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Erick Roberto Alonso Alonso

JavaScript Developer
Accomplished Frontend Developer with 6+ years of mastery in Angular, complemented by
significant PHP backend experience. Adept in creating engaging, user-centric UI/UX designs and
translating them into seamless web experiences. Proficient in PHP, enriching front-end
proficiencies with server-side capabilities. Committed to best practices, maintainable code, and a
proactive approach to adapting to new technologies. A collaborative team player known for
enhancing product quality through rigorous testing and a detail-oriented mindset.

Technical Skills.
• HTML5 • React • Webpack
• CSS3 • Angular • Git/Github
• JavaScript (ES6+) • Vue.Js • TypeScript
• Sass • Redux • NPM/Yarn
• PHP • Node.Js • Next.Js
• Express.Js • Bootstrap • Tailwind CSS
• Material-UI • Svelte • Figma
• Gatsby • Responsive Design • AdobeXD
• REST/GraphQL APIs • Jest • Unit Testing
• PWAs • Jasmine • Agile Methodologies
• Wordpress • Drupal • Contentful

Soft skills.
1. Effective communication
2. Teamwork and collaboration
3. Problem-solving
4. Adaptability
5. User empathy and focus
6. Time management
7. Attention to detail
8. Creativity and innovation
9. Critical thinking
10. Emotional intelligence

Universidad Tecnologica de Torreon – 2017 / Mechatronics Engineer 8715345184

Working Experience Highlights.
Jan 2023 – Present.
Software Developer Engineer.
Company: TechMahindra.
• Orchestrating the design and construction of advanced web applications by leveraging
the full capabilities of Angular and enhancing server-side functionalities with PHP.
• Exhibiting profound expertise in frontend development with a focus on Angular,
supplemented by extensive PHP scripting for backend operations.
• Engineering user-friendly interfaces with meticulous attention to UI/UX details,
employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver captivating user journeys.
• Partnering with backend specialists to bind Angular-driven interfaces with PHP backends,
ensuring smooth data transactions and API integration.
• Advancing project workflows through Agile and SCRUM methodologies, championing
sprint planning, and iterative delivery for optimal outcomes.
• Coordinating with project stakeholders and interdisciplinary teams to metamorphose
client objectives into high-impact web solutions, backed by robust PHP backends.
• Staying at the vanguard of tech trends, continually upskilling in both cutting-edge
frontend techniques and backend PHP developments.
• Conducting performance fine-tuning and UI/UX enhancements, guaranteeing stellar
responsiveness and access across various platforms and devices.
• Prioritizing excellence in code with systematic reviews, fostering high standards for
clean, maintainable, and scalable code in both Angular and PHP contexts.
• Utilizing an array of development aids like Jira for project management, Github for
version control, and Figma for design precision, to boost productivity and collaborative
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, PHP, React Native, Unit Testing, Jira,
Github, Figma.

Oct 2022 – April 2023

Javascript developer.
Company: Sidepocket.
• Pioneering the development of state-of-the-art web and mobile applications using
TypeScript in conjunction with React and React Native frameworks.
• Harnessing the power of TypeScript to implement type-safe solutions, resulting in robust
and maintainable codebases.
• Translating designs into pixel-perfect user interfaces, ensuring both responsiveness and
optimal performance.
• Deep collaboration with UI/UX designers, leveraging tools like Figma to bring visions to
life and create engaging user experiences.
• Leading and mentoring frontend teams, emphasizing best practices in TypeScript and
React ecosystems.
• Facilitating open and efficient communication with multicultural teams, bridging
language and time zone barriers to ensure project cohesion.
• Organizing and prioritizing tasks, leveraging tools like Jira for streamlined project
management and milestone tracking.
Technologies: TypeScript, React, React Native, Figma, Jira. 8715345184

Oct 2021 – Oct 2022
JavaScript Developer.
Company: HCL Technologies.
• Develop high-quality, high-performance web applications for various clients using
frontend and backend JavaScript technologies.
• Demonstrate expertise in frontend technologies such as React, Angular, Vue.js, and
HTML/CSS, as well as backend technologies like Node.js and Express.js.
• Implement client-side logic and ensure seamless user experience design across
platforms and devices.
• Design and develop RESTful APIs for efficient frontend-backend communication.
• Employ agile methodologies like Scrum for efficient project management and
collaboration with cross-functional teams.
• Adapt to a fast-paced, dynamic work environment and stay up-to-date with industry
trends and best practices.
• Identify and troubleshoot performance, user interface, and backend-related issues.
• Implement responsive and accessible design techniques for optimal user experience.
• Actively participate in code reviews and maintain coding standards for both frontend
and backend code.
• Leverage database technologies such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or MySQL to store and
manage application data.
Technolgies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Node.Js, Jira, Git, Unit Test,
MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Jenkins.

May 2020 – Oct 2021

JavaScript Developer.
Company: Hexaware Technologies
• Develop high-quality, high-performance web applications using React for the frontend
and Node.js for the backend.
• Demonstrate expertise in React, including the use of hooks, context API, and
component lifecycle methods.
• Utilize Node.js and Express.js to design and develop RESTful and GraphQL APIs for
efficient frontend-backend communication.
• Implement client-side logic and ensure seamless user experience design across
platforms and devices using responsive design techniques.
• Employ agile methodologies like Scrum for efficient project management and
collaboration with cross-functional teams.
• Stay up-to-date with the latest features, best practices, and trends in the React and
Node.js ecosystems.
• Identify and troubleshoot performance, user interface, and backend-related issues in
the web applications.
• Ensure application accessibility and compliance with web standards.
• Actively participate in code reviews and maintain coding standards for both React and
Node.js code.
• Leverage database technologies such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or MySQL to store and
manage application data efficiently.
Technolgies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.Js, Jira, Git, Unit Test, MongoDB, PostgreSQL. 8715345184

Sep 2017 – May 2020 – Present (eventually)
Freelance JavaScript Developer.
Company: Axented, Globant, Konfio
• Develop high-performance web applications with a focus on scalable frontend
architecture using React, Angular, and Vue.js, while also crafting robust backend
systems with PHP and Node.js.
• Showcase deep expertise in frontend development utilizing component-based
architectures, state management, and responsive design, with a parallel proficiency in
PHP for server-side logic and functionality.
• Implement MVC and MVVM design patterns, utilizing PHP to manage server-side
operations efficiently and organizing frontend code for maintainability and scalability.
• Design and develop RESTful and GraphQL APIs with PHP and Node.js for effective
frontend to backend communication, ensuring smooth data transactions and service
• Forge user-centered UI/UX designs with Figma and Adobe XD, aligning with backend
PHP processes for cohesive user journeys and interactions.
• Adopt agile methodologies like Scrum for project management, balancing frontend
development sprints with PHP backend progression within cross-functional teams.
• Maintain up-to-date knowledge of the latest features and best practices in both the
JavaScript and PHP landscapes, applying them to UI/UX design and backend solutions.
• Address and rectify performance issues and UI challenges, ensuring backend
stability with PHP and seamless frontend executions.
• Champion accessibility and web standards compliance, ensuring PHP backend
enhancements contribute to a universally accessible and compliant frontend.
• Conduct thorough code reviews and uphold coding standards, encompassing PHP
backend routines and JavaScript frontend components.
• Employ various database technologies, orchestrating data management between
MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL in conjunction with PHP and Node.js for data-
driven application development.
• Technolgies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue.js, PHP, Node.js,
Jira, Git, Unit Testing, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Figma, Adobe XD. 8715345184

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