Webinar 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Caloocan, Balayan, Batangas

Month/Year: SEPTEMBER / 2021
Webinar No. 5
Title of Webinar : IIEE Palawan Chapter 2021 AGMM & Webinar Part II
Date : September 18, 2021
Time/No. of Hours : 7 am- 5 pm/ 10 Hours
Online Platform : Zoom
Sponsoring Agency : Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines
Participants : Students, Practitioners, Reviewees
Webinar link : 991 3395 9384/ 373786


SHORT NARRATIVE (Minimum of Five hundred (500) words.) Must focus on the acquired
knowledge or skill in the webinar attended. Must also include the name of the speaker and his/her
position company affiliation and the highlight s of his/her talk. Also, try to answer the following
questions below.

1. Is it connected to my field of specialization?

2. Was it helpful for me as a student in the field of my specialization?

The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines is hosting a mega webinar series
with all free CDP points aimed at electrical/engineering students, practitioners, and reviewers. The
webinar is scheduled to begin at exactly 8 a.m. and end at around 5 p.m. It was held on September
18, 2021 through Zoom online platform, including themes on Instrument Transformer Sizing by
Engr. Cesar Joseph R. Baloloy, PEE Philippine Electrical Code by Engr. Cesar Joseph R. Baloloy,
PEE PEE Low Voltage Arc Flash Calculation by Engr. Jaime A. Paco Engr. Adrian L. Rey, and
finally, Engr. Adrian L. Rey's topic on Basic Operation and Maintenance of Industrial Motors.
Romel V. Bacay, REE.
All themes are related to the world of electricity, and because our speciality is electrical,
we are the ones who will gain from this webinar. As is customary prior to the commencement of
a webinar, we must always be courteous to the organization and speakers who organized the
event, and we must follow the rules and restrictions that they established.
To begin with, the topic Instrument Transformer Sizing; according to the discussion, the
size of a transformer is determined by the kVA of the load. Choosing the optimal CT for a
transformer was found by selecting a conductor that is more than half the size of the CT's
aperture. In addition, the Philippine Electrical Code is the next topic of debate, and it is a list of
fundamental materials quality and electrical work requirements for the safe use of electricity,
according to the talks. It is the foundation of all the components needed to determine whether or
not it is suitable for a certain piece of equipment. The major goal of the Philippine Electrical
Code is to reduce the danger and hazard caused by electric shock, fire, and other hazards if the
amount of voltage used does not correspond to the component required. And from what I have
learned the Philippine electrical code is utilized on a global level to protect people, buildings, and
their contents from the risks that might come from the usage of electricity. The Philippine
Electrical Code Part I as they discussed talks about that this Code is meant for competent
individuals to use as a design specification or instruction manual. To maintain safety, electrical
designs must adhere to Code criteria. The Code does not include energy management,
maintenance, or power quality concerns. The Philippine Electrical Code Part II that covers
mainly about wiring and protection. The The Philippine Electrical Code Part III covers mainly
the topics about wiring methods and materials. The Philippine Electrical Code Part IV covers
mainly the topics about the equipment’s for general use. The Philippine Electrical Code Part V
covers mainly the topics about the special occupancies. The Philippine Electrical Code Part VI
covers mainly the topics about the special equipment’s. The Philippine Electrical Code Part VI
covers mainly the topics about the special conditions and lastly about the Philippine Electrical
Code part VIII covers mainly the topic about communication systems. Furthermore, the third
topic introduced is the Low Voltage Arc Flash Calculation, based on the discussion it only
focuses on the calculation and problem solving which help students to practice and learn the
formula needed and lastly the topic Basic Operation and Maintenance of Industrial Motor briefly
explains the different types of industrial motor and the importance of maintaining them.
Overall, we would like to express our gratitude for the IIEE organization of the
Philippines for providing a webinar that aims to help us students in the field of electricity. Also,
the following information gathered throughout the discussion are quite advance so that it serves
as a preparation among us to be ready in the work we will be having in the near future.
PROBLEMS MET (Discuss problems met before and during the webinar)

 Time

ACTIONS TAKEN. (Actions made to solve the problems encountered)

 Although it is reasonable that the webinar is intended to spend sufficient time for the
discussion of the entire issue, this can occasionally lead to boredom and
misunderstanding since the themes are too wide. Fortunately, the group generously
shared their video recordings with us by emailing it to us.

Prepared by:

College of Industrial Technology, Electrical Technology

On-the-Job Training Office

GPB Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City 4200
Telefax No.: (043) 980-0385 loc. 105 / 1147

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