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Teaching and Learning in

the 21 Century
Elements of the teaching
and learning process
➢It involves the practice of transferring
knowledge from the one who is giving (the
one who is teaching) to the one who is
receiving (the one who is learning) and
occurs within a physical environment called
Elements of the teaching-learning process


Learning Process

Teachers Learning
• Heart of the teaching-
learning process
• Learners are differ from
one another physically,
emotionally, intellectuality,
sociality and emotionally
• Equipped with the sufficient
knowledge on the content
that he/she is teaching as
well as familiarity with
psychological and
educational technology and
educational theories and
• The one who moves the
gears and wheels of the
• The person who trained
in the science of
teaching and pedagogy
Learning Environment
• Location or the physical
space where the
teacher interacts with
the students and where
all the educational and
instructional materials
are placed.
21st Century Classroom
21st Century Teaching and Learning
Ideal Learning
1. Teachers and students
are all learners
2. The focus is more on
questions, less on
21st Century Teaching and Learning
Ideal Learning
3. Understanding is more
important than knowing
4. Innovation and
exploration are part of
21st Century Teaching and Learning
Ideal Learning
5. We connect and learn
with the world
21st century teaching and learning must be based on the
following broad skills:

1. Collaborative inquiry to
solve real and relevant
2. Creativity thinking and
21st century teaching and learning must be based on the
following broad skills:

3. Critical thinking and

4. Communication
Technology, then is what supports and enables this kind
of learning and engages students by:

1. Providing learning –
anywhere, anytime
2. Supporting teacher
innovation and capacity
Technology, then is what supports and enables this kind
of learning and engages students by:

3. Enhancing equity of
access through the use
of personal devices and
internet resources
Technology, then is what supports and enables this kind
of learning and engages students by:

4. Using social media to

support inquiry and
communication while
building social
responsibility and digital
Educational Technology
and Technology in
Educational Technology

•Is “a complex, integrated process involving

people, procedures ideas, devices and
organization for analyzing problems and
devising, implementing, evaluating and
managing solutions to those problems, involve
in all aspects of human learning.”
Concept of Educational Technology

•Wider term which is more than sum of

its parts
•It comprises Technology in Education
Concept of Educational Technology

Technology in
Educational Technology
Educational Technology vs Technology in Education
Educational Technology vs Technology in Education
Concept of Technology in Education

Devices Gadgets

Machines Instruments
Technology in Education
•Use of audio-visual aids
in education.

•Use of hardware in
Indigenous Instructional Material

- are educational resources and materials that

draw from the cultural heritage, knowledge, and
traditions of indigenous communities. These materials
aim to provide culturally relevant and contextually
appropriate learning experiences for indigenous
Examples Indigenous Instructional Material

Oral Traditions: Indigenous cultures often have rich oral traditions that include
storytelling, songs, chants, and spoken histories. These oral traditions can be
used as instructional materials to teach history, culture, and language.
Examples Indigenous Instructional Material

Indigenous Language Resources: Language revitalization is a crucial aspect of

preserving indigenous cultures. Indigenous instructional materials may include
language textbooks, dictionaries, language learning apps, and audio
recordings that help learners acquire and maintain their native languages.
Indigenous Instructional Material

- objects and material from everyday life,
especially when used as teaching aids
• Models
-Representation of an object
Indigenous Instructional Material

• Dioramas
-static displays that
combine a three dimension
fore group with a two-
dimension background, thus
creating an aura solidity and
Mediated Technology
- is a term that generally refers to
technology that serves as an
intermediary or mediator between two
or more parties, processes, or systems.
It plays a role in facilitating
communication, interaction, or the
exchange of information between these
Mediated Technology
- In education, mediated technology can refer
to educational tools and resources that
mediate the learning process. For instance,
learning management systems (LMS) serve as
intermediaries between teachers and
students, helping instructors deliver course
materials, assignments, and assessments to
learners. Online textbooks and multimedia
content also mediate the delivery of
educational content.
Mediated Technology
❑Educational Television
- is the use of television
programs in the field of
distance education
❑Motion Pictures
- also called film or movie
Mediated Technology
❑Overhead Projector
- a device that shows
information or picture on a wall
or screen by shining a light
through a sheet with the
information or pictures on it
Mediated Technology
❑Opaque projector
- a projector using reflected
light for projecting an image of
an opaque object or matter on
an opaque support
Mediated Technology
❑Slide projector
- a projector that projects
an enlarge image of a slide
onto a screen.
Mediated Technology
❑ LCD Projector
- a type of projector based
on a liquid crystal displays
which can display images, data
or video
Examples of how technology is applied in education
• Interactive Whiteboards: Teachers use interactive
whiteboards to display lessons, diagrams, and
multimedia content, making lessons more
engaging and interactive.
• Online Collaboration Tools: Platforms like Google
Workspace (formerly G Suite), Microsoft Teams,
and Slack enable students and teachers to
collaborate on projects, share documents, and
communicate in real time.
Examples of how technology is applied in education
• Digital Textbooks: Digital textbooks
and e-books provide students with
easy access to a wide range of
educational materials, often
enriched with multimedia elements.
• Educational Apps: Mobile apps for
smartphones and tablets cover a
variety of subjects and skills, offering
interactive and gamified learning
Examples of how technology is applied in education
• Podcasts and Webinars: Educational
podcasts and webinars provide
supplemental learning materials and
opportunities for remote learning and
professional development.
• Computer-Based Testing: Computerized
testing and online assessment platforms
allow for more efficient and secure
testing and grading processes.
Examples of how technology is applied in education
• Online Discussion Forums: Virtual discussion
boards and forums facilitate asynchronous
discussions among students, promoting critical
thinking and collaborative learning.
• Simulations and Virtual Laboratories: Virtual
simulations and labs allow students to conduct
experiments and practice skills in a controlled
digital environment, particularly useful in subjects
like science and engineering.
Examples of how technology is applied in education
• Educational Websites and Online
Resources: Educational websites and
portals offer a vast array of learning
materials, including tutorials,
articles, and videos on various
• Learning Management Systems
(LMS): LMS platforms like Moodle
and Canvas facilitate course
management, content delivery, and
communication between educators
and students.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-
powered educational tools offer
personalized learning experiences,
adaptive assessments, and chatbots
for answering student questions.
Examples of how technology is applied in education

• Digital Storytelling: Digital

storytelling tools allow students
to create multimedia
presentations, videos, and
interactive narratives to
showcase their understanding of
a topic.

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