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Speech of Dr. Rajendra

Prasad, President of
India, 1954*
aggrandisement. the ideals on which they should conduct
Whether we are men themselves. The fast increasing tempo of
Dr. Rajendra Prasad delivering the speech in the professions the industrial and economic development
Here, we present the speech of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the - Chartered of the country makes it imperative that
President of India in 1954, delivered on the occasion A c c o u n tants, every Chartered Accountant should realise
of the opening of the building of the Institute and Engineers, Lawyers that he belongs to a profession which
inauguration of the First Conference of the Chartered and the like or mere provides the first line of defence to the
Accountants of India on Friday, 2nd April, 1954. horny – handed sons unwary public against money grabbers
of toil destined to and opportunists. Your responsibility
work on the fields or in the factories – all in this matter becomes all the greater
Gentlemen, of us must realise that the nation’s advance because of the autonomy, which your
ultimately depends on our character and profession enjoys. The confidence of the
I have great pleasure in declaring this
on the sincerity and devotion with which public in even reliable and well-managed
building open. This imposing edifice which
we carry out the tasks allotted to us. This business undertakings would be gravely
you have built - with such assistance from
simple truth is likely to be forgotten in the undermined, if unscrupulous persons
the Government- as is only in the fitness
stress and strain of day-to-day living. were allowed without let or hindrance, to
of things that they should give - is, I feel,
manipulate company accounts or otherwise
symbolic of the growing strength of the But we of this generation in this country
indulge in malpractices only to serve their
profession of accountancy in India. The must consider ourselves singularly
own ignoble ends. The Government and
President of the Institute, in his speech has fortunate in that, not long ago, we had
the public are therefore alike interested in
referred to the historical development of the in our own midst a living embodiment the maintenance of the independence and
profession culminating in the conferment of all that is good and true, a physically integrity of the Accountancy profession,
of autonomy on it in 1949. It should be a frail individual who overcame human but it is primarily for the profession itself to
matter of pride to its members that, within limitations and brought about an create conditions favourable to the growth
this short period of its coming of age, it has epoch-making revolution, by simply of these qualities in its members. It is my
been able to provide a house for itself. being true to himself. His example
should be a perpetual reminder to all of hope that the Conference, which I have the
A duty is now cast on you, the members of us of the potency of the basic qualities pleasure of inaugurating now, will bestow
the profession, to bring to early fulfillment of individual character. That men of his as much thought on this issue as on the
the hope expressed by Shri Deshmukh that stature are rare should not discourage problems relating to the improvement of
this structure should house all that is noble us from making an earnest effort to trail the academic standard of the members and
and dignified in the profession of Chartered the path blazed by him. of their technical competency.
Accountants. To achieve the objectives of With these words I have great pleasure
the Welfare State that we have set before us, I am happy to note that the opening of in declaring this building open and in
it is necessary for each one of us to realise this building has synchronised with the inaugurating this the First Conference of
in our heart of hearts that national interest first meeting of Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants of India and wish
takes precedence over individual advantages, from all over the country. I have no doubt your Institute all success in its career of
and that no nation can advance politically, that occasions such as this, by affording usefulness and service to the country.
economically or culturally, if the sole aim of opportunity to all of you to discuss
the individuals constituting it is their personal your common problems and difficulties (Taken from the April 1954 issue of the
will create a feeling of ICAI journal)
solidarity in the profession
itself. Such gatherings
should not only provide a
“The fast increasing tempo of the
platform for the ventilation
industrial and economic development
of individual or common
of the country makes it imperative
grievances but should also that every Chartered Accountant
enable newcomers to the should realise that he belongs to a
profession to come in close profession which provides the first
contact with the veterans line of defence to the unwary public
and imbibe from them, against money grabbers and
by precept and example, opportunists...”
Inauguration of the ICAI Headquarters (1954)

*Contributed by the Editorial Board of the ICAI JULY 2023 137

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