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Daily Lesson Plan-Primary Years

Session:_________________ Campus:_______pwd____________
Class: 2 Subject: ICT Unit/Theme: Joining devices together
Date: November 8th,23 Duration: Nov-Dec Term: 1st
Central Idea/Topic : Joining devices together

• What do we want to learn? (Objectives):

✓ Students will learn about the term hardware and hardware components of computer.
✓ Hardware devices must be joined together, how the hardware devices are connected together.
✓ Signals can go through wires or without wires.
✓ Computers can be connected together to form a network.
• Resources/Digital Resources:
✓ Computer System and its hardware components
✓ ICT lab
✓ worksheets
• Starter Activity Time :05min
• Have you wonder how you travel from home to school.
• So how signals travel from one component of computer to the other

• Methodology: Time :25m

✓ Presentation:
✓ Explanation of the types of connections by showing them real examples from lab.
✓ A wired connection (CPU and keyboard) is shown to students and describe how signals
travel from one component to the other.
✓ A wireless connection between (wireless EarPods and mobile phone/laptop) is made to
describe how signals travel through wireless connection.
✓ Making a network of computers through wireless connection by connecting the cell
phone with laptop or PC

❖ Scaffolding Stages: (Inquiry cycle / step-by-step support provided by the

✓ students will be taken to lab to perform the activity of wireless and
wired connections.
✓ Students are divided into small groups to connect the components of
computer by themselves .
✓ Provide them with the worksheets.
✓ Students will discuss the questions about connentions and will try to
answer them.
• Assessment for Learning (AFL) (Formative • Summative Assessment
Discuss how devices are connected at your

• Written Work:
✓ Worksheets will be solved.

• Integrated Learning (cross-curriculum link):

✓ Real life example are their to link them with the theme.
✓ Connection of phone with the TV
✓ Connection of phone with the laptop or PC
✓ Connection of headphones with cell phone/PC

• Wrap-up: Duration:05min

✓ Ask about different connection that have mentioned above and get their reviews on
✓ Encourage the students who are participating least.
✓ Students are encouraged to ask questions about the given topic.

• Reinforcement Activity (RA)

✓ Try connect devices together at home, with the assistance of an adult.

• Reflection/Action Plan (Teacher has to reflect on the learning outcomes of the lesson plan)


Teachers Signature Coordinators Signature

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