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"il EC | aes “Laas bod Po ir Se Be ano.2 This safe tp stay inside ah automobile ring @ |i a e use in 1 \ aaa se’ law resi on “the OF cl electric fi er C i iwnsi automobile. Q.No. 2 (ii) ® a T= O0.l6m. , K= Axe" Ne eTo Find: Point at which potential is zero=1= 2 e Sol:= 0.6m 5 r % Potential due to%,= Py=kKG2 _ 270 vy = +. Ol6—% Accorcling tn statement, = =O Pi = Po non an see ANIA Ed | oe The relevant question should be nly in the alloted space and inside the outer mark Gre Q.No. 2 (i Potential divider provides a circuit with conti ; aaa \ fui rout # a friar I Finais theaugh wif KE Positive power j Pe equal ‘to Pe VenIm ee CO) Yi Pate'eo ath —>,Pa+G +urG Mass of feactants= 134.0U36u. Mass of producks= 234-0429+ 0.00086 = By. 0433S u Qe MASS OF reactants - mas o! produ 2 2S = a Mev. NUNN age “ Seat in3e ss UONINTIIO nue Lbs L vats bo) 23063833 Q. No. 3 (Page 1/6) ee (GON 030 (cin a "ll 7 IMT | Q. No. 3 (Page 3/6) "gE gg Q. No. 3 (Page 4/6) "gM gg 3 y (Pp. UNIS (PSGCISIG) "NT gy diagram/rough w Q. No. 3 (Page 6/6) se IN an a bbl Chang but P 5p aed: Foess3 ave.4ease 16) OO BLO SERIES CIRCULL Tnan RIC series Zcircuit,a Resistance(e), “Indugiance (1 and on te supply Cevis Comn= i Ve A CIRY=+ (XL= 1Xe)™ MX. Ve Zl 4 (xL=Xe)> where —_ XiL-Xe = X = Teactance VR =IR of the circuit zIi eae where Fae 1s the apposition offered ky the circuit and is qiven as impedence. ea ee VeDTZ Now ~ debermmune the phase anale, tang = WirVe = v1 ke Tha na.aae LAalan raeme= VO wR Q.No. trea Ther, if Mating 1 quuen ace msginwt and current as: T= Trinwt-o) The Dower Consum is diven as Pe Vieos@. _=> IMPEDANCE TRIBNGIE: aie qle Created when resistance is to" reactance _is called mpederce, "2 ATONEMENT a. : R $ + ah ee 4 Ab >. Rg @ when, Xb-Xeetve then Xt XC and phase anale is Positive. The ciccull is inductive: @ when eg ge XL eee =——_IMIMIVIDINNUNIIMINI ge ; Dec sESnaaea peaaReSroen Bee a 24 Q.No. 4 (Page 4/6) Spe Sects Beier: bay Sah transition from an inter shell 4 k-shell, When thi electron or N shell mbves to kK shell to fill the | vacancy enaitting photon in this Procegs: wert ofon is defined a the Toray teleased i yhen an electron makes transition from Digher 4p lower eneroy state” ~ _ igher hell. Similavy bk Co s ran siti «Bata. “Rie lan Ro= TU E r= lov: Ra =e J ol a Bh ebbing buh P Spates See Q ie ta 516) To tind: 5 = d= ¢ Solution:- 4 25 +E, ARi-Ra =O re oe Mixa)e ° § — 471) —- 3T\= vuleee Das a Tist27sA nd lo bo = E2-T, R2- Tas = 0 —10- 1,2 -1,3=0 —10-STI2=0 ‘= ll Q. No. 4 (Page 6/6) rv, a io) 2 PHOTOELECTRIC EFEEC! * when es ao ra f be _ejecte. eaethe surface. The preromena. 1s Knounas photo it cal electrons” “called photo electrong? Follow ement is_used to’ perfare ~pheteetétinic cucenmreni.c, tallic. mm eM Ter | colleckor- @) ammeter The voltage is varied ly I en — ae theostat until current dhe amnagter rn becomes =ve to repel the + ejected electrons. okential is varied | until currenk OA. Thi pote: tial, is kno} bE as stoping potential, (Vv Vo) * The*po ential ich lectic current lec Zero is a npping =— I ME a | ut oO} potential.” i ial most energehc _electron repelled. then k-Emawe eVo wahoro 2 ie HAO Alimaonkara ALaAras and Vi. ie me — sg | ae doesnot depend on _ “te ‘tho inte nten aify of Nant. For ap ene ae eee orice i intensity! loesnok ch- e “KE may OT0 -) rio wmereases) ut i Do! tal ing constant, —SconTRADICHION This ig & puzzle a OV TE light js a! si oss i = ij creasing wttensity i kE of ejectei electrons, This is not what happens. : varied and effect on c nage Vo + served. Photoel ak dl — below thf fo: @ the minimum freque' Below hich No electtons ate. veckell however ?, intense the tant may be.” r. iS age 7 wg NNN ge Q.No. 5 (Page ea eee délau ins ever aa expe aa ie Pit " photelechon or. phoren: Energy of or is Esh The_photpnis a lal zed dat it translets — tn a enk=t electron then, where = work function (ohi chy ig the aianvarboriehr wD ACK endhal 204 x- ae 30 "eg NNGENOELgg ” Q.No. 5 (Page 4/6) _an electron” _ “This from ie oe ee i = C&reshold frequen oi has just thre’shol wen to knock outan electron then KE =0, “hfe Se hfe & on Se oe ose @ € —_— As C= horde oO, fo = Cc A c then, de= ¢ des he This is the Cut off clengih The process in iabich lighter nue combine to f i 1s called nuclear fusion” Nuclear fusion releases a. great deal _of nerqy. Th oO “qucleus ig less nan “the sum of eanciek "individual nuclei. The loss in mass fictes as energy. N Ly 4 AO ONnUIWARnAOW aC IM wee a Lb tian hah P Sp leh be Bee 4 Q. No. 5 (Page 5/6) $ Proton cycle QoeS I Y feachons:- 4 Lausice) tepts ft H+!H—> jHt Bewice) 7H -HIH —s FHet+¥ Guuice) Mev Steps sHe+3He—> aye + (H+ IH 18. 2Smev Step: = *R+ BR» 2¥ choice) 1.02 Mev Total: 4'H —> “He+ ape av+7¥ 2g Setar, process after ce. | Angin sonuclen, “beri nn bomb), is bs atyre while Calon aa ae ture. It nye (ab .73MeV) Proton cycle is inter, Teak page: ee a Q. No. 5 (Page 6/6) 7 Bre 28 © photon -

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