TOEFL Speaking 개념정리 (Task 1 - 4)

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TOEFL Speaking

TOEFL Speaking 유형과 전략 제시

EduSky Academy
By Jason

TOEFL Independent Speaking 영역 평가 기준

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

TOEFL Integrated Speaking 영역 평가 기준

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Independent Speaking
바로 이해하기!!

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Independent Speaking: Q#1 (Paired Choice)

(15 seconds of preparation + 45 seconds of speech)

- Main Question Categories of Speaking #1

a. Agree or Disagree with a statement – “A or D”
Ex) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is not
a good way to spend one’s time.
Ex) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We are more informed of
the world events than our parents when they were young.
b. Choose a choice you like between Choice A and Choice B – “Preference”
Ex) Some students like to study in large classes, while others like to study in small
ones. Which method do you think is more effective for students and why?
Ex) When you have questions, do you prefer to ask advisor for help or search it
through internet or library? Why?

- Basic Structure to answer the question #1

a. Transition Word + Give your choice/preference or Agree/Disagree
Ex) As for me, I strongly think it is better for students to study in small classes.
b. 1st reason: Transition Word + Reason sentence
Ex) First of all, students can have more interactions with their teachers in the small
c. Detail sentences to support your reason
Ex) For example, students including myself can ask more questions and teachers
have more time to answer.
d. 2nd reason: Transition Word + Reason sentence
Ex) On top of that, students are allowed to have more discussion time with their
e. Detail sentences to support your reason
Ex) What I mean is that it will be easy to divide students into groups if the class is
small. It will be a good chance for them to improve their communication skills.
f. Transition Word + Conclusion
Ex) For these reasons, I think it is more effective to study in small classes.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

■ Sample Question and response

Q. Some students like to study in large classes, while others like to study in small ones. Which
method do you think is more effective for students and why?
A. As for me, I strongly think it is better for students to study in small classes. First of all,
students can have more interactions with their teachers in the small class. For example, students
including myself can ask more questions and teachers have more time to answer. On top of that,
students are allowed to have more discussion time with their classmates. What I mean is that it
will be easy to divide students into groups if the class is small. It will be a good chance for them
to improve their communication skills. For these reasons, I think it is more effective to study in
small classes.

Practice. When you have questions, do you prefer to ask advisor for help or search it through
internet or library? Why?
Answer. 주어진 위의 Template과 이유를 최대한 이용하여 자신의 response를 만들어봅시다.

- 3 Cardinal Rules of Independent Speaking

a. Keep the response and supporting sentence “simple”
b. Speak steadily to reduce pronunciation mistakes and grammatical errors
c. Use your own template

“Find Similarities in each question and

Use the Same Reason Structure you remember for many questions”

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

■ Possible Transition Word / Useful Expression

1. Opinion/Option 선택 전
In my opinion, ~ / As for me, ~ / As far as I am concerned, ~ / In my personal perspective /
Of all the “선택주제”, I can say with confidence that ~ 등

2. 1st reason sentence 전

First, ~ / First of all, ~ / To begin with, ~ / The first reason is that ~ /

First of all, thanks to the various experiences I have had, I realized that ~ etc.

3. Detail/Supporting Idea(example) 전 또는 “elaborating”하기 전

In order words, ~ / To be more specific, ~ / In particular, ~ / Which means that ~ /
What I mean is that ~ / This remains true to me because ~ /
, which is something I have learned as time passes. This remains true to me because ~
For example, ~ / For instance, ~ etc.

4. 2nd reason sentence 전

Second, ~ / Furthermore, ~ / Moreover, ~ / The second reason is that ~ / Also
Another reason is that ~ / On top of that, ~ etc.

5. Conclusion 전 – “Only if you have time!” – 반드시 들어갈 필요는 없다!

Therefore, I strongly believe that ~ / Thus, I am convinced that ~ / For these reasons, I prefer ~
This is why ~ / In conclusion, ~ etc.

■ Tips
1. 이유가 2개 생각나지 않을 경우 ☞ 하나의 이유를 길게 자세히 설명해도 무방하다

2. Detail/Supporting Idea가 생각나지 않을 경우 ☞ 시간 끌지 말고 바로 2번째 이유 말하기!!!

3. 과장된 표현을 사용하여 느낌을 살리기 ☞ 형용사, 부사를 최대한 사용하기!!!

Ex) I agree ~ -> I totally agree ~

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

■ Possible Answer 예시 (Reason + Supporting 구조)

1. 학교 / 수업 등 관련
◆ More “Interactions” with teachers / classmates
Somebody1 can have more interactions with their teachers (/friends/classmates/neighbors) in
somewhere. For example, somebody1 including myself can ask more questions and somebody2
have more time to answer. It will be a good chance for them to improve their communication

◆ More Discussion with classmates

Somebody1 are allowed to have more discussion time with their classmates
(/friends/classmates/neighbors). What I mean is that it will be easy to divide somebody1 into
groups if somewhere is small. It will be a good chance for them to improve their
communication skills.

◆ More Concentration
Students concentrate better in class and understand the materials better. Then, these can bring
about a better outcome at school.

2. 예술/체육 수업 관련
◆ Expressing feelings in a creative way
예술활동 can teach us how to express ourselves through the works of art. Especially, 예술활동
will help to express our feelings out of us in a different manner. Thus, the young could develop
their talents for art more, which will help to develop creativity.

◆ Relieving stress from daily life

예술활동 will be a stress reliever to students. When students are very stressed out with the daily
burdens, they will be immersed in the artistic activities. It will refresh their mind and body. Then
students could concentrate on their daily study again well.

3. 많은 사람들과 관련된 활동 관련
◆ Communication Skills
- It is possible for me to learn about different things and gain valuable experiences which help me
broaden my perspective. Also, it will be a good chance for me to improve my communication

◆ Human Network
- I am able to meet different people with various experiences and knowledge, and make new
friends, which allows me to expand my social network.
- I can have the opportunity to socialize with others, which allows me to build stronger
relationships with them.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

4. 직업 / 전공 관련
◆ Doctor / Medicine!!
- Thanks to the various experiences I have had, I realized that being a doctor (majoring in
medicine) will be rewarding. I believe this to be true mainly because doctors treat patients and
save lives, which makes the world a much better place to live in.
- Being a doctor will be fairly lucrative, which is something I have learned as time passes. This
remains true to me because doctors earn enough money on a yearly basis to take care of their
family members.

5. Stress 해결 관련
◆ Relieving stress from daily life
- People live in a highly competitive world, and they always have lots of work to do. This is why
they are very stressed out. But, 선택사항을 하는 것은 helps them relieve their stress from daily
studies and life.
- When I feel down and stressed, 선택사항 helps me forget about worries and makes me feel
- Since the daily study and work are heavy many times, it is a good opportunity for me to relieve
daily pressure and enjoy a lazy and comfortable time while doing 선택사항(특히 야외활동). I can
breathe fresh air and appreciate different kinds of flowers.

6. Independence 관련
◆ Saving money
- As a university student, I'm responsible for my college tuition, so I live under a very tight budget.
선택사항 can be a great way to save my money.

7. Responsibility 관련
◆ Inspiration
- 선택사항 inspires me to make more effort and become responsible.

8. Travelling 관련
◆ Cost saving
Since going travelling will definitely cost a lot of money, going with friends can save some costs.
We can share costs for accommodation and tourist tickets, thus improving the quality of our

◆ Safety
Travelling with friends will enable the trip much safer. After all, going to a new place still is
somewhat to be dangerous. If we meet with some emergencies, we could help each other and
come up with some solutions.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

9. Health 관련
◆ Exercise (또는 hiking 등 physical movement가 포함된 경우)
Doing exercises can help to improve heart and lung efficiency, reducing your chances of
developing heart disease because exercise increases heart rate, and makes the heart stronger,
which cannot be achieved by other two ways like eating healthy food or going to a bed early

◆과거 vs. 현재비교

Contemporary people are more informed of safety-concerning issues because they can get more
information more quickly and easily. In the past, people’s main concerns were just how to avoid
dangers from predators and enemies and how to survive from them.

10. Environmental protection 관련

◆ Public Transportation or Bike
What I can do to protect the environment is riding a bike or public transportation. I usually ride
my bike or take public transportation when I go to school or work. There is a serious problem
with global warming these days. So I believe that decrease in using fossil fuel energy is the good
way to protect the environment.

◆ Disposable Product
Reducing the use of disposable products can be a great way to protect the environment.
Nowadays, especially in my country, everything is wrapped in plastic bags or other disposable
materials. I think this produces a lot of waste. So, for me instead of a paper cub, I try to use my
own coffee mug at the café and I always take my shopping bag when I go shopping.

◆ Recycling
It is true that recycling some waste after use instead of discarding them can bring about
unexpected benefits to our invaluable planet. For one thing, collecting old things can not only
contribute to recycling but also reduce waste. For instance, some waste can be transformed into
art works or decorations after being processed. We can turn the bottle of soft drinking into a
delicate vase through minor adjustment and design.

11. Figure / Character / A person 관련 – 본인이 익숙한 인물 등을 반드시 준비하자!

Tom Cruise, one of the most famous Hollywood actors, is a person who I want to follow as a role
model. The reason is that he has not only handsome appearance but also great passion to
overcome his difficulty, dyslexia. Several months ago, I read one article about him and saw one of
his movies. Actually, he shot many famous movies such as Mission Impossible and Top Gun, and
his acting performances in movies thrilled me a lot. Despite of his disease, dyslexia, he never gave
up his dream and finally became a great actor. In result, he became the hope for people including
me who struggle to overcome difficulties. For this reason, I sincerely want to understand his paths
of life to cope with difficult situations and get a lesson from them.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

12. Advice
◆ Need a sense of purpose and meaning in doing something
To make a goal and make great efforts or work hard is the first thing to do. Somebody(ex) Young
students) should remember to get grades in school. This will help them to become successful
when they are older.
◆ Beat fear!
The crucial thing somebody should remember is not to be afraid of asking questions. A lot of
young generations should know to always ask questions when they do not understand something.
These students must understand that teachers are there to help them.
◆ Joining a study group
- A study group can be quite helpful when there are some students who can answer many
questions. Sometimes they explain things more easily than teachers do at school. So with a help
from group members, somebody(ex) my friend, I, people in need) can save a lot of time and
- In a study group, somebody can make new friends. So instead of simply getting nervous or
stressed out about the subject, he or she can tackle the problems with a group of people
together. This also can teach somebody how to get along with other people with different ideas.

13. Computer (or the Internet)

◆ Easy way to do a task
Using computer helps people so much in their studies since it allows people to write research
paper and create visualized presentations more easily and effectively. As everybody knows, in the
past students had to rewrite their paper which costs them bunches of time and efforts. However,
now they only need to some minor edit on the computer.

◆ Communicating with others

A computer with internet access can be used as a convenient and efficient tool to communicate
with others even living in other countries. People now have been accustomed to chatting through
online communication tools such as Skype, Kakao Talk and so forth.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Integrated Speaking
바로 이해하기!!

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Integrated Speaking#2: Situational fit & explain – Campus Life

(30 seconds of preparation + 60 seconds of speech)

- Note-taking
a. Reading – Who / What / Why / When “변화”을 하고자 하는 지 파악
b. Conversation - Reading에서 언급한 “Why”를 반박/동의하는 이유와 근거로
제시되는 논리/예시 등을 파악

- Basic Structure to answer the question #2

a. Keep the response and supporting sentence simple
b. Speak Steadily to reduce pronunciation mistakes and grammatical errors
c. Use your own template

답변구조 1 : Reading 주장 – Conversation 반박 – Reading 주장 – Conversation 반박 – 결론

답변구조 2 : Reading 주장 – Reading 주장 – Conversation 반박 – Conversation 반박 – 결론

■ Sample – Reading Passage for Q3.

Letter in the Centerville College News

The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose
this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus
housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase
such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot ling steel
plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! It’s so large, it’ll take up all the green space in
front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.

■ Sample – Conversation for Q2.

■ Sample response
Through the letter to the university newspaper of the Centerville College, Paul expressed his
opposition to the administration’s plan to purchase the sculpture because the university’s
financial condition is not good enough to buy an expensive sculpture. However, in the
conversation the woman thinks Paul’s claim is unconvincing because anonymous donor will
give the school money to purchase the sculpture, so students won’t be expected to pay
additional fees. Secondly, Paul said the new sculpture is so large that it would take up all the
green space in the center of the campus. However, the woman says that Paul’s idea is so
private because Paul and his friends just don’t want to move their playing place to another
part of the campus.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Integrated Speaking#3: Academic, general/specific – Lecture

(30 seconds of preparation + 60 seconds of speech)

- Note-taking
a. Reading에서 “Main Concept + Definition”을 찾아라
b. Lecture에서 주어진 Main Concept을 설명하는 2 examples의 차이점
Lecture에서 주어진 Main Concept을 설명하는 1 example의 진행과정

- Basic Structure to answer the question #3

a. Keep the response and supporting sentence simple
b. Speak Steadily to reduce pronunciation mistakes and grammatical errors
c. Use your own template

■ Sample – Reading Passage for Q3.

One process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as
groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to
what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative.
There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be
liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a
decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead
group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might
normally not make.

■ Sample – Lecture for Q3.

■ Sample response
1. The professor and his coworker suggested the change of a computer design to appeal to
2. At first, over 50 % of the members in the group agreed with the professor’s suggestion.
3. However, a senior manager said that the company should focus on technology, but not on the
4. After the opposition from the senior manager, most of the supporters to the professor
changed their mind and even the professor’s coworker also did because they were afraid of
leaving bad impression to the senior manager and losing a chance of promotion.
5 Finally, the professor himself changed his mind even though he had already realized the
negative result from his decision.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

Integrated Speaking #4: Academic Summary-Lecture

(20 seconds of preparation + 60 seconds of speech)

- Note-taking
a. 주어진 문제에서 “Main Concept”을 찾아라
b. 2개의 sub-concept은 반드시 Note-taking 해야 한다.
c. 2개의 sub-concept에 있는 2개의 Example은 반드시 Note-taking 해야 한다.
d. 2개의 sub-concept에 대한 2개의 Definition은 가능한 범위까지 Note-taking하고 특
히 ‘동사와 형용사’를 중심으로 기록한다. 또한 주어진 정의나 예시에서는 “차이점”에


- Basic Structure to answer the question #4

a. Lecture명 + Main Subject (문제에서 Clue를 찾을 수 있다!)
Ex) In the biology lecture, the professor explains “Cooperative Behavior among
animals<Main Concept>” by giving two examples.

b. 1st Example/Category: Transition Word + 1st Category 소개

Ex) First of all, she describes the “Prey capture<Sub-concept 1>”.

c. Detail sentences to explain the 1st category with a short definition

Ex) <Definition 1> Some animals have developed better ways to get their food more
efficiently. The professor gives an example of “Bottlenose dolphins<Example 1>” to make
her point.

d. 2nd reason: Transition Word + Reason sentence

Ex) Second, the professor describes that one of the “Cooperative Behavior among
animals<Main Concept>” is “Predator avoidance<Sub-concept 2>”

e. Detail sentences to explain the 2nd category with a short definition

Ex) <Definition 2> Some animals have developed better ways to protect themselves and
survive from their predators. “Anchovies<Example 2>” are a good example of this.

f. Conclusion

Ex) These are the examples that demonstrate “Cooperative Behavior among animals<Main

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

■ Sample response
The lecturer tells us about children’s math potential. The professor states that children under 5
seem to understand a basic mathematical concept like addition. Then he goes on to explain that
by giving an example. In an experiment, one doll was put on the table for the child to see, and
then hidden behind the screen. Another doll was taken out and also was put behind the screen.
Then the child would assume that there were two dolls behind the screen. Actually the researchers
have taken one doll away. When the screen was moved away, the child was very surprised to see
only one. He either stared there or kept his eyes wide open for a few moments. By these means,
the professor proves that children have math potential under the age of 5.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

■ Independent Speaking #1 기출문제 및 Sample Response

1. When going on vacations, some people prefer to go camping in tents; others

prefer to stay in hotels. Which do you think is better?
Personally, going on vacation is something that means a lot to me like taking a pause and
escaping from my daily life. In this sense, I’d like to stay in hotels rather than go camping in tents.
One of the most important reasons is that a hotel offers its guests a comfortable and cozy
environment which usually allows me to take a good break like my home. Moreover, it is safer
and more hygienic to stay in hotels. While camping in tents, you should always keep an eye on all
your belongings because there are some other campers around you, and sometimes it is hard to
find a place to take a shower. Therefore, I definitely choose relaxation and safety by staying in
hotels during my trip.

2. When you have questions, do you prefer to ask advisor for help or search it
through internet or library? Why?
When I have problems, I prefer to search information through the Internet or from library instead
of asking advisors. For the first reason, advisors sometimes don’t have enough time to offer help
for everyone. If I encounter some urgent problems, advisor couldn’t spare time to answer the
questions for me immediately. So I always try to solve the problem by myself. During the
problem-solving process, I will accumulate more experiences to deal with tough questions which
will bring great benefits to my future working ability. Since I need to search information through
the Internet or from library, it will definitely improve my ability of locating and summarizing
information. Thus, I always manage to solve the difficulties through the Internet or from library.

3. Some people prefer to make friends with people who have similar interests to
theirs. Others prefer to make friends with people who have different interests to
theirs. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
As for the question of making friends, some people would like to make friends with those who
have similar interest, while others hold the opposite viewpoint. From my point of view, I prefer to
make friends with different interest. The first reason why I want to do that is that if we make new
friends with different interest, we have more chance to learn and broaden new knowledge.
Furthermore, we may find our potentials in those different fields. People with different interests
are more likely to communicate and behave differently than us. Thus, we will learn from each
other during the time we spend together. To sum up, I prefer to expand my relationship realm by
getting along with friends with different interests.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is not
a good way to spend one’s time.
It is true that watching TV has a negative effect on people. To start with, watching TV for a long
time not only hurts our eyes and body, but it may even dull our wits. For instance, my elder
brother, who are indulge in watching TV shows, would spend almost 4 hours every day on
watching TV. It hurts his eyesight significantly. Also, spending too much time on TV programs can
reduce our communication with our friends and family members. Finally, people who spend too
much time on TV are easily distracted by lots of entertainment shows. These shows usually bring
no benefits to people. On the contrary, it leads young people to spend less time on studying and
have worse school performance.

5. Advertisements have too much influence on consumers’ choice. What’s your

opinion on it? Please give reasons to support your response.
Personally speaking, I agree that advertisements have too much influence on what people buy.
Though economists might think that humans are rational being and make choices based on cost
and benefit, psychologists might disagree with that, and I think consumers are very much
influenced by commercials on what they buy. Frankly, lots of commercials are too much in
bragging about their products and cannot even deliver what they promise, like the so-called
ultimate vacuum cleaner cannot even remove a slight stain on the carpet, even though in the
advertisement, the company portrays their vacuum as the almighty machine, and the
advertisement is so vivid and persuasive and people believe it, only later find that it is not what it
says in the commercial.

6. In some cities, there is a law against making noises at night such loud music or TV.
Some people support this law, while others do not. What is your opinion?
For sure, I support that laws should be enacted to stop making noises at night for the following
reasons. Clearly, most people want to take a rest in peace after a whole day of hardworking, so noises
at night are absolutely intolerable. Once my neighbor played electronic guitar at night and I felt so
anxious and cannot fall asleep. If there were such a law banning noise at night, this kind of situation
might not have happened. Even though some noises such as loud music and construction noise are
hard to get rid of from our daily lives perfectly, if there is a legal rules to regulate the level of noise,
innocent people can get a powerful and legitimate way to fight against unnecessary and excessive
noise making.

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason

☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,
By Jason


☎ 재외국민특례입시/각종시험상담: JASON ☎ 0906-078-1859,

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