Quiz 6

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Sadat Academy for Management Sciences

First Year/English Stream Quiz

❶ Complete the Sentences
1. with 2. fall behind 3. get into 4. live in 5. opt out of
6. pay off 7. to 8. lost sight of 9. stamp out 10. used up

(…) Most single company employees ……….. live in dormitories

(…) I soon ……….. the world outside the company. fell behind
(…) I used
……….. up half of my fourteen day’s annual leave because of sickness
(…) They are expected to devote all their time ………..to the company
(…) with
Why do people put up ………..this?
(…) They ……….. even the desire for a different kind of live lost sight of
(…) Children will get into in the fiercely competitive Japanese education system.
(…) There is a lot of competition to ……….. these jobs stamp out
(…) It is not easy to ……….. this lifestyle opt out of
(…) A lot of employees couldn’t quit because they had to pay off large debts

❷ Replace the underlined words with their idioms

1. Ahmed is so sensitive that all his friends have to be very careful not to upset him.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… walk on eggshells
2. We cannot compare Ahmed and Ali. They are completely different .
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… like chalk and cheese.
3. We all know that you've been saying one thing but doing another about the merger.
talking out of both sides of your mouth
4. They said the test would be difficult, but it was extremely easy - I'll pass with no problem at all.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… a piece of cake
5. The only thing you do all day is watch TV. You’ve become a very lazy person, haven’t you?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… a couch potato

❸ Read The Following Passage and Then Answer The Questions

Science as we know it today can be said to have started with the ancient Greeks, with the likes of
Herodotus, Aristotle and Theophrastus, all of whom lived from 300 to 500 years before Christ. Their findings were
still valid two millenniums later, when science was reborn with the Renaissance following the Dark Ages when
after the fall of Rome, roughly 1000 years after the Greeks created their scientific theories, science and learning
were forgotten during the ravages of war and disease which enveloped the whole of the then civilized world.
Geology, even mineralogy, can be traced back to the Greeks. They recognized that the position of the land
and sea had changed and that a great length of time had been necessary for these changes. They believed the world
was round, that the orbits of planets were also circular and they noticed that heavy objects fell faster than light
ones. So, more sciences than one can be said to have begun with the Greeks.
Of course, all their learning might have disappeared for good during the six or seven centuries of the Dark
Ages. But the Arabs were also interested in science, and they were at the edge of the Dark Ages, so they were able
to preserve the findings of the Greeks, translating some of their work and even building on it. When science finally
took root again in the Middle Ages it was based very much on the ideas and work of the Greeks.
1. What's the main point the author is making in this passage?
A. Much of Greek science was lost in the Dark Ages.
B. The Arabs copied the Greek ideas.
C. Much of modern science is based on the work of the ancient Greeks.
D. The findings of the ancient Greeks were re-found a millennium later.
2. According to the passage what was the reason science had to make a recovery?
A. The Renaissance.
B. The Arabs.
C. The Roman Empire.
D. The Dark Ages.
3. According to the passage which of the following was NOT among the findings made by the Greeks?
A. The changed position of the land and the sea.
B. The relation of the moon to the earth.
C. The shape of the earth.
D. The way the planets went round the earth.

4. Why were the Arabs able to preserve the findings of the Greeks?
A. They were not so badly affected by the Dark Ages.
B. They were not a part of the Roman Empire.
C. They made their own discoveries.
D. They liked copying other people's work.

1. 2. 3. 4.

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