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Which of the following is the most common

refractive error occurring among children with
visual disabilities?
(A) Myopia
(B) Hyperopia
(C) Diplopia
(D) Astigmatism

2. Infants born prematurely have a greater risk of

vision problems than infants born full-term
primarily because
(A) their eyes are not yet ready to function in
(B) medications given to mothers to aid in delivery are harmful to the eyes
(C) the development of the eyes is not complete until the final months of gestation
(D) medical interventions given to premature infants can result in eye damage

3. . The term “legally blind” applies to individuals

with corrected central visual acuity in the
better eye at or below which of the following
(A) 20/50
(B) 20/70
(C) 20/100
(D) 20/200

4. Which of the following is an example of a

teaching practice that best addresses the
unique needs of a student with a visual
impairment (VI) ?
(A) A SPED teacher and a classroom teacher planning and discussing teaching strategies
(B) Two certified professionals teaching parallel lessons in the same classroom
(C) A classroom teacher and a paraprofessional supervising an experimental approach to
teaching students with VI
(D) A consultant and a supervisor giving a presentation to general education teachers about
community services for students with VI

5. Marie is an eleventh-grade student with low

vision that includes loss of contrast sensitivity
function (CSF). Which of the following is most
likely to address Marie’s visual impairment in
a trigonometry classroom?
(A) Using e-books in place of textbooks
(B) Using an antiglare filter screen on a computer
(C) Using a line guide when listening to what is being read
(D) Using simple diagrams with sharp, bold lines

6. Which of the following specialists is

specifically trained to collaborate with a
teacher to help students with visual
impairments maximize his/her remaining senses and move one place to another?
(A) Orientation and mobility instructor
(B) Physical therapist
(C) SPED teacher
(D) Occupational therapist

7. Which of the following is most likely to foster

the best collaborative relationship between
the home and the school?
(A) Assigning daily homework that students can complete independently at home or
in class
(B) Ensuring that the paraprofessionals who work directly with students know how to contact
students’ parents
(C) Increasing time allotted for professional learning communities during the school
(D) Providing multiple opportunities during the year for parental involvement in
school activities

8. Which of the following adaptations to a social

studies lesson on a world culture is most
appropriate to assist a student with low vision
understand the abstract concepts related to
the lesson?
(A) Having the student listen while peers use a wall map to locate the geographic region where
the culture thrives
(B) Having the student examine reproductions of artifacts produced by the culture
(C) Having the student access an online interactive multimedia presentation about the culture
(D) Having the student and classmates roleplay a cultural historical event related tothe lesson

9. He is considered as the world’s first psychoanalyst, the creator of psychoanalysis—which is

the approach to understanding and treating psychological problems on which psychodynamic
theory is based.
Erik Erikson
Sigmund Freud
Jean Piaget
Lev Semanovich Vygotsky
10. It is the inability to see distant objects clearly, commonly called nearsightedness or
Visual Impairment

11. It refers to education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students’
individual differences and needs.
Special Education
Early Childhood Education
Individualistic Education
Inclusive Formal Education

12. Which among the following is a mood disorder?

A. Bipolar disorder
B. Obsessive/compulsive disorder
C. Phobias
D. Eating Disorder

13. It is the placement of a disabled child who is enrolled in a special class, in a regular school,
where a student could participate in some activities with nondisabled peers.
A. Normalization
B. Special Education
C. Integration
D. Inclusivity

14. It states: “Where needs warrant, there shall be at least one special class in every province,
and if possible, special schools for the physically handicapped, the mentally retarded, the
emotionally disturbed and the specially gifted. The private sectors shall be given all the
necessary inducement and encouragement.”
A. Declaration of the Rights of the Mentally Retarded
B. Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232)
C. Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603)
D. Rights of the Disabled

15. This is defined as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or
within the range considered normal for a human being.
A. Abnormality
B. Disability
C. Handicap
D. Impairment

16. What date does “White Cane Safety Day” celebrate each year in the Philippines?
a. August 1
b. September 1
c. October 1
d. November 1

17. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's
difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) To which problem does the case of the student allude?
I. Unmotivated students
II. Uncaring teachers
III. Extremely difficult learning tasks
IV. incompetent teachers
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

18. What is the legal basis for learners with special educational needs are enrolled in the
regular education set-up?
a. RA 11650
b. RA 10366
c. RA 10533
d. RA 11228

19. Which terms to the act of educating a child with special education needs partially in a
special education classroom and partially in regular classroom?
A. Mainstreaming
B. Inclusion
C. Individualization
D. Itinerant Plan

20. This type of vision impairment are the leading causes of preventable blindness worldwide.
They are responsible for over 50% of the world’s blindness, over 20 million people.
Diabetic Retinopathy

21. It is the most common eye disease, affecting more than 80 million people worldwide and it
involves damage to the optic nerve, usually caused by fluid buildup and increased pressure
inside the eye.
Diabetic Retinopathy
22. It is a complication of diabetes in which retinal blood vessels leak into the retina, causing
macular edema (swelling).
Diabetic Retinopathy

23. This vision impairment is a pigment deficiency causing several physical conditions, including
vision problems.
Diabetic Retinopathy

24. It refers to the severity of the child’s problem. What factors will determined the child if
he/she has emotional or behavioral disorder?

25. What are the different mental disorders based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders V (DSM –V) except one?

26. Myka have abnormal eating behaviors that negatively affect her physical health. She restrict
calories and do not sustain a healthy body weight? What is her condition?
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Bulimia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating Disorder
d. Eating Disorder

27. June has a mental disorder wherein he always binge and purge what he eats. What mental
condition he have?
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Bulimia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating Disorder
d. Eating Disorder
28. Kyla Marie has a condition wherein she escapes reality in ways that cause problems in her
everyday life. What is her condition that may affect her life?
a. Sociative Insecurity Disorder
b. Leaving Anxiety Disorder
c. Dissociative Identity Disorder
d. Bipolar Disorder

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