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Talent Management

Simple | Intuitive | Flexible | Complete

Main value
Organizes, simplifies and automates complex processes and workflows; Cross departmental automation and organizational processes that cover multiple departments; Dramatically decreases operational costs and improves employees' efficiency; Increases the company's agility and competitiveness; 360 view over the performance indicators; Increases customer loyality; Collaborative working environment, focused on satisfying business partners needs. Updates and develops customers' business needs.

Management value
Provides key reports and analysis for executives to run business; Reports with the ability to go from high level to low level detail; Comprehensive insight from all departments and systems; Provides executive dashboards, on-spot quick facts and real-time notifications.

Employees value
Clean and friendly user interface; Commonly performed tasks can be automated; Can provide data from other applications and sources; Can access various reports from the same interface; Provides technical support directly from the application interface; Provides development methods and tools for business flows and entities directly from the application.

Charisma HCM Talent Management is the result of many years of experience gained by supporting companies in the capitalization of human resources. We managed to combine advanced features with vertical expertise, so that Charisma HCM Talent Management would ensure a unique experience for all users. The solution modules. Performance Management, Skills & Competency Management, Compensation Management, Career & Succession Planning, Training and 360 Degree Feedback are natively integrated with Charisma HCM;
The solution provides flexible support for both

individual and organizational competency management;

instant access to information about Allows

global, national or functional business skills and provides users with advanced analysis and reporting features;
Quick and easy access via the

360 Feedback

Performance Management

Internet to the solution, which is fully internationalized into over 50 languages;

Allows secure storage of

Career & Succession Planning

Talent Management

Compensation Management

information, strictly controlled access and configurable workflow with an intuitive navigation.


Skills & Competency Management

The solution comprises a series of modules perfectly adapted to HR activities, which addresses the development of the companys human resource potential: Performance Management; Compensation Management; & Competency Management; Skills Training; & Succession Planning; Career 360 Feedback.

Performance Management

Performance Management module works seamlessly with other modules such as Career & Succession Planning to help identify people who are ready for leadership roles or who have specific development needs.

Companies and people perform better when they share aligned goals, measure performance and reward success. Performance Management provides employees, managers and HR teams with the tools and insights to inspire people to perform to the best of their ability. Performance Management transforms the traditional performance review, aligning the individual goals of employees to the organizations strategic objectives. Managers and employees work together to define, review, measure and update objectives, anywhere, anytime, through intuitive, Internet-based self-service portals.

By integrating with Compensation Management, you can make a visible link between individual performance and your total pay and reward packages. Rewards programs help ensure the readiness and retention of your high performers, and allow you to create a high-performance culture with well planned career paths for talent within your organization.

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Benefits and features

Ensures n an increased productivity Cascaded organizational objectives across functions and departments align company, manager, team and employee goals for maximum performance. Enhances company performance n The solution builds a shared vision and drives organizational unity. Win-Win scenarios n Flexible, intuitive review processes increase employee engagement and simplify the administration tasks for line managers and HR professionals. Enables n visibility Comprehensive graphical views allow managers to easily monitor departmental KPIs. Self-service features n Employee and manager Self-Service areas help define performance plans, set and review objectives and evaluate outcomes. Drives n the solution adoption Multi-lingual, browser-based access encourages employee uptake, regardless of their location. Empowers managers and HR specialists n High-level overviews and drill-down information on locations, teams and individuals allow better decision-making for managers and HR professionals. Improves processes n Assisted performance reviews facilitate consistent, best practice evaluations, while pre-configured reports for HR managers support compliance and quality monitoring. Saves n time Comprehensive analytics and built-in reports save time and optimize the use of performance data. Raises n employee engagement Collaborative planning, monitoring, development and performance recognition capabilities maximize employee potential, job satisfaction and retention. Streamlines the workflow n Timely reminders, prompts and scorecards support line managers in delivering effective performance management processes.

Skills & Competency Management

Skills & Competency Management is a key component of Charisma HCM Talent Management solution. Skills & Competency Management works alongside Training and Career & Succession Planning modules, helping the company plan individual development activities and make better-informed decisions regarding training, promotions, redeployment or pay and reward.

In a global economy, the competitive advantage comes from the ability and dedication of your people. Do you know what skills and competencies exist in your organization? Will these support your companys future strategy? Skills & Competency Management module helps you identify people with the skills and competencies, qualifications, knowledge and personal qualities you need, and to plan for their development according to your organizational goals. Identifying and placing people in the right position at the right time dramatically increases their motivation and reduces retention risk, avoiding recruitment costs, disruption and loss of critical knowledge.

Skills & Competency Management module provides HR specialists with a complete overview of every individuals abilities and potential, development, career planning and remuneration. Managers can conduct comprehensive skills analyses and identify potential skill gaps. The library comprising over 400 key competencies in 18 core areas allows you to profile and evaluate any role or position, establishing individual and organizational readiness. The search and filter features allow you to find the right people for every position. The search is multi-dimensional, enabling searches not only on skills and competencies, but any combination of experience, qualifications, certification, language proficiency, mobility, and project experience. The Best Fit Search feature identifies those employees that closely match your requirements, accelerating the selection process and helping you find the right person for every job.

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Benefits and features

Locates n your talent Identifies employees with relevant or transferable skills, qualifications and experience, using a powerful search technology that integrates with any other HR systems. Creates n flexible and customized profiles Builds your own competency models or leverage 400 pre-defined competencies in 18 core areas, allowing you to easily profile key current and future roles. Identifies skill gaps n Plans intelligently for promotions, internal mobility and business growth by identifying future skill gaps and creates needs-based recommendations for training and development measures for individuals or teams. Mobilizes the companys talent n Supports international relocations by identifying and encouraging people with overseas ambitions to develop the skill they need to make the move. Optimizes the workforce n Uses search features to find the best-fit teams and people for projects and vacancies, and builds organizational bench strength through effective planning and development. Supports the strategic HR planning n Enhances leadership and vision with a comprehensive overview of all organizational talent.

Compensation Management

Compensation Management module works seamlessly with other modules such as Performance Management and Career & Succession Planning, to make a visible link between individual performance and your total pay and reward packages.

Competitive and flexible compensation creates happier, more motivated employees, with reduced retention risk and optimized financial performance. Compensation Management module provides executives, managers and HR teams with the tools and insights to develop attractive, competitive and motivating compensation structures at all levels, based on both market comparisons (e.g.: salary surveys) and corporate objectives.

These practices help develop an organizational culture that can connect each employee performance and development with the appropriate salary thresholds for an increased equity in the company level and in relation to the market. An appropriate pay and reward structure will not only improve your financial performance, but also makes it easier to attract, retain and motivate the best talent. Compensation Management module allows HR employees, line managers and executives to work together to build a compelling and competitive approach to base salary pay, bonuses, long and short term incentives and company benefits the approach is simple, flexible and transparent, as well as easy to compare against industry benchmarks.

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Benefits and features

Improves n the decision-making process Gives executives an instant, complete overview of your organizations compensation structure, helping them make the right decisions based on accurate data. Balances the compensation budget n Ensures your company meets the financial obligations with better salary planning, tight budget control, and appropriate merit increases with the help of value-added data. Drives n high performance Creates a compensation management strategy that links performance to reward, engaging and motivating staff at all levels. Finds n and retains the best talent Uses the latest market data and research to compare compensation across jobs, industries and locations. In addition, it helps you benchmark your compensation system to retain talented people and attract the best external talent. Provides fairness and transparency n Creates consistency across teams and skill areas, with review processes that avoid internal or external imbalances and minimizes the retention risk. Increases efficiency n Reduces administration costs via automated workflows, integrated scenario planning to analyze and adjust all compensation components, and enables data roll-up throughout the organization. Compensation Management comprises two key capabilities: Total Compensation. Builds and reviews n comprehensive compensation profiles to motivate employee performance and reduce retention risk. The module creates dynamic, in-depth compensation strategies covering base salaries, long and short-term incentive plans, bonuses, health care plans, stock options and more. Integrated reporting allows you to regularly monitor internal equities and your compensation policies overall effectiveness. The Compensation Review report eases annual adjustments, creating configurable programmes for target groups and individuals based on performance and merit scenarios. Market n Compensation. Maintains your market competitiveness, comparing your current compensation structures against real market data, with easily definable market rates via multiple surveys. With an informed view, the company is equipped to award market leading salaries and benefits whilst maintaining accountable, up to date outlooks on compensation expenditures. Provides consistency n Compensation reviews ensure consistent salary revaluation processes, while analysis and reporting help you create compensation packages and action plans for individuals or target groups.

Training Module works alongside Performance Management and Skills & Competency Management modules to identify individual and organizational development needs against corporate objectives. Training module also complements Career & Succession Planning, helping the company make betterinformed decisions about promoting people into leadership roles.

The right training programme allows you to deliver against your skill and competency needs by aligning training programmes to individual needs, corporate objectives and available budgets and resources. Training module helps the company motivate the employees and secure their commitment by showing that you value them enough to invest in their future. The solution helps you create and manage an efficient, cost-effective learning culture, based on identified personal and company needs. Training module enables you to transform needs and requirements into specific training measures. The integrated reporting system and advanced evaluation methods help you control training costs, focus training needs, evaluate effectiveness and allocate your resources effectively.

With the help of the Training module, the company can fully manage all learning, training and development processes, from analyzing internal training requirements to course scheduling. Workflows and reminders facilitate effortless, efficient planning for even the most complicated training setup. Communication between participants and trainers occurs automatically, encouraging a deeper collaboration. HR professionals benefit from extensive analysis options and an overview of all employee and participant training histories. The solution provides support for coaching, mentoring, job rotation, on and off the job training, as well as other learning formats. Employees can request relevant training activities using an online catalogue, with managers approving or amending requests.

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Benefits and features

Empowers the employees: n Self-managing a personal development plan allows your workforce to select development activities that match identified training needs and take a more active role in development planning and maintaining professional certifications. Measures n success: Monitors individual progress against benchmarks, ensuring that all employees, managers, HR and training teams understand key performance indicators. Streamlines the process: n Reduces administrative effort with workflow management for scheduling and automated correspondence, and bulk nomination of training participants using filter functionality. Meets nbudgets: Allocates training costs accurately to improve cost and quality control. Analyzes n and reports: Integrated reporting, advanced evaluation and feedback methods enable administrators, supervisors and employees to manage training requirements proactively. Promotes n training: An easily accessible training catalogue and self service functions for managers and employees encourage them to find and select just the right development activities, with an integral approval process. Increases n relevance: Defines internal training needs based on recommendations suggested by the Skills & Competency Management module.

Career & Succession Planning

Career & Succession Planning is one of the main components of Charisma HCM Talent Management. The solution works seamlessly with Skills & Competency Management and Performance Management modules, helping the company establish the right development and rewards programmes.

Career & Succession Planning module manages every step of the career and succession planning process, tracking information about peoples future potential, past performance, career aspirations and retention risk. Comprehensive interactive analysis tools and reports provide invaluable input to formal talent review processes, helping to identify talented individuals for the future, regardless of location. Employees can clarify and record their own career preferences, including geographic mobility, preferred next steps and any cross functional development required, generating a balanced career plan. Key indicators of organizational health such as bench strength can easily be determined using powerful reporting tools.

The solution ensures the readiness and retention of high performers, and helps you create a highperformance culture with well planned career paths for talent within your organization.

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Benefits and features

Manages n risk Identifies key positions or areas of the business vulnerable to future succession gaps and works towards low attrition to ensure minimum disruption and risk. Increases visibility n Supports management decision-making by supplying detailed information on key positions and potential successors, including reports, charts and analysis. Plans n for the future Builds detailed succession plans and a complete picture of your global talent pool across critical functions, countries and regions, including talent balance sheets to assist talent management reports. Provides an internal view n Reduces the companys dependence on hiring external talent by identifying and developing internal successors. Simplifies the career and succession n planning processes Maintains a real-time organizational view of individual career histories and current and projected readiness, and proactively identifies potential gaps in bench strength. Empowers and engages employees n Keeps your employees motivated and challenged through their personal development and individual career plans, with proactive career development. Improves your options n The application tests out What-if succession scenarios that support development of effective, agreed succession plans.

360 Degree Feedback

360 Degree Feedback is another key component of Charisma HCM Talent Management. It supports key Talent Management processes such as Career & Succession planning by identifying strengths and development needs in people who are ready for leadership positions or other critical organizational roles.

Comparing self assessments with external perceptions from relevant stakeholders in an employees working environment is a powerful and objective way to drive development and improve performance. 360 Degree Feedback module creates balanced, individual assessments of potential, strengths and needs, building great pipelines of experts and leaders. 360 Degree Feedback helps individuals become more aware of their behaviors and actions. It helps them channel their focus on building upon personal strengths and on improving areas requiring development. Feedback is tracked via multi-sourced, confidential assessments from all relevant sources, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, partners or customers.

The advanced features of the module ensure objectivity and clarity and helps ensure a highperformance culture with well planned development paths for talent within your organization. The module provides clarity and promotes objectivity regarding personal development and performance improvement. It is an essential tool for the maximization of employee performance based on internal and external feedback.

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Benefits and features

Drives changes n 360 Degree Feedback provides a fully rounded view of the strengths and needs of every individual in a clear, comprehensive and confidential manner. Balanced and reliable information fosters positive behavioral change and directly supports highly personalized development. Creates n configurable processes Automates processes to collect 360 degree feedback, from creating questionnaires, selecting providers and collecting feedback from internal and external stakeholders, to results analysis and individual coaching programmes. Empowers people n Supports employees in selecting appropriate participants by easily selecting the feedback sources to include in 360 Degree programmes. Comprehensive evaluation n The solution sources full internal and external feedback, including self assessments, subordinates, team members, peers, customers and management. Reduces complexity n Visual aids help feedback recipients and providers ensure that reliable feedback is obtained in the easiest, most efficient way. In-context help guides users along and shows them their progress, from easily selecting appropriate feedback providers to entering and understanding feedback. Preserves confidentiality n Delivers anonymous, honest and unbiased feedback supported by transparent processes. Strives n for excellence Integrated analysis and reporting support feedback recipients in fully understanding their results and point them to actions to improve themselves. Detailed, easy to understand reports help compare self-image versus the perception of others, forming the basis for tailored personal development of identified talent. Provides clear reports n A comprehensive set of reports also enables effective planning and preparation of appraisal discussions, development planning and subsequent coaching and mentoring. Provides efficient collaboration n Sophisticated scheduling and collaboration tools help mentors and coaches assist employees in interpreting feedback and building actionable career development plans. Provides self service features n Efficient administration via Self-Service features reduces administrative overheads via automated, secure workflow processes.

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