

No Month
Ton/Per day Volume per Day
10 October 108.55 3.37
11 November 107.57 3.23
12 December 116.74 3.62
Average 107.49 3.27
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2021

167. Sources of waste in the Bukittinggi City consist of residential/domestic and non-
residential/non-domestic. On average, the sources of waste in the Bukittinggi City
have not yet carried out segregation. The containers provided by the government are
TPS (waste collection sites) made of plastic, wood, stone and containers. Only TPS
made of plastic implement waste segregation. namely organic waste / wet waste and
inorganic waste / dry waste. Even though it's been separated. However, the results of
observations in the field through picking tests, the waste is still in a mixed condition.
The containers and the volume of containers used in waste management in the
Bukittinggi City can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. 49. Number and Capacity of Garbage Containers in the Bukittinggi City

No TPS Type Volume (m3) Total Unit

1 Plastic Twin TPS 0.06 80
2 TPS Wood 1 78
3 Stone/Concrete TPS 3 37
4 Container TPS 6 13
Source: Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan Kota Bukittinggi. 2019

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 20. Map of Bukittinggi City Waste Management

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

B.3. Drainage
168. Drainage management in the Bukittinggi City is handled by the Public Works
Service (DPU) of the Road and Irrigation Infrastructure Sub-Service in the Watering
and Irrigation Section. In general. drainage channels in the Bukittinggi City have
reached almost all areas of the City.
169. The drainage canals have a pattern parallel to the road network. The area
served by drainage consists of 3 sub-systems, namely the Batang Agam, Batang
Tambuo and Daujung sub-systems (Sanitation White Book). With relatively sloping
topography, and with a relatively high city elevation above sea level, this can provide
benefits for the flow of water in the drainage system so that surface runoff flows directly
to the lower plains, namely Batang Sianok and Batang Tambuo.
170. The drainage system in the Bukittinggi City is generally divided into three
1) Open Drainage System
The current open drainage system is sufficient to collect and control rainwater.
2) Closed drainage system
The current closed drainage system is also adequate. however, it is constrained
in terms of cleaning/dredging of sediment, due to the existence of some shops
above the canal (especially the area in the market).
3) Ground drain drainage system
This system has been around for a long time and is very useful for city drainage
when it rains so that the existing soil drainage can accommodate a fairly high
rainfall load (for example, canals in the Batang Agam area).
171. General canal conditions can be described as follows: Channel conditions in
residential areas in the Bukittinggi City generally flow on the side of the main road or
road. where on the side of the main road currently has a fairly good drainage channel
so that both in the rainy season and dry season drainage channels in residential areas
and on the main road can still handle water entering the channel. The Bukittinggi City
has a hilly contour, so water flows by gravity to a lower place. City drainage uses
closed channels, the top of the channel cover is used as a site walk/sidewalk, ± 25 m
is given a manhole to check the smooth flow of water.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 21. Map of the Bukittinggi City Drainage Network System

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

B.4. Clean Water

181. Drinking water infrastructure in the Bukittinggi City is currently served by PDAM
Tirta Jam Gadang. The PDAM's raw water sources come from the Tang River Springs,
Cingkaring Springs, Tabek Gadang Drilling Wells, Birugo Drilling Wells, Palolok
Drilling Wells, and Kubang Putih Shallow Wells.
182. In general, the distribution of drinking water in the Bukittinggi City uses a gravity
system, but each water source has its own way of distributing it to the service area.
Until now, the drinking water service area has almost covered the entire planning area,
although there are several sub-districts that have not been served by PDAM drinking
water services. To support water distribution, several reservoirs have been built with
a total capacity of 3,180 m3. However, due to limited production, not all of these
reservoirs function. The level of drinking water service from PDAM Tirta Jam Gadang
can be seen in the table below:
Table 2. 50. Number of PDAM Customers in 2020
No. Classification/Customer Note
1 Household 7,175 connection
2 Big Trade 77 connection
3 Big industry 1,713 connection
4 Small Commerce 2 connection
5 Small industry 1,050 connection
6 Hotel 30 connection
7 Office 71 connection
8 School 91 connection
9 Hospital 76 connection
10 Social 15 connection
11 KU, MCK, WC, HU 75 connection
12 local government 44 connection
13 ABRI Service 18 connection
14 ABRI General 14 connection
Total 9,154 Connection
Source: PDAM Kota Bukittingi, 2020 Regional Financial Profile

A. Regional Revenue
183. 183. An overview of regional income for the Bukittinggi City in the period 2016
to 2019 experienced an average increase of 4.11 percent per year, but decreased very
sharply in 2020 due to the conditions of the co-19 pandemic. For each of its
components, namely the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) component, it grew by an
average of 18.22 percent, Other legitimate Regional Income grew at 42.53 percent,

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

while balancing funds could be said to be stagnant with growth of only 0.1 percent.
The proportion of each component of regional income can be seen in the table and
graph of the proportion of regional income as follows:

Table 2. 51. Average Regional Expenditure Revenue Budget Growth

Bukittinggi City in 2016 to 2020

No DESCRIPTION 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth

1 INCOME 647,045,711,856 657,146,890,237 696,013,054,721 729,871,404,897 4.11

1.1 generated 71,303,771,736 106,147,934,380 101,935,899,177 111,896,596,612 18.22
1.1.1 Local tax 30,709,690,231 38,282,140,327 45,131,253,075 45,204,119,637 14.24
1.1.2 21,070,502,562 26,939,012,324 29,941,703,285 33,125,468,780 16.54
Results of
1.1.3 Regional 4,636,543,697 4,953,910,645 4,935,906,024 6,071,910,132 9.83
Other legal
1.1.4 14,887,035,246 35,972,871,084 21,927,036,793 27,495,098,063 42.66
1.2 Balancing Fund 547,829,867,933 516,228,868,598 523,061,869,776 547,828,632,512 0.10
1.2.1 15,128,297,227 15,520,149,463 12,590,206,437 9,145,673,440 -14.55
1.2.2 458,968,482,000 450,905,882,000 450,905,882,000 459,952,239,000 0.08
Allocation Fund
1.2.3 73,733,088,706 49,802,837,135 59,565,781,339 78,730,720,072 6.44
Allocation Fund
Balancing Fund
1.2.4 from the 0.00
Other legal
1.3 27,912,072,187 34,770,087,259 71,015,285,768 70,146,175,773 42.53
regional income
1.3.1 Grant - - 15,160,600,000 14,981,800,000 -
1.3.2 - - - - -
Tax revenue-
sharing funds
from the
1.3.3 22,912,072,187 26,270,087,259 27,604,685,768 29,151,151,773 8.45
Province and
Other Local
Fund and
1.3.4 5,000,000,000 7,500,000,000 28,250,000,000 26,013,224,000 106.25
Assistance from
1.3.5 Provinces and - 1,000,000,000 - - -
Other Local
2 Expense 631,173,276,618 590,688,034,803 705,251,103,983 717,087,566,902 4.89
2.1 349,010,851,917 264,787,956,662 304,175,581,134 306,939,664,040 -2.78
2.1.1 336,101,758,265 249,390,763,119 284,870,090,003 293,106,428,610 -2.89
2.1.2 Grant Expense 11,063,426,045 11,813,560,637 16,165,519,500 11,934,939,445 5.82

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

No DESCRIPTION 2016 2017 2018 2019 Growth

2.1.3 Assistance 1,333,685,699 1,244,142,000 1,655,929,463 1,241,900,000 0.46
Financial Aid
2.1.4 511,981,908 597,129,906 1,467,818,668 559,301,925 33.52
2.1.5 - 1,742,361,000 16,223,500 97,094,060 #DIV/0!
2.2 Direct Expense 282,162,424,701 325,900,078,141 401,075,522,849 410,147,902,862 13.61
2.2.1 49,860,243,789 50,967,336,875 39,801,213,124 39,471,245,963 -6.84
Goods and
2.2.2 Services 151,375,611,821 160,938,549,412 183,263,492,531 182,690,201,803 6.63
2.2.3 80,926,569,091 113,994,191,854 178,010,817,194 187,986,455,096 34.21
3 FINANCING 65,263,139,853 22,446,424,662 105,574,316,787 97,049,480,756 98.89
3.1 Financing 88,463,139,853 79,573,559,561 110,574,316,787 97,049,480,756 5.56
SILPA of the
3.1.1 Previous Fiscal 88,463,139,853 79,573,559,561 84,420,180,281 88,590,322,798 0.33
Reserve Fund
3.1.2 - 26,154,136,506 8,459,157,958 -67.66
3.2 Financing 23,200,000,000 57,127,134,899 5,000,000,000 - -15.00
3.2.1 of Reserve 15,000,000,000 43,127,134,899 - - 0.00
3.2.2 8,200,000,000 14,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 - -31.18
Source: Badan Keuangan Tahun 2020

184. The largest proportion of regional income still comes from the Balancing Fund
with an average figure of 75 percent of total regional income in 2018 and 2019. The
proportion of original regional income ranges from 14 percent-16 percent annually
while other legal regional income has a proportion of 10 percent of the total regional
income. This means that the City Government of Bukittinggi still depends quite a lot
on the central government and is far from the goal of autonomy in financing
development in the region.

B. Regional Expenditures
185. Then the realization of regional expenditure for the Bukittinggi City in 2019 was
716,568 million rupiahs. For more details on the realization of regional expenditures
for the Bukittinggi City in 2019, see below:

Table 2. 52. Realization of Government Expenditures for the Bukittinggi City by Type
of Expenditure (millions of rupiah) in 2018-2019

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

No Type of Expenditures 2018 2019

(1) (2) (3) (4)
I Indirect Expenditures 304,176 306,420
1 Personnel Expenditures 284,870 292,587
2 Grant Expenditures 16,166 11,934
3 Social Aid Expenditures 1,656 1,241

4 Financial Aids Expenditures 1,468 559

5 Unpredicted Expenditures 16 97
II Direct Expenditures 401,076 410,147
1 Personnel Expenditures 39,801 39,471

2 Goods and SerVices Expenditures 183,263 182,690

3 Capital Expenditure 178,011 187,986

Total 705,251 716,568
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2020

C. Regional Financing
186. Realization of regional financing for the Bukittinggi City in 2019 amounted to
97,049 million rupiah with details of financing as in the following table.

Table 2. 53. Realization of Bukittinggi City Government Financing (millions of rupiah)

2018-2019 year
No Type of Financing 2018 2019
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I Regional Cost Expenditure 110,574 97,049
1 Remaining of Budgeting Last Year 84,420 88,590
2 Reserve Fund Disbursement 26,154 8,459
Remaining Over Year Budget Financing
II 5,000 -
1 Personnel Expenditures - -

2 Goods and SerVices Expenditures 5,000 -

III Capital Expenditure 95,915 -

Regional Financing (1-2) 105,574 97,049
Source: Kota Bukittinggi Dalam Angka, 2020

2.3. Overview of Work Locations

2.3.1. Intake Plan
187. Based on the results of the Feasibility Study Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City
Regional WSS, the Intake plan will be built in the river area which is the source of raw
water for Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City Regional WSS in the Landia River which
is located at coordinates 100˚ 16' 26.95” East Longitude and 0˚ 20' 18.80” South

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Latitude and Administratively it is in Nagari Sungai Landia, District IV Koto, Agam

188. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
(PUPR) Number 4 of 2015, the Landia River is in the Palembayan Watershed (DAS)
in the Masang-Pasaman River Basin (WS).
189. The Landia River is currently not utilized as a source of raw water for drinking
water and in the majority this river is used as a source of water for irrigating rice fields,
where water is used for irrigation under the authority of the Agam Regency. Based on
the data and information we obtained from the West Sumatra Provincial SDABK
Service, there were 2 (two) D.I. namely D.I. Ngungun and D.I. Induriang with an area
of 7.19 and 3.71 ha. So that the total area under the taking of the Landia River is 10.90
190. The Landia River has a maximum flow rate that has ever occurred, recorded in
regular field discharge of 812 liters/second and a minimum discharge of 310
liters/second. The following is the monthly average discharge from the results of
analysis at the Rainfall Post station from the Landia River.
Table 2. 54. Landia River Monthly Average Discharge Data
Discharge (m3/sec)
No. Month Year
Maximum Average Minimum
1 January 1 0,97 0,47 0,33
2 February 2 0,85 0,44 0,30
3 March 3 0,88 0,46 0,32
4 April 4 0,75 0,44 0,30
5 May 5 0,72 0,44 0,29
6 June 6 1,06 0,47 0,14
7 July 7 1,02 0,54 0,26
8 August 8 0,92 0,46 0,13
9 September 9 0,86 0,49 0,33
10 October 10 0,83 0,49 0,33
11 November 11 1,08 0,59 0,30
12 December 12 1,04 0,49 0,32
Source: Dokumen Fasibility Study WSS Regional Agam Regency – Kota Bukittinggi, 2021

191. Based on the results of the analysis and calculation of reliable debits,
instantaneous measurements in the field, and raw water quality testing in the
laboratory as stated in the Regional WSS Fasibility Study document for Agam

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Regency – Bukittinggi City on each of the Ballingka River and Landia River are
presented in the following table.
Table 2. 55. Landia River Discharge Data
Landia River Note
Quantity § Max Discharge = 336.01 l/s The quantity of raw water sources
§ Min discharge = 310 l/s for the Balingka River to be utilized
§ Average Debit = 323.80 l/sec is 165 liters/second and the Landia
§ Mainstay discharge = 310 l/sec River is 196 liters/second
Quality The results of the water quality test From the results of water quality
conducted in March 2021 of 2021 tests, both sources of raw water can
based on PP 82 of 2001, showed that be used as a source of drinking
turbidity and Fe content were below water
(adjusted for water quality test results)
quality standards, namely:
§ Turbidity of 2.92 NTU
§ Fe (Iron) content < 0.028 mg/L
Operational Gravity Raw Water Transmission By utilizing raw water sources from
System the Balingka River and Landia
River, both transmission systems
can be carried out by gravity from
the intake to the WTP location.
Source: Dokumen Fasibility Study WSS Regional Agam Regency – Kota Bukittinggi, 2021

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 22. Location of the Planned Intake on the Landia River

Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

2.3.2. Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Plan

192. Based on the Regional WSS Feasibility Study Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City,
WTP is planned to be built in Bungin, Nagari Balingka District IV Koto. WTP Bungin is
a production unit that produces clean water with a production capacity of 180
liters/second for the Agam - Bukittinggi Regional WSS service, especially to the
Canduang and Balingka off-take service areas for Agam Regency and Bengkaweh
Off-take for Bukittinggi City.

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 23. WTP Planned Location in Nagari Balingka

Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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193. The following is an explanation of the capacity of the water treatment plant
system that is planned to be built in Bungin Nagari Balingka, IV Koto District, Agam
Regency. WTP Capacity

194. WTP capacity is designed to be able to produce clean water of 180
liters/second. In planning the Bungin WTP design, the WTP planning criteria are used
by using a water loss rate of 10% where this water loss is caused by sludge removal
activities from the transmission system, sludge dewatering in the sedimentation unit,
and filter washing processes. So that the WTP Bungin is designed to be able to
process raw water with a capacity of 200 liters/second. WTP Location Lay Out

195. WTP is built on a contour plot of ± 1 Ha. The planned mass of the building
consists of:
a. Concrete WTP building production capacity of 180 l/second (2 x 90
b. Reservoir 2,614 m3 (2 x 1,307 m3)
c. Sludge Treatment Pond/Sludge Drying Bed
d. Office Space: consists of the head of WTP and Staff
e. Laboratory room; consists of a chemical dosing room, laboratory and chemical
f. Electrical and mechanical panel room, transformer room and generator room
g. Equipment Warehouse Room
h. Main meter space and Balingka offtake

196. While the landscape consists of fences, access roads and environmental roads,
parking lots, drainage, outside lighting, and gardens. The lay out of the Bungin clean
water production unit is presented in the following figure.

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Figure 2. 24. Bungil WTP Situation Map/Layout

Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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2.3.3. Regional WSS Service Plan for Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City
197. Based on the study results of the Feasibilty Study document for the Regional
WSS service scheme. Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City is divided into 3 zones: Zone
1 (Canduang off-take), Zone 2 (Bengkaweh off-take), and Zone 3 (Balingka off-take).
In detail described as follows: Canduang Off-Take (Zone 1)

198. The target service level from Canduang off-take up to 2027 is 47.48%, with a
planned absorption of 7,286 SR for 3 Districts 12 Nagari with a total debit allocation of
75 l/s. In detail it can be explained as follows:
1. Banuhampu District:
a. Nagari Taluak Ampek Suku, allocation of discharge 6.11 l/s, new installation
of 816 SR
b. Nigari Ladang Laweh, allocation of discharge 4.3 l/sec, newly installed 616
c. Nagari Kubang Putiah, debit allocation 4.71, new padang 672 SR
2. Ampek Angkek District:
a. Nagari Batu Taba, discharge allocation of 4.32 l/s, new installation of 444
b. Nagari Pasia, allocated discharge of 2.97 l/s, new installation of 324 SR
c. Nagari Ampang Gadang, allocation of discharge 5.63 l/sec, newly installed
760 SR
d. Nagari Balai Gurah, allocated 4.67 l/sec, newly installed 623 SR
e. Nagari Biaro Gadang, allocated 7.08 l/sec, newly installed 798 SR
f. Nagari Lambah, allocation of 4.22 l/sec, newly installed 488 SR
g. Nagari Panampuang, allocated 5.62 l/sec, newly installed 612 SR
3. Canduang District:
a. Nagari Bukit Batabuah, allocated 5.63 l/sec, newly installed 786 SR
b. Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh, allocated 2.4 l/sec, newly installed 349 SR

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
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Figure 2. 25. Location of the Canduang Offtake Plan

Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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Schematic of the Canduang off-take service can be seen in the following.

Figure 2. 26. Schematic of Zone 1 Offtake Service Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City
Regional WSS Bangkaweh Off-Take (Zone 2)

199. The target service level from Bangkaweh off-take up to 2027 is 71.50%, with a
planned absorption of 8,368 SR for 2 Districts 11 Sub-Districts with a total debit
allocation of 80 l/s. In detail it can be explained as follows:
1. Mandiangin District:
a. Pulai Anak Air Village, allocation of 8.43 l/sec, new installation of 532 SR
b. Koto Selayan Village, allocation of discharge 4.66 l/sec, new installation of
145 SR
c. Garegeh Village, allocation of discharge 5.67 l/sec, new installation of 249
d. Manggis Ganting Village, allocation of debit 7.46 l/sec, new installation of
432 SR

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

e. Campago Ipuh Village, allocation of debit 12.03 l/d, new installation of 900
f. Puhun Tembok Village, allocation of debit 8.49 l/d, new installation of 537
g. Puhun Pintu Kabun Village, allocation of debit 9.43 l/d, new installation of
634 SR
h. Kubu Gulai Bancah Urban Village, allocation of debit 8.31 l/d, new
installation of 519 SR
i. Campago Guguk Bulek Urban Village, allocation of debit 9.84 l/d, new
installation of 676 SR
2. Guguk Panjang District:
a. Bukit Apit Buhun Urban Village, allocation of discharge 2.76 l/sec, new
installation of 269 SR
b. Kayu Kubu Village, allocation of discharge 2.92 l/sec, new installation of 177

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 27. Location of the Bangkaweh Offtake Plan

Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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Schematic of the Bangkaweh off-take service can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2. 28. Schematic of Offtake Service Zone 2 Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City
Regional WSS Balingka Off-Take (Zone 3)

200. The target level of service from the Balingka off-take up to 2028 is 91.49%, with
a planned absorption of 3,901 SR for 2 Districts 9 Nagari with a total debit allocation
of 25 l/s. In detail it can be explained as follows:
1. IV Koto District:
a. Nagari Balingka, allocated 0.27 l/s, newly installed 94 SR
b. Nigari Koto Tuo, allocation of discharge 1.68 l/s, newly installed 462 SR
c. Nagari Koto Gadang, discharge allocation of 1.99 l/s, new installation of 375
d. Nagari Guguak Tabek Sarojo, allocation of debit 5.05 l/sec, newly installed
418 SR
e. Nagari Sianok IV Suku, allocated discharge 2 l/d, new installation 254 SR
2. Banuhampu District:

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

a. Nagari Pakan Sinayan, allocation of discharge 5.67 l/s, newly installed 618
b. Nagari Sungai Tanang, allocation of discharge 3.59 l/s, new tide 395 SR
c. Nagari Padang Lua, allocated debit 3.79 l/s, new installation 856 SR
d. Nagari Cingkariang, allocation of debit 3.35 l/s, newly installed 429 SR

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Figure 2. 29. The location of the Balingka Offtake Plan within the Bungin WTP Location Area
Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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Schematic of the Balingka off-take service can be seen in the following.

Figure 2. 30. Schematic of Offtake Service Zone 3 Agam Regency – Bukittinggi City
Regional WSS
Source: PPC Sumatera Barat, data diolah

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


3.1. AMDAL Methodological Approach

3.1.1. Applicable Laws and Policies related to AMDAL Preparation
240. The applicable laws and policies of the Government of Indonesia regarding the
preparation of the AMDAL related to the Planned activities of the Agam - Bukittinggi
Regional WSS, West Sumatra, are as follows:
a. Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental
Protection and Management;
b. Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government;
c. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation;
d. RI Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of
Environmental Protection and Management;
e. Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 04 of 2021 concerning List of Businesses and/or Activities
Required to Have an Analysis of Environmental Impacts, Environmental
Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts or a Statement of
Commitment to Manage and Monitor the Environment;
f. Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 05 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Issuing Technical
Approval and Operational Feasibility Letters in the Field of Environmental Pollution
Control; And
g. Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 06 of 2021 concerning Procedures and Requirements for
Managing Hazardous and Toxic Waste.

3.1.2. Preparation phase

241. To carry out the work of preparing the AMDAL of Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS,
West Sumatra, at the preparatory stage to prepare the activity plan for the AMDAL
Preparation Team to be carried out includes:
a. Checking (validation) and Management of Applications
b. Suitability of the location of the activity plan with the spatial layout of the

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

authorized agency. This section describes the suitability of the location of the
planned business and/or activity with the spatial plan in accordance with the
provisions of the laws and regulations.
c. Information on the conformity of the location of the planned business and/or
activity with the spatial plan as mentioned above can be presented in the form of
an overlay map between the map of the project site boundaries for the planned
business and/or activity and the RTRW maps of Agam Regency, Bukittinggi City,
and West Sumatra Province.
d. Checking regarding principle permits for activities by the relevant authorities in
accordance with the direction of Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021.
e. Secondary data collection includes RTRW maps, land use maps, and others.
f. Preliminary survey to see the existing condition of the activity plan location to
determine the scope of the study area.
g. Determination of the scope of the study component.

242. In this preparatory stage the method used is through direct communication
between the AMDAL preparation team, the initiator of the activity plan, relevant agencies
and the affected community at the location of the activity plan, as well as indirect
communication via electronic mail (e-mail), as well as via telephone and WhatsApp.

3.1.3. Environmental Study Approach

243. Planned activities for the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS, West Sumatra, which
will be implemented, namely:
a. The water intake with a capacity of 200 liters/second is located in a protected forest
area, the water source comes from the Landia River in Jorong Ranah, Nagari Sungai
Landia, IV Koto District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province.
b. The transmission network from the water intake to the WTP is 8,731 meters long.
c. The WTP location with a production capacity of 180 liters/second is in Bungin, Nagari
Balingka, IV Koto District, Agam Regency, covering an area of + 1 Ha.
d. The water distribution line from WTP Bungin to the customer's house connection,
consists of:
1) Distribution route from WTP Bungin to service areas in Zone I (Offtake Canduang
service area): Sub district/Nagari Taluak Ampek Suku, Ladang Laweh, Kubang

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Putiah-Banuhampu District; Sub district/Nagari Batu Taba, Pasia, Ampang Gadang,

Balai Gurah, Biaro Gadang, Lambah, Panampuang-Ampek Angkek District;
Canduang Koto Laweh Village/Nagari Village, Lasi, Bukit Batabuah-Canduang
District, and Subdistrict/Nagari Sungai Pua, Sungai Pua District-Agam Regency;
2) Distribution route from WTP Bungin to service areas in Zone II (Bengkaweh offtake
service area: Kelurahan/Nagari Bukit Cangang Kayu Ramang, Tarok Dipo, Pakan
Kurai, Aur Tajungkang Tengah Sawah, Benteng Pasar Atas, Kayu Kubu, Bukit Apit
Puhun-District Guguk Panjang; Kelurahan/Nagari Pulai Anak Air, Koto Selayan,
Garegeh, Manggis Ganting, Campago Ipuh, Puhun Tembok, Puhun Pintu Kabun,
Campago Guguk Bulek-Mandiangin Koto Selatan District; Kelurahan/Nagari Rear
Balok, Sapiran, Birugo, Aur Kuning, Pakan Labuah, Kubuh Tanjung, Ladang
Cakiah, Parit Antang-Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District-Bukittinggi City;
3) Distribution routes from WTP Bungin to service areas in Zone III (Balingka Offtake
service area): Balingka Village/Nagari, Gadang City, Guguak TS, Sianok VI Suku,
Koto Tuo-IV Koto District; Pakan Sinayan Village/Nagari, Padang Lua, Sungai
Tanang, Cingkariang-Banuhampa District-Agam Regency;
e. Distribution route from WTP Bungin to supporting service areas: Kelurahan/Nagari
Sungai Landia, Koto Panjang-District IV Kota-Agam Regency.
f. The total number of house connections (SR) is 37,577 units, consisting of 16,750
house connections in Zone I, 15,875 units in Zone II, and 4,952 units in Zone III.

244. The environmental study approach for the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS activity
plan, West Sumatra, is based on:
a) Sustainable Development Concept
The concept of sustainability contains at least two dimensions, namely the time
dimension because sustainability concerns nothing but what will happen in the future,
and the dimension of interaction between the economic system and natural and
environmental resource systems (Heal, 1998 in Fauzi, 2004). Pezzey (1992) looks at
the sustainability aspect from a different angle.
In addition to the operational definition above, Haris (2000) in Fauzi (2004) sees that
the concept of sustainability can be broken down into three aspects of understanding,

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

1) Economic sustainability, which is defined as development that is able to produce

goods and services continuously to maintain government sustainability and avoid
sectoral imbalances that can damage production.
2) Environmental sustainability: An environmentally sustainable system must be
able to maintain stable resources, avoid natural resource exploitation and
environmental absorption functions. This concept also concerns the maintenance
of biodiversity, air space stability, and other ecosystem functions that are not
included in the category of economic resources.
3) Social sustainability: Social sustainability is defined as a system capable of
achieving equality, providing social services including health, education, gender,
and political accountability.

b) Environmental policy
The implementation of environmental policies has been marked by Law no. 32 of
2009 concerning the Protection and Management of the Environment and Law
Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. As the implementation of these two
laws, Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of
Environmental Protection and Management was issued.
Based on the provisions in Article 8, Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021, the
criteria for businesses and/or activities that have a significant impact on the
environment that are required to have an Amdal consist of:
1) Changes in land forms and landscapes;
2) Exploitation of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable;
3) Processes and activities that can potentially cause environmental pollution and/or
environmental damage as well as wastage and degradation of natural resources
in their utilization;
4) processes and activities whose results can affect the natural environment, the
built environment, as well as the social and cultural environment;
5) Processes and activities whose results will affect the conservation of natural
resource conservation areas and/or the protection of cultural heritage;
6) Introduction of types of plants, animals and microorganisms;
7) Production and use of biological and non-biological materials;
8) Activities that have a high risk and/or affect national defense; and/or

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

9) Application of technology which is predicted to have great potential to affect the


c) Approach to the study of AMDAL preparation

For the preparation of Amdal using a single Amdal study approach based on the
provisions of Article 22, Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021, where the
planned activities of the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS, West Sumatra, the
guidance and/or supervision authority is under one ministry, non-ministerial
government agencies, organizations provincial regional apparatus or district/city
regional apparatus organization, in this case the Cipta Karya, Bina Marga, and Spatial
Planning Office, West Sumatra Province.

3.1.4. Method of collecting data Public Consultation
245. The public consultation activity will generate a number of suggestions, opinions,
and responses from the community which will become input in evaluating potential
impacts at the scoping process stage.
246. The method that will be used in the implementation of public consultations is
through face-to-face discussions with the community that will be affected by the planned
activities of the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS, West Sumatra.
247. Participants who will be invited in the public consultation activity consist of:
a. Communities that will be directly affected, starting from water intake activities,
transmission lines, WTP, and clean water distribution lines to the customer's house
b. Community leaders/traditional leaders;
c. State government officials
d. District administration officials
e. Head of District Health Center
f. Head of District Police (Polsek).
g. District Komandan Komando Rayon Militer (Koramil)
h. PDAM Tirta Antokan, Agam Regency
i. Perumda Drinking Water Tirta Jam Gadang, Bukittinggi City
j. Agam Regency Environmental Service

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

k. Cipta Karya Office of Agam Regency

l. Bukittinggi City Environmental Service
m. Cipta Karya Office of Bukittinggi City
n. Department of the Environment of West Sumatra Province

248. Public consultations were carried out twice, first for the Agam Regency area and
secondly for the Bukittinggi City area. Announcement of Activity Plans through Print Media

249. Announcement of activity plans through print media, both local newspapers and
through space media (banners/banners) is done to collect suggestions. Responses, and
income from the community to serve as input in evaluating potential impacts at the
scoping process stage.
250. The selected newspapers are local West Sumatra newspapers which are widely
read by the people of West Sumatra, while banners/banners will be placed in public
spaces, including, project site locations, village government offices, sub-district offices,
and the Office of the Environment Agency. Secondary Data Collection

251. Collection of secondary data to collect environmental baseline data around the
project site of the Agam-Bukittinggi Regional WSS activity plan, West Sumatra, both in
Agam Regency and in the Bukittinggi City.
252. Secondary data collected among others:
a. Data on the RTRW of Agam Regency, RTRW of Bukittinggi City, and RTRW of
West Sumatra Province
b. Map Data for Termination of Granting New Permits (PPIB)
c. Forest Area Map Data
d. Environmental baseline data for geophysical-chemical components, including
climatology, hydrology, geology, morphology, topography, ambient air quality, river
water quality, groundwater quality, soil physico-chemical quality, etc.;
e. Environmental baseline data for biological components, including the condition of
flora and fauna as well as aquatic biota;
f. Environmental baseline data for social components, including population,

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

livelihoods, community income, etc.;

g. Environmental baseline data for the public health component, including the number
of health facilities and personnel, environmental sanitation, nutritional status, and
disease prevalence. Primary Data Collection

A. Methods of Collecting Data on Chemical Geophysical Components
1. Air Quality and Noise
Air quality and noise data are primary data obtained from field measurements.
Measurements of air quality and noise were carried out in the study area and in
settlements that are predicted to be affected by development activities. Air quality in
the location area and its surroundings is very dependent on the geographical,
topographic, climatological and meteorological conditions of the area, while noise can
arise both from natural processes/activities such as wind and human activities. The
parameters for ambient air quality and noise taken for the AMDAL study are gas and
particulate (dust) and noise levels.
Measurements in the field are based on movement and dominant wind direction.
Sampling of ambient air is carried out by operating the Impinger for gas and a dust
sampler for dust measurement. The gas solution and air samples obtained were
analyzed in the laboratory using a spectrophotometer and gas chromatography.
The sampling was based on the consideration that pollutant gases and dust in the
ambient air and noise levels would be dispersed, and that they might have an impact
on receptors, namely humans and the surrounding environment.
Sampling locations were determined based on the following considerations:
1) Project plan
2) Dominant wind direction and speed in the project plan
3) The pattern or distribution of settlements/activities around the project site
The implementation of air sampling and analysis of air pollutant levels is carried out
in collaboration with laboratories appointed by the Government.
The sample points for observing air quality and noise are carried out at the same point
which is considered representative of the activity plan, namely:
a) Location of water intake, 1 point
b) Location of transmission lines, 1 point

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

c) Location of WTP Bungin, 1 point

d) Location of Offtaker Canduang, 1 point
e) Location of Offtaker Bangkaweh, 1 point
f) Location of clean water distribution lines to house connections in Agam Regency,
1 point
g) Location of clean water distribution lines to house connections in Bukittinggi City,
1 point
Air quality and noise measurement time is carried out for 24 hours.
2. Surface Water Quality
Sampling of surface water quality was taken directly at the location of the water intake
(in the Landia River = 2 points) and WTP Bungin (Balingka River = 2 points).
3. Groundwater Quality
Groundwater quality taking is carried out directly at the location of the settlements
that will be affected which are close to the Bungin WTP development site.
4. Traffic Disturbances
Primary data collection to calculate the frequency of traffic directly in the field at the
WTP location and several points on the clean water distribution route to the
customer's home connection.

B. B. Biological Component Data Collection Methods

1. Flora and Fauna
Collection of primary flora and fauna data is carried out directly in the field by
identifying the types of flora and fauna found at the project site and its surroundings..
2. Aquatic Biota
Sampling of surface water biota was taken directly at the location of the water intake
(in the Landia River = 2 points) and WTP Bungin (Balingka River = 2 points).

C. Data Collection Methods for Social, Economic and Cultural Components and
Public Health
1. Job Opportunities and Business Opportunities
Collecting data on employment opportunities and business opportunities by
conducting direct interviews with selected respondents in each of the study villages.
2. Community Attitudes and Perceptions

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Collecting data on Community Attitudes and Perceptions by conducting direct

interviews with selected respondents in each of the study villages.
3. Public Security and Order
Community Security and Order data was collected by conducting direct interviews
with selected respondents in each of the study villages.
4. Prevalence of disease
Disease prevalence data was collected by conducting direct interviews with selected
respondents in each study village.
5. Environmental Sanitation
Collection of Environmental Sanitation data by conducting direct interviews with
selected respondents in each of the study villages.

3.1.5. Data Analysis Methods Chemical Physical Environment Components
1. Air Quality and Noise
Data from laboratory analysis of air quality and noise are tabulated, then compared
with the quality standards in accordance with applicable regulations and analyzed
2. Surface Water Quality
The results of laboratory analysis of surface water quality are tabulated, then
compared with the quality standards in accordance with applicable regulations and
analyzed descriptively.
3. Groundwater Quality
Data from laboratory analysis of groundwater quality were prepared in tabulations,
then compared with the quality standards in accordance with applicable regulations
and analyzed descriptively.
4. Traffic Disturbances
The data from the analysis of traffic counts is made into tabulations, then analyzed
descriptively. Biological Environmental Components

1. Flora and Fauna

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Data from the identification of flora and fauna were made into tabulations, then
analyzed descriptively.
2. Aquatic Biota
Data from laboratory analysis of aquatic biota were prepared in tabulations, then
compared with quality standards according to applicable regulations and analyzed
descriptively. Environmental, Social, Economic and Cultural Components as well as

Public Health
1. Job and Business Opportunities
Data from interviews with respondents were made into tabulations, then analyzed
2. Community Attitudes and Perceptions
Data from interviews with respondents were made into tabulations, then analyzed
3. Public Security and Order
Data from interviews with respondents were made into tabulations, then analyzed
4. Prevalence of disease
Data from interviews with respondents were made into tabulations, then analyzed
5. Environmental Sanitation
Data from interviews with respondents were made into tabulations, then analyzed

3.1.6. Impact Prediction Method Significant Impact Prediction Method
1. Decreased Air Quality
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
The method for estimating the magnitude of the contribution of activities to air
quality degradation by transportation activities uses the Gaussian equation
formula for finite and discontinuous line sources:

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

1 H p2
2q - 1 1 2
C x,0,0;H = e2 σz e -2 p dp
2π σ2 u p1 2π

H= initial emission height (muffler)
H = 0, value in [ ] = 1
C = Emission concentration (g/m³)
Q = Emission rate from source per unit length of road (g/sec.m) = pollutant emitted
per unit time
u = wind speed in the X direction or perpendicular to the road axis (m/s).
σ = Coefficient of dispersion
Z = the height of the affected location under review (meters).
p = length of road (limited every 100 meters) which will be studied for pollutant
distribution within ecological limits.
q = EF x A x (1 – ER/100)
EF = Emission Factor = total pollutant emitted by each activity component unit from
an emission source.
Emission factors for the use of gasoline fuel:
CO = 462.63 grams/liter of gasoline;
NOx = 21.35 grams/liter of gasoline;
Emission factors for the use of diesel fuel:
CO = 35.57 grams/liter of diesel;
NOx = 39.53 grams/liter of diesel;
(Source: Deputi Bidang Tata Lingkungan, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, 2007);

Estimation of dust distribution, using the empirical equation Emission Factor of

fugitive dust from activity sources on dirt roads, for each vehicle mileage:
RTSP = 5.9 x (slit/12) x (speed/30) x (weight/3)0.7 x whells/4)0.5
(Reference source: US EPA, 1998)
R = Emission Factor, grams/mile
Slit = dust content on the dirt road surface (%)
Speed = average vehicle speed (miles/hour)
Weight = Average vehicle weight (tonnes/unit)
Wheels = Average number of vehicle wheels

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

2. Increased Noise
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
In estimating the impact of noise, 2 (two) aspects are covered, namely the
accumulation of noise levels from various sound sources and the noise level by the

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

distance to the noise source. The accumulated noise level due to n sound sources
is calculated based on the following formula:

é P12 P 22 Pn 2 ù
Lptotal = 10 log ê 2
+ + ... + ú
ë P0 P02 P02 û


Total LP = Total noise level (dBA)

P1 = Intensity of sound source 1 (N/m2)

P2 = Intensity of sound source 2 (N/m2)

Pn = intensity of sound source n (N/m2)

P0 = Intensity of reference sound (N/m2)

Changes in noise levels as a result of changes in distance to point sources are
calculated using the formula:

Lp 2 = Lp1 - 20 log
The change in noise level as a result of the change in distance to the line source is
calculated using the formula:
Lp 2 = Lp1 - 10 log

Lp1 = noise level at a distance of r1
Lp2 = noise level at a distance of r2
r1 = distance 1 from the noise source
r2 = distance 2 from the noise source

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).
3. Run Off
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
The formal method is using a mathematical method with the following formula:
Q = 0,0278 CAI
ΔQ = 0,0278 (Cp-Ch) x I x A

Q= Surface runoff rate (m³/s)

C1= runoff coefficient (no activity)
C2= runoff coefficient (with activity)
I= rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
A= rain catchment area (km²)

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

4. Decrease in River Water Debit

a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
The following equation is used:
Q Change = Q final – Q initial

Q changes: Results of changes in river channel discharge
Q Final: River channel discharge during operation
Q Initial : River channel discharge at the time of Initial Environmental Baseline
If the result is (+) then there is an increase in river water discharge
If the result is (–) then there is a decrease in river water discharge

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

The determination of the significant nature of the impact uses the criteria for the
nature of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).
5. Decrease in River Water Quality
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
Decreasing the quality of surface water using the mixing zone formula as follows:
Q1xC1 + (Q2xC2)
C3 =
(Q1 + Q2)
C3 surface water quality concentration by activity;
C1 wastewater concentration
C2 Concentration of receiving water bodies;
Q1 wastewater discharge
Q2 discharge of the receiving water body
b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact
Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

6. Traffic Disturbance
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
The estimated V/C ratio results are compared to baseline V/C ratio value

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

7. Disturbance to Flora
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
∆F = Ep - Et
Fp Total vegetation area with the project site;
Ft Total site vegetation (without project), in this case using baseline data;

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).
8. Disturbance to Fauna
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
To estimate the magnitude of the impact on fauna, use the following equation:
Wildlife = Number of Animals/Habitat (Roaming)

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

9. Disturbance to Aquatic Biota

a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
/0 /0
, = − log
1 1

H' Shannon-Weaver diversity index

this is the number of individuals of the 1st genus
N The total number of individuals of all genera

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

10. Increasing Job Opportunities and Business Opportunities

a. Impact magnitude forecasting method

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

The forecasting method used to measure the magnitude of the impact of changes in
employment and business opportunities is the formal method, with the following

FGHBIH;BIB?J :K 9:; <==:>?@AB?BCD

9:; <==:>?@AB?BCD % = ×QRR%

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the nature
of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).
11. Changes in Public Attitudes and Perceptions
a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
The magnitude of the impact was obtained from the analysis of the
questionnaire distributed to the respondents. To calculate the results of
interviews on public perception (witout project) use the following formula:
SM= PM / PTot x 100%

SM = Acceptance and support for activities
PM = Total population that accepts and supports
PTot = Number of residents of the related Village/Village (people)
As for the with project activities, it can be calculated from the number of respondents
who are willing to acquire land and hope for the construction phase workforce
PerceptionWIP= Number of Statements x 100%

The next step is to calculate the magnitude of the impact

Impact Magnitude with Project – Without Project

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the
nature of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22).

12. The emergence of public unrest

a. Impact magnitude forecasting method
Comparing the health conditions of the community without the project and
after the project activities, especially the 10 most common diseases that the
community suffers from.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

b. Estimation of the significant nature of the impact

Determination of the significant nature of the impact using the criteria for the
nature of the significant impact (Law 32 of 2009 article 22). Significant Impact Evaluation Method

253. Holistic evaluation of significant impacts using the impact flowchart method.
3.1.7. Directions for Environmental Management and Monitoring Formulation of Environmental Management Plan (RKL)
254. In this section, the drafters of the AMDAL document describe the forms of
environmental management carried out for the impacts that arise in order to avoid,
prevent, minimize and/or control negative impacts and enhance positive impacts.
255. The description is stated briefly and clearly in the form of a matrix or table which
contains the management of the resulting impacts, by conveying the following elements:
a. Environmental impacts (significant impacts and other environmental impacts).
b. Source of impact (significant impacts and other environmental impacts).
c. Indicators of success in environmental management.
d. Forms of environmental management.
e. Location of environmental management.
f. Period of environmental management.
g. Environmental Management Institution (PLH).

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Table 3.1. Example of Environmental Management Plan Matrix (RKL)

Indicators of Environmen
Managed Forms of Location of Environmental
Success in tal
Environmental Impact Source Environmental Environmental Management
No. Environmental Managemen
Impact Management Management Institution
Management t Period

Significant Impacts That Are Managed (Results of Management Directions in ANDAL)

1. Deterioration Mobilization of The concentration of a. Regularly watering a. Within the project site at least twice a a. Implementing
of ambient air tools and dust that arises does not roads which is a source of air day Agencies, namely the
quality (dust materials during exceed the ambient air quality pollutant, West Sumatra BPUR
b. Install the barrier Office as the initiator
parameter) the construction quality standard for dust b. On the road and contractor for
plate on the tire
phase parameters implementing the

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Indicators of Environmen
Managed Forms of Location of Environmental
Success in tal
Environmental Impact Source Environmental Environmental Management
No. Environmental Managemen
Impact Management Management Institution
Management t Period
2 Increased rate of Soil erosion due Stable rate of a. Planting the area a. In the area around a. Planting a. Institution
sedimentation in to natural or sedimentation in the area around the river with the reservoir within a once with Executing planting
the River anthropogenic around the river during erosion-resistant plants radius of 5 km maintenance and giving
causes in areas the age of the river b. Providing b. In social boundaries once a month understanding at
adjacent to understanding to that may contribute to b. Giving social boundaries,
rivers residents who are increased understanding namely as the
active in erosion- anthropogenic erosion is done once a initiator
prone areas in order c. Beyond social year b. Executing
to reduce activities boundaries that may agencies
that can be a source still contribute to providing
of anthropogenic increased understanding
erosion anthropogenic erosion outside
d. Detailed location can social boundaries,
be seen on the map namely the
government of X
c. The supervisory
agency is the
District BLHD
X, Office of Public
Works District X,
BLH Province Y,
Department of
3 Etc Public Works
Province Y
d. Report
Agencies, namely
BLHD District X,
Public Works
Agency District X,
Province Y,
PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV | Department of
PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo Public Works
Province Y 125
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Description of the contents of the Table is as follows:

1. Managed environmental impact
In this column, the preparation of the Amdal document describes briefly and clearly
the environmental impacts that occur as a result of a planned business and/or
2. Source of impact
In this column, the AMDAL document drafter briefly describes the components of
the activity that cause the impact.
3. Indicators of success in environmental management
In this column, the authors of the Amdal document explain the success indicators
of environmental management carried out to control environmental impacts. An
environmental management plan can be categorized as successful if the
management plan can control its impacts so that the impacts that arise can be
avoided, minimized or mitigated. An example is that for the impact of an increase
in the rate of erosion [environmental impact] due to plantation land clearing
activities [source of impact] which causes soil erosion, the objective of managing
the impact is to control soil erosion. An indicator of successful management of this
impact is that the rate of erosion can be controlled up to a certain agreed limit, for
example <9 tons/ha/year for soil with a thickness of 150 cm (Criteria for Soil
Degradation for Biomass Production, PP 150 Year 2000).
4. Forms of Environmental Management
In this column, the drafters of the Amdal document explain in detail the
environmental management efforts that will be carried out. In general, forms of
environmental management can be categorized into three groups namely:
a. Technological approach
This approach is the methods or technology used to manage significant
environmental impacts. Example:

1) Installing sound barriers to reduce noise;

2) To prevent vibration and disturbance to the buildings around the project, the
piles do not use a hammer pile system but a drill pile system”; or

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

3) other forms of environmental management plans that use a technological

b. Socio-economic approach
This approach is the steps that will be taken by the initiator in an effort to mitigate
significant impacts through actions based on social interaction and assistance from
the government's role. Example:
1) Establishing good social interaction with the community around the project
location, including information disclosure and socialization of activity plans
prior to project implementation”;
2) Prioritizing the absorption of local regional manpower according to expertise
and education: or
3) Other forms of environmental management plans that prioritize socio-
economic interactions.
c. Institutional approach
This approach is an institutional mechanism that will be adopted by the initiator in
order to overcome significant environmental impacts.
1) This approach is an institutional mechanism that will be adopted by the initiator
in the context of tackling significant environmental impacts.
2) "coordinating with the affected agencies and coordinating with the local
government (Mayor, Camat, Lurah etc)";
3) “another form of environmental management plan that emphasizes the
institutional approach to managing environmental impacts.
Important notes:
1) It should also be remembered that, it is not necessary that every impact to be
managed is obliged to provide the three forms of management referred to
above, but rather which form is selected which is relevant and effective for
managing the impact.
2) It should also be noted that in formulating forms of environmental management,
the status of the impacts to be managed must also be seen, whether primary
impacts (impacts that are the direct result of activities), secondary impacts
(first derivative impacts of primary impacts), or tertiary impacts ( secondary
impact from the primary impact). By understanding the status of impacts like
this, a management plan can be formulated in an appropriate manner,

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

because if a primary impact has been properly managed, it is highly likely that
derivative impacts will never occur and there is certainly no need to formulate
management specifically for these derivative impacts.
5. Location of environmental management
In this column, the drafters of the AMDAL document explain the location plan for
environmental management activities by taking into account the nature of the
distribution of impacts being managed. Also complete with management location
maps, sketches, and/or drawings with an adequate scale. The included map must
comply with cartographic principles.
6. Period of environmental management
In this column, the drafters of the AMDAL document briefly describe the plan for
when and how long environmental management activities will be carried out by
taking into account: the nature of the significant impacts and other environmental
impacts being managed (length of time, cumulative nature, and whether or not the
impact returns).
7. Environmental management institutions
In this column, the AMDAL document drafter must include
institutions and/or institutions that will deal with, have an interest in, and be related
to environmental management activities, in accordance with the applicable laws
and regulations at both the national and regional levels in each environmental
management plan.
Environmental management institutions that need to be disclosed include::
a. Executor of environmental management
List implementing institutions that are responsible for implementing and as
funders for environmental management activities. If in carrying out
environmental management activities the initiator assigns or cooperates with
other parties, then include the institution in question.
b. Environmental management supervisor
List the agencies that will act as supervisors for the implementation of the RKL.
Agencies involved in supervision may be more than one agency in accordance
with the scope of authority and responsibility, as well as the applicable laws and
c. Reporting of environmental management results

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

List the agencies that will receive regular reports on environmental management
activities in accordance with the scope of work of the agency concerned, and
the applicable laws and regulations. Formulation of Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL)

256. Environmental monitoring can be used to understand phenomena that occur at
various levels, starting from the project level (to understand the behavior of impacts
arising from businesses and/or activities), down to the regional or even regional level;
depending on the scale of the problem at hand.
257. Monitoring is an ongoing, systematic and planned activity. Monitoring is carried
out on relevant environmental components to be used as indicators to evaluate
compliance, trendline and critical level of an environmental management.
258. There are several factors that need to be considered in formulating an
environmental monitoring plan in the RKL-RPL Document, namely:
a. Monitored environmental components/parameters include:
Environmental components/parameters that experience fundamental changes, or
are affected by significant impacts and environmental components/parameters
that are affected by other environmental impacts.
b. The aspects that are monitored need to pay close attention to the significant
impacts stated in the Andal and other environmental impacts, and the nature of
the management of environmental impacts that are formulated in the
environmental management plan.
c. Monitoring can be carried out at the source of the impact and/or on the affected
environmental components/parameters. By monitoring these two matters at the
same time, it will be possible to assess/test the effectiveness of the environmental
management activities carried out.
d. Environmental monitoring must be economically feasible. The costs incurred for
monitoring need to be considered considering that monitoring activities always
take place throughout the life of the business and/or activity.
e. Plan for data collection and analysis of aspects that need to be monitored,
1) the type of data collected;
2) monitoring location;

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PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

3) frequency and period of monitoring;

4) data collection methods (including equipment and instruments used for data
5) data analysis method.
f. The environmental monitoring plan needs to contain environmental monitoring
institutions. The environmental monitoring institution referred to here is the
institution responsible for implementing monitoring, monitoring result users, and
supervisors of monitoring activities.

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PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Table 3.2. Example of Environmental Monitoring Plan Matrix/Table

Monitored Environmental Impact Forms of Environmental Monitoring Environmental
Monitoring Institute

No. Type of Impact

that Arises Data Collection & Monitoring Time and
Indicators/P Executor Supervisor Report Recipient
(can be arameters Impact Source Analysis Methods Location Frequency
ambient and
can be at the
Lowering of the MAT Dewatering Direct BPUR Service BLHD district BLHD district
1 groundwater depth/height from WSS monitoring of Monitoring One month as the initiator A, BLHD Prov A, BLHD Prov
table (MAT) operational monitoring wells wells A, B, C, twice and all mining B, Department B, Department
stage using a D and E contractors of Public of Public Works
piezometer which are in Works Prov B, Prov B, Office
the Office of Public of Public Works
coordinates Works District District A
……. etc
location on
map in

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

Description of the contents of the Table is as follows:

1. Monitored Environmental Impact
In this column, the AMDAL document drafter briefly states:
a. Types of environmental impacts monitored.
b. Monitoring indicators/parameters.
c. Source of environmental impact.
2. Forms of Environmental Monitoring
The AMDAL document drafters briefly outline the methods to be used to monitor
environmental impact indicators/parameters (significant impacts and other
environmental impacts), which include:
a. Data collection and analysis methods
Clearly state the methods used in the data collection process along with the
types of equipment, instruments or forms used. It should be noted that the
method of data collection and analysis is as far as possible consistent with the
method used when preparing the Andal.
b. Location of environmental monitoring
Include the exact monitoring location accompanied by an adequate scale
monitoring location map and indicate the intended monitoring location. It should
be noted that the monitoring locations are as consistent and representative as
possible with the data collection locations during the preparation of the Andal.
c. Monitoring time and frequency
Describe the period or length of the monitoring period along with the frequency
per unit of time. The monitoring period and frequency are determined by
considering the nature of the environmental impact being monitored (intensity,
duration of impact, and cumulative nature of impact).
The AMDAL document drafters include institutions or institutions that will deal with,
have an interest in, and be related to environmental monitoring activities, in
accordance with the laws and regulations that apply both at the national and
regional levels in each environmental monitoring plan. Laws and regulations
governing environmental monitoring include:
a. Laws and regulations stipulated by the Minister of State for the Environment.
b. Laws and regulations stipulated by the relevant sector.
c. Laws and regulations stipulated by the Regional Government.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

d. Decree of Governor, Regent/Mayor.

e. Other decisions related to the establishment of an environmental monitoring
3. Environmental monitoring institutions that need to be disclosed include:
a. Implementing environmental monitoring
List the institutions that are responsible for implementing and as funders of
environmental monitoring activities.
b. Environmental monitoring supervisor
List the agencies that will act as supervisors for the implementation of the RPL.
Agencies involved in supervision may be more than one agency in accordance
with the scope of authority and responsibility, as well as the applicable laws and
c. Reporting of environmental monitoring results
List the agencies that will be reported on the results of environmental monitoring
activities on a regular basis in accordance with the scope of work of the agency
concerned. Number and Type of PPLH Permits Required and Statement of Commitment
to Implementation of RKL and RPL
1. Number and Type of PPLH Permits Required
In the event that the proposed business and/or activity plan requires a PPLH
permit, then in this section, the AMDAL document drafters have identified and
formulated a list of the number and types of environmental protection and
management permits required based on the environmental management plan.

2. Statement of commitment to implementing RKL-RPL

The initiator's statement contains a statement from the initiator to implement the
RKL-RPL which is signed on stamped paper.

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province



4.1 Implementing Organization and Schedule of AMDAL Activities

4.1.1 Organization of AMDAL Implementation Composition of AMDAL Compiler Personnel
259. Amdal drafting personnel refer to Article 67, Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021
concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, in which
the Amdal preparation is carried out by an Amdal drafting team determined by the person
in charge of the Business and/or Activity, which consists of:
1) Head of the AMDAL Compilation Team (KTPA)
As many as 1 person who already has a competency certificate
that meets the qualification standards for the Head of the AMDAL
Compilation Team.
2) Member of the AMDAL Compilation Team (ATPA)
A total of 2 (two) people who already have competency
certificates that meet the qualification standards of Members of
the AMDAL Drafting Team and/or the qualifications of the Head
of the AMDAL Drafting Team.
3) Experts who meet the qualifications in their respective fields
according to the type of business and/or activity and
environmental impacts caused by the planned business and/or

260. The composition of the AMDAL study implementation team for the business plan
and/or activities of the Agam - Bukittinggi Regional WSS, West Sumatra is as follows:
Drafting team
a) Team Leader : - Experts with educational background in Chemical
Engineering with expertise in industry, B3 waste and the

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

- BNSP-KTPA Competency Certificate

b) Team : - Experts with backgrounds in Biology (Water Quality
Members and Expertise) and Civil Engineering (Transportation Civil
Experts Expertise), Competency Certified BNSP - KTPA
- Environmental Engineering Experts (Field of Expertise on
Drinking Water, Wastewater, Waste Management, Natural
Resources and Environment)
- Chemists (Field of Expertise in Physics - Chemistry),
- Planology Experts (Skills Field of City Area Development),
- Social Experts (Socio-Economic and Cultural Expertise),
- Public Health Specialist (Public Health Expertise) Duties and Responsibilities of AMDAL Drafting Experts
a) Civil Engineering Experts
Assisting the Team Leader in compiling reports on Terms of Reference, Andal,
and RKL-RPL according to his expertise in Civil Engineering, including technical
activities and environmental impact studies.
b) Environmental Engineering Experts
Assisting the Team Leader in compiling reports on Terms of Reference, Andal,
and RKL-RPL according to his expertise in the field of Environmental
Engineering, including technical WSS activities and environmental impact
c) Chemists
Assisting the Team Leader in compiling the Terms of Reference Form, Andal and
RKL-RPL according to his expertise in Chemistry, including studying the
environmental impact of WSS activities on water quality, air quality, groundwater
and soil erosion.
d) Socioeconomic and Cultural Experts
Assist the Team Leader to prepare reports on Terms of Reference, Andal, and
RKL-RPL according to his expertise in the socio-economic and cultural fields,
including studies of the environmental impact of WSS activities on employment
opportunities, business opportunities, community perceptions, and others.
PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |
PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province

e) Public Health Experts

Assisting the Team Leader in compiling reports on Terms of Reference Forms,
Andal and RKL-RPL according to his expertise in Chemistry, including studies on
the environmental impact of WSS activities on disease prevalence and
environmental sanitation.
4.1.2 Personnel Schedule
Table 4.2. AMDAL Drafting Personnel Schedule
Month I Month II Month III Month IV
No Personnel Schedule
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
I. Drafting team
1. Head of the Compilation Team
2. Drafting Team Members
3. Drafting Team Members
II. Experts
1. Environmental Engineer
2. Planologist
3. Socioeconomic Expert
4. Biologist
5. Chemist
6. Public Health Expert

4.1.3 Work Implementation Schedule

Table 4.3. Schedule for the Implementation of AMDAL Activities
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Technical Approval for Fulfillment of
Wastewater Quality Standards
2. Traffic Impact Analysis Technical
Approval (Andalalin)
1. Preliminary survey of the project site
2. Collection of technical data on activity
plans and secondary data
3. Announcement of activity plans in print
4. Public consultation
5. Preparation of the draft Terms of
Reference Form document
6. Submission of draft Terms of Reference
Form documents to KPA/TUK
7. Discussion of Terms of Reference Form
8. Final Improvement of the Terms of
Reference Form

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo
PPC Firm for Development of Regional Water Supply System in West Indonesia
INCEPTION REPORT AMDAL | Sumatera Barat Province


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Survey and collection of primary data at
the project site
2. Laboratory analysis of environmental
3. Drafting of Andal and RKL-RPL
4. Submission of draft Andal and RKL-RPL
documents to KPA/TUK
5. Discussion of the draft Andal and RKL-
RPL documents at KPA/TUK
6. Improvement of Andal and RKL-RPL
documents and assistance at KPA/TUK
7. Issuance of Environmental Approval

PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi JV |

PT Caturbina Guna Persada, PT Karsa Buana Lestari, PT Infra Tama Yakti, PT Antariksa Globalindo

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