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Experiment No.

Experiment Name: Write a C program to perform following string operations
with and without pointers to arrays (without using library functions):
a)Substring b) Palindrome c) Compare d) Copy e)Reverse
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write five library functions other than above
2. What are real time applications related with string. Write any three.
Experiment No. 2
Experiment Name: Implement database management using array of structures
with operations Create, display, Modify, Append, Search and Sort.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write advantages and disadvantages of arrays in tabular format.
2. How to access elements of an array. Explain with example.
Experiment No. 3
Experiment Name: Implement Stack and Queue using array.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write applications of Stack and Queue.
2. Find postfix of given expression and show stack after each step
Experiment No. 4
Experiment Name: Create a singly linked list with options:
a)Insert b) Delete c) Display d) Display Reverse e) Revert the SLL
Conclusion Questions:
1. What is need of malloc? In which header file it is declared?
2. Write advantages and disadvantages of Linked list in tabular format.
Experiment No. 5
Experiment Name: Implement Binary Search Tree with operations Create,
Search ad recursive traversal.
Conclusion Questions:
1. What are Binary, Full Binary, complete binary, binary search trees.
2. What is time complexity of Binary search tree.
Experiment No. 6
Experiment Name Implement Graph using adjacency Matrix with BFS & DFS
Conclusion Questions:
1. Writes five applications of Graph.
2. Write applications of minimum spanning tree & shortest path algorithm.
Experiment No. 7
Experiment Name Implement Stack & Queue using linked list.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write down stack full and linked list full conditions for implementation using
linked list.
2. Write circular queue full and empty conditions by writing required
Experiment No. 8
Experiment Name Add two polynomials using linked list.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write user defined data type for polynomial (take any polynomial as example).
2. What is meaning of linear and nonlinear data structures. Write examples of
Experiment No. 9
Experiment Name Implement Quicksort.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Write down best & worst-case time complexity of Bubble sort, Insertion sort,
selection sort, merge sort & quick sort.
Experiment No. 10
Experiment Name Implement Circular linked list with various operations.
Conclusion Questions:
1. Explain different types of linked list with example.

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