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Site: King's College of the Philippines Printed by: Hanzel John Lebgan
Course: GENDER AND SOCIETY SECOND SEM 2022-2023 Date: Tuesday, 31 January 2023, 8:15 PM

Humans experience various physical and emotional changes from childhood to adulthood. These changes are gradual and progress at different
ages and speed in different people. These stages are based on human growth and development from childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and
old age.

This lesson focuses on the adolescent stage of human development, which is characterized by dynamic changes in physical and behavioral
traits. Despite differences in physical appearance, the sexual organs of men and women arise from the same structures and fulfil similar
functions. Each person has a pair of gonads: ovaries are female gonads, testes are the male gonads. The gonads produce germ cells and sex
hormones. The female germ cells are ova (egg) and the male germ cells are sperm. Ova and sperm are the basic units of reproduction; their
union can lead to the creation of a new life.

Anatomy refers to the study of body structure in relation to body parts. The female sexual anatomy is designed for the production and
fertilization of ovum, as well as carrying and delivering infant offspring. Puberty signals the final development of primary and accessory organs
that support reproduction.

The female external genitalia consist of the following:

• vulva - all the external genital structures taken together;

• mons veneris pads of fatty tissue between pubic bone and skin;

• labia majora - outer lips surrounding all the other structures.

• prepuce - clitoral hood (foreskin above and covering clitoris);

• clitoris-glans (head), shaft, and crura (root), the clitoris is particularly sensitive to stimulation;

• labia minora - inner lips surrounding the vestibule where sweat and oil glands, extensive blood vessels, and nerve endings are located;

• vestibule - area surrounding the urethral opening and ***, which is highly sensitive with extensive blood vessels and nerve endings;

• urethral opening - end of tube connecting to bladder and used for urination;

• ***l opening - also called introitus; and

• perineum - area of skin separating the genitalia from the anus; distance is less in females than males.

The female internal reproductive structures consist of the following:

• *** - collapsible canal extending from ***l opening back and upward into body to cervix and uterus. During arousal, it is engorged with blood.
This aids its expansion and triggers the release of lubricants from ***l mucosa;

• cervix - small end of uterus to which *** leads. It is the opening in cervix leading to interior of uterus;

• uterus-womb, organ within pelvic zone where fetus is carried;

• fallopian tubes - carry egg cells from ovaries to uterus, this is where fertilization occurs; and

• ovaries-produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen influences female sex characteristics and initiates menstrual cycle. Progesterone aids in
regulation of menstrual cycle and promotes mature development of uterine lining to allow for zygote implantation. Also produce ova, egg cells,
and bring them to maturity. As many as I million immature ova are present at birth, with about 400,000 surviving to puberty. Of these, only about
400-450 are typically brought to maturity and released into the fallopian tubes.


The menstrual cycle marks the beginning of puberty in females. The first episode occurs between 1 to 15 years of age referred to as menarche.
Menstruation pertains to the sloughing off of the uterine lining if conception has not occurred. It may last within two to six days which follows a
cycle ranging from 24 to 42 days. Regardless of the length of the cycle, menstruation begins about 14 days after ovulation (plus or minus one to
two days). The overall cycle is governed by the hypothalamus as it monitors hormone levels in the bloodstream.

It involves changes in the endometrium in response to the fluctuating blood levels of ovarian hormones. There are three phases as described
and shown in the figure below.

Menstrual phase. This occurs if the ovum is not fertilized and does not implant itself into the uterine lining. The continued high levels of
estrogen and progesterone causes the pituitary to stop releasing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH). Estrogen and
progesterone levels decrease causing the endometrium to be sloughed off, and bleeding ensues. It is during this time that ovarian hormones are
at their lowest levels.

Proliferative phase. It occurs when the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to release FSH that stimulates the ovaries to produce
estrogen and causes ova to mature in the ovarian follicles. Endometrium is repaired, thickens, and becomes well-vascularized in response to
increasing levels of estrogens.
Secretory phase. It occurs when the pituitary gland releases LH that causes the ovary to release a mature ovum and causes the remaining
portion of the follicle to develop into the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum then, produces progesterone. Endometrial glands begin to secrete
nutrients, and lining becomes more vascular in response to increasing level of progesterone.

Problems associated with menstruation include premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by caused (80-95% of women experience), dysmenorrhea
(painful menstruation caused by overproduction of prostaglandins, causing the uterine muscles to contract), and amenorrhea (disruption or
absence of menstruation). All of these involve the fluctuation of hormone levels ‘associated with menstruation. At menopause (usually around
age 45-50), a woman stops menstruating as ova are no longer brought to maturity. During the three to Four years of this transition women may
experience hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances (resulting in fatigue, irritability, short-term memory loss, difficult concentrating),
headaches, anxiety, depression, and difficulty of becoming sexually aroused.

Female secondary sexual characteristics emerge after puberty:

1. widening of hips and pelvis -accommodates giving birth, but also results in downward shift in the center of gravity.

2. enlargement of breasts- - at puberty, both the glandular and fatty tissues of the breasts develop considerably. Differences in breast size
between women are primarily due to differences in the amount of fatty tissue. It is also not uncommon for one of a woman’s breasts to be
slightly larger than the other. The glandular tissue of the breasts responds to sex hormones, and the breasts are involved in a women’s sexual
arousal. The glandular tissue produces milk toward the end of pregnancy and after childbirth in response to hormone levels.

The male sexual anatomy is designed for the production and delivery of sperm for fertilization of the female's ovum. Puberty signals the final
development of primary and accessory organs that support reproduction.

The male external genitalia consist of the following structures:

• prepuce- foreskin covering head of ***, removed in male circumcision;

• ***- glans (head), shaft, and root. The glans is particularly sensitive to stimulation. Running the length of the *** is the urethra surrounded by
the spongy body and two cylindrical chambers known as the cavernous bodies. During arousal, these become engorged with blood, resulting in

• corona- rim of glans where it arises from shaft;

• frenulum - thin strip of skin connecting glans and shaft on underside of ***;

• Scrotum sac that encloses the two compartments housing the testes;

• urethral opening - found on head of *** this is the end of tube connected to bladder and used for urination. It is also tube to which internal
structures deliver semen by which male ejaculates; and

• perineum - area of skin separating the genitalia from the anus, distance is greater in males than females.

The male internal reproductive organs: testes produce androgen, particularly large quantities of testosterone, which greatly influenced male
development and drive sexual motivation; also produce sperm cells in virtually unlimited quantity over the entire course of the lifespan;

• vas deferens - travels from testicle toward urethra carrying sperm;

• seminal vesicles - two glands that produce alkaline fluid rich in fructose sugar, comprising some 70% of semen volume. Alkaline nature may
stimulate sperm to start self-propulsion and sugar may provide sperm nutrients. Ducts carry fluid and connect with vas deferens forming
ejaculatory ducts;

• ejaculatory ducts - connect vas deferens to urethra;

• prostate - gland producing alkaline secretions that account for about 30% of semen volume. Alkaline nature may help counteract otherwise,
acidic environment of urethra and *** making them more hospitable for sperm. Fluid passes through a series of ducts along wall of urethra; and

• urethra - tube within *** that carries sperm and semen the rest of the way to the opening of the ***.


The testosterone is the major male hormone produced mainly by the testes, but there are other glands called the adrenal glands that also
produce some testosterone. In case a man has lost his testes, these glands would continue to produce testosterone to support the male
physical appearance. Testosterone is responsible for the growth and development of a boy during adolescence and for the development of
sperm and secondary sexual characteristics.

Male secondary sexual characteristics that emerge after puberty:

• no monthly cycle;

• elongation of vocal cords (lower voice);

• broader shoulders; and

• deeper chest cavity.


Although human beings are fully sexually differentiated at birth, the differences between males and females are accentuated at puberty. This is
when the reproductive system matures, secondary sexual characteristics develop, and the bodies of males and females appear more distinctive.

Female puberty usually begins at about 8-13 years of age; the reproduction maturation of boys lags about two years behind that of girls. The
physical changes of female puberty include breast development, rounding of the hips and buttocks, growth of the hair in the pubic region and
the underarm, and the start of menstruation.

How does one ovulate?

The major landmark of puberty among females is the onset of the menstrual cycle, the monthly ovulation cycle that leads to menstruation (loss
of blood and tissues lining the uterus) in the absence of pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is from the first day of a period until the day before the
next period starts.

Normally, it lasts around 28 days, on the average, but can be as short as 2I or as long as 40. Whatever the length, ovulation will happen about 10-
1ó days before the start of the next period.

How does pregnancy occur?

For pregnancy to proceed, the sperm needs to meet up with an egg. Pregnancy officially starts when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the
uterus. Pregnancy happens 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse.

Conception is the process that begins with fertilization of an egg by the sperm and ends with implantation. When a male and female have a
sexual intercourse; the *** hits the woman's ***. Ejaculation or coming releases the sperm via the *** into the ***. The sperm swims through the
female's cervix, into the womb, and finally into the fallopian tubes. Once the egg or ovum has been released into the fallopian tube, hundreds of
sperm swim up to reach it. Finally, the sperm penetrates the egg in the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place and eventually, becomes an
embryo. Once the embryo (fertilized egg) attaches to the inner lining of the uterus (endothelium), a fetus develops within five to seven days from
a ball of cells floating in the uterus, which officially begins pregnancy.

A normal pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks (nine months). This is measured from the host day of the last period. Pregnancy is discussed in terms of
trimesters (three-month periods, since each trimester is very different from the rest. After eight weeks, the embryo is officially referred to as a

What can be done to prevent teenage pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy has a tremendous impact on the educational, social, and economic lives of young people. Early parenting reduces the likelihood
that a young woman will complete high school and pursues the necessary post-secondary education needed to compete in today's economy.
Although there is a decline in teenage pregnancy rates it has been steady over the past two decades. Teens are still engaging in sexual activity
and teen girls are still getting pregnant.

Equipping the youth with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy and provide them
access to reproductive healthcare are needed.

What are the health effects of early pregnancy in the growing adolescent?

There are serious health risks associated with early pregnancy because a young woman’s body is not mature enough to handle bearing a child.
When a woman is under 20, the pelvic area (the bone surrounding the birth canal) is still growing and may not be large enough to allow the baby
to easily pass through the birth canal. This can result in what is called an "obstructed labor". Obstructed labor is dangerous to both mother and
child and requires the help of trained medical professionals. Under the best circumstances, the young woman will have an operation called a
'caesarean section" in which a cut is made in the abdomen and the baby is removed directly from the uterus. A major contributor to high
maternal mortality rates is adolescent pregnancy. If a young woman is not physically mature, the uterus may tear during the birth process, and
she may die because of blood loss. If she is lucky and survives the delivery, she might face fistula due to prolonged labor. A baby's head can also
tear the *** causing a hole between the *** and bladder or between the *** and the rectum, resulting in what is known as a fistula. Unless she
has an operation to fix her problem, for the rest of her life, she will not be able to hold her urine or feces and this will make her a social outcast.

In addition, younger women who become pregnant face a higher risk than older women in developing a number of other complications. These
complications can be any or combination of the following manifestations:

• excessive vomiting
• severe anemia;

• hypertension;

• convulsions;

• difficulty in breast feeding (if the girl is too young to produce milk);

• premature and low birth weight babies;

• infection;

• prolonged labor; and

• high maternal mortality or death.

The risk of having serious complications during pregnancy or childbirth is much higher for girls in their early teens than for older women. Ages
of 20-30 years are the safest period of women's life for child bearing: The major difference between girls in their early teens and older women is
that girls aged 12-16 years are still growing. The pelvis, or the bony birth canal, of a girl can grow wider by as much as 20% between the time she
begins menstruating and the time she is 16 years old. This widening of the pelvis can make the crucial difference between a safe delivery and
obstructed labor.

It is not surprising; therefore, to find that obstructed labor, due to disproportion between the size of the infant's head and the mother's pelvis, is
most common among very young mothers. The consequences of such obstructed labor may be death due to numerous complications or
lifetime crippling conditions of vesico-***l fistula.

Puberty causes all kinds of changes in the adolescent's body. These bodily changes are normal part of developing into an adult. There are
instances when these changes can be a source of anxiety to the growing teen. Does anyone not worry about smelly breath and underarms This
further puts personal hygiene and healthy habits being important life skills for the teen.

Oily Hair

The hormones that create acne are the same ones that can make you feel like you’re suddenly styling your hair with a comb dipped in motor oil.
Each strand of hair has its own sebaceous (oil) gland which keeps the hair shiny and waterproof. But during puberty, when the sebaceous glands
produce extra oil, it can make your hair look too shiny, oily, and greasy. Washing your hair every day or every other day can help control oily hair.
Dozens of shampoos are available in drugstores and supermarkets for you to choose from. Most brands are pretty similar, although, you might
want to try one that is specially formulated for oily hair. Use warm water and a small amount of shampoo to work up on a lather.

Do not scrub or rub too hard-this does not get rid of oil any better and can irritate your scalp or damage your hair. After you have rinsed, you can
follow up with a conditioner if you like; again, one for oily hair might work best. When you are styling your hair, pay close attention to the
products you use. Some styling gels or lotions can add extra grease to your hair, which defeats the purpose of washing it in the first place! Look
for formulas that say "greaseless" or "oil free."

Sweat and Body Odor

Perspiration, or sweat, comes from sweat glands that you have always had in your body. But thanks to puberty, these glands not only become
more active than before, they also begin to secrete different chemicals into the sweat that has a stronger smelling odor. You might notice this
odor under your arms in your armpits. Your feet and genitals might also have new smells.

The best way to keep clean is to bathe or shower every day using a mild soap and warm water. This will help wash away any bacteria that
contribute to the smells. Wearing clean clothes, socks, and underwear each day can also help you to feel clean. If you sweat a lot, you might find
that shirts, T-shirts, socks, and underwear made from cotton or other natural materials will help absorb sweat more effectively. If you are
concerned about the way your underarms smell, you can try using a deodorant or deodorant with antiperspirant.

Deodorants get rid of the odor of sweat by covering it up, and antiperspirants actually stop or dry up perspiration. They come in sticks, roll-ons,
gels, sprays, and creams and are available at any drugstore or supermarket. All brands are similar (and ones that say they are made for a man or
for a woman are similar, too, except for some perfumes that are added). If you choose to use deodorant or antiperspirant, be sure to read the
directions. Some work better if you use them at night, whereas others recommend that you put them on in the morning. But keep in mind that
some teens do not need deodorants or antiperspirants. So why use them if you do not have to? Deodorant and antiperspirant commercials may
try to convince you that you will have neither friends nor dates if you do not use their product, but if you do not think you smell and you take daily
baths or showers and wear clean clothes, you may be fine without them.

Body Hair

Body hair in new places is something you can count on-again, they are hormones in action. You may want to start shaving some places where
body hair grows, but whether you do is up to you. Some guys who grow facial hair like to let it develop into a mustache and beard. Some girls
may decide to leave the hair on their legs and under their arms as is. It is all up to you and what you feel comfortable with. If you do decide to
shave, whether you are a guy or girl, you have a few different choices. You can use a traditional razor with a shaving cream or gel or you can use
an electric razor. If you use a regular razor, make sure the blade is new and sharp to prevent cuts and nicks. Shaving cream and gel are often a
better bet than soap because they make it easier to pull the razor against your skin. Some of the newer razors contain shaving gel right in the
blade area, making even beginners feel comfortable shaving.

Whether you are shaving your legs, armpits, or face, go slowly. These are tricky areas of your body with lots of curves and angles, and it is easy
to cut yourself if you move too fast. An adult or older sibling can be a big help when you are learning to shave. Do not be afraid ask for tips. You
might want to avoid shaving your pubic hair because when it grows back the skin may be irritated and itchy.

Dental Hygiene

Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental check-ups,
can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the
teeth. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which
helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth
and gums healthy. Toothpastes contain abrasives, detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the most common active ingredient in toothpaste,
is what prevents cavities. So you should always be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.
If you have teeth that are sensitive to heat, cold, and pressure, you may want to try a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. However, you will still
need to talk to your dentist about your sensitivity because it may indicate a more serious problem, such as a cavity or nerve inflammation

Tips on Proper Brushing:

Dentists say that the minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is two minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush

• Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gum line. Gently brush from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in short
(about half-a-tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.

• Use the same method to brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth.

• To clean the chewing surfaces of your teeth, use short sweeping strokes, tipping the bristles into the pits and crevices.

• To clean the inside surfaces of your top and bottom front teeth and gums, hold the brush almost vertical. With back and forth motions bring
the front part of the brush over the teeth and gums.

• Using a forward-sweeping motion, gently brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove the decay-causing bacteria that exist in
these places.

• The main reason for going to the dentist regularly -every six months is prevention. The goal is to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other
disorders that put the health of your teeth and mouth at risk.

Health Care for the Female:

The best time for a self-breast exam is about a week after the last day of your menstrual period, when your breasts are not tender and swollen.
This should be done at the same time each month when you no longer have your menstrual period.

Keeping the external female genitalia clean:

• Use soap and water to wash the external genitalia and your underarms every day, especially during menstruation.

• Use either a disposable pad made of cotton, which has a nylon base, or a clean piece of cotton cloth to absorb blood during menstruation.

• Properly dispose of the pad after each use, or wash and dry the piece of cloth used as a menstrual pad before reuse.

• Wash only the external genitalia. Do not try to clean the inside part of the ***.

• While washing, wash starting from the *** towards the anus. Do not wash from the anus towards the ***. This will allow germs to enter the
inner genitalia easily and cause infection.

• Be aware of abnormal fluids from your ***. Do not confuse this with normal ***l fluids.

• If you see any changes in the ***l fluid-a change in color or odor, please visit a health professional.

Healthcare Check for the Male:

Keeping the external male genitalia clean:

• Wash the external genitalia at least daily with soap and water, as you wash the rest o the body.

• Boys who are not circumcised need to pull back the foreskin and gently wash underneath it with clean water.

• Be aware of any abnormal fluids coming from your ***. Do not confuse this with the presence of normal fluids.

• If you see any abnormal fluid or wound, please visit a health professional.

Majority of the youth mature successfully through adolescence without apparent long term problems. All adolescents should be considered at
risk due to the prevalence behaviors, the inherent developmental needs of adolescents, and the various risk factors for their initiation and

Risk-taking is a normal part of adolescent development. Risk-taking is defined as participation in potentially health-compromising activities
with little understanding of, or in spite of an understanding of, the possible negative consequences.

Adolescents experiment with new behaviors as they explore their emerging identity and independence. The concept of risk has been established
as a characteristic that exposes adolescents to threats to their health and well-being. Young people may be exposed to similar risks but respond
differently. Some may not sustain any physical or emotional damage while others may be affected for the rest of their lives. The challenge for
health providers is to distinguish between what may be normal exploratory behaviors and those that are health- compromising.

Health behaviors in adolescence continue into adult life and will influence health and morbidity throughout life. During adolescence, young
people begin to explore alternative health behaviors including smoking, drinking alcohol, drug use, sexual intimacy, and violence. The
Department of Health, in its Adolescent and Youth Health Policy (2000), has identified the following health risks: substance use, premarital sex,
early childbearing, abortion, HIVIAIDS, violence, accidents, malnutrition, and mental health.

Guidance of family is also important as the adolescent develops into a mature adult. Family Arrangement, based on the 20o6 McCann Erickson
Study, has noted that 53% of adolescents live with both parents. Because of the overseas Filipino worker (OFW) phenomenon, 5% live without
the mother, 20% live without the father, and 23% live without both parents.

Data on non-sexual behaviors where adolescents engaging in vices, such as smoking and alcohol drinking, show that the adolescent is the
fourth highest in the country who are currently smoking (207%). The adolescent is likewise, the fifth highest in the country who are currently
drinking alcoholic beverages (38.9%). More than three in 1oo of adolescents have used drugs, below the national average, while greater than
eight in 10o have ever thought of suicide. This has decreased from 2002 to 2013 compared to the general population. Those who attempted
suicide decrease to 2.4%, below the national average.

Sex and Media have been identified as key influencers among adolescents engaging in high risk behaviors, as shown in studies in NCR and
CALABARZON. Three in five have watched X-rated movies and videos, the fourth highest in the country. Three in ten have sent or received sex
videos through cell phones or Internet, the second highest in the country. Six in 100 have engaged in phone sex, higher than the national

Identified Sexual Risks that were found among the growing Filipino adolescents are as follows:

One in three has sexual experience. They also engage in sex at younger ages: first sex for boys: 17.6 years old while first sex for girls: 18.I years
old. One in 50 had sex before age 15 while one in four had sex before age 18. Seven in 10 of its premarital sex cases are unprotected against
unintended pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections (STI) including HIV-AIDS.

1.2% have paid for sex and 1.3% have received payment for sex, this is low but above the national average level; 6.7% have engaged in casual
sex; 4.1% mostly males have **ing buddy (FUBU) experience; 6.3% have males having sex with males (MSM) experience; 2.9% of married youth
(including those in live-in) have engaged in extramarital sex.

Giving birth at younger ages has also been evident in the Filipino youth. Such that there is a marked increase in teenage fertility in the past
decade, 7.1% aged 15-19 are already mothers. The proportion of women who begun childbearing increases with age: 2.0o aged 16, 31.2% aged
19. Teenage fertility is the lowest among all regions of the country.

While prevalence of sexually transmitted infections like HIV and AIDS are increasing in the youth, as of 2013, 86.7% have heard of HIV and AIDS
with poor understanding being the highest in the country noting that three in four think that they would not get AIDS.


1. Marijuana (also known as Cannabis, Grass, Joint, Splif, Hashish, Pot, Weed).

Marijuana is a plant grown and used worldwide. Usually people smoke the leaves but the leaves and the stem can be made into tea, or even
cookies. The effects vary. You can stay under the influence for about two or three hours. Some people become relaxed and happy while others
feel panic or fear. Users' eyes usually become red and their throats and mouths will become dry. Appetite may increase.

Effects: Marijuana causes increase in heart rate and dilation of certain blood vessels in the eyes, which creates the characteristics of blood-shot
eyes. Chronic bronchial irritation is one of the long-term effects of chronic marijuana use. Other potential adverse effects include impairment of
long term memory, gum disease, increased risk of cancers of the mouth, jaw, tongue and lung; and impairment of the immune system. Some
studies have suggested that long-term marijuana use may result in decreased testosterone levels, decreased sperm counts, and increased
sperm abnormalities in male users. Heavy heroin use during pregnancy may cause impaired fetal growth and development.

2. Mairungi (also known as Khat, Qat, and Mirraa).. Mairungi is the common name for a stimulant leaf that is chewed in much of East Africa.
Chewing Mairungi can help someone feel more awake, confident, and energetic and can also reduce hunger. In fact, many students use it when
"cramming" for exams.

Effects: Negative effects include sleeplessness, anxiety, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations. Some men are unable to get an erection after
they have been chewing.

3. Alcohol. Alcohol is the most common drug and is used worldwide. Because it is legal, often kept in the home and comes in extremely cheap
local brews, alcohol is extremely easy to find and consume. At first, alcohol causes relaxation and people feel less self-conscious. After more
alcohol, and individual gets drunk; reaction time slows down and thinking straight becomes difficult. (This is why people who are drinking are
often involved in car accidents).

Effects: Further drinking can cause slurred speech and aggressive behavior that can lead to fights, rape, or other kinds of violence. People who
consume too much alcohol can end up vomiting, becoming unconscious, or even dying. Because both young men and women often lose their
inhibitions when drinking, a girl might have unsafe sex with someone she does not know and a boy might decide to force someone to have sex.
Of course, the consequences of these alcohol-based decisions can be very dangerous, even life threatening Remember: when people drink, their
ability to make healthy and safe decisions is impaired.

4. Cigarettes (tobacco, cigars). Many young people start smoking tobacco products for different reasons including: influence of friends,
seductive advertisements, and older role models like siblings' or celebrities, to mention a few. Young people find smoking a cool' thing to do, but
they become addicted to one of the most addictive and dangerous substances, Nicotine, which is an active ingredient in tobacco.

Effects: According to WHO (2006), tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. Nicotine, which is found in tobacco products
including cigarettes, is highly addictive. The tar in cigarettes increases smoker's risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial disorders. The
carbon monoxide in smoke increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases. Inhaling smoke passively causes lung cancer in adults and greatly
increases the risk of respiratory illness in children.

5. Cocaine (also known as Crack, Coke, C, Charlie, Nose candy, Toot, Bazooka, Big C, Cake, Lady, Stardust, Coco, Flake, Mister coffee). Cocaine is
prepared from coca leaves which are greenish-yellow leaves of different size and appearance. Cocaine is often called the "champagne of drugs"
because of its high cost. It makes one feel like his/ her body is going very fast. His/her heart races and the "highs" and "lows" are sudden. Crack,
which is smoked, is a much stronger form of cocaine. Cocaine usually comes in a white powdered form and crack looks like hard white rocks. It
is usually snorted up the nose. It can also be injected or smoked.

Effects: A small amount of cocaine will raise body temperature, make the heart beat faster, increase the breathing rate, make you feel over
confident, and make you more alert with extra energy When crack is smoked, all of these feelings are intensified. Excessive doses may lead to
convulsions, seizures, strokes, cerebral hemorrhage, or heart failure. Long term effects of cocaine/crack use will lead to strong psychological
dependence and other health problems like des trying nose tissues, reportorial problems, and weight loss.

6. Heroine (also known as Hammer, Horse, H, Junk, Nod, Smack, Skag, White, beige. white lady, White stuff, Joy powder boy, Hairy, Harry Joy
powder). Heroin is a drug obtained from morphine and comes from the opium poppy plant. Heroin is a drug that slows down the user's body and
mind. It is a very strong painkiller and can be the most dangerous things to mix with other drugs. Heroin usually comes in a rock or powdered
form, which is generally white or pink/beige in color and could also co ark ore/medium brown. Heroin can be injected, Snorted, smoked, or
inhaled. This last method is often called "chasing the dragon.
Effects: When injected, heroin provides an extremely powerful rush and a high that usually last for between four to six hours. The effects of
heroin include a being, relief from pain, fast physical and psychological dependence. sometimes nausea and vomiting, sleepiness, loss of
balance, loss of concentration, and loss of appetite. An overdose can result in death. One of the most dangerous effects of injecting heroin is
the increased possibility of contracting AIDS. A lot of the time, people who inject heroin use each other's needles, and this is the main source of
infection. Studies have also shown that people who are "high" on drugs tend to have unprotected sex. This too, puts the person at risk of getting

7. Amphetamines (also known as Speed, Ice, Browns, Footballs, Hearts, Oranges, Wake ups, Black beauties, Crystal meth, Crack meth, Cat, Jeff
amp, Dixies, Rippers, Bennies, Browns, Greenies, Pep pills). Amphetamines are stimulants that affect a person's system by speeding up the
activity of the brain and giving energy. Ice is a strong type of amphetamine and is very similar to crack. Amphetamines are man-made drugs and
relatively easy to make. Usually, they are white or light brown powder and can also come the form of a pill. "Ice" usually comes as colorless
crystals or as a colorless liquid when used for injecting. It can be swallowed, snorted, injected, or smoked.

Effects: Amphetamines can cause an increase in heartbeat, faster breathing, increase blood pressure and body temperature, sweating, make the
person more confident and alert, give him/her extra energy, reduce appetite, make it difficult to sleep, and might make the abuser talk more. The
person using amphetamines may also feel anxious, irritable, and suffer from panic attacks. Frequent use can produce strong psychological
dependence. Large doses can be lethal.

8. Ecstasy (also known as Ecstasy, Adam, Essence, MDM, MDMA, XTC, Eve, MDE, MDEA). Ecstasy belongs to the same group of chemicals as
the above category that is stimulants, and is most often used in the form of tablets at rave parties. Ecstasy is a drug that speeds up the users
system by increasing his/her physical and emotional energy. Like amphetamines, ecstasy is also a synthetic (or man-made) drug. Ecstasy is
usually a small, colored tablet. These pills can come in many different colors. Some ecstasy tablets have pictures on them, such as doves,
rabbits, or champagne bottles. The color or the "brand" of the tablet is usually unrelated to the effects of the drug. Ecstasy tablets are usually

Effects: A person using ecstasy will probably feel happy, warm, loving and more energetic. He/she would feel emotionally close to others, and
might say or do things that he/she usually would not. Nausea and vomiting; rise in blood pressure and heart rate, possibly even death due to
overheating of the body, and dehydration or loss of water are some effects of ecstasy. Feelings of depression and tiredness are common after
stopping the drug. There is mounting evidence that prolonged ecstasy use can lead to brain and liver damage.

9. Inhalants and solvents. Inhalants and solvents are chemicals that can be inhaled, such as glue, gasoline, aerosol sprays, lighter fluid, etc.
These are not drugs as such and are, in fact, legally available from a large number of shops. However, they are abused widely by the poorer
sections of society, particularly street youth. Inhalants can look like almost anything (glue, paint thinner, gasoline, lighter fuel, cleaning fluids,
etc.). They usually come in tubes or bottles. Often, the chemical is placed in the bottom of a cup or container and then, placed over the nose and
mouth. Other methods include: soaking rag in inhalant; placing the rag in bag or sack and then placing the bag over the face, and inhaling the

Effects: Inhalants may give the user a "high" for a very brief period of time. They make him/her feel numb for a short period of time, dizzy,
confused, and drowsy. They can also cause headaches, nausea, fainting, accelerated heartbeat, disorientation, and hallucinations. They can
damage the lungs, kidney, and liver in the long term. They can also cause suffocation, convulsions, and comas.

Tips to Avoid Drugs

• You do not need to take drugs to be liked by other people.

• You do not need to take drugs to feel brave or courageous.

• You do not need drugs to cope with sorrow or disappointments.

• You have, inside you, the strength and inner resources to deal with any situation and any problem.

Whatever problem you are facing, there are people available to help you. You can talk to a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a trusted person at your
church or mosque.




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