3 Introduction To Media and Information Literacy

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Introduction to Media

and Information
Most Essential Learning Competencies
• Describe how communication is influenced by media
and information
• Identify the similarities and differences between and
among media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy.
• Discuss responsible use of media and information
Communication a process by which information is
exchanged between individuals
through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior

the exchange of information and
the expression of feeling that can
result in understanding
Media and Media Literacy
• refers to the combination of
physical objects, such as radio,
television, computers,
telephone, mobile, phone, film,
• The internet, newspapers,
magazines, television, etc.,
considered as a group

Media and Media Literacy
Media Literacy
• the ability to access, analyze,
evaluate and create media
• the ability to read (decode),
analyze, evaluate, and produce
communication in a variety of
media forms (UNESCO MIL
Curriculum for Teachers)

Media and Media Literacy
• Media Literacy highlights the capacity of an individual to
understand the functions of media and determine the
relevant use and worth of media platforms.
Communication and Media
• How is communication affected by Media?

Information and Information Literacy
• data, knowledge derived from
study, experience or instruction,
signals or symbols
• The knowledge of specific events
or situations that has been
gathered, received by
communication, intelligence or
news (UNESCO MIL Curriculum for
Information and Information Literacy
Information Literacy
• refers to the abilities to
recognize when
information is needed and
to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and
communicate information
in its various formats
(UNESCO MIL Curriculum
for Teachers)
Communication and Information
• How does information affect communication?


https://tinyurl.com/58nnzdvs https://tinyurl.com/38ssef4c
Technology and Technology Literacy
• the application of
scientific knowledge to the
practical aims of human
life or, as it is sometimes
phrased, to the change and
manipulation of the human
Technology and Technology Literacy
• Technology Literacy is the skill of an individual to
manipulate technology independently or with the
assistance of others in using the technology in an efficient
and suitable way.
• It is the ability to use, understand, create and manage
digital technologies in a legal and ethical manner.

https://www.knowledgehut.com/blog/career/technology-literacy https://tinyurl.com/kvmmrr74
Media and Information Literacy
• Information, technology and media literacy enable
people to become a responsible user and producer of
media and information.

Activity 3: Media and Me
Direction: Write a 3-day journal/list of your media,
technology and information use.
Example: Day 1

Media / Technology Information

cellphone / messenger - greeting message
- class announcement
computer / internet - research / assignment

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