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Founded in 1962 Aqrab 08-1402 Monday 30 October 2023 INo: 150- Vol: LIX

Jalalabad 29 Sunny
Sunny Bamyan 14 Sunny
Kandahar 30 Sunny
o o
o o
Kabul 22 Herat 31 Sunny Mazar-e-Sharif 29

Beradar, Uzbek delegation discuss Returnees’ problems discussed

all-out economic cooperation in commission meeting KABUL: The meeting of cussed a series of issues relat- ullah Akhundzada, the commis-
transportation, technical mining the High Commission to ad- ed to returning immigrants and sion was established to ad-
operations in Afghanistan, water dress the challenges of Af- determined the tasks and ac- dress the challenges of immi-
management, agricultural develop- ghan refugees who are forced tivities of different sub-com- grants and create facilities for
ment, and the prospect of higher to return from neighboring mittees and urged each com- the immigrants who return to
education opportunities in countries was held with the mittee to arrange and start its Afghanistan from any country
Uzbekistan for Afghan youth, the Deputy Prime Minister for Ad- respective affairs in an urgent in their registration, diagnosis,
statement added. ministrative Affairs Mawlavi manner, the statement said. transfer, transportation, health,
Addressing the meeting, Mul- Abdul Salam Hanafi, on the Based on the order of the education, job search, and tem-
lah Beradar highlighted the histor- chair, his office said in a state- Supreme Leader of the Islamic porary and long-term shelters.
ical cooperation between Afghan- ment Sunday. The meeting dis- Emirate Shaikh Mullah Hibat- The Kabul Times
istan and Uzbekistan and empha-
sized on longstanding collabora-
tion in security, politics, and eco-
nomics, demonstrating the evolv-
ing bilateral relationship, with a
focus on advancing trade and tran-
sit. “Afghanistan wants to serve
as a pivotal transit point in the
region and necessary investments
KABUL: The Deputy Prime that country, Jamshid Khodjaev, culture, water and energy, mining, have been made in the field to en-
Minister for Economic Affairs of in Chahar Chinar Palace, Arg said and transportation, the statement hance connectivity between South
the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Ab- in a statement Sunday. said. and Central Asian nations,” the
dul Ghani Beradar met with a 45- The meeting was participat- Both sides discussed some statement quoted Beradar as say-
member Uzbek delegation, led by ed by a number of representatives important topics including trade, ing.
the Deputy Prime Minister of from key sectors, including agri- transit, economic ties, railways, See P4

Muttaqi meets head of IHH Humanitarian

Relief Foundation in Turkiye
KABUL: The Acting Foreign
Minister Mawlavi Amir Khan
EU allocates more assistance
Muttaqi, during his stay in
Turkiye met with Fehmi Bülent
Yýldýrým, the Chairman of the
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foun-
for Afghan returnees
KABUL: The European The UN welcomed the hu- been a significant uptick in the
dation, foreign ministry said in a
Union (EU) announced the al- manitarian aid contribution number of Afghans returning
statement Sunday.
location of an additional 15 from the EU, hoping it would from Pakistan, which has
In the meeting, FM Muttaqi
million euros for Afghans re- help WFP reach a planned 21 warned of an operation against
appreciated the foundation’s as-
turning home, the office of the million vulnerable, food-inse- undocumented migrants after
sistance to Afghans and assured
International Organization for cure people across the coun- October 31.
that the foundation will be pro-
Migration in Afghanistan try. In recent weeks, there has Javed Husain
vided with all kinds of facilitations
tweeted on its X page on Sun-
during its operations in Afghani-
stan, according to the statement.
The EU in Afghanistan
FM Muttaqi also visited Is-
said we want to ensure that
mailaða Academic Center in Istan-
returnees feel safe and can ac-
bul and prayed for the founder of
cess the support they need to
this academic center Sheikh Mah-
feel home, according to the
moud Effendi.
See P4 The IOM announced the

Uzbekistan deputy prime

additional assistance in a post
on its X handle, days after the
World Food Program (WFP)
reported more than 21 million

minister arrives in Kabul

U.S. dollars in aid from the EU
to needy Afghans.

KABUL: A delegation
headed by the Republic of
Uzbekistan Deputy Prime Min-
Industry and Commerce said in
a statement that the visit is
aimed at expanding bilateral
2 killed, 17 wounded in
ister Jamshid Khodjaev, ar-
rived in Kabul on Sunday, the
Ministry of Industry and Com-
merce said in a statement.
trade, finding solutions to tran-
sit issues and inaugurating an
expo in Kabul.
The visit aims to expand bi-
Zabul road crash
QALAT: At least 2 people that the accident took place in Shar of them with critical condition
The Uzbek 45-member del- lateral trade, find solutions for have been killed and 17 others in- Safa district of the province, where were shifted to the Kandahar pro-
egation includes ministers of transit issues, and opening an jured as a result of a traffic acci- a 404-type bus skidded off the vincial hospital, the statement
mines, transport, and com- exhibition of commercial prop- dent in the country’s southern road and overturned resulting in quoted Jawhar as saying.
merce as well as traders. erties of that country in Kabul. province of Zabul, the provincial the death of 2 commuters and in- Speed beyond limit and reck-
Afghanistan’s Ministry of The Kabul Times police office said in a statement jury of 17 others, according to the less driving often results in such
Sunday. statement. deadly traffic incidents in the coun-
The provincial police spokes- The injuries have been taken try.
Kandahar-Uruzgan highway to be reconstructed man Qari Zabihullah Jawhar said to the provincial hospital and two The Kabul Times

KABUL: Kandahar-Uruz-
gan highway, worth 120 million
U.S. dollars will be reconstruct-
ed by the National Corporation
Company, the state-run Ba-
khtar News Agency reported
“The road with the length
of 210 kilometers, between the
two provinces, is expected be
reconstructed by the NCC
within four years,” the agency
The road, named after
North Corridor, will be extend-
ed to Salang highway, accord-
ing to the agency.
The Kabul Times

02 Editorial & opinion MONDAY-OCTOBER 30, 2023

I n t e r n a t i o n a l-D a i l y
Capturing of Jerusalem by
M. Ibrahim Nabeel, Director of Govt. Dailies
Mob: (+93)782080666
Muslims for first time
Editor-in-Chief, Nik Mohammad Nikmal
Mob: (+93)700208103
Office: 0202526312
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Fathulbari Akhgar
Mob: (+93)707005865
Distribution: 0202300337-(+93)793531513-
Graphic designers: Baktash and Ali Ahmad
Address: Ministry of Information and Culture, opposite
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Food for thought

Today's generations guarantee our bright
future As a result of this battle, the Romans were defeated and Mi-
Salang pass reconstruction due to nas was killed. After bringing Qansrin under his control, he
went to the last frontiers of Syria to find Caesar, but Caesar
complete; authorities’ efforts praiseworthy forever left Syria and Constantinople.
Fortunately, the relevant authorities have successfully start-
ed the reconstruction of the third part of the Salang highway in After seven centuries of
usurpation of Jerusalem by the
Syria to find Caesar, but Cae-
sar forever left Syria and Con-
also been appointed to captur-
ing the Holy Mosque, but af-
the presence of the Muslim
Caliph himself, so that there
the north, after the completion of the 1st and 2nd parts, since Romans, what our Prophet stantinople. ter the decision was made to would be no misunderstanding
Mohammad (PBUH) predicted Afterward, the Romans capture Jerusalem, the first Qi- between the followers of the
the beginning of the construction project few months ago. the city was conquered on the also vacated all the big cities bla of the Muslims, Ubaidah three religions in the future.
15th lunar year for the first time and withdrew their troops from bin Jarrah came and joined Amr The Muslims also did not
The Ministry of Public Works of the Islamic Emirate has re- by Muslims during the era of all the cities. Ubaidah without bin Al-As and came to Pales- want to let blood be shed in
cently confirmed that reconstruction work on the third part of Hazrat Omar. During the 15th
lunar year, the throne and the
anyone stopping him, did oc-
cupy the areas up to Aleppo
There, Khalid bin Walid,
this holy city.
The Muslims sent a person
the northern Salang highway has been started and the project is crown of the Sassanids of Qad- and Antioch, the northern Abdul Rahman bin Awf, and immediately to the Muslims’
siya and Madain fell as well as provinces of Syria. It was al- Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan met Supreme Leader Omar Farooq,
expected to be completed before this year’s heavy snowfall. the power of the Byzantines most the third year of the ca- and joined the front. On the who consulted with his com-
also went to fall; so, after the liphate led by Hazrat Omar 16th lunar year, Jerusalem was panions, whether it would be
The reconstruction of the road with the length of more than Yarmouk’s battle in the 15 lu- when the great cities of Syria besieged by Muslims. appropriate for the leader of all
21 kilometers and width of seven meters are underway by two nar year, Ubaidah bin Jarrah
was rapidly advancing to-
such as Homs, Aleppo, Dam-
ascus, Antioch and Qansrin
The Christians were tired
of the forty-day siege; on the
Muslims to go to conquer a city
or not.
private companies. wards the north. were conquered by Muslims, other hand, the war seemed But on the advice of Hazrat
Meanwhile, Khalid bin but capturing of the Jerusalem useless and difficult for them Ali, it was decided that the best
The importance of Salang Highway is eye-catching in the de- Walid was ordered to attack on was postponed because of its to win; So they came with a course of action was that Omar
the Romans. religious and historical value peace offer, that Jerusalem was appointed his successor
velopment of trade, but there is a need for quality of the work As a result of this battle, and the Muslims wanted to sacred for all the local Chris- Hazrat Ali as his replacement
and speed in the reconstruction process of the highway, as the the Romans were defeated and
Minas was killed. After bring-
capture without any blood-
tians, Jews and Muslims; so
the mayor of the city request-
in Madinah, and he started his
journey in the hot deserts of
key trade and transit thoroughfare connects the whole provinc- ing Qansrin under his control, Although led by Ubaidah ed that it would be better if this Arabia towards Palestine.
he went to the last frontiers of bin Jarrah, Amr bin Al-As, had peace agreement was made in Lecturer Saifullah Saee
es to the capital and other provinces of the country. Now mil-
lions of people, including businessmen and travelers; many of
them with patients in serious situations, are waiting for when
the Salang pass will reopen.
Anyway, the completion of the project; one of the country’s
most important economic schemes, can be called another suc-
cess of the Islamic Emirate’s officials since the resumption of
power two years ago.
The entire people of the country appreciate the steps taken so
far to rebuild the Salang Highway as over the past twenty years
of the two former so-called republic regimes, nothing tangible
had been made in this respect, facing thousands of passengers
with hardship while passing the long destroyed way.
But, we hope for speed in the process, quality in the work,
and good maintenance of the highway as well as other highways
of the country. The rebuilding of the Salang Pass, in particular,
is beneficial for better transportation of goods and to facilitate
the movement of all vehicles and there is a need for serious
attention of the related officials to its maintenance.
Over the past twenty years, the highway was reconstructed
multiple times but destroyed due to allowing overloaded vehi-
cles to cross by corrupt customs officials.
Also, the entire countrymen, including motorists, traders and
other ordinary travelers are hoped to take in mind the mainte-
nance of the whole country’s highways, particularly this key
route and help the authorities to maintain them well.

MONDAY-OCTOBER 30, 2023 Nation 03

Thousands of tons of fruits, vegetables Muslims worldwide

exported in 6 months: ministry
KABUL: More than 30,000
tons of fruits and vegetables have
support Palestine
Thanks to Almighty Allah, to Israel and death to America ica and burned the flag of the oc-
been exported to the world mar- the Islamic Ummah is a living filled the virtual pages. cupation regime.
kets during the first six months of Ummah, despite the dominance of The overwhelming majority Currently, the position of Is-
the current solar year, the Minis- autocratic and Western-affiliated of Afghans supported the Pales- lamic countries; Arabic and non-
try of Industry and Commerce governments, they act in the af- tinians and the people of Gaza and Arabic; Saudi, Egypt, Sudan, Jor-
said in a statement the other day. fairs of the Islamic Ummah ac- expressed their hatred and disgust dan, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia,
Abdul Salaam Jawad Akhun- cording to the demands of faith for the blind bombing and brutal Indonesia & etc. is embarrassing.
dzada, the ministry’s spokesper- and with an awakened conscience. airstrikes of the occupying Bargh- Not only no strong voice was
son said 18,097 tons of fresh This positive reaction of the za regime. On Friday, October 13 raised to support the rightful rights
fruits were exported during the Muslim nations from the very large public demonstrations were of the Palestinian people and their
first six months of the ongoing beginning of the Aqsa Storm was held in all major cities against the rightful struggle against the occu-
year while 7,528 tons of fresh widely reflected through the me- occupation regime’s air aggression pation of this barbaric regime, but
fruits were exported last year dur- dia and social pages. They sup- and in support of the people of with deathly silence and soulless
ing the same period, according to ported the Palestinian nation on Gaza. diplomatic statements, the Israeli
the statement. the victory of Hamas in carrying The cities of Kabul, Jalalabad, was allowed to do everything in
He said 12,092 tons of vege- out a surprise operation against Nimroz, and Ghor witnessed large its power against the movement
tables mostly onion and Mash the military centers of the occu- protest gatherings of Afghan peo- of Hamas and The people of Gaza
were exported during the first six pying regime and celebrated it. ple against the occupation re- do. Of course, the government of
months of the ongoing year to In- Since the brutal and retaliato- gime’s encroachment on the Gaza Qatar and Kuwait is appreciable
dia, Pakistan and Kazakhstan ry attacks of the occupying re- Strip. In the demonstration of for calling for an immediate stop
which shows an increase com- gime on Gaza began, Muslims Kabul, which was attended by a to the occupation regime’s air-
pared to the same period in the around the world took to the large number of residents of Kab- strikes over Gaza and the urgent
last year. roads, showing their hatred and ul city and districts, university sending of humanitarian aid to
However, Farmers, demand disgust for these barbaric attacks professors, youth, scholars, and Gaza.
the construction of cold stores to on Ghaza. They became able and Mujahideen, after the Friday The Saudi position was bet-
further strengthen and consolidate its exports. orchard owners. creation of cold stores.” powerful by praying to God and prayer, they gathered in front of ter this time than the previous
the production of fruits and vege- He said in previous years po- Khaliq Dad, another farmer in He added some private cold showing their unwavering support the historic Eidgah mosque of times, but contrary to expecta-
tables. tatoes were exported to Iran, Ka- Kandahar province said he collect- stores are available but business- for Gaza and the rights of the Pal- Kabul, which is a symbol of inde- tions, Recep Tayyip Erdogan; The
Afghanistan is an agricultural zakhstan, and Uzbekistan but this ed a decent yield this year but men select the fee themselves. estinian people in different ways. pendence and freedom. President of Turkiye did not take
country where 70 percent of its year exports did not take place considering the value of agricul- The ministry’s spokesperson Thanks to Almighty Allah, in The speakers spoke on behalf a strong position against the bru-
people are associated with agri- outside the country. ture yield the export volume had said many efforts had been made this conflict of right and wrong, of different spectrums of society tal attacks of the occupying re-
culture. Due to the past four de- Mohammad Saleh, another declined and Afghanistan’s pome- to promote the export of agricul- the place of the Mujahidin peo- and declared their general and com- gime against Gaza, although he
cades of conflict basic develop- farmer from Bamyan province, granates only exported to Paki- ture products, including fruits and ple of Afghanistan was not emp- plete support for Hamas and the called these attacks brutal and in-
ment work could not be done in had a similar complaint and said stan. vegetables. ty. From the very first moments people of Gaza. During this gath- humane, but there was no news
different sectors, including the besides the promotion of fruits He said: “Currently, the Paki- He said: “In terms of export of the Aqsa storm, the social pag- ering, the participants of the dem- of the tone he used against this
construction of standard cold and vegetables export attention stan route is also closed and when some facilities had been created es of Afghans were filled with onstration chanted the slogans regime in the past.
stores for agricultural products. should be paid to the construc- the gateway is closed then what such as cherries are exported to messages, and the slogans of death Death to Israel and Death to Amer- Mkhtar Safi
Famers lost a large amount of tion of cold stores as well. could we do, when the business- India from Panjshir province in
their products due to the non- Ahmad Ameeri, one of the men suffer losses common peo- refrigerator trucks.”
availability of cold stores. apple orchard owners in Maidan ple also suffer losses” He said this year fresh fruits,
Abdul Jameel, a farmer from Wardak, province said that his Akhtar Mohammad Ahmadi, dried fruits, vegetables and salads
the central Bamyan province, said orchard produced a good yield. head of the Fresh Fruits and Veg- are exported to Arab countries,
his yield declined this year com- He did not say how much ap- etables Businessmen Union, said Turkiye, Russia, China and India
pared to the past year. ples his orchard produced but due to the non-availability of a Akhundzada said after 30
He said: “This year potato complained about the non-avail- proper market and absence of cold years the ministry signed a pome-
yield was lesser, we have water ability of the cold store for fruit stores agriculture products are tranents export contract with Rus-
secrecy issue, last year seven ki- preservation. sold on the road at a low price. sia and efforts were underway to
lograms of potatoes were sold He said: “Every year apples Referring to the importance of explore better markets for Afghan
against 160 Afghani while this year were exported to India, but this cold stores, he said: “When our products. Referring to the con-
the rate of the same quantity of year the number of exporting com- season is off then different types struction of up to the slandered
potato was 100 Afghani, there is panies had reduced because it of vegetables and fruits are import- cold stores, he said 14 standard
no proper market and its sale had takes 17 days to dispatch apples ed and sold at a high rate, few cold cold stores existed in the country
declined.” to India.” stores are available but all did not and work on the creation of hun-
He linked the decline in the He said the import of fruits have access to them, the govern- dreds of cold stores was under-
potato price with the decline in was also against the interest of ment should take steps for the way. See P4

29 October is World Stroke Day

If you suspect someone is having a stroke, waste no time and call emergency services right away. Here’s what to look out for:
* Face drooping
* Arm or leg weakness
* Speech difficulty
Thousands of kilograms of
Time to call for an ambulance immediately,
If you suspect someone is having a stroke, waste no time and call emergency services right away.
Here’s what to look out for:
• Heart attack and stroke
narcotics set on fire in Helmand
LASHKARGAH: More have been burned in the pres- of poppy, 573,166 kilograms of
Often, there are no symptoms of the underlying disease of the blood vessels. than 600,000 kilograms of nar- ence of the officials from po- ephedra, 15,488 liters of acid,
A heart attack or stroke may be the first sign of underlying disease. Symptoms of a heart attack include: cotics, which had been recov- lice headquarters, public health 500 liters of alcohol, 27,424 ki-
• pain or discomfort in the center of the chest; and/or ered and seized during the last department, intelligence, and a lograms of caustic soda, and
• pain or discomfort in the arms, the left shoulder, elbows, jaw, or back. two years, have been burned number of other agencies in 22,858 other kinds of drugs,”
In addition, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath; nausea or vomiting; light-headedness or faintness; a cold in the country’s southern prov- Lashkargah city, the provincial the statement quoted Haqqani
sweat; and turning pale. Women are more likely than men to have shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and back or jaw pain. ince of Helmand the provincial capital, according to the state- as saying.
The most common symptom of a stroke is sudden weakness of the face, arm, or leg, most often on one side of the body. Other symptoms include police office said in a state- ment.
ment Sunday. “The torched drugs includ- Haqqani also added 617
sudden onset of: people have been arrested in
• numbness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body; The provincial police ed 18 kilograms of heroin, 619
spokesman Mullah Ezatullah kilograms of hashish, two kilo- connection with purchasing
• confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding speech; and trafficking of drugs and
Haqqani said the narcotics had grams of opium, 1,390 kilo-
• difficulty seeing with one or both eyes; been seized in the last two grams of hashish, three kilo- handed over to the relevant
• difficulty walking, dizziness and/or loss of balance or coordination; years after the re-establish- grams of tablet K, six kilograms bodies during this period.
• severe headache with no known cause; and/or ment of the Islamic Emirate and of crystal meth, 525 kilograms The Kabul Times
• fainting or unconsciousness.
People experiencing these symptoms should seek medical care immediately.
Rheumatic heart disease
Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease include: shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heartbeats, chest pain and fainting. Symptoms of rheumatic
fever (which can cause rheumatic heart disease if not treated) include: fever, pain and swelling of the joints, nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting.
—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— —————— ——
WHO supports governments to prevent, manage and monitor CVDs by developing global strategies to reduce the incidence, morbidity and
mortality of these diseases. These strategies include reducing risk factors, developing standards of care, enhancing the health system’s capacity
to care for patients with CVD, and monitoring disease patterns and trends to inform national and global actions.
The risk factors for CVD include behaviors such as tobacco use, an unhealthy diet, harmful use of alcohol and inadequate physical activity.
They also include physiological factors, including high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood cholesterol and high blood sugar or glucose,
which are linked to underlying social determinants and drivers such as ageing, income and urbanization.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. CVDs are a group of
disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other conditions.
More than four out of five CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes, and one third of these deaths occur prematurely in people under 70
years of age.
The most important behavioral risk factors of heart disease and stroke are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful use of
alcohol. The effects of behavioral risk factors may show up in individuals as raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, raised blood lipids, and
overweight and obesity. These “intermediate risks factors” can be measured in primary care facilities and indicate an increased risk of heart attack,
stroke, heart failure and other complications.
Cessation of tobacco use, reduction of salt in the diet, eating more fruit and vegetables, regular physical activity and avoiding harmful use of
alcohol have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Health policies that create conducive environments for making healthy
choices affordable and available are essential for motivating people to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors.
Identifying those at the highest risk of CVDs and ensuring they receive appropriate treatment can prevent premature deaths. Access to non-
communicable disease medicines and basic health technologies in all primary healthcare facilities is essential to ensure that those in need receive
treatment and counseling.

Aqrab 08-1402 Monday 30 October 2023 INo: 150- Vol: LIX


01 01 1000 1000 01 1000 01


73.95 92.50 1020 291 78.80 1.50 24.40

Afghanistan revenue rose Western countries drive

8 pc, World Bank report world toward insecurity
KABUL: The World Bank, percent increase from the same “In addition to unidentified
in a new report, said that reve- period in 2022,” according to external flows, the AFN’s gains
nue of Afghanistan, for the the statement. partly stem from the ban on for-
first five months of the fiscal While exports grew three eign currencies for domestic
year 2023, has reached 76 bil- percent in the first seven transactions, limited domestic
lion Afghanis, which shows an months of 2023 compared to money supply, higher remit-
8 percent increase compared to the same period in 2022, month- tances, and UN dollar ship-
the same period in the previ- ly export data indicates a de- ments. In 2023, UN inflows
ous year. cline in trend since February were around US$1.12 billion,”
However, revenue collec- 2023 due to a decrease in coal the report said.
tion in the period, is lower than exports, the report said.
the five-monthly target by World Bank said that de- The report also said that
AFN 7 billion, the report said. spite the widening trade defi- since April 2023, the country
Customs duty and Busi- cit, Afghani has appreciated has experienced deflation, like-
ness receipt tax accounted for since the beginning of 2023. ly due to improved supply, ap-
60 percent of the collection. Between January and August preciating AFN, and the econ-
“For the first seven months 24, 2023, Afghani appreciated omy still adjusting to structur-
of 2023, imports reached against the U.S. dollar by 7.3 ally lower aggregate demand.
US$4.4 billion, marking a 32 percent. S.Raqib

After witnessing two world States, the United Kingdom, and and disgust among Muslims to- have questioned the independence
wars, the United Nations was es- France unequivocally expressed wards Western countries and in- of the United Nations violated the
tablished to prevent the occur- their support and encouraged the ternational organizations. rights of others, and ruthlessly
rence of destructive and devastat- Jewish state to continue bombard- They have concluded that invaded the lands and territories
ing wars. ing the innocent people of Pales- Western governments are com- of others must reconsider their
However, regrettably, several tine. plicit in these wars and killings. policies and approaches.

Thousands of tons of countries held the United Nations

hostage, questioned its indepen-
dence, and manipulated it to their
As a result of these attacks
by the bloodthirsty Zionist re-
gime, in just 10 days, only 4,000
innocent women and children in
Consequently, Muslims may take
action to defend themselves and
their values against Western coun-
tries and their allies without any
They must understand that
security is not achieved through
technological advancements but
through justice, fairness, and the

From P3
fruits, vegetables... These countries pursued pol-
icies that reignited the flames of
war, sowing discord, mistrust, and
tension between Muslims and
Gaza became martyrs. Neverthe-
less, the United States supports
the Jewish state and supplies it
with military equipment.
remorse. Islam is a religion of
peace, as its name suggests; in Is-
lam, peace is for both this world
and the hereafter. We do not op-
granting of rights to the rightful
Unfortunately, countries in-
cluding the United States, Germa-
non-Muslims. The oppressive and occupier press anyone, and we do not act ny, France, the United Kingdom,
He added: “The office of slowly progress, we hope that tainers will reach the ports as Furthermore, they adopted a Jewish regime indiscriminately unjustly, following the command and some others that have taken
the PM order that the number one day we will become self- soon as possible. double standard towards Mus- bombed hospitals, where most of our Creator, who forbids us the United Nations and other in-
of cold storages that existed sufficient, we will be able to Referring to the damage to lims, subjecting them to unjust children were hospitalized, and from forcing anyone to accept our ternational organizations hostage
during the republic and were store our products in our cold some fruits and vegetables on oppression for unjustifiable rea- cut off humanitarian aid, includ- religion. However, we grant our- do not provide proper and just
either non-functional or semi- stores and supply them to the their way to Pakistan, last year sons and suppressing them with- ing water, bread, food, and medi- selves the right to defend our rights leadership, and they do not hand
functional should be without market in proper time.” he said: “Pakistan was doing out logical or valid justifications. cine, to the innocent people of and freedoms, considering death over the right to its rightful own-
any delay reconstructed so Akhundzada said that in this in violation to all interna- Conversely, when it came to non- Gaza. an honor and martyrdom a pre- er. If these countries do not re-
that they can be used by trad- the past there were some prob- tional rules and regulations Muslims who acted unlawfully The Jewish state has launched ferred path, even in a life entirely consider their policies, fail to en-
ers and farmers.” lems in the export of fruits and and due to this problem our and violated international law, attacks to massacre the 2.2 mil- of indignity. We firmly believe sure justice and maintain their
He said: “Cold stores are vegetables to Pakistan and it two nations had suffered, we they took no action, and the Unit- lion Muslims in Gaza. that in this path, we become mar- double standards, I firmly believe
available in Kabul, Parwan, was delayed, but the issue was hope that Pakistan will not ed Nations and the international Therefore, such domestic wars tyrs and proceed to paradise after the world will be driven towards
Balkh, Nangarhar, Kandahar, discussed with other countries only now but in the future co- community remained silent. and the unequivocal support from death. Therefore, we consider the pessimism and hatred.
Khost and Paktia provinces and an understanding was operate in this regard and take Recently, the Zionist regime the West for such wars have once hereafter better than a life filled These countries will bear the
and some are being construct- reached that if there was a dan- full advantage of the trade ties initiated attacks on the innocent again pushed the world towards with indignity. responsibility for that.
ed, some have started func- ger of fruits and vegetables between the two nations people of Gaza. Still, the United insecurity and generated hatred Hence, the governments that Abdul Haq Hammad
tioning in Kabul and this will being spoiled sooner, the con- Mohammad Nabi Naibi

Beradar, Uzbek delegation Bulgaria launches the construction of

From P1
two US-designed nuclear reactors
Prime Minister Nikolay cession to the European
Beradar praised the balanced transportation, railways, trade, tion of Afghan products in Tash- Denkov said Wednesday that Union, but now, Denkov
trade relations between Afghani- transit, water management, and kent and offer a large business cen- the government has allocated stressed that the new units’
stan and Uzbekistan and antici- mining. ter in Termiz for Afghan business- an initial amount of 250 million total capacity will significant-
pated a significant increase in Af- Khodjaev unveiled a trade men,” the statement quoted Khod- euros ($270 million) for the ly exceed the 1,760 MW capac-
ghan exports to Uzbekistan. route map designed to boost Af- jaev as saying. project, adding that the first ity of the four blocks that had
Also, Mullah Beradar encour- ghanistan’s exports to Uzbeki- Furthermore, Beradar ex- reactor is expected to be ready been closed.
aged Uzbekistan to consider spe- stan, with the goal of increasing pressed gratitude for Uzbekistan’s in 2033, and the second one, In his words, the technolo-
cial preferential tariffs and friend- the trade volume between the two humanitarian assistance to the two to three years later. gy of the new reactors was par-
ly trade interactions. countries to approximately three Herat earthquake victims and em- Bulgaria currently operates ticularly suited to ensuring “a
Jamshid Khodjaev, leading the billion dollars. phasized the significance of bilat- two Russian-designed VVER- stable management of the en-
Uzbek delegation, expressed “Uzbekistan has also simpli- eral cooperation between the two 1000 reactors of 1000 MW each ergy system.”
Uzbekistan’s readiness to collab- fied the visa acquisition process nations. at the nuclear facility in Ko- In response to Russia’s in-
orate with Afghanistan in various for Afghan businessmen and driv- Mashal Noori zloduy that generate about a vasion of Ukraine, Bulgaria has
sectors, including agriculture, ers, with plans to host an exhibi- Bulgaria on Wednesday Westinghouse’s technology, third of the country’s electrici- taken steps to stop its almost-
decided to expand the coun- the government said in a state- ty. total energy dependence on
try’s nuclear power genera- ment. Their operational licenses Moscow.

Muttaqi meets head of IHH... tion as an alternative to fossil

fuels by launching the con-
struction of two additional
Earlier this year, US-based
nuclear equipment manufactur-
er Westinghouse Electric Co.
will expire in 2027 and 2029, re-
spectively, but the units could
be operated beyond those
As part of its energy diver-
sification efforts, Bulgaria
signed agreements last year
From P1 reactors at its only nuclear signed an agreement with the dates subject to regulatory with France’s Framatome and
power plant. Kozloduy plant for a proposed approval. Westinghouse Electric to re-
“Afghans and Turks enjoy sustain these ties,” the statement a number of Afghan businessmen In 2006, Bulgaria had to ceive fresh nuclear fuel for its
deep religious, doctrinal and his- quoted Muttaqi as saying. in that country, the statement add- The two new reactors, deployment of one or two
which will provide a total of AP1000 pressurized water re- close four older VVER-440 operating reactors.
torical ties with each other, and He has also visited with offi- ed. units as a condition for its ac- Alarabiya
we hope to revive, strengthen and cials of the Afghan Embassy and The Kabul Times 2,300 megawatts, will use actor units.

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