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Hello good afternoon, today I will present the topic "Present of be", The verb to be

is used to talk about names, professions, nationalities, age, feelings and marital
Remember that we have singular and plural subjects.
The singular can be found as I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, and the plural can be found as
YOU, WE, and THEY.
The I am the first person, you are the second person, and he, she and it are third
person and these have the verb to be IS, speaking of subjects in singular.
In the plural, we are the first person, you are the second person and they are the
third person, all of these have the verb to be ARE.

………….. The rules for each time are follows: ………………

For the affirmative is: S+ am/is/are+ object
For the negative is: S+ am/is/are+not+object
And for the question is: Am/is/are+subject+object?

For example
I am a student/I´m a student/I am not a student (I´m not)
He is in Mexico/ He´s in Mexico/ He is not in Mexico (He isn´t)
They are happy/ They´re happy/ They are not happy (They aren´t)

Now for the questions, remember that the subject and the verb to be
are inverted, for example
Am I a student? Yes, you are / No you aren´t
Is he in Mexico? Yes, he is / No, he isn´t
Are they happy? Yes, they are / No, they aren´t

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