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Class 7th


Q No 1:

Fill in the blanks.

1. Pitch of sound is determined by ____________________ of its vibrations.

2. Sound heard by reflection is called ___________________.

3. The loudness of sound is measured in ____________________.

4. An ________________ is used to detect electrical charge.

5. Static electricity is also called _____________________.

6. Two positive charges __________________ each other.

7. Tu ebonite rods rubber with wool _________________ each other.

8. An organ system work in _________________ with one another.

9. _________________ is a yellow green liquid which is secreted by liver and health in the
digestion of fats.

10. A group of organs and tissues constitute an _________________ system.

11. Oxygen is _________________ heavier than air.

12. Molecular formula of oxygen is _____________________.

13. The human body has about ___________________ oxygen by weight.

14. Normal temperature of human body is _________________°C.

15. Thermometer uses the property of __________________ of liquids.

Q No 2:

Choose the correct option.

1. Volume of oxygen in the air is:

a. 56% b. 50% c. 21% d. 3%

2. Oxygen is used by:

a. Non living things. b. Some non living things

c. Most living things. d. All living things

3. Carbon dioxide gas was discovered by:

a. Schelle. b. Priestly. c. Van Helmont. d. Lavoisier

4. Carbon dioxide gas can be prepared in the laboratory with:

a. Potassium chlorate. b. Mercuric oxide.

c. Zinc and hydrochloric acid d. Hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate

5. The gas used in fire extinguisher is:

a. Nitrogen. b. Carbon dioxide. c. Oxygen. d. Hydrogen

6. Normal body temperature is:

a. 17°C. b. 20°C. c. 25°C. d. 37°C

7. How many scales on thermometer:

a. Two. b. Three. c. Four. d. Five

8. Total heat content of a body is called its:

a. Thermometer. b. Enthalpy. c. Fertility. d. None

9. Boiling point of Mercury:

a. 127°C. b. 78°C. c. 356.7°C. d. 103°C

10. The process through which heat is passes is called:

a. Insulation. b. Conduction. c. Heating. d. Energy

Q No 3:

True False.

1. The heart is situated on the left side of the chest region.

2. Saliva is stored in the gall bladder.

3. Nervous system consist of brain and spinal cord.

4. Solid carbon dioxide is known as catalyst.

5. Carbon dioxide is used to prepare Bakery products.

6. Oxygen has no factor on Litmus Paper.

7. Dry ice is used as coolant.

8. Human body consist of 65% of oxygen by its weight.

9. We receive heat from the sun by convection.

10. Except mercury liquid and gases are good conductor of heat.

Q No. 4:

Give one word answer.

1. When was oxygen discovered?

2. Do catalysts remain unchanged or become changed during a chemical reaction?

3. Whi gave hydrogen gas its name?

4. One of the demands of oxygen is in breathing and the other is in?

5. Which gas are the sun and stars mostly made of?

6. Does temperature tell us how hot a body is?

7. What is the melting point of ice?

8. What is the unit of heat?

9. What is the specific heat of ice?

10. When do liquids expand?

Q No 5:

Short questions.

Q1. Write the two important digestive glands which are associated with the digestive system?

Q2. Name the four Chambers of human heart?

Q3. Who straight the differences between breathing and respiration?

Q4. Write for properties of Hydrogen?

Q5. Write four Properties of Carbon dioxide?

Q6. What is thermometer and what is it used for?

Q7. What are the factors that control lose or gain of heat?

Q8. How many joules of heat are needed to increase the temperature of 2 kg of copper 10 °C?

Q9. Define Thunder?

Q10. What are the conductors and non conductors as insulator give three examples of each?

Q No. 6:

Long Questions.

Q1. Difference between time period and frequency?

Q2. What is sound and how is sound produced?

Q3. What do you understand by the term ultrasonic and infrasonic?

Q4. Write uses of electroscope?

Q5. Define the following terms.

i. Melting point. ii. Boiling point. iii. Freezing point

Q No.7:

Draw the diagram of preparation of carbon dioxide.

Q No.8: Labelling the diagram skeletal ststem.

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