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Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377

DOI 10.1007/s00441-006-0263-8


Dendritic spikes and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity

Knut Holthoff & Yury Kovalchuk & Arthur Konnerth

Received: 7 April 2006 / Accepted: 31 May 2006 / Published online: 1 July 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract Whereas the regenerative nature of action poten- generations of neuroscientists. Indeed, the identification of
tial conduction in axons has been known since the late the link between the structure and specific function of the
1940s, neuronal dendrites have been considered as passive various types of neurons remains an ongoing challenge.
cables transferring incoming synaptic activity to the soma. More than a century ago and without detailed physiological
The relatively recent discovery that neuronal dendrites knowledge, Ramón y Cajal postulated correctly that
contain active conductances has revolutionized our view of dendrites and axons serve as the anatomical correlates of
information processing in neurons. In many neuronal cell the input and the output devices of neurons, respectively
types, sodium action potentials initiated at the axon initial (Ramón y Cajal 1891). Thereafter, as a result of more
segment can back-propagate actively into the dendrite detailed investigations, dendrites were compared with a
thereby serving, for the dendrite, as an indicator of the telephone switchboard, a tree of passive electrical cables, or
output activity of the neuron. In addition, the dendrites a digitally computing unit (for a review, see Yuste and Tank
themselves can initiate action-potential-like regenerative 1996). One of the truly groundbreaking observations in the
responses, so-called dendritic spikes, that are mediated field of dendritic physiology was the discovery of a variety
either by the activation of sodium, calcium, and/or of active conductances in neuronal dendrites (for reviews,
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channels. Here, we review see Johnston et al. 1996; Häusser et al. 2000; Reyes 2001).
the recent experimental and theoretical evidence for a role This suggested that dendrites not only modulated postsyn-
of regenerative dendritic activity in information processing aptic potentials on their way to the soma (Magee and
within neurons and, especially, in activity-dependent Johnston 1995; Cash and Yuste 1999), but that they could
synaptic plasticity. also of themselves cause spike-like activity (Fig. 1). So far,
three major types of dendritic action potentials (also called
Keywords Dendritic spikes . Synaptic plasticity . LTD . LTP dendritic spikes) have been characterized; they are mediat-
ed by the regenerative activation of either sodium, calcium,
or N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor channels and
Introduction are therefore called sodium, calcium, or NMDA spikes,
respectively. Here, we review the possible roles of these
Since the pioneering work of Ramón y Cajal (1904), the different forms of regenerative activity in neuronal den-
diversity in the morphology of neuronal cells has fascinated drites for the integration of synaptic input, with special
emphasis on processes of activity-dependent synaptic
This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche
K. Holthoff (*) : Y. Kovalchuk : A. Konnerth Back-propagating sodium action potentials
Institute of Neuroscience, Technical University Munich,
Biedersteinerstrasse 29,
80802 Munich, Germany Whether one or multiple initiation zones exist for regener-
e-mail: ative activity in neurons has long been debated. Early
370 Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377

regions have clearly shown that sodium action potentials

initiated close to the soma not only propagate along the
axon, but also actively invade the dendritic tree (Stuart and
Sakmann 1994; Spruston et al. 1995; Larkum et al. 1996).
In the main apical dendrite of mitral cells of the olfactory
bulb and in dopaminergic cells of the substantia nigra,
back-propagating action potentials do not attenuate along
their path into the dendrite at all (Bischofberger and Jonas
1997; Chen et al. 1997; Häusser et al. 1995), reflecting a
highly regenerative mode of propagation. In most other cell
types, however, including cortical and hippocampal pyra-
midal neurons, back-propagation of sodium action poten-
tials is less effective and results in a decrease in amplitude
with the distance from the soma (for reviews, see Stuart et
al. 1997b; Waters et al. 2005). One extreme example is the
cerebellar Purkinje cell, which does not show any active
sodium action potential back-propagation, because of a low
sodium channel density in its dendrites (Stuart and Häusser
Many other factors determine the effectiveness of
Fig. 1 Synaptically evoked dendritic spikes in cortical layer V sodium action potential back-propagation including the
pyramidal neuron. a Camera lucida drawing of a layer V pyramidal branching pattern of the dendrite (Spruston et al. 1995;
neuron in the mouse visual cortex and the experimental configuration.
Vetter et al. 2001), the density and distribution of
Whole-cell recordings were obtained in the current clamp mode, and
cells were filled with 200 μM low-affinity calcium indicator dye potassium conductances (Hoffman et al. 1997; Migliore
(Oregon-Green BAPTA-6F) via the patch-pipette. Imaging was et al. 1999), the resting membrane potential (Waters and
performed with a Noran confocal microscope. The neurons were Helmchen 2004), the rate of action potential firing
stimulated synaptically by single electrical shocks via an extracellular
(Spruston et al. 1995; Callaway and Ross 1995; Larkum
electrode placed in the vicinity of a dendrite. b Top Strong synaptic
stimulation evoked a local dendritic spike accompanied by a calcium et al. 1999), the action potential width (Häusser et al.
transient in the activated dendrite (upper trace), and a complex 1995; Golding et al. 2001), and the excitatory (Hoffman et
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) was recorded at the soma al. 1997; Magee and Johnston 1997; Pan and Colbert
(lower trace). Bottom Pseudo-color coded image of the relative
2001; Stuart and Häusser 2001) and the inhibitory
change in fluorescence in a basal dendrite after dendritic spike
initiation. Images were derived from a movie sequence obtained under (Buzsaki et al. 1996; Chen et al. 1997; Larkum et al.
conditions of weak confocality (large confocal slit size, 20× objective) 1999) synaptic background activity.
to allow visualization of dendrites at different focal planes. Modified The physiological relevance of sodium action potential
from Holthoff et al. (2004)
back-propagation has been the center of controversial
discussions, because evidence from early studies in vivo
suggests only passive invasion occurs into the dendrites of
experiments in the 1950s involving intracellular recordings cortical layer II/III pyramidal neurons (Svoboda et al. 1997,
of spinal motoneurons suggested that sodium action 1999). However, later studies, in part directly comparing
potentials were initiated in the axon (Coombs et al. 1957; the in vitro and in vivo conditions in the same cortical
Fatt 1957; Fuortes et al. 1957). This view was supported by region, have provided convincing evidence for an active
subsequent work with extracellular recordings (Hounsgaard back-propagation of action potentials also in vivo (Buzsaki
and Yamamoto 1979; Jefferys 1979; Miyakawa and Kato et al. 1996; Helmchen et al. 1999; Waters et al. 2003;
1986; Richardson et al. 1987; Buzsaki et al. 1996; Buzsaki Waters and Helmchen 2004).
and Kandel 1998), but the results also depended on the cell What is the putative physiological function of back-
type examined (Zecevic 1996; Djurisic and Zecevic 2005; propagating sodium action potentials, and why is the
Stuart and Sakmann 1994; Häusser et al. 1995; Spruston et efficacy of back-propagation of distinct scientific interest?
al. 1995; Larkum et al. 1996). Recent work utilizing The cellular basis of learning and memory is widely
voltage-sensitive-dye imaging has identified more precisely accepted as being in part attributable to the ability of the
the axon initial segment as the trigger zone for sodium nervous system to alter the strength or the efficacy of
action potentials in layer V pyramidal neurons (Palmer and synaptic connections between neurons. In a highly influen-
Stuart 2006). Interestingly, the experiments with simulta- tial book, Donald Hebb has postulated (Hebb 1949) that the
neous patch clamp recordings from multiple cellular synaptic connection between neuron A and neuron B is
Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377 371

strengthened, if the firing of neuron A repeatedly leads to dence detection underlying STDP. Because it is perme-
the firing of neuron B. In this context, the back-propagating able for calcium, and because its blockage by Mg2+ at
action potential in the postsynaptic cell (neuron B) could resting membrane potentials can be unblocked by post-
serve as a global feedback signal for the dendrite with synaptic depolarization, the NMDA-R is considered to be
regard to the output firing activity of its own axon. This the ideal candidate for detecting the coincidence between
would enable the neuron to correlate its input activity with pre- and postsynaptic activity and for translating it into a
the resulting output, a prerequisite of the Hebbian form of postsynaptic calcium transient. Indeed, compared with
learning. A recent and popular variation of a Hebbian form synaptic activation and postsynaptic action potential firing
of synaptic plasticity is the so-called spike-timing-depen- alone (Fig. 2a and b), the pairing of both events in the
dent plasticity (STDP; for reviews, see Tsodyks 2002; right order leads to a supralinear summation of the
Roberts and Bell 2002; Dan and Poo 2004). postsynaptic calcium transients (Köster and Sakmann
1998; Yuste et al. 1999; Nevian and Sakmann 2004;
Fig. 2c and d). If synaptic activation occurs first, a
Spike-timing dependent plasticity subsequent action potential arriving at the activated
synapse within a well-defined time windows can remove
In their pioneering work on cortical pyramidal neurons, the Mg2+-ion-blocking action of the NMDA-R channel
Markram, Sakmann, and colleagues discovered that the and, because glutamate is still bound, it will mediate a
pairing of a synaptic input (i.e., excitatory postsynaptic large calcium influx. Vice versa, if the action potential
potentials, EPSPs) with an action potential, fired during a arrives at the synapse before glutamate is released
narrow time window of several tens of milliseconds in the presynaptically, the NMDA-R channels will remain
same cell, produces a long lasting change in the efficacy of largely blocked by the Mg2+ ions, resulting in a moderate
synaptic transmission (Markram et al. 1997). The direction postsynaptic calcium increase.
of the change in synaptic transmission was shown to be The mechanisms of the induction and expression of
dependent on the sequential order of the two events, with a STDP have been studied extensively, but the precise
millisecond time precision. If the EPSP comes first and the mechanisms have not entirely been clarified. Thus,
postsynaptic action potential follows within a time window although initially introduced to be simply timing-depen-
of typically less than 20 ms, long term potentiation (LTP) of dent, the various pairing protocols for LTP induction have
synaptic transmission efficacy is induced. If the order is to be applied repeatedly and at sufficiently high frequen-
reversed, long term depression (LTD) is observed. The cies, otherwise they are not efficient in inducing LTP.
phenomenon of STDP has subsequently been confirmed in This suggests the notion that pairing alone is not
a wide variety of preparations in vitro and in vivo (Zhang et sufficient to induce LTP (Sjostrom et al. 2001; for
al. 1998; Bi and Poo 1998; for a review, see Dan and Poo reviews, see Sjostrom and Nelson 2002; Lisman and
2004). Spruston 2005). Whether this rate-dependence of STDP
Regardless of the mechanisms for induction, one major reflects the need for an additional depolarizing component
player in the expression of synaptic plasticity is the increase besides the back-propagating action potential is not clear.
in the postsynaptic calcium concentration during induction Nevertheless, in most studies dealing with STDP, the
(Lynch et al. 1983; Malenka 1991). Whether a strengthen- back-propagating action potentials are induced by somatic
ing or weakening of synaptic transmission is obtained current injections into the postsynaptic cell. These action
depends on the amplitude and/or duration of the postsyn- potentials ride on a depolarizing wave, which by itself
aptic calcium transient during induction (Sjostrom and might support the LTP induction process (Lisman and
Nelson 2002). The “threshold-hypothesis” proposes that Spruston 2005). Furthermore, whether action potential
long-lasting and moderate calcium elevations induce LTD, back-propagation is as effective in vivo as it is in slices
whereas short and high increases favour LTP (Lisman (see above) remains doubtful. However, this concern may
1989; Artola and Singer 1993; Hansel et al. 1997). So far, represent an advantage, because the limited efficacy of
however, quantitative estimates of the calcium signals action potential back-propagation leaves room for an
underlying the induction of LTD or LTP remain unavail- elaborated modulatory system determining the parts of
able, despite numerous attempts over the past few years the dendritic tree that will participate in Hebbian learning
(Connor et al. 1999; Conti and Lisman 2002; Malenka et al. (Magee and Johnston 1997; Migliore et al. 1999). In
1992; Neveu and Zucker 1996b; Yang et al. 1999; Wang et conclusion, STDP as a model of associative synaptic
al. 2000; Cho et al. 2001; Cormier et al. 2001; Ismailov et plasticity remains an attractive concept, but its physiolog-
al. 2004). ical significance for in vivo conditions is just beginning to
The postsynaptic NMDA receptor (NMDA-R) has emerge and needs further validation (Lisman and Spruston
been identified as the molecular device of the coinci- 2005).
372 Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377

Fig. 2 Supralinear summation

of postsynaptic calcium tran-
sients in spines by pairing
EPSPs with back-propagating
action potentials. a Weak syn-
aptic stimulation of a layer V
pyramidal neuron in the mouse
visual cortex leads to calcium
transients in an individual spine.
The camera lucida drawing of
the cell (left) shows the experi-
mental configuration (see also
legend to Fig. 1). The color-
coded image (middle) shows the
relative change in fluorescence
at the peak of the calcium
transient. The traces (right) rep-
resent the time course of the
calcium transients analyzed in
the activated spine head (red
traces) and the adjacent dendrite
(black traces). Imaging was
carried out at 125 Hz by
using a Nipkow-disc scanner
(PerkinElmer, Boston) com-
bined with a fast charge-coupled
device camera (Redshirt,
Decatur). b Time courses of
calcium transients in spine and
adjacent dendrite of another cell
following weak synaptic stimu-
lation (upper traces) and back-
propagating action potentials
(lower traces). c Calcium tran-
sients in spine and adjacent
dendrite of the same cell as in
b following the pairing of syn-
aptic stimulation and back-
propagating action potentials
with different pairing intervals.
d Analysis of the pairing-
induced peak calcium ampli-
tudes in spines depending on the
time interval of pairing. Data
were normalized to the peak
calcium amplitude following
synaptic stimulation alone
(n=4 cells)

Local dendritic spikes and information processing indeed initiate all-or-none action potentials in vitro (Houns-
gaard and Yamamoto 1979; Regehr et al. 1993; Golding and
The first evidence that dendrites themselves might generate Spruston 1998; Schiller et al. 2000; Wei et al. 2001; Golding
regenerative activity probably came from experiments in et al. 2002; Polsky et al. 2004; Holthoff et al. 2004) and in
hippocampal pyramidal neurons showing small all-or-none vivo (Pockberger 1991; Hirsch et al. 1995; Kamondi et al.
spikelets called fast pre-potentials (FPPs) preceding somatic 1998). Based on their electrophysiological properties, two
action potentials (Spencer and Kandel 1961). Although the main classes of dendritic spikes can be distinguished. The
FPPs were subsequently considered to be an artifact of conventional fast spikes are mediated by the regenerative
somatic action potentials fired from electrically coupled activation of voltage-sensitive sodium channels, can be
neighboring cells, there is now evidence that dendrites can initiated by dendritic current injection (Stuart et al. 1997a) or
Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377 373

synaptic stimulation (Turner et al. 1991; Golding and Spruston somatic sodium action potentials, because they are blocked
1998), and are sensitive to the sodium channel blocker by local application of the sodium channel antagonist TTX to
tetrodotoxin (TTX). On the other hand, the so-called complex the proximal part of the apical dendrite. The authors have
or long-lasting dendritic spikes are mainly caused by the convincingly shown that there is a strong correlation between
activation of voltage-dependent calcium and/or NMDA-R the incidence of dendritic spike firing and the successful
channels and are, therefore, referred to as “calcium spikes” induction of LTP. In layer V pyramidal neurons of mouse
(Schiller et al. 1997) and “NMDA spikes”, respectively visual cortex, local dendritic spikes can be induced by strong
(Schiller et al. 2000; Schiller and Schiller 2001; for a review, extracellular synaptic stimulation (Holthoff et al. 2004;
see Holthoff 2004). Polsky et al. 2004) or glutamate uncaging (Schiller et al.
The ability of dendrites to initiate locally regenerative 2000; Wei et al. 2001). Surprisingly, the synaptic activation of
activity, such as calcium spikes or NMDA spikes, considerably a single dendritic spike is sufficient to induce a LTD of excit-
enriches the repertoire of dendritic integration of synaptic atory synaptic transmission (Holthoff et al. 2004; Fig. 3a,b).
input. Whereas a linear or sublinear summation of postsynaptic This form of LTD, called single-shock LTD, does not need
potentials has been described for distributed synaptic input in somatic spiking and is largely saturated following single-
various preparations (Urban and Barrionuevo 1998; Cash and shock induction. The production of five consecutive dendritic
Yuste 1998, 1999; Magee 2000; Polsky et al. 2004), spatially spikes has no substantial boosting effect (Fig. 3c). Prelimi-
clustered synaptic input to the same neurons can induce non- nary results from the same preparation indicate that coinci-
linear responses in small dendritic sections (Polsky et al. dent pairing of a synaptically evoked dendritic spike with
2004; Holthoff et al. 2004; Losonczy and Magee 2006; back-propagating action potentials may evoke a supralinear
Fig. 1b). Depending on the spatial distribution and timing of increase in the amplitude of the intra-dendritic calcium
the synaptic input, the same neuron can therefore switch transient and subsequently lead to LTP (Holthoff et al.
between an essentially linear and highly non-linear mode of 2005). Thus, mounting evidence indicates that local dendritic
integration. Both modes of integration can be combined, spikes are able to induce bidirectional synaptic plasticity.
because the depolarization produced by the local non-linear What is the computational and physiological significance of
integrating at dendritic subunits sum up linearly at the soma local spike-evoked synaptic plasticity? Unlike STDP, which
(Polsky et al. 2004). Simulations suggest that the equipment requires the coincidence between pre- and postsynaptic
of dendrites with non-linearly acting subunits leads to an spiking, local spike-evoked plasticity involves the coinci-
increase in potential storage capacity by several orders of dence of synaptic activation of closely grouped inputs to the
magnitude (Poirazi and Mel 2001). In addition, the alliance of same part of a dendrite (Polsky et al. 2004; Losonczy and
non-linear and linear integration modes combines the Magee 2006). This represents a new learning rule. The new
advantages of the excellent signal-to-noise ratio of digital mechanism divides neurons into largely independent modules
processing with the speed and complexity of analog process- of integration and learning that do not depend on the usual
ing in a single cellular compartment, viz., the dendritic tree. feedback signal from the soma, viz., the back-propagating
sodium action potential. A major difference between STDP
and local spike-evoked plasticity is the induction speed. Thus,
Local dendritic action potentials and synaptic plasticity whereas STDP requires many repetitions of the conditioning
pre-post stimulation (Bear and Abraham 1996; Lisman and
A common feature of local dendritic calcium spikes or Spruston 2005), a single local spike is sufficient for LTD
NMDA spikes is that they are accompanied by a transient (Holthoff et al. 2004) or LTP (Holthoff et al. 2005; but see
increase in intracellular calcium concentration (Schiller et al. Golding et al. 2002) induction. The increased induction speed
1997, 2000; Golding et al. 2002; Wei et al. 2001; Holthoff et largely relies on the synergistic cross-activation of neighbor-
al. 2004). Assuming that the intracellular calcium concen- ing NMDA receptor channels located on the same dendrite
tration transient is necessary and sufficient to induce synaptic (Schiller et al. 2000; Holthoff et al. 2004). Therefore, local
plasticity (Neveu and Zucker 1996a), then synaptically spike-dependent plasticity may be the primary mechanism
evoked local dendritic spikes can be postulated to be able underlying the rapid acquisition of memories.
to induce synaptic plasticity (Goldberg et al. 2002). Indeed,
two recent reports show that, in hippocampal CA1 neurons
and cortical pyramidal neurons, locally restricted dendritic Conclusions and perspectives
spikes on their own can induce LTP and LTD, respectively.
Golding and colleagues (2002) have demonstrated, in an During the last few decades, the active properties of neuronal
elegant study, that synaptically evoked dendritic spikes dendrites have come into the realm of scientific interest.
induce LTP in hippocampal CA1 neurons. This form of Parallel to the capability of dendrites for analog computation,
synaptic plasticity does not need active back-propagation of the non-linear processing of synaptic inputs provides modular
374 Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377

a before after c before after

LTD induction signal


EPSP ampl (%)

Ca V
EPSP ampl (mV)

0 10 20 30 40
1 1x
Time (min)
before after
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 d
Time (min)

b 150
EPSP ampl (%)

EPSP ampl (%)

100 100

50 50
1x 5x
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 3 A single local dendritic spike induces instantaneous long-term stimulus (bars 2 mV and 50 ms). b Summary LTDx1 experiments of
synaptic depression (LTD). a Induction of LTD by single dendritic eight cells. c LTD induced by five consecutive conditioning stimuli
spike in a pyramidal neuron from layer 5 of the mouse hippocampus delivered 15 s apart from each other. d Same experiments as in c, but
(LTDx1). Synaptic input to a basal dendrite located approximately cells were hyperpolarized to –80 mV during conditioning stimuli to
50 μm away from the cell body. Note the framed LTD induction signal prevent the initiation of local dendritic spikes. No significant change
(bars 50% ΔF/F, 250 ms for calcium signal and 5 mV, 50 ms for in strength of synaptic transmission was detected. Modified from
EPSP). Traces indicate mean EPSPs before and after the conditioning Holthoff et al. (2004)

integration, which increases the memory capacity of neuronal whether LTP and LTD are expressed at the postsynaptic or
tissue (Poirazi and Mel 2001) and enriches the processing presynaptic site are of great interest. The combination of high
complexity of dendrites by an implementation of additional resolution imaging and single synapse stimulation by two-
local learning rules (Golding et al. 2002; Holthoff et al. photon glutamate uncaging could refine this analysis down to
2004). Although the ability of neuronal dendrites to initiate the single synapse level. Early experimental evidence has
local dendritic spikes has been known for several years, indicated that local dendritic spikes can provide a means for
surprisingly few attempts have been undertaken to investi- the induction of synaptic plasticity in vitro (Golding et al.
gate their ability to induce synaptic plasticity. This may be 2002; Holthoff et al. 2004, 2005); however, the significance
because dendritic spikes are often barely detectable by of this mechanism for in vivo conditions remains obscure.
somatic recordings, making necessary the more difficult An important challenge for the future will be to
dendritic recordings or imaging techniques to pinpoint the investigate the physiological significance of local dendritic
initiation of dendritic spikes with respect to the induction of signaling for cortical information processing in the
synaptic plasticity (Golding et al. 2002; Holthoff et al. 2004). sensory system in vivo and to test whether it participates
Because a single dendritic spike, and therefore a single in synaptic plasticity during development and learning.
postsynaptic calcium transient, is able to induce long-term Some of these tests will probably involve the use of
synaptic plasticity, the detailed characterization of the multi-photon imaging (for a review, see Helmchen and
postsynaptic signals that lead to the potentiation or the de- Denk 2005) in combination with various neuron labeling
pression of a synapse will be possible. In particular, the techniques (Stosiek et al. 2003; Rathenberg et al. 2003;
expression mechanisms of plasticity and the question of Miesenböck 2004; Mank et al. 2006).
Cell Tissue Res (2006) 326:369–377 375

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