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Digital Marketing Assignment-1

HCL Technologies: Pushing the billion

dollar website

Submitted by Group 10

Anmol Shah 2019004

Mehak Sharma 2019022
Priyanka Mantri 2019036
Ujjwal Tripathi 2019054
Anubhuti Mathur 2019070
Cavan Santiago 2019078
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Q1. Go through HCL-Tech’s website ( and write down your thoughts on the navigation of the
site, and on the content quality in terms of relevance, usefulness, and ease of finding the information you need. Pay
close attention to the opportunities for engagement on the site, and write a note on your opinion of
the HCL Technologies brand image emerges during the website’s user experience. (If time permits,
check to assess the website’s ranking and results.)

The HCL website would perhaps not garner much engagement. This is based on Construal Level Theory. It has been
proved that horizontal websites do not perform as well as vertically oriented websites. Vertical websites lead the viewer
down to read deeper into the information contained in the website.
According to a quick search on Similarweb:
- Global Rank: 95,708
- Country Rank (India): 10,182
- Category Rank: 3,722
- 41% of the traffic on the website is from India
- Traffic Sources: Direct (31.27%), Referrals (5.89%), Search (59.01%), Social (3.42%), Mail (0.34%), Display
- A majority of the people visiting the website are doing so out of job and career interests.
There seem to be too many stock images used on the website, and it seems to be too noisy. If I did not know that HCL was
the company that it is today, it would not be easy to ascertain what the website is for.

Q2. In your opinion, how does the website help HCL-Tech increase leads for the sales funnel? How does this
method differ from traditional approaches? Discuss the efforts taken by the company in using the website to
generate leads.

When we talk about the sales funnel we look at the AIDA Model. AIDA stands for Awareness Interest, Decision and
Action. It is one of the most commonly used sales funnels which we will use to determine how HCL TECH technologies
are using their website to increase leads for the sales funnel.

1. Awareness: the call to actions used on the landing page of the website that leads to the HCL TECH Blog page for
any topic of interest for the viewers provides additional information to the visitors
2. Interest: There are many ways in which the website generates interest among the visitors. They use the blog,
Straight Talk (newsletter) and various pages on their website that provide in-depth information that they might
require about HCL TECH and the services that they provide.
3. Decision: At this stage, the customer has basically determined what product they are interested in, they just need a
little encouragement or push to make the final call, this is facilitated by their Products & Services tab. They give
information about their offerings, success stories and latest news and white papers about their services.
4. Action: The contact us pop up or page is where they can put in their final queries and get in touch with a company
operative for further details.

In current days major organizations have shifted to digital methods and trails to help in generation of leads. From our
interaction with the HCL Tech page we have come to understand that they predominantly have 4 main methods for the

Traditionally we have seen that large organizations did not know the value and scalability of lead generation through
digital inspired mediums. This saw a high amt. of resources being invested upon channels such as call to actions,
traditional advertising, newsletters and B2B dependence. This currently has seen a shift as now due to smarter and more
effective form of lead generations we see a cheaper and more efficient forms of collecting leads in place along with other
benefits such as costing and taking out of the geographical dependence

Lead generation can be on two main fronts in our opinion

1. Generation of leads to add to the workforce: This is seen in the career with HCL Tech option in which they have
used a highly interactive map of the world to display where jobs are offered and people can add their details while
applying for the same. There is no surety that these people will fit the bill or the requirement, but their details will
be saved in the system for future reference
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2. Client generation leads: To attract and interact with potential clientele they have with them a contact us option that
is a drop down present on all the pages ranging from the home page of the website to the other pages of
interaction. This helps as people looking to work alongside HCL Tech in business can at any point of time shoot
their inquiry towards them and interact.

There other forms of lead generation that we have noticed can be seen in the main contact us page. There is a slightly
more detailed approach towards this page in which they aim at getting extra information from the users especially ones
that are pertaining to geographical details etc.

Q3. Can the website be used effectively for brand building? What is the role of the website in integrating branding,
marketing, and sales efforts?

 The revamped website with its improved and newly added features like mobile-responsiveness, content
personalization, addition of a second language option, improved About Us page, and direct link to a
Contact Us page optimized user experience
 The About Us page alone contributed around $ 64million to the funnel in the year 2014-15
 Integrating the website with multimedia access to Slideshare, YouTube channels, and other platforms
increased the website’s attractiveness, leading to effective brand building
 The optimizations saved visitors a lot of time and effort to get things done, while simultaneously
improving HCL’s brand image
 The website serves as the top of the funnel by providing information and bottom of the funnel by
providing a call-to-action function

Q4. In your opinion, how do the initiatives for thought leadership help the company? How can these initiatives be
further leveraged? Also, assess the effectiveness and usefulness of the social media campaign and deliberate on its
potential for brand building and sales efforts.

HCL has taken multiple initiatives to establish thought leadership such as:
1. HCL Tech blog: A separate section for blogs has been created in the website where HCL’s own experts and leaders
talk about technology. One of the sections being Leader Speak where blogs from the management are posted.
2. Straight Talk: Straight Talk is an award-winning thought leadership platform, sponsored by HCL Technologies,
which showcases the experience-based insights of CIOs, CTOs, and other senior technology executives.
3. Interviews by HCL leaders in mainstream publications

How do Iniatives for thought leadership help the company?

 Improves company credibility

The initiatives taken by HCL in building thought leadership definitely add to the credibility of the company.
When the public sees the leaders of the company participate in important events or have a say in important
matters it increases the trust the public has in the company

 Spokesperson Image
Building the spokeperson image is of utmost importance. The confidence the public has in the spokesperson is
reflected in the the trust they have in the company as well. Hence it is extremely crucial for the company to
strengthen it’s thought leadership

 Competitive Advantage
Companies backed by strong thought leaders have an advantage over it’s competitors. This is because they hold a
strong influence on the market that the others.

 Brand Reinforcement
Developing and maintaining a thought leadership position in your space domain fuels marketing. It helps
reinforce the strengths and expertise that the brand possesses.

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 Expert Position
Thought leaders help reinforce the statement – “We are the best at what we do” When you're seen as an expert in a
field, more reporters, bloggers and influencers will get in touch, seeking advice. This can lead to more publicity,
especially when featured in major publications.

These initiatives can further be leveraged by:

 Spokesperson participation in key events such as conferences and panel discussions relating to the tech industry
 Having an active PR team that would push participation in multiple industry stories along side other leaders
 HCL could leverage the existing library of HCL white papers on the CIO straight talk website
 HCL could initiate its very own event where leaders from their own company along with other company leaders
could participate in panel discussions

Social media campaigns would help to increase the brand visibility, its proposition and awareness of the company.
HCL had social media presence across all channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Out of these, it focused
primarily on LinkedIn which is a global professional network. LinkedIn’s platform personality along with the
availability of its precise targeting options, synchronized with the goals of HCL. The social media campaigns like
#Coolestinterviewerever helped create HCL’s employer value proposition while #AMileForHer campaign was a
CSR initiative for women empowerment. Both these campaigns brought HCL in good light and created built brand for
it by showing how HCL was a company that always adapted with the changing times and stood by its employees and
customers. This also created sales by building a relationship with customers by creating a ground for trust.
A number of social media users who came across these days were potential customers later and all campaigns were
designed to attract them. Social media was extensively used for lead generation which lead to an increased conversion

Q5. How can the digital marketing team put together a plan to meet its “lead funnel” target of $1.5 billion for FY
2015/16? Suggest a proportional reallocation of the budget, with justification.

There are several aspects that the company should focus on to accomplish their goal for FY 2015/16.
 Website – mobile/geo-sensitivity/enhance website/decrease load time: 35%
First, People started to spend more time on their mobile device during that time period. Improving the website’s mobile
capacity would improve user experience and make sure that the consumers that are browsing the website through mobile
devices would stay on the website longer. Second, in 2014, HCL another language on their website i.e. German and they
gained 1794% more visitors from Germany; imagine how many more visitors they would gain if they could add other
languages like Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese and Korean to the website. Third, in business, people like things to be faster
and better. If HCL could improve user experience by decreasing load time, it would improve the brand image, and the
consumers would be more likely to finish a forum or complete other call to action moves.
 Remarketing: 20%
As HCL are trying to increase leads, it is important to make sure the leads go through the bottom of the funnel. Using lead
score method to put each lead in different group and perform appropriate remarking strategy on each group to make sure
they don’t miss out on any qualified leads.
 SEO – paid search: 17%
HCL made sure that when people are searching relative answers through google, the top few results would be the Q&A
section on HCL homepage. This helped fulfilled the most important purpose of online marketing which is guiding visitors
to their homepage. HCL could keep working on that and at the same time utilize paid search to increase awareness.
 Social media marketing: 10%
Same as the usage of mobile device, the usage of social media is growing fast as well. Social Media Platforms are places
where you can demonstrate who you are and what you stand for to your audience. It is on of the fastest way to increase
awareness and improve brand image. With social media account, not only could the company advertise their product or
service, that could also show their audience about their social outreach activities such as charity or any act of goodness
toward the neighborhood to demonstrate their value.

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