LISTENING PRACTICE 2 Middle School Party Sin Respuestas

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S1U7T33 - What’s the purpose of the phone call?

a) Rose is asking for permission to go to a party

b) Rose wants to know if Trisha is going to the party
c) Rose needs money to come back home
d) Rose wants Trisha to pick her up
Where is Rose?

a) At the high school 60’s party

b) At the middle school 60’s party
c) At the middle school 6th’s party
d) At the high school 6’s party
Who else is at the party?

a) Melissa, Thomas, Anthony and Paul

b) Melissa, Thomas, Trisha, Lilly and Paul
c) Melissa, Thomas, Anthony, Lilly and Paul
d) Melissa, Thomas, Trisha and Paul
This person looks concerned
a) Lilly
b) Anthony
c) Paul
d) Melissa
Why can’t Trisha come to the party?

a) She’s doing math homework

b) She’s going to take a nap
c) She’s studying for an important exam
d) She needs to sleep early
S1U7T34 – What is the conversation about?

a) Two people sharing photos on social media

b) Two people planning a trip
c) A person showing a family photo album
d) A man showing photos of his day at the mall
According to the audio, which of these places did they visit?

a) Cinema
b) Bookstore
c) Ice-cream shop
d) Museum

How did they go?

a) By car
b) By train
c) By bus
d) Walking
What did they buy?
a) Movies and videogames
b) Shoes and food
c) Books and ice-cream
d) Clothes and videogames

1. What is Rose doing?
2. What are Melissa and Thomas doing?
3. What is Anthony doing?
4. What are Lilly and Paul doing?
5. What is Trisha doing?

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