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Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying

out, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time.
Why do people do so little about it? Give your suggestions on how to
solve this problem.
Wildlife conservation has been one of the major concerns of humanity in the last
several decades. Although, many efforts have been made in this regard, attempts to prevent
the extinction of some species seem insufficient. There are several reasons why it is
happening, and in my opinion, we take so much more preventive measures to save wild life.
A lack of action to prevent some animals and plants from dying out can be explained
by two main reasons. First, people fail to take enough measures because of negligence. They
do not realize the role of wildlife in the ecosystem, and the ripple effect of their actions on
their surrounding. Such unawareness leads to apathy, and hence little or no action to take
any measures. Second, although some people are aware of the importance of conservation,
they still ignore this because they tend to prioritize their own needs over the wildlife. Some
items and activities that people use and do on a daily basis can be harmful to the
environment, but enjoyable and convenient for people. Driving a private car, using plastic,
excessive shopping ares ome of the examples people are reluctant to give up. Many people
are ready to sacrifice wildlife for their own comfort.
There are number of steps need to be taken to tackle this issue. Making people aware
of the significance of wildlife in the ecosystem is the first step. Primarily it is the
government’s responsibility – they should make stricter laws on people who pollute. For
example, when guards have seen one polluHng the street by not throwing the garbage in the
trash can they need to take some measures like fining or arresHng. Consequently, it will
affect others and they will start to realize the importance of species and plants to maintain
balance of life on Earth. Furthermore, people need to be educated about the importance of
biodiversity and the benefits it provides. EducaHonal programs can help raise awareness
and change aMtudes towards wildlife conservaHon. By implemenHng this measure, it is
more likely that people can be convinced to value and conserve wildlife instead of sacrificing
it for their own comfort and benefit.
Having considered all the facts described above, I pen down saying that in today’s
world too liQle is done to prevent species and plants from dying out, but there are several
simple steps can be taken to deal with this problem.

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