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Q1) How can Set & Map implemented classes identifies

a duplicate object and can stop storing them in collection?

By using hashCode(), "==" operator & equals() method

Explain internals of HashSet/HashMap/Hashtable?

1) The classes those contain a word "Hash" in their name
internally uses hashCode(), "==" operator & equals()
methods for stopping duplicate objects, and also for
searching, retrieving & removing correct element from
set and Map based collections.

2) Inside put() method,

- First hashCode() method is called
- Next "==" operator is used
- Finally equals() method is called

3) hashCode() method is used for storing

related objects as one group by separated them
from other group of objects in the same map.

So that comparisions will be decreased,

execution will become fast. Execution become fast
because currently adding object will be compared to
only with its "hash code" objects in this map,
but not with all objects availabe in the Map.

4) Further "==" operator is used for comparing

the adding object with its hashCode objects
using reference.

5) Finally equals() method is used for comparing

the adding object with its hashcode objects
using state (using reference if not overridden).

add()/put() method algorithm in HS/LHS/HM/LHM/Ht

6) For storing objects, HashMap internally uses
"hash table" data structure.

7) "hash table" internally uses another

data structure called "bucket" for storing
the same hashcode objects as one group.

8) bucket is a collection of elements those

have same hashcode. This bucket is also a collection
object, it's LinkedList(from 1.8 onwards it's Binary Tree).

9) Bucket is used for storing same hash code objects as one

group. So that comparing & searching will be fast
because currently adding element will be compared only
with this object's hashcode group of objects.

10) new bucket will be created only for every new hashcode
object. Then this object will be added to this bucket directly
without any comparisons.

11) if bucket is already available with this currently adding

entry's key hashcode, then put() method will check
whether this entry is unique or duplicate by using
"==" opearator and equals() method.

12) If "==" operator returns "true",

adding entry is duplicate on key reference,
then key is not added, but its mapped old value is
replaced by this new value

13) If "==" operator returns false,

adding entry is unique based on reference, but it
may be duplicate based on state. So, put() method will
call equals() method for comparing entry using its

14) If equals() method also retuns false,

entry is added in the same bucket,
means it is unique entry on data wise.

15) If equals() method returns true,

adding entry is duplicate on key state wise,
then key is not added, but its mapped old value is
replaced by this new value

16) The hash table data structure is internally

implemented by using Node class array

17) The bucket(single linked list with Node objects)

is created with given entry(key and value) and
its reference is stored in the table(Node[] object)
in its one of the locations.

18) To find the location to store this entry's node object,

inside put() method, key object hash code is divided by
the HashMap capacity (Ex: key.hC()%16).
This division's reminder value is nothing but
the index number of the location for storing this entry.

Check below diagram for undestanding:

Below flow chart diagram will show you

HM internal algorithm with all above points

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