Reading Module 10

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Reading Module 10

Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10

Dishonest Hakan
Musa and Hakan lived next door to each other in a small
village. They were good friends, but there was one problem.
Money was very important to Hakan. One day, Hakan noticed
that his horse, Atik, wasn’t well. He thought he would sell the
horse. His wife, Pinar, was surprised. Pinar told him it wasn’t
honest. Hakan wanted to sell the horse to Musa. Musa was
watering the plants in his garden next door when he heard the
conversation. He was angry and wanted to teach Hakan a

Who lived next door to each other in a small village?

What did Hakan notice?

What did Pinar tell him?

What did Hakan want to do?

Where was Musa when he heard the conversation?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
Life in the Past
Most people had no clock or a watch because they were
very expensive. Last night, the cat woke me up. I did not know
what time it was. Then, I heard the night watchman shouting,
“One o’clock on a cold and windy night!’. This morning, I bought my
very first watch, so now I will always know the time! I can’t see
very well, so yesterday I bought a pair of glasses. I took the
boat to my office. I could see all the ships at River Thames.
There were lots of ships, so it was difficult to get to work. But
I’m so pleased that I can see clearly again.

Why did most people have no clock or a watch?

Who woke me up last night?

What did I hear the night watchman shouting?

Why did I buy a pair of glasses yesterday?

What could I see at River Thames?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
Adventure Time
My name is Emma. On 18th August, I went to a hot-air
balloon festival near Montreal, Quebec. There were over 200
different hot-air balloons! People had to fly the balloons at
six o’clock in the evening. It was when the wind was the
strongest. I woke up early today and went for a hot-air
balloon ride. I could see the whole countryside on the ride! I
thought hot-air balloons were really quiet, but they were
not. The flame was really loud and it was hot.

What is my name?

Where did I go on 18th August?

When did people have to fly the balloons?

What could I see on the ride?

How was the flame?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
Cool Jobs
Tyler has been a police officer for eight years. But he
does not drive a police car. He rides a horse. Bess, his horse,
is very clever and friendly. He chooses this job because he
loves horses and every day is different. When there are lots
of people at an event, there can be problems. He needs to
make sure nothing goes wrong. He enjoys meeting new people
most. People like police horses so they talk to Tyler and Bess
a lot.

Who has been a police officer for eight years?

What does he ride?

Why does he choose this job?

What does he need to make sure?

What does he enjoy?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
Mystery on the Beach
April lived on a small island off the coast of Africa. Her cousin,
Sandy, was visiting her from Australia. One evening, they were
following a rocky path down to the beach. The scenery was
beautiful. Suddenly, April and Sandy saw a small boat arriving with
three men. They could hear the men shouting to each other. The men
jumped onto the beach. They took two spades from the boat and
started digging a hole. The men were stealing the turtles' eggs!
April and Sandy called the police. Two hours later, the police came
and arrested the men.

Where did April live?

Who was her cousin?

What could they hear?

What were the men stealing?

Who did April and Sandy call?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
A Trip to Remember
The next day was Abi’s birthday. She ran outside to
Grandma’s workshop. It was full of wonderful inventions. She
can find a flying trumpet, a musical pen, and a robot window
cleaner. Grandma asked Abi to wait as she went to get a
present. Abi noticed a purple bike. She got on the bike and
started to pedal forwards. Suddenly, Abi and the bike were
lifted into the air! Abi opened her eyes and realised that she
was in the town centre. All around her were flying cars.

Where did she run?

What can she find?

What did Abi notice?

What did she realise when she opened her eyes?

What were all around her?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
A new life for your jeans
A lot of water and energy is needed to make one pair of
jeans. Denim is used to make jeans. Denim is made from a plant
called cotton. Cotton grows in warm, wet countries like China,
India, and Brazil. It takes about six months for a cotton seed to
grow into a plant. After the cotton is harvested, it is
transported to a factory. Then, it is made into yarn. Indigo dye
is then used to colour the yarn. After that, the yarn is made
into denim material, which is cut to make jeans.

What is needed to make one pair of jeans?

What is denim made from?

Where does cotton grow?

How long does it take for a cotton seed to grow into a plant?

What is used to colour the yarn?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
Folk Music
Martin likes all kinds of music. He often listens to pop
music or rap. He loves folk music. Folk music is a type of
traditional music. It isn’t usually popular with young people.
However, he thinks it is the most interesting kind of music. The
songs tell great stories about people’s lives. It also tells about
history and culture. Some folk songs have been around for
hundred of years. Every country has its own folk music. He thinks
folk music is a great way to learn about one’s culture. His
favourite folk story is the English legend of Robin Hood.

What does he often listen to?

What is folk music?

What do the songs tell?

How long have some folk songs been around for?

What is his favourite folk story?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
The Perfect Swan
There was a Chinese emperor named Zhang Wei. He was a
strong and powerful man. Zhang Wei loved art. He owned thousands
of painting. One day, he asked the most famous painter in China to
paint a beautiful swan. After a year, the emperor asked about the
painting but it was not ready. The painter asked for two more
years. After two more years, Zhang Wei came. The painter took a
brush and painted the most beautiful swan. It was perfect! The
painter had practiced every day for three years because he
wanted to learn how to paint the perfect swan.

What was the name of the Chinese emperor?

What did he own?

What did he ask the most famous painter in China?

What did the painter ask?

Why did the painter practice every day for three years?

Reading Module 10
Read the text. Then, answer the questions. /10
The Oldest Stories
Writing appeared around 5000 years ago in
Mesopotamia. The first writing system was called ‘cuneiform’.
One of the oldest written stories is The Epic of Gilgamesh. An
epic is a long poem about an important person or a hero.
Gilgamesh was a powerful king in the City of Urduk in
Mesopotamia. He lived for a very long time and had many
great adventures. The stories were originally oral tales, but
over 5000 years ago people started to collect them. They
wrote the stories on clay tablets.

When did writing appear?

What was the first writing system?

What is an epic?

Who was a powerful king in the City of Urduk in Mesopotamia?

Where did they write the stories?

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