Previous Exams Questions Ch23-24-With Notes

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Previous Exam Questions (Ch23-24)

Q1. Two thin spherical shells, one with radius R and the other with radius 2R, surround
an isolated charged point particle. The ratio of the number of field lines through the larger
sphere to the number through the smaller one is:
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 1/2
E) 1/4

Q2. Charge Q is distributed uniformly throughout a sphericall insulating shell. The net
electric flux in N. m2 /C through the inner surface of the shell is:
A) 0
B) Q/ ε0
C) 2Q/ ε0
D) Q/4π ε0
E) Q/2π ε0

Q3. A uniform electric field with a magnitude of 125 000 N/C passes through a rectangle
with sides of 2.50 m and 5.00 m. The angle between the electric field vector and
the vector normal to the rectangular plane is 65.0°. What is the electric flux through the

A) 6.60 × 105 N×m2/C

B) 4.23 × 104 N×m2/C
C) 5.49 × 104 N×m2/C
D) 1.56 × 106 N×m2/C
E) 1.42 × 105 N×m2/C
Q4. A flat circle of radius 15 cm is places in a uniform electric field of magnitude 500
N/C. Find the electric flux through the circle when it’s face is:
1) Perpendicular to the field lines
2) At 35 to the field lines

Q5. A thin rod carrying a total charge of -3 nC is oriented along x-axis between x = 2 m
and x = 5 m. a second thin rod carrying a total uniformly distributed charge of 15 nC
lies along y-axis between y = 0 and y = 10 m. find the electric flux due to both rods
through the surface of a sphere of radius 3 m centered at the origin.
Q6. The figure shows three electric charges labeled Q1, Q2, Q3, and some electric field
lines in the region surrounding the charges. What are the signs of the three charges?

A) Q1 is positive, Q2 is negative, Q3 is
B) Q1 is positive, Q2 is positive, Q3 is
C) Q1 is negative, Q2 is positive, Q3 is
D) All three charges are negative.

Q7. Two very large parallel sheets a distance d apart have their centers directly opposite
each other. The sheets carry equal but opposite uniform surface charge densities. A point
charge that is placed near the middle of the sheets a distance d/2 from each of them feels
an electrical force F due to the sheets. If this charge is now moved closer to one of the
sheets so that it is a distance d/4 from that sheet, what force will feel?

A) 4F
B) 2F
C) F
D) F/2
Q8. Consider a spherical Gaussian surface of radius R centered at the origin. A charge Q
is placed inside the sphere. To maximize the magnitude of the flux of the electric field
through the Gaussian surface, the charge should be located.
A) at x = 0, y = R/2, z = 0.
B) at the origin.
C) at x = 0, y = 0, z = R/2.
D) The charge can be located anywhere since flux does not depend on the position of
the charge as long as it is inside the sphere.

Q9. Initially a conducting spherical shell has a net charge −q. A charge +q is then placed
at the center of the shell. The final charge on the outer surface of the shell is
A) +q
B) −q
C) +2q
D) Zero
E) −2q
Q10. Two concentric spheres are shown in the figure. The inner sphere is a solid
nonconductor and carries a charge of +5.00 µC uniformly distributed over its outer
surface. The outer sphere is a conducting shell that carries a net charge of -8.00 µC. No
other charges are present. The radii shown in the figure have the values R1 = 10.0 cm, R2
= 20.0 cm, and R3 = 30.0 cm.

a. Find the total excess charge on the inner

and outer surfaces of the conducting sphere.

b. Find the magnitude and direction of the electric

field at the following distances r from the center
of the inner sphere:
(i) r = 9.5 cm,
(ii) r = 15.0 cm,
(iii) r = 27.0 cm,
(iv) r = 35.0 cm.
Ch 24

Q1. A charge q = –6.0 µC is moved 0.25 m horizontally to point P in a region where an

electric field is 250 V/m directed vertically, as shown, the charge is then moved 0.5m
below point P. The change in the electric potential energy of the charge is:

A) zero joules
B) +2.4 x 10–5 J
C) +7.5 x 10–4
D) –2.4 x 10–5 J
E) –7.5 x 10–4 J

Q2. The potential difference between two points is 100V.If a particle with a charge of 2C
is transported from one of these points to the other, the magnitude of the work done is:
A) 200J
B) 100J
C) 50J
D) 100J
E) 2J
Q3. A particle with a charge of 5.5 × 10−8 C is fixed at the origin. A particle with a
charge of −2.3 × 10−8 C is moved from x =3.5 cm on the x axis to y =3.5 cm
on the y axis. The change in the potential energy of the two-particle system is:
A) 3.2 × 10−4 J
B) −3.2 × 10−4 J
C) 9.3 × 10−3 J
D) −9.3 × 10−3 J
E) 0

Q4. A total charge of 7×10−8 C is uniformly distributed throughout a non-conducting

sphere with a radius of 5cm. The electric potential at the surface, relative to the
potential far away, is about:
A) −1.3 × 104 V
B) 1.3 × 104 V
C) 7.0 × 105 V
D) −6.3 × 104V
E) 0

Q5. The equipotential surfaces associated with a charged point particle are:
A) radially outward from the particle
B) vertical planes
C) horizontal planes
D) concentric spheres centered at the particle
E) concentric cylinders with the particle on the axis
Q6. A particle with a charge of 5.5×10−8 C is 3.5 cm from a particle with a charge of
−2.3×10−8 C. The potential energy of this two-particle system, relative to the potential
energy at infinite separation, is:
A) 3.2 × 10−4 J
B) −3.2 × 10−4 J
C) 9.3 × 10−3 J
D) −9.3 × 10−3 J
E) zero

Q7. An electrically charged object creates an electric potential that:

a) is a vector that points either towards or away from the object, depending on the
sign of the charge
b) is a vector that makes circular paths around the object
c) is a non-negative scalar
d) is a scalar but will be positive or negative depending on the sign of the charge of
the object
Q8. The electric field in a region of space is given by Ex = (3.0x) N/C, Ey = Ez = 0, where x
is in meters. Determine the potential difference VB – VA between points A and B which
are on the x axis at 𝑥𝐴 = 3.0 m and 𝑥𝐵 = 5.0 m.

a) –24 V
b) +24 V
c) –18 V
d) +30 V
e) –6.0 V

Q9. If 500 J of work are required to carry a 40 C charge from one point to another, the
potential difference between these two points is:
a) 12.5 V
b) 20,000 V
c) 0.08 V
d) depends on the path
e) none of the above.
Q10. Three point charges are placed in the vertices of the equilateral triangle, as shown
in the figure. Two charges have the same sign and are equal to each other. What is the
magnitude of the third negative charge if it is known that the total potential energy of
the system is zero?

a) 2Q
b) Q
c) 0
d) Q/2
e) Q/4

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