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EXERCISE SCIENCE SENIOR SYNTHESIS – Weekly Prescription and Logs – Page 1

Name: Aaliyah Speights Client Name: Lyzona Marshall

Week Number: 7 Week Dates: 10/24/2023 and 10/26/2023

Rx1 (Planned) Session 1 (Performed) Rx2 (Planned) Session 2 (Performed) Other Days
Day/Date & Time 11/07/2023 11/09//2023
Body Weight 201
Resting HR 106 bpm
Resting BP 130/88
Blood sugar levels Before workout 150 Before workout 146
After 117 After (she forgot to do it)
Warm-Up ]

Mode Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill

Duration 5 minutes (2.6+ mph) 5 minutes 3 mph 5 minutes (2.3 + mph) 5 minutes 2.9 mph
Intensity (HR & RPE) HR 90 - 100 bpm HR 115 bpm HR 90 - 100 bpm HR 118 bpm
RPE 9-10 RPE 9 RPE 9-10 RPE 9
Mode(s) Treadmill Treadmill Recumbent Bike Recumbent Bike

Duration 12 minutes with a 12 minutes with a 12 minutes 12 minutes

4-5% grade 4% grade Level 13

Intensity – HR 130-140 bpm 146 bpm 130-140 bpm 138 bpm 5 minutes in
141 bpm 10 minutes in
Intensity – RPE 13-14 13 13-14 14
Exercise BP
Resist Training Ex wt x sets x rep range wt x sets x rep range wt x sets x rep
Goblet Squat 5 lbs x 3 x 10-12 5 lbs x 1 x 10 Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Bench Press
10 lbs x 2 x 12 12.5 lbs x 3 x 10-12 10 lbs x 3 x 12
Walking Forward Lunges BW x 3 x down and BW x 3 x down and back Rows Rows
back in the aerobics in the aerobics room EZ curl bar x 3 x 10-12 EZ curl bar x 3 x 12
Glute Bridge 5 lbs x 3 x 10-12 10 lbs x 3 x 12 Shoulder Press Shoulder press
10 lbs x 3 x 10-12 10 lbs x 3 x 10
5 lbs x 2 x 12
Romanian Deadlifts Did not have time to Did not have time to Bicep Curls Did not have time to
perform perform 12.5 lbs x 3 x 10-12 perform
Plank BW x 3 x 20 seconds BW x 2 x 25 seconds Tricep Extension Did not have time to
BW x 1 x 35 seconds 10 lbs x 3 x 10-12 perform
Curl-ups BW x 3 x 8-10 BW x 1 x 10 Modified Push-ups Modified Push-ups
BW x 2 x 12 BW x 3 x 8-10 BW x 3 x 5

Mode Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill Treadmill

Duration 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Intensity (HR & RPE) HR 90-100 bpm HR 116 bpm HR 90-100 bpm HR 114 bpm
RPE 9-10 RPE 9 RPE 9-10 RPE 9
Flexibility Exercises Sets Duration Sets Duration Sets Duration
Lying hamstring with band 2 20 seconds Lying hamstring w/ band Over the Head Tricep Over the Head Tricep
2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds
Lying quad with band 2 20 seconds Lying quad w/ band Across the Arm Shoulder Across the Arm Shoulder
2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds
Knee to chest 2 20 seconds Pigeon Hands Clasped Behind Back Hands Clasped Behind
2 20 seconds 2 20 second Back
2 20 seconds
Butterfly 2 20 seconds Butterfly Reach Overhead Reach Overhead
2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds
Cobra 2 20 seconds Cobra Child Pose Child Pose
2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds 2 20 seconds
EXERCISE SCIENCE SENIOR SYNTHESIS – Weekly Prescription and Logs – Page 2
Name: Aaliyah Speights Client Name: Lyzona Marshall
Week Number: 7 Week Dates: 11/07/2023 and 11/09/2023
Session 1 Session 2
Client Notes
Rate the following (1 = poor, 5 = great)
Overall Session 5 5
Client’s Attitude 5 5
Client’s Compliance 5 5
Your Comfort Level With Client 4 4

List any pain/discomforts/concerns N/A N/A

Wellness topic and brief explanation We talked about proper form and how to She talked about the flexibility in her arms and said she realized her right arm is
Examples: stress, CHD risk factors, keep/know when it is correct when she is not as flexible as the left when doing the shoulder stretch. She had asked why
nutrition, ways to increase activity, goal by herself. I told her to do the exercises in this is and I told her that it is common. It can be from many things like previous
setting, fluid replacement, motivation… the mirror if possible to be able to see the injuries and differences in muscle strength.
form. If there is not a mirror then you
can even videotape yourself. Also, look up
the exercise she is going to be performing
along with the modifications to it to see
how the form should be.

Suggestions to improve your session with Increase the weight on the upper body More shoulder stretching/flexibility exercises. She seems to have gained more leg
the client next time: exercises flexibility (she mentioned she can get off the floor and get up a lot easier) but her
shoulders still need to be worked on.
This Semester’s SMART BEHAVIORAL Intended Outcomes (IOs)
Must relate to IOs a& WBGs
1. Be able to complete the YMCA Bike test by the end of Semester 1. Run on the treadmill 2 per/week 4. Utilize the stationary bike
2x per/week

2. Lose 1-2 pounds by the end of the 8-week program. 2. Engage in strength training 5. Incorporate fruits into diet
2 per/week 4 per/week
3. Be able to perform 15 curl up by the end of the semester. 3. Include abdominal and core 6. Engage in isometric hold
once a week exercises once per/week

This Week’s SMART BEHAVIORAL Goals (WBG): This must be very specific (FITT, the actual day, number of times, etc.)
Goal: Be able to hold a plank for 25 seconds for 3 sets 11/09/2023
Confidence Ruler (1-10): 10 Completed %: 100
WBG related to IO#: Engage in isometric hold exercises once per/week
WBG related to SBG#: Be able to perform 15 curl up by the end of the semester
Explain % completed: She was able to hold a plank for 25 seconds in the first 2 sets. In the last set, she held the plank for 35 seconds

Goal: Increase the duration of cardio on the stationary/recumbent bike from 10 minutes to 12 minutes 11/09/2023
Confidence Ruler (1-10): 8 Completed %: 100
WBG related to IO#: Utilize the stationary bike 2x per/week
WBG related to SBG#: Be able to complete the YMCA Bike test by the end of the Semester
Explain % completed: She was able to complete 12 minutes at a level 13 on the recumbent bike

Goal: Complete 8 push-ups by the end of the week 11/09/2023

Confidence Ruler (1-10): 6 Completed %: 60
WBG related to IO#: Engage in strength training 2x per/week
WBG related to SBG#: Lose 1-2 pounds by the end of the 8-week program
Explain % completed: She was able to complete 5 push-ups for the 3 sets

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