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Implementing a UK

Feminist Foreign
By Jaya Field
01. A post-Brexit UK
➢ Brexit has left the UK with the worst economy of the G7
countries, impacting its international reputation and

➢ Brexit affects the access that UK civil society has to

inter-European networks and funding

➢ Global populations of women who benefit from the

work of civil society organizations will suffer
02. UK foreign aid cuts
➢ UK government cut aid budget by more than a third, from
15.2 billion pounds in 2019 to 10 billion in 2021

➢ Within that shrinking portion of aid, under 1 percent of

UK aid spending is earmarked for tackling inequality

➢ The House of Commons Library reported that these

austerity measures will disproportionately negatively
impact women
03. Proposals
★ Require gender analysis for all foreign assistance
★ Earmark at least 5% of the government’s ODA for
efforts that gender equality as a principal objective
○ Increase direct investments in women-led
★ Reinstate the Civil Society Challenge Fund
04. Impact
➢ Gender-focused international assistance is crucial in
maintaining peace and security, and in
strengthening both economic development and
global reputation
➢ As the UK government grapples with finding its
place, this transitory period should be treated as an
opportunity to declare commitment to human
rights and protection of marginalized communities

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