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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 1809-1813, June 1973

Quantitative Deficiency of Chain-Specific Globin Messenger Ribonucleic

Acids in the Thalassemia Syndromes
(RNA-DNA hybridization/RNA-dependent DNA polymerase/mouse ascites tumor cell-free system)

*Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139; and the t Division of Hematology of the
Department of Medicine, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Communicated by William B. Castle, March 29, 1973

ABSTRACT A hybridization assay procedure was de- there exists in these conditions a normal amount of a struc-
vised that makes possible quantitation of the ratio of turally and functionally abnormal mRNA. Recent studies in
mRNA of alpha to mRNA of beta globin chains in an RNA
sample. The assay uses the radioactive synthetic DNA ,3 thalassemia of the Ferrara type, in which there is a total
copies obtained by incubation of RNA-dependent DNA absence of fl-chain synthesis (beta0 thalassemia), suggest that
polymerase of avian myeloblastosis virus with rabbit globin strict deficiency of mRNA may not be the only factor in-
mRNA that is 80-90%4 enriched in mRNA specific for synthe- volved in that type of fl thalassemia because, in a cell-free sys-
sis of alpha or beta globin chains. The rabbit alpha-chain
mRNA is obtained from the postribosomal supernatant tem, the addition of ribosome-free supernatant fraction, from
of rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the rabbit beta-chain mRNA reticulocytes of nonthalassemic patients containing Hb A or
is obtained from the largest polysomes of rabbit reticulo- Hb S, to ribosomes of these patients with beta0 thalassemia,
cytes treated with L-O-methylthreonine. Sufficient homol- leads to the synthesis of some betaA, but not betas, globin
ogy exists between rabbit and human globin chains and chain(21, 22).
globin mRNAs that the synthetic DNA copies of chain-
specific rabbit globin mRNA hybridize with human globin Our approach to the problem has been to devise specific
mRNA. Applied to the study of globin mRNA isolated assays for a- and f-chain mRNA that do not depend on the
from reticulocytes of humans with alpha and beta thal- ability of the RNA to function as messenger. It is possible to
assemia, the technique revealed marked quantitative synthesize a radioactive DNA copy of globin mRNA (cDNA)
deficiency of alpha-chain mRNA relative to beta-chain
mRNA in alpha thalassemia and similar deficiency of by using the RNA dependent-DNA polymerase of avian
beta-chain mRNA relative to alpha-chain mRNA in beta myeloblastosis virus (23-25). This DNA can be used in DNA-
thalassemia. The thalassemia' syndromes are therefore RNA hybridization assays to identify and quantitate globin
characterized by true quantitative deficiency of the mRNA mRNA in an RNA sample. Furthermore, it is possible to
specific for the affected globin chain. isolate rabbit globin mRNA that is 80-90% pure for a (26) or
The thalassemia syndromes are inherited disorders of hemo- fi (27) globin mRNA activity when translated in a cell-free
globin (Hb) synthesis characterized by absent or decreased system. DNA synthesized from such chain-specific mRNA
synthesis of alpha (a) or beta (f) globin chains of human adult can be used to quantitate the ratio of a to fi mRNA in a given
hemoglobin (1-5). When there is some synthesis of the affected preparation of rabbit globin mRNA (D. Housman, A.
globin chain, analysis of its peptides reveals no evidence of an Skoultchi, & G. Temple, manuscript submitted). We have ex-
aminoacid substitution (6-8), nor is there evidence of synthesis tended these methods to the study of human globin mRNA.
of incomplete globin chains where there is total absence of the Because there is sufficient cross-hybridization between human
globin chain (9). There is a great deal of evidence, however, globin mRNA and rabbit globin cDNA (24, 25), we have been
that the genes for a and f thalassemia are closely linked to the able to use the chain-specific rabbit globin cDNAs to quanti-
genes for the structural loci of the a and f globin chains, tate the ratio of a to fi globin mRNA in the reticulocyte RNA
respectively (1). of humans with different thalassemia syndromes.
Studies on various aspects of Iolypeptide chain initiation Our results indicate that in the a thalassemia syndrome of
and translation in homozygous f thalassemia have revealed no Hb H disease the a/fl mRNA ratio is 1: 6, whereas in homo-
abnormalities (10-15). However, when globin mRNA isolated zygous fl thalassemia the a/f mRNA ratio is 10: 1.
from fi thalassemia reticulocytes is added to a heterologous MATERIALS AND METHODS
cell-free system, much less human fi chain is synthesized than
a chain (16-18). The opposite is observed in the a thalassemia Materials. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of avian
syndrome of Hb H disease (19, 20). This demonstration of a myeloblastosis virus, a gift of I. Verma, D. Smoler, and D.
deficienev of functional chaiin-specific mRNA in both a and f Baltimore, was purified as described (28, 29). Oligo(dT)12-16
thalassemia, however, does not rule out the possibility that was obtained from Collaborative Research Inc., Waltham,
Mlass. [3H]dGTP (specific activity 8 Ci/mmol) and [3H]
Abbreviations: cDNA, synthetic DNA copy of mRNA; Hb, leucine (38.8 Ci/mmol) were obtained from New England
hemoglobin. Nuclear Corp. Aspergillus oryzae SI nuclease was purified from
I Present address: Department of Biology, Yale University, New amylase type IV-A (Sigma Chemical Co.) as described (30, 31).
Haven, Conn. Escherichia coli tRNA was obtained from Schwarz/M\lann and
Please address reprint requests to: Dr. B. Forget, Children's was extracted with phenol before use. Peripheral blood con-
Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Maass. 02115. taiiming 5-20% reticulocytes was obtained from patients with
1810 Medical Sciences: Housman et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973)
tained by incubation of the mRNAs with partially purified
RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of avain myeloblastosis
virus, oligo(dT)12_16, [3H]dGTP, and actinomycin D (23).
The DNA product was incubated at 370 for 18 hr in 0.3 N
KOH, then neutralized with HCL. E. coli tRNA (50 ,g) was
added as carrier. The DNA was isolated by Sephadex G-150
gel filtration in 0.1 M ammonium bicarbonate buffer, lyophil-
ized, and resuspended in H20. The cDNA obtained from par-
tially purified (nonthalassemic) human globin mRNA and that
obtained from the single 1OS RNA band isolated by acrylamide
gel electrophoresis of the same human mRNA, were used as
templates for synthesis of 32P-labeled RNA by E. coli RNA
polymerase. Identical fingerprint patterns were obtained from
1 2.5 5 to the [32P]RNA copies of both types of cDNA, and the nucleo-
tide sequences of most of the oligonucleotides match known
ng RNA ADDED aminoacid sequences in either a or 3 globin chains (32). Fur-
FIG. 1. (A) Hybridization of rabbit a and (3 mRNAs with thermore, the RNA transcript from the a thalassemia cDNA
[3H] DNA copy of rabbit a mRNA. Hybridization was done used in the experiments to be presented below yields a similar
for 40 hr at 650. The indicated amount of RNA added represents fingerprint pattern, but with definite quantitative differences
total A260 units of the rabbit mRNA sample present (1 ,g = between the oligonucleotides: one very prominent set and one
0.025 A260 units). The cDNA input was 137 cpm per reaction very faint set of oligonucleotides. The sequences present in the
mixture over a background of 20 cpm; the digested blank reaction prominent oligonucleotides match (3-chain, but not a-chain,
mixture without mRNA contained 8 cpm above background. aminoacid sequences (32).
Arrows indicate the points where half-saturation of hybridization
is achieved. (B) Hybridization of rabbit a and , mRNAs with Hybridization Assays contained in 5 ul, 0.2 M sodium phos-
[3H]DNA copy of rabbit ,B mRNA. The conditions are the same phate buffer (pH 6.8), 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 100-300
as in (A). The cDNA input was 350 cpm per reaction mixture cpm of [3H ]DNA copy, and 0-10 ng of mRNA. The mixture
over a background of 20 cpm; the digested blank reaction mix- was incubated for 40 hr at the indicated temperatures, in
ture without mRNA contained 15 cpm above background.

homozygous a thalassemia (Hb H disease), homozygous ,(

thalassemia, and a nonthalassemic patient with Hb A and
hemolytic anemia.
Preparation of Human and Rabbit Globin mRNA. Rabbit
globin mRNA was obtained as described (27). Globin mRNA
enriched for rabbit (3-chain mRNA was isolated from the
largest polysomes of reticulocytes treated with L-O-methyl-
threonine (27) and was the gift of G. Temple. Globin mRNA
enriched for rabbit a-chain mRNA was isolated from ribosome-
free, reticulocyte lysate supernatant fraction (26) and was the
gift of Mr. H. Meade and Dr. C. Baglioni. The chain-specific
rabbit mRNAs were purified by repeated sucrose gradient
centrifugations until they yielded a single RNA peak with a
sedimentation coefficient of 10 S. Translation of the mRNAs
in the cell-free system of Krebs II mouse ascites tumor
showed them to be about 90% pure for a or (3 mRNA activity.
Human reticulocyte RNA was prepared by phenol-cresol ex-
traction of membrane-free reticulocyte lysates (17), and the
total cellular RNA was fractionated by sucrose gradient
centrifugation. The RNA sedimenting between 4 and 18 S
was precipitated and served as the partially purified human ng RNA ADDED
globin mRNA samples used for cell-free synthesis, hybridiza- FIG. 2. (A) Hybridization of human mRNAs with ['HI DNA
tion to cDNA, and synthesis of human cDNA. The amount of copy of rabbit a mRNA. Hybridization was done as in Fig. 1.
1OS globin mRNA in such human mRNA samples was quanti- The indicated amount of RNA added represents total lOS RNA
tated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the RNA and scan- added, as determined by acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the
ning of the unstained gels at A260 (17); the 10S RNA was mRNA. The input cDNA and the blank were the same as in
usually 25-30% of the total RNA in the sample, and the Fig. 1A. (B) Hybridization of human mRNAs with ['H]DNA
amount of RNA used in the hybridization experiments shown copy of rabbit (3 mRNA. The conditions are the same as in (A).
in Figs. 2 and 3 refer to 10S RNA, not total RNA. 1 ,ug of The cDNA input was 180 cpm per reaction mixture over a back-
RNA was considered to be equivalent to 0.025 A260 units. ground of 20 cpm; the digested blank reaction mixture without
mRNA contained 45 cpm above background. 0, Human RNA
Synthesis of Radioactive DNA Copy of Globin mRNA. Single- (nonthalassemia); X, (3-thalassemia RNA; A, a-thalassemia
stranded DNA copies of high specific radioactivity were ob- RNA.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1978) mRNA Deficiency in Thalassemia 1811

sealed capillary tubes. The amount of labeled DNA hybrid-

ized was determined by diluting the reaction mixture into 2
ml of a solution containing 0.1 M sodium acetate (pH 4.5),
1 mM ZnSO4, 10 Ag/ml of calf-thymus DNA (heat-denatured),
and sufficient Aspergillus oryzae S1 nuclease to digest de-
natured 3H-labeled DNA of bacteriophage P22 so that less
than 5% of its cpm remained acid-precipitable, while no more
than 5% acid-soluble counts were released from the native
(double-stranded) phage DNA; incubation was for 30 min at
45°. The remaining nuclease-resistant trichloroacetic acid-
precipitable counts (less the counts in a similarly processed
blank containing cDNA but no RNA) were taken to represent
the specific hybrid; percent hybridization was calculated in
reference to the acid-precipitable counts in a similarly in-
cubated but nondigested blank reaction mixture containing
cDNA but no RNA.
Hybridization of Rabbit Globin mRNA to Rabbit cDNA. Our
hybridization experiments measure the ratio of a-chain mRNA
to f-chain mRNA in a given sample. We perform a saturation
curve for each RNA preparation against ['H ]a-chain and ['H ]
f-chain cDNA of the same specific activity. The ratio of the
amount of RNA required to reach a saturation value in
hybridization with f cDNA to the amount required to reach a 4 --I

saturation value of hybridization with a cDNA gives a direct

measurement of the ratio of a-chain mRNA sequences to (- ng RNA ADDED
chain mRNA sequences in the sample. The validity of this FIG. 3. Hybridization of human mRNAs with [3H] DNA copy
measurement depends on two considerations: (i) The cDNAs of human a-thalassemia mRNA (human (3 eDNA). (Symbols
are composed predominantly of sequences complementary to are the same as in Fig. 2.) (A) Hybridization was done at 650
a- and (-chain mRNAs; (ii) cross-hybridization between a- for 40 hr. The cDNA input was 232 cpm per reaction mixture
chain mRNA and f-chain cDNA and between (-chain mRNA over a background of 20 cpm; the digested blank reaction mixture
and a-chain cDNA does not take place. without mRNA contained 18 cpm above background. The amount
Detailed experimental support for these propositions will be of human 10S mRNA added was determined as in Fig. 2. (B)
presented elsewhere (Housman, Skoultchi, and Temple, manu- The conditions were the same in (A), except that the temperature
was 78°. The cDNA input was 211 cpm per reaction mixture
script submitted). In brief, these results are as follows: over a background of 19 cpm; the digested blank reaction mixture
(i) Fingerprint analysis of the RNA transcript of human without mRNA contained 0 cpm above background.
cDNA strongly indicates that only sequences complementary
to globin mRNA are present in the cDNA preparations. a mRNA preparation, for example, this half-saturation value
(ii) Hybridization was performed under conditions that corresponds to 2.5 ng in hybridization against rabbit fi cDNA,
should favor duplex formation between f-chain cDNA and and 0.3 ng in hybridization against rabbit a cDNA; for the
a-chain mRNA by incubation of a cDNA with a large excess rabbit (3 mRNA preparation, these values are 0.5 ng and 3 ng,
of an RNA preparation containing a and ( mRNAs in a ratio respectively. The ratio of these values is a direct measure of
greater than 5:1 [a mRNA (26)]. No hybrids between a the ratio of a to ( mRNA sequences in these RNA prepara-
mRNA and (3 cDNA sequences were detected, as judged by tions, and indicate that the a mRNA has (3 mRNA in it to the
analysis of the melting temperature of the hybrids formed. extent of 12% and that the (3 mRNA has a mRNA in it to the
(iii) The results of hybridization of rabbit a mRNA and fl extent of 16%. This procedure is used for determining the ratio
mRNA to cDNA synthesized from unfractionated rabbit of a to (3 mRNA sequences in each RNA preparation con-
globin mRNA (a/f ratio = 1) indicate that this cDNA is a sidered below.
representation of a and (3 mRNA sequences in about the same
proportions as in the template RNA and that no additional Hybridization of Human Globin mRNA to Chain-Specific
sequences are present in the cDNA in amounts greater than Rabbit cDNA. Hybridization of total (or mixed) human globin
10%. mRNA to rabbit a- and f-chain-specific cDNA is shown in
Analysis of the saturation curves for rabbit a mRNA and Fig. 2. With both cDNAs, half-saturation of hybridization is
rabbit ( mRNA (Fig. 1) gives an a mRNA to (3 mRNA con- obtained with about the same amount of RNA (0.2-0.25 ng).
tent of about 8/1 for the rabbit a mRNA preparation and 1/6 This result indicates that the relative amounts of a and (3
for the rabbit (3 mRNA preparation. These values are deter- mRNA in the human RNA are about equal. The maximum
mined by dividing the amount of RNA required to give half amount of hydridization or percent hybridization of human
of the saturation value obtained in hybridization of this RNA mRNA is higher with rabbit a cDNA (70-80%) than with
against rabbit ( cDNA by the amount of this same RNA re- rabbit (3 cDNA (40%). This difference in percent hybridiza-
quired to give half of the saturation value obtained in hy- tion of human RNA with the different rabbit cDNAs could
bridization of this RNA against rabbit a cDNA. For the rabbit be due to several factors. One possible explanation is that
1812 Medical Sciences: Housman et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973)
differences in the third or "wobble" position of each codon hybridization mixture. Secondly, the hybridization tempera-
may be much more frequent in 3 mRNA sequences between ture was increased from 650 to 780 in order to render less stable
human and rabbit than they are in the a mRNA sequences. any -y mRNA-,B cDNA hybrids.
Hybridization of a-Thalassemia mRNA with Chain-Specific To obtain cDNA containing predominantly sequences com-
Rabbit cDNA. The results of hybridization obtained with plementary to human fl-chain mRNA, we took advantage of
our previous demonstration of marked a-chain mRNA de-
reticulocyte mRNA from a patient with a thalassemia (Hb
H disease) are shown in Fig. 2. The ratio of a/f mRNA ficiency in a-thalassemia mRNA. Fingerprint analysis of the
sequences determined by half-saturation values of the RNA RNA copy synthesized from this cDNA bears out the conten-
against fi cDNA (0.5 ng) and a cDNA (2.9 ng) is roughly 1/6 tion that this cDNA contains predominantly fl-chain se-
and indicates a marked deficiency of a mRNA relative to fi
mRNA in the a-thalassemia RNA. Since the sample includes Initial hybridization experiments were done at 650. The
RNA from a whole-cell lysate rather than a polysome prepara- results are shown in Fig. 3A. With the normal (nonthal-
tion, these results rule out the presence of a significant amount assemic) human mRNA, half-saturation of hybridization is
of functionally deficient a-chain mRNA that is unable to achieved with the same amount of RNA (0.25 ng) as required
enter polysomes. to achieve half-saturation of hybridization against the rabbit a
Although the a//3 globin chain synthetic ratio of this pa- cDNA (Fig. 2A); this result again indicates about equal
tient's intact reticulocytes was 1/3 (data not shown), the amounts of and B mRNA in normal human RNA.

mRNA isolated from these reticulocytes showed a much more The a/fl mRNA ratio obtained, by the same calculation, for
profound deficiency of a mRNA activity, when translated in the f-thalassemia mRNA in this experiment is 4.8/1 (1.2 ng
the cell-free system of Krebs II mouse ascites tumor (19): against human cDNA/0.25 ng against rabbit a cDNA).
the a/f globin chain synthetic ratio in the cell-free system was However, the plateau value for fi-thalassemia mRNA hy-
1/25 (data not shown). The a/fl mRNA ratio obtained by bridized to human cDNA (% hybrid) was lower (50%) than
hybridization gives an intermediate value between these two that for the normal human mRNA (80%). This observation
extremes. In a second unrelated patient with Hb H disease, suggested the possibility that some of the hybrids formed at
similar hybridization anid intact-cell and cell-free globin syn- 650 were duplexes between -y mRNA and cDNA.
thesis results were obtained. Discrepancy between intact-cell Analysis of the melting profile of the hybrids formed at 650
and cell-free mRNA-directed protein synthesis in a thalassemia confirmed that a significant fraction (30%) of the fi-thal-
has also been reported by others (20). All of these findings may assemia mRNA-human cDNA hybrids had a lower melting
indicate the presence, in the a-thalassemia reticulocyte, of temperature (800) than the hybrids between normal human
interchain protein synthesis regulation, and translational de- mRNA and human cDNA (930) (data not shown). To elim-
pression of f-chain synthesis or release, due to the absence of inate this low-melting component, which we believe to be due
a chains. A role of a chains in the regulation of f-chain syn- to hybrids between y-chain mRNA and fl-chain cDNA,
we increased the temperature of hybridization to 780. The re-
thesis has been suggested (33-37).
sults of the 780 hybridization are shown in Fig. 3B: no change
Hybridization of f-Thalassemia mRNA with Chain-Specific occurred in the saturation curve of normal (human) mRNA
Rabbit cDNA. The fi-thalassemia mRNA shows the same compared to the results obtained at 650. However, the amount
pattern of hybridization with rabbit a cDNA as the normal of fi-thalassemia mRNA required to reach half-saturation of
human mRNA (Fig. 2A): half-saturation of hybridization is hybridization was much greater than at 650 (5 ng instead of
achieved with 0.25 ng of RNA. Hybridization of the ,B-thal- 1.2 ng). The ratio of a-chain mRNA to f-chain mRNA in the
assemia mRNA with rabbit fi cDNA revealed half-saturation B-thalassemia RNA is therefore about 10:1 (5 ng against
of hydridization achieved with 0.5 ng of RNA (Fig. 2B). human cDNA/0.5 ng against rabbit a cDNA). Again, as the
These results indicate the presence of only twice as much a as ratio of a to mRNA in total cellular RNA rather than poly-
non-a mRNA in the fi-thalassemia mRNA. In the cell-free sys- somal RNA has been determined, it seems very unlikely that
tem this same mRNA promotes the synthesis of only 1/10 as a significant amount of fl-chain mRNA sequences that cannot
much ,B chain as a chain, but it also promotes the synthesis of be translated is present in these cells.
significant amounts of the y chain of fetal hemoglobin
which is usually increased in fi thalassemia. There is about half DISCUSSION
as much -y- as a-chain synthesis in the cell-free system, A large amount of experimental evidence has accumulated that
whereas there is 1/3 as much y- as a-chain synthesis in indirectly suggests that there must exist a quantitative defi-
the patient's intact reticulocytes (data not shown). Because ciency in mRNA for one or another globin chain in the various
there is a good deal of homology between the human y thalassemia syndromes. Even the demonstration that mRNA
and ,B globin chains (39 amino acids different out of 146), the isolated from thalassemic reticulocytes reproduces, in heterol-
human -y mRNA present in the sample could be hy- ogous cell-free systems, the imbalance of globin-chain syn-
bridizing with the rabbit ,B cDNA and giving a falsely high thesis characteristic of intact thalassemic reticulocytes, does
value for fi mRNA content in the sample. For this reason a not rule out the possibility of a structurally and functionally
more specific test for quantitation of human fi mRNA was abnormal mRNA for the affected chain, present in normal
devised. amounts within the thalassemic reticulocytes. The results of
Hybridization of Human mRNA with Human f cDNA. Two the hybridization experiments described in this report provide
major variables were altered to permit quantitation of ,B direct evidence for the suspected quantitative deficiency of
mRNA (relative to a mRNA) in the presence of an excess of chain-specific globin mRNA in both a- and fi-thalassemia
human -y-chain mRNA. First, human fl-chain [3H ]cDNA syndromes. This direct demonstration is provided not by a
was synthesized and replaced rabbit fl-chain cDNA in the functional test of the mRNA but by a quantitative chemical
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) mRNA Deficiency in Thalassemia 1813

assay: a DNA-RNA hybridization assay capable of detecting 4. Weatherall, D. J., Clegg, J. B. & Naughton, M. A. (1965)
the presence of nanogram amounts of a specific mRNA mole- Nature 208, 1061-1065.
5. Bank, A. & Marks, P. A. (1966) Nature 212, 1198-1200.
cule. Previous attempts-to demonstrate deficiency of mRNA 6. Guidotti, G. (1962) "Thalassemia," in Conference on Hemo-
in thalassemia by similar hybridization techniques (18) have globin (Arden House, Columbia University, New York).
not given clear-cut results because of the use, as hybridization 7. Baglioni, C. (1963) " Correlations between genetics and
probes, of DNA copies of total globin mRNA containing copies chemistry of human hemoglobins," in "Molecular Genetics",
of both a and mRNA in presumably equal amounts. In the ed. Taylor, J. H. (Academic Press, New York and London),
Part 1, p. 405.
current study, we have used the DNA copies of chain-specific 8. Jones, R. T. & Schroeder, W. A. (1963) Biochemistry 2,
mRNA for rabbit a and globin chain. By comparing the 1357-1367.
point at which a standard set of dilutions of a mRNA prepara- 9. Dreyfus, J. C., Labie, D., Vibert, M. & Conconi, F. (1972)
tion achieves half-maximum hybridization with and then Eur. J. Biochem. 27, 291-296.
10. Bank, A. & Marks, P. A. (1966) J. Clin. Invest. 45, 330-336.
with a globin cDNA, one obtains a quantitative ratio of a to 11. Clegg, J. B., Weatherall, D. J., Na-Nakorn, S. & Wasi, P.
mRNA content of the given RNA sample. Nonthalassemic (1968) Nature 220, 664-668.
samples give a ratio of 1 to 1; on the contrary, in a thalassemia 12. Gilbert, J. M., Thornton, A. G., Nienhuis, A. W. & Anderson,
the a to ,B mRNA ratio is roughly 1 to 6, and in B thalassemia W. F. (1970) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 67, 1854-1861.
this ratio is roughly 10 to 1. These findings provide strong 13. Nienhuis, A. W., Laycock, D. G. & Anderson, W. F. (1971)
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evidence against the hypothesis that there exists, in the usual 14. Nathan, D. G., Lodish, H., Kan, Y. W. & Housman, D.
types of thalassemia, a mRNA that is functionally inactive (1971) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 2514-2518.
but present in normal amounts. Such a mRNA would still be 15. Rieder, R. F. (1972) J. Clin. Invest. 51, 364-372.
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50, 2458-2460.
mal mRNA to be detected in the hybridization assay. 17. Benz, E. J., Jr. & Forget, B. G. (1971) J. Clin. Invest. 50,
Demonstration of a quantitative deficiency in a or mRNA 2755-2760.
in thalassemia leaves open the question of the molecular basis 18. Dow, L. W., Kacian, D., Terada, M., Metafora, S., Spiegel-
for this defect. One possibility is that the deficient mRNA man, S., Marks, P. A. & Bank, A. (1972) J. Clin. Invest. 51,
sequence is not transcribed as efficiently or processed and
24a, abstr.
19. Benz, E. J., Jr., Swerdlow, P. S. & Forget, B. G. (1972) Blood
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ficiency could result from a less-stable mRNA due to an altera- Nature New Biol. 241, 209-211.
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Volpato, S. (1972) Nature New Biol. 238, 83-87.
zygous and heterozygous thalassemia there is more /3-chain 22. Rowley, P. T. & Kosciolek, B. (1972) Nature New Biol. 239,
synthesis relative to a-chain synthesis in the bone-marrow 234-235.
cells than in the peripheral blood reticulocytes (38, 39), it is 23. Verma, I. M., Temple, G. F., Fan, H. & Baltimore, D. (1972)
not known whether this discrepancy is due to differences in Nature New Biol. 235, 163-167.
the /3/a mRNA content present in marrow cells and reticulo- 24. Ross, J., Aviv, H., Scolnick, E. & Leder, P. (1972) Proc.
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cytes. Comparison of the /3/a mRNA content in thalassemic 25. Kacian, D. L., Spiegelman, S., Bank, A., Terada, M., Meta-
marrow RNA to that found in corresponding reticulocyte fora, S., Dow, L. & Marks, P. A. (1972) Nature New Biol.
RNA should provide some further insight into the problem. 235, 167-169.
Finally, application of the hybridization technique to the 26. Jacobs-Lorena, M. & Baglioni, C. (1972) Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. USA 69, 1425-1428.
study of Ferrara-type thalassemia should help resolve the 27. Temple, G. & Housman, D. E. (1972) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
issue of whether or not /3-chain mRNA is present in that syn- USA 69, 1574-1577.
drome in normal amounts. 28. Verma, I. M., MNeuth, N. L., Bromfeld, E., Manly, K. F. &
Baltimore, D. (1971) Nature New Biol. 233, 131-134.
We thank Drs. D. Baltimore, D. G. Nathan, J. Huberman, and 29. Baltimore, D. & Smoler, D. F. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247,
P. Gross for generous support and encouragement; Dr. G. Tem- 7282-7287.
ple, H. Meade, and Dr. C. Baglioni for use of their chain-specific 30. Ando, T. (1966) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 114, 158-168.
rabbit globin mRNAs; Dr. I. Verma, D. Smoler, and Dr. D. 31. Sutton, W. D. (1971) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 240, 522-531.
Baltimore for the purified avian myeloblastosis virus RNA- 32. Marotta, C., Verma, I. M., McCaffrey, R. P. & Forget, B. G.
dependent DNA polymerase. This work was supported in part (1973) Fed. Proc. 32, 455, abstr.
by the following grants from the National Institutes of Health: 33. Baglioni, C. & Campana, T. (1967) Eur. J. Biochem. 2,
CA-13472, AM-15929, and AM-05581. D.H. and A.S. are fellows 480-492.
of the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research. 34. Shaeffer, J. R. (1967) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 28,
B.G.F. is the recipient of a Public Health Service Research Career 647-652.
Development Award, AM-70234. 35. Shaeffer, J. R., Trostle, P. K. & Evans, R. F. (1969) J. Biol.
Chem. 244, 4284-4291.
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