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23143690 Q.No.2() tt is safe do stay inside an avtomobile donng stom because charge yesides on 1! setface a__tiont 2 metallic surface The _met alllic of the avtomebile _alon insulahon cloesn’t tet the stuchre of inte viov with oa, choige enter = AS flux is given by @ = "ER = 6. i ko a Ef When = E.a where A #0 SO ee aes = This canbe _ proved by cere @_gavssian inside cay where E=-0 and V thos testay sofe. Q.No. 2 (ii) GIVEN DATA Qy= x10 Fe « Qu a VRID oS 2 t= \Ioem= 0- 16m ae ae REQUIRED A point bys GQ. and qs where V=o let P SOLUTION let potental at P is: Vi+N, = 0 > Vis -Va As V= ka, a ky, = = KA + ot Ya mW =-S. » (OxO EY = = (-3x10*C) wy ve % o- 16 - © 5 (0--x) = 3% 3 0-8 -SK= 3x 0.% = Sx = me =0-4-m o.1G-« = 0-06m N=0 at o-1m from 6x10°*C charge ,and 0-06m from — 4 MMU Q.No. 21) The power rans ferred to the load is maximum when the Acad ‘esistance is equal 10 sovice _vesisfance. » > fie codifton at nen. poten Ten eam RE whete Ris load resistance and source vesistance- = Waited) Je Pp =e? 4r = The power loss at load is maximum because of reduced value of resistance and large E f d vawe of T = + sm ¥ Le al 23143690 @.No.2( —2Two_straignt wires _ploced _parailet_and corvying _eovrent in opposite _direcion te pel each other. = The _teason on this is z - Similar__mature lof magnetic whl ets field between ahem il eaee (ele The wire 1” developf magnetic * “HW ***E-- fetid around themselues Vand) exert force on each Olhey as: " Fa = IL By sine 2 Fa = ILB, sin& > The ‘similax poles between them will add up the net effect Of magehe fied "B= 8, + Bi ‘ . u thus causin xepulsion 4 p @. No. 2 (vi) “Ga\vanometer is a device which detects smat(_ amount of current in the circuit. 7 => For the conversion of _qalvan ometer into a volkmeter, a hign tesistance | Ry & connededin series with ib = “The value of hiqn resis tance foy SmA Th loo 2 Rg and V of a0 V can be found as: Ru- Vi - Ry = 20 - \oo {MMU 3 ano. 2win—O efficient 41 =the whose _inpot power is equal the / power Pin = Foor > Vplp= Vele Bs An efficient. stepup Wansfommer cannot make Po 7 Pinp Yathey it "prevents ihe losses dhat could fesult at The _ out pot = It meveases Secondary Vollage and reduces Secondary corrent fo! Keep the power Oorput equivalent to mput TNs 7Np , Vs 7Vp, s he 7 = By enenqy wavelength fee ‘Le b piay = tquating: 9m, = Aymy 9 [evr = oh saz 23143690 .No. 2 (ix) 2 Pe capacitive __crcrt doesn’t dissipake powet ie power lose is xevo = In __ capacitive _cirevit, Vand I are 10° oot of phase. Fy = Pow ex is given by eet Pe Vi cosO = Vi wsdo” r = © (C+: cos90° = Ne = “The Negative Power ig equol fo ___ positive powey in_one ujde thus average J pote y loss is Kero. When Vis max ABA AZ 20 satan! of eases ATTAIN = Pic max when boih are max woo Q.No.2(x) >in RL _serios circuit the current lage: behind dhe voltage by a = In teste “eievit, Yo and ot ere in phase — =e In _inducive citcvit, WV leads I by do “Ty In RL cCuevit, the Vileads Eby Cp whee 5 Or< cp <40° vu Vea = The phase angle can_be tae Eves. und bi impedance Hiangie. T & c = san ce t ie Ge ton ky R = al aa 23143690 F's NII a Q.No. 2 (xii) => Duchle material Whe one which goes \nvovgh _ plastic deformatian before a eek fier veaching the elastic limit or yicid a + The © duchte material R eats events [ elonqales Ineaity al * in AB “powion ofewe Vg fi (Stless of Shain) unht & o AfierB, (qietd_point Jelaske Timit ) Shouis mow stain for__less chess jne, + hos éniered plastic tegen In plastic Yegion, sh is Gefwned Til vis” (clkmate lense SWess) and bieoks at D by ¢ frocture sttess (SE ® ‘straince) Le al Q. No. 2 (xiv) 7 a lie cera 23143690 “in half w conducts only one hal AC Signal_and “produces _ pulsating OC .” = In positive “half qdefo-t,) diode is foward biased and Ploduces cutpot aevess _R Q. No. 2 (xv) 3 In negative cyce (2-1) dicdeis reverse based and mo Ve is oblaned at R > Step down transformer is vsed and fox smo’ Anesing q of Pullsatag DC, fier cucwit sued, ga VAY FY Frequenty,.,.7 Prequen: o5 i = queretaugar Frequerctingse 38 pescirg De Q.No.2 (xv Kis _amplificahon factor _of common base configeration And qwen we Te where die © Wee Ts Te a= Te 5 ae Tee, ps = Bis amplificaicy actor /eorent qaio of common emitter confiqeiation cind's qiven’ by: = c = Te et Teor Te —te. 23143690 GIVEN DATA Q. No. 2 (xvii) at = lots REQUIRED OE =) SOLUTION (SEDC 4t) = ae= oh ae where = Plancks constant = 6-63% 107% Ts Oe= 663.10 Ts lo* Ss cg ——_ININNNNLUNINNNT gaz 23143650 Q. No. 2 (x GIVEN Second ne { Paschen _sevies 5 n= 3 p-5 REQUIRED = SOLUTION 1 R(t -t)y ¥ ih pid Lo = (1.09 x10 fi) Mh sik =e Cs = 7 is \eod x1i07 mx 16 » 225 = Wasa Ui Ss ea x Fas Hn [Ke 129073 om] ee CR No. 2 (xx). en a Q = Energy of (Th - Pa - B) = Thorivm: ‘ Am= 224.048 Ey, > (234.0436) (43) Mev ) = _217994.5916 Mev * ipa Phin am = o4284 Ene 5 042%) (93!) = QT 46 BMev a ou = area coos S$) (94) = 0-8 44 .SUN6 — 217493.% Saay 32715 Mev 24 * 1O"T, OVI 000 i. 23143690 Q. No. 3 (Page 1/6) a CHARGING OF CAPACITOR = When capacitor is conneded to the vollage sovtee , Whe corvent /charqes stort davai on its lates and Yeach Whe maximom vaWwe ak eo _ (equilibrium charge ) => Fa “qrousth of chatge, “Whe alieady present ones cause ‘epvision thes © ime taken for charqing. increases = We __ process of chekging is fast in the Bequoning and slows data" once 5, ap proches MeL Nalue. — The _ prackcal_/Men-ideal capacitor never charges to 1oo’% vather it fowows exponential growth: ieee (aes where RE Aime constant . (spea fic) = When stime of charging (ty is one Lime constant Jive, t =RU The 9 capadtey is 63%. charged. = 637. = Me circuk consists of capactev_and & tesisioy and a two | , ¥ Ra Gey Oo 2 — . t ry as v ¥ t = Moleniale [itn ema Rc get = charged rapidly than those wilh loge RC RC has | dimensions of me. all UONU AN RMON 1 i6 23148690 @.No.3 (Page 216) DISCHARGING OF CAPACITOR <= When batlery is disconndled the capacitor dischaiges Y Thyough _tesistov. > the ‘ charge “falls to aq -o fonow in exponential "law: t 4, = entree > _\n the " beginning dischartqing i= fast ee ee ae re other plate fo Weutalize The chalge bot eventually Jace vepuision due bY Similar ‘ site” sal yes. = Id’ one time constant jie t=Re copodley = 36% chaqmag Jor hos 86. 7 dischauged or has! 4 i of 2 vilibeium q. =a. = chaige Teas NSE RE s Sige ees e > = =i b AMPERE'S LAW “©The som of all lenqih elements 48. _ into ushich a closed loop has been divided equals pe times the total current” - win gag S135 Q. No. 3 (Page 3/6) FORMULA eas = By Nmperes Lows Biot = pol where in Amperian loop, SL = 27 Magnetic Fletp Due To CURRENT CARRYING SOLENOID +» Asdensid %s a coil having, Several uns When _conent asses Through it, it develops ‘magnetic —_fietd ‘atound it“ tke What of © ba? magnet. >is BB canbe found by Ampees law. s N it od DERIVATION => Consider a solenoid cating coment and an amperfan loop. of Sods shape. a The maqnetic field’ of Solenoicl ~esembley bow magnet jie, South 16 Qolenoid = By Ampores low: = Bal, = pol, + @. dl + B. aly 4 Balas pee Bi coso®? + BL cosdo® + (©) al cosiso® + B Ly cosdo*= Mol — coso®=4 , wos do = 0 AiG maa = Cis couent Jor one loop . For W loops, Lenginis | L L zal oe —_|| INNA = fens pe nit length L T ——__ [Be npn This tS dhe expression o| _magqnehte fete side A Wlemoid . : 7 UNITS AND DIRECTLON \k is Meonuned in Tesla and dveckion dekeamined be Flemings tiant hand We. (avi Taged in a9 ditechon, Thumb worn pant foxovds @ ) — — WEN n= 15 _tuns al dom N= 1500 lems mn Kea= 2 cm> - 2 K107)* en? A: 2 x10-7 m2 r 2A Ta= 4A AT 2A i. o Vs 2. No. 3 (Page 5/6) a 23143690 REQUIRED Induced emf =& SOLUTION The self inductance of coil is: t= Mon? LA Le Mx xt0' x 1500 % Im ¥ 2x10" t= 8.97 % Jo" Se Law at Gas 25 o-1 €= 154 x0 V ee a Q. No. 3 (Page 6/6) sa | 23143690 IMpe DENCE “The combined effect of all Yesistances and _veactances. of a circuit is called impedence.” 3 Wis a _Veder som a_i = #2 B49 & ie = a Rk - De [ a= 4 x 7 : a re \MPEDENCE OF RLC SERIES >In _RLC Sevies AC circuit s R SE oot wb Xe tL Vv £ey (Vi -Vey “gH gy 22 Q. No. 4 (Page 2/6) =>. Hien as. es pea eters anions ve Ve" + U ViaVey® Vi = Vat + (Ne-Ve)™ We" ss [ERA a Cs = Vee Ks R® + (Ki-k&e > —th) RESON ANCE = s when ¥r=YXe = aistive cat = S ax = I and Nae in phase pinay Yu = he iy VY % We a oe ee ee Rei ee es fu er - = non ornk _ Requeme x We aad 1 3 = | ax fc 4x? LC under toot on both den. f= I ZB 51650 a.no4(pagesiey (Bp R- RAYS © Elechomagnetic woes ob wowelengih tomm U one Y=vays"” N CHARACTERISTIC KRAY x Whenan e> _shikes he innedmest sheilicll it vnocks of f the © fiom K shen. => e fiom t, M,N (hiqhe shells) “pmp 40 fin Ihe vocomky in K > Bu doind no thee rt SGareull photch muse? enevay (Ss isi 1 +o emenqy Uf ference of ent =" . v hf: Ep - En => The farqet atom shovid be heavy ive tongsten = Ih canbe Pfoduced in x -1ay tye” ENERGY LEVEL DIAGRAM: ca Lab we L| b/d | Ke [K [Fr a LN i, Energy, feyenay, Ky > Kp 7 Ku 2 Ky < Kp < Ke = Cheracterishe *Iays ate also called ines Shell tions! he l 4 al Fg NANO gg aa ee te ae, Q. No. 4 (Page 4/6) —___ Ce) &, Ra a b x 7 ——————E = , ee2) — = — d $ In loop abe fa =\R, - (i,-12)R, +€,=0 =\,0)) Ci, -bjya+ S$ =o — 3), +3). +5 =0 =A, + Bi, = <5 =A). \n loop bc deb — Vet. SE, = Tee tRasn. =la(2) =-10 = (2-1) 3 £0 Si, = 1 —-Gin +320 (Ayes + 8) A 1, #91, =-15 12), = 201, 4o WV = aS L | Q. No. 4 (Page 5/6) (a> 2 — SC Vat) = oY t=" Sigh shows Covent is anttclockwi se = Covent Anvough R= T 0-45 A Covent dnrough Rs> Ta = 227A Covent invodab Ry = 1:-T,= 132A r, ore 26 Tasget elawated 5 ee Congsten) ee Q.No. 5 (Page 1/6) “sq KM ge (Noose ee a gis "sg MAE gg Q.No.5 (Page 4/6) —— — 23143690 (NG (RONG) nr sy NNN ggg k Q. No. 5 (Page 6/6)

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