Alp in Math - Victoria Joana

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School Tarlac State University Capas Campus

Grade Level Grade 4

Time Allotment 30 minutes
Teacher Joana Rose J. Victoria
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards

Demonstrates understanding of factors and multiples and addition and subtraction of


B. Performance Standards

The learners is able to apply knowledge of factors and multiples, and addition and
subtraction of fractions in mathematical problems and real-life situations.

C. Learning Competencies/ Code

Performs subtraction of similar and dissimilar fractions. -M4NS-IIg-83

D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to;
A. Identify and define key terms related to subtraction of dissimilar fractions, such as
numerator and denominator.
B. Explain their problem-solving process verbally or in writing to show how they
obtained their answers.
C. Perform how to solve subtracting dissimilar fraction

II. Subject Matter

Subtraction of Dissimilar Fraction

Resources/Learning Materials

K-12 Curriculum Guide and MELC’s

III. Learning Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love
commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and
guard, rule and guide Amen.
The teacher and learners greetings each other
Checking of attendance
Now,Let us check the attendance once you call your name
say present

B. Purpose of the Lesson

The teacher will let the student develop their problem-solving
skills by Subtracting dissimilar fractions requires the ability
to analyze problems, identify patterns, and apply fraction
concepts to solve real-world problems.

C. Review Solve Me!

The teacher will give a group activity.
The class will be grouped into 4 and the teacher will give
them a problem-solving about the Adding Dissimilar fraction.
The first group that finishes the problem will win in this

D. Motivation “DRAW IT”

1. The class will be divided into 4 groups

2. Each group member will take turns making their team

member guess the fractional part being asked drawn by the
teacher’s box

3. The team member will make his teammates guess the

correct answer should illustrate the fractional part shown in
the paper strip he picked

4. Instead of stating the obvious should draw back the right

answer but it should be in reduced form this is a race to
five(5)draw a game. The First team who get five right
answer wins the game
E. Presenting Write Me
examples/instances of the The teacher will present a visuals of fraction and the
new lesson students will write it.

- =
2. =
3. - =
F. Discussing new concepts Fraction is a( from Latin fractus, broken) represent a part of
and practicing new skill a whole
1 - Numerator-the part of a fraction that is above the line
and signifies the number to be divided by the
4 - Denominator- the part of a fraction that is below the line
and it divides the numerator
Dissimilar fractions are fractions with different
denominators. They are also known as unlike fraction

In solving subtracting dissimilar fractions we need to consider

these steps.
Step 1: To subtract dissimilar fractions, change it into similar
fraction by finding the LCD or Least Common Denominator.
Step 2: Subtract the numerator and copy the denominator.
Use listing method to find the LCD
Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
Examples 1:
5/9 - 2/6=?
Step 1: Find the LCD or Least Common Denominator.
Use listing method to find the LCD
6= 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36
9= 9, 18, 27, 36,45
LCD= 18
After getting the LCD of 6 and 9 we can now change them
into similar fraction by using their LCD which is 18

Since they are similar fractions we can now subtract, just

subtract the numerator and copy the common denominator

Note: Simplify into lowest term

by finding the GCF
-Use listing method to find the GCF or Greatest Common
4= 1,2,4 GCF= 2
18= 1,2,3,6,9,18
After getting the GCF divide it both numerator and
denominator to the answer 4/18

Example 2:
5/7 - 3/6=?
Find the LCD or Least Common Denominator.
Use listing method to find the LCD
6= 6,12,18,24,30,36,42
7= 7,14,21,28,35,42
After getting the LCD of 6 and 9 we can now change them
into a similar fraction by using their LCD which is 42 as their
common denominator after that we will divide the common
denominator by the denominator of 7 and 6 and after getting
the result we will multiply it into the numerator which is the 5
and 3
30/42- 21/42= 9/42
So because it is reducible we need to simplify it by getting the
Use listing methods to find GCF
After getting the GCF divide it both numerator and
denominator to the answer 9/42
9/42 divided by 3 is equal to 3/14 and this is the final answer

Example 3: When preparing a recipe, you may need to

subtract one quantity of ingredients from another to determine
the difference. For instance, if a recipe calls for 3/4 cup of
flour and you already have 1/2 cup of flour, you can subtract
1/2 cup from 3/4 cup to determine the amount of flour you
still need to add.

Given= 3/4, 1/2

Operation - Subtraction
3/4 - 1/2=?
Find the LCD or Least Common Denominator.
Use listing method to find the LCD
2= 2,4,6,8,10
4= 4,8,12,16
After getting the LCD of 2 and 4 we can now change them
into a similar fraction by using their LCD which is 4 as their
common denominator after that we will divide the common
denominator by the denominator of 4 and 2 and after getting
the result we will multiply it into the numerator which is the 3
and 1
3/4-2/4= 1/4
Since the 1/4 is not reducible so we can consider it as the
final answer.
G. Developing Mastery “ FIRST FIVE”
The teacher will give an individual activity
Instruction: The teacher will show a dissimilar fraction and
each student will answer. The first five student who finishes
will get a plus points.

1. 3 - 6 2. 10 - 3 3. 3 - 2 4. 1 - 1
5 15 18 9 5 10 2 4

H. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts and The teacher will give a group activity
Skills Instruction:
The class will be divided into 4 and each group will be given
a dissimilar fraction to solve each member is needed to
answer to the board and the first group who finishes first will
explain how they solved the given dissimilar fraction after
they get a plus points.

I. Making generalization The Subtraction of Dissimilar Fractions is a topic we covered

today. To solve dissimilar fractions quickly, we must keep in
mind the procedures. It is also applicable in practical
contexts. We can apply those procedures, for instance, while
measuring ingredients for a recipe and the likes.

The teacher will give an individual activity

“ How can you do that!”

1. The teacher will show a problem solving and the students
will answer it
2. Ask students to share their answers and have them explain
how they solve it.

Problem : Emma had 5/6 of a pizza and she gave 2/3 of it to

her friend. How much pizza does Emma have left?


Instruction: Find the difference of given dissimilar fraction.


The teacher will give another activity work sheet to make sure that all of the students can apply
what they have learned.

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