VNPO Example 5

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Q1: A doctor with a PhD is a doctor of what??

a. !Philosophy
b. Physical Therapy
c. Psychology
d. Phrenology
Q2: Which of the following Ivy League universities has its official motto in Hebrew as well as in Latin??

a. Harvard University
b. Princeton University
c. !Yale University
d. Columbia University
Q3: Which of these companies does NOT manufacture automobiles??

a. Nissan
b. !Ducati
c. Fiat
d. GMC
Q4: What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991??

a. United States of America

b. Soviet Union
c. !India
d. Poland
Q5: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. Twenty
b. !Five
c. Ten
d. One hundred
Q6: What character was once considered to be the 27th letter of the alphabet??

a. Pilcrow
b. !Ampersand
c. Tilde
d. Interrobang
Q7: What was Mountain Dew's original slogan??
a. !Yahoo! Mountain Dew... It'll tickle your innards!
b. Get' that barefoot feelin' drinkin' Mountain Dew
c. Do The Dew
d. Give Me A Dew
Q8: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer??

a. Bone
b. Liver
c. !Pancreatic
d. Stomach
Q9: In ancient Greece, if your job were a "hippeus" which of these would you own??

a. Weave
b. Guitar
c. !Horse
d. Boat
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Argumentum ad populum
b. !Ad hominem
c. Tu quoque
d. Post hoc ergo propter hoc

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