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I will be reaching out to schedule our time together, get information on who the session is for, or

even a few more details if needed 😊

Depending on which one you choose, healing sessions each takes 60 minutes with you resting
quietly while I do the distant healing…..if you ordered a session that is only 30 minutes, I will let
you know!
Most of my shop offerings are given in 1 session, but the 12 strand DNA activation is 3 sessions

total, given one a week for 3 weeks. 😊 If you ordered one of my packaged deals, then of course
we will be working together for more than just 1 session.
It is so important to just unplug and allow the work to take place within you….sometimes it is
best just to turn off the phone, and all distractions, so you have the best experience. It is very
common to fall asleep during a session, and this is actually perfect! Our guides will place us in a
very deep rest when we need to let go, to let them work in us, and to balance our energy…and
well sometimes we just need that rest too!

After a session it is common to have sensations like ear ringing, a little fatigue, feel the energy
clearing out, and also just feeling at peace is commonly reported. Whatever you feel is exactly
meant for you. After a session is over, please increase your water through the day, to flush your
I will check in on you by sending a message after our time is over…don’t be alarmed if it is an

hour later, sometimes I do have sessions back to back. I will reach out!! 😊

Thank you for entrusting me to help you on your path. I am excited and honored to share this
space with you.

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