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BALDUMAN, CHARITY- encoder, reporter, researcher

CABILTES, RAYMOND- reporter, researcher

ARADILLA, FLORA- reporter, researcher

ARAGON, RAMELA- reporter, researcher

CALIGANG, STEPHANIE- reporter, researcher

Housekeeping refers to the routine task and activities involved in maintaining
cleanliness, order, and organization in a home, workplace, or other environments. It
includes chores like cleaning, tidying up, and managing household or workspace
maintenance to ensure a clean and organized living or working space.

Why Should We Pay Attention to Housekeeping at Work?

Effective housekeeping can help control or eliminate workplace hazards. Poor
housekeeping practices frequently contributes to incidents. Housekeeping is not just
cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas as neat and orderly, maintaining halls
and floors free of slip and trip hazard and removing of waste materials.
Housekeeping order is “maintained” not “achieved”
 Architectural Drafters need to consider various spaces within a building, including
storage areas and utility spaces that relate to housekeeping requirements.
Proper planning ensures that storage rooms, cleaning closets, and other
housekeeping- related spaces are efficiently integrated into building’s plan.


A work environment free from injuries and accidents attracts employees,
Employees are more satisfied and productive in such an environment. A safe work
environment is essential for both employees and employers alike. It is right of all
employees to have a safety in the workplace.
Here are some benefits of a safe and healthy work environment
 The safer the work environment the more productive it is
 Workplace safety promotes the wellness of employees and employers alike.
 There are very few accidents in a safe working environment
 Employers should provide employees with the necessary training to reduce
workplace accidents

General working environment lighting refers to the overall illumination provided in
a workspace or environment to ensure adequate visibility for tasks and activities. It aims
to create a well-lit and comfortable setting for people to work efficiently and safety.
Importance of Lighting
 Lighting in the workplace is important since poor lighting at work can lead to eye
strain, fatigue, headaches, stress, and accidents. On the other hand too much
light can also cause a health problems, such as “glare” headaches and stress.
Both can lead to mistakes at work, poor quality and low productivity. Various
studies suggest that good lighting at workplace pays dividends in terms of
improved productivity and reduction in errors.
 Lighting is an integral part of architectural drafting, impacting the functionality,
aesthetics, energy efficiency, safety, and compliance of a building design.
Architects must carefully plan and integrate lighting solutions into their drafts to
create well- design and practical spaces.


A general working environment that involves moving around the premises
typically refers to a setting where employees or workers are required to be mobile within
a workplace. This can vary greatly depending on the specific industry or job, but some
common features might include:
 Physical Layout: The layout of the premises can vary, from office buildings with
cubicles and meeting rooms to warehouses with aisles and storage areas.
 Mobility: Employees may need to move around to perform various tasks, such as
interacting with colleagues, accessing equipment or tools, conducting
inspections, or fulfilling customer needs.
 Safety Considerations: Depending on the nature of the work, safety measures
such as proper signage, hazard identification, and personal protective equipment
may be necessary.
 Communication: Effective communication is crucial in such environments to
coordinate tasks, share information, and maintain safety.
 Equipment: Workers may use equipment like forklifts, hand trucks, or mobile
devices to aid in their mobility and tasks.
 Training: Proper training may be required to ensure employees can navigate the
premises safely and efficiently.
 Technology: Depending on the workplace, technology like RFID tracking, GPS, or
mobile apps may be used to streamline operations.
Importance of Moving Around the Premises

Moving around the premises is essential for productivity, health, and safety, as it
enables individuals to perform tasks, interact with others, and access resources
effectively while maintaining physical and mental well-being.
Moving around the premises is important for several reasons:
 Safety: Regularly moving around helps identify and address potential hazards,
such as spills, obstacles, or equipment malfunctions, reducing the risk of
 Productivity: Employees can access different workstations or departments more
efficiently, improving collaboration and workflow.
 Health: Frequent movement can reduce the negative health effects of prolonged
sitting or standing, such as musculoskeletal issues.
 It's important to note that the working environment can vary widely between
industries, so the specifics of moving around the premises will differ significantly,
whether you're in an office, a factory, a hospital, or any other type of workplace.

Workstation Design Guidelines

Following the recommendations below, users should fine-tune all of the
adjustments to make the workstation as comfortable for them as possible. Costs for
modifying workstations range from minimal to several hundred dollars. The least
expensive solution may be as effective as a more expensive one, provided it allows the
user to assume a safe and comfortable posture.

 Keyboard/Mouse Height
 The height of the keyboard and mouse should allow the user to sit with shoulders
relaxed, elbows bent, and forearms, wrists, and hands approximately parallel to
the floor. The keyboard angle should be adjusted to promote a neutral/flat
position of the wrists. This may be achieved in a number or combination of ways,
such as:

 A bi-level table easily adjustable for screen and keyboard height

 A lower or higher table that promotes a straight wrist While keying (ie., a table
height approximately two inches below the user's elbow)
 A height-adjustable keyboard tray that can be attached to existing desk or
table and provides both the appropriate keyboard/mouse height and adequate
leg room for the user
 A mouse tray
 A chair that is height -adjustable (may need to provide footrest)
 Screen Height
The top of the display screen should be approximately at, but no higher than, eye level;
lower and possibly closer for bi-focal wearers.
The user should not have to assume awkward neck postures to view the screen or
hard-copy documents. Retrofitting options include the following:
 Bi-level table adjustable for screen and keyboard height
 Base monitor by putting it on top of hard disk drive, boxes, or books
 lower monitor by removing it from the hard disk drive or other platform
 Adjustable monitor arm
 Firm Posture Support
 Chairs should firmly support a comfortable posture, providing support to the
lower-back region and avoiding pressure on the back of the thighs. Retrofitting
may include a number or combination of options such as:
 Chair adjustable for height and tilt of seat pan and backrest. VDT users should
be able to adjust chairs from seated position without use of tools armrests, if
provided, should be height adjustable or removable to avoid interfering with
natural movement of the arms
 Lumbar-support cushion if chair does not provide adequate lower back support
seat cushion or seat wedge footrest if VDT user's feet do not rest firmly and
comfortably on the floor
 Wrist Support

Wrist rests may be helpful in promoting a neutral/flat position of the wrists.

Retrofitting options include:
 Padded, movable wrist rest, same height as keyboard home row
 A cushioned mouse pad
 Accessories
 Workstation accessories can prevent awkward neck positions. Accessories that
should be provided if needed include:
 Document holders adjustable to screen height for users who type from hard copy
 Lightweight telephone headsets for users assigned to continuous telephone work
in conjunction with VDT use
 Lighting, overhead lights, windows, or other light sources may contribute to visual
discomfort. It is generally recommended that room lighting for use of VDTs with
dark background screens be lowered to about half of normal office lighting.
External sources of light (windows, overhead lights, etc.) should not be in the
visual field of the VDT user, nor should their reflections be visible on the screen.
Temporarily shield peripheral light sources from view with a file folder. If this provides
relief, try to eliminate the bright source in one of the following ways:
 Use blinds or curtains over windows when necessary.
 Position monitor screen at right angle to window.
 Turn off some overhead lights; use task lighting, if needed.
 Remove every other fluorescent bulb, if necessary.
 Position monitors to avoid direct light in user's eyes.
 Screen Reflections
 Reflections on the screen reduce text visibility by decreasing screen contrast.
Turn off the computer and look for bright reflections on the screen. Eliminate these
reflections in one of the following ways:
 Position monitor to avoid direct light on user's screen.
 •Use blinds or curtains over windows when necessary.
 •Position screen between banks of overhead lights.
 •Position monitor screen at right angle to window.
 •Make cardboard glare hood for top of monitor.
 Use glare screen (glass preferred).


Is the term coined for devices and equipment that have a graphic or
alphanumeric display screen. This includes PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones and
microfiche readers. Given the vast quantity of time that many workers spend in front of
display screens, creating and maintaining a comfortable and healthy workspace is
imperative. Poor posture and unsuitable work environments can contribute towards the
development of many aches and pains, commonly affecting the upper limb, back and
eyes. Training staff members in how to maintain good posture and work conditions
within their workspace is essential. Display screen equipment training courses are
invaluable in increasing awareness and knowledge around safe working conditions.
Staff should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own health and employers
should be familiar with their legal requirements.

What is Display Screen Equipment and how is it Used?

 The term Display Screen Equipment encompasses many computers and devices
that are used on a daily basis within businesses (e.g. smartphones, PCs, laptops
and tablets). While its use is not high risk as such, careful protections should be
put in place to protect DSE users. Whilst workers who infrequently use DSE, or
only use it for short periods of time, are not covered by the legislation, heir health
is still of paramount importance and should be protected accordingly. Employers
should familiarize themselves with their responsibilities regarding DSE users.

How to Use Your Display Screen Equipment Correctly?

 DSE arrangement is not a one-size fits all concept; therefore your equipment
must be set up to suit you individually. Good posture is essential in maintaining
good health whilst using DSE. It can be facilitated by organizing your workspace
in a comfortable layout. You should maintain an upright posture in a chair with
proper back support and adjust it to your height. Also, your forearms should be
horizontal when typing with straight wrists and comfortably curved fingertips.
Similarly, your screen should be centrally positioned and an arm’s length in front
of you with your eyes level with the top of the screen. You should regularly look
away from your screens to avoid tiring your eyes and take regular breaks.
Keeping active throughout the day is important. It is recommended that you
organize your work so that every hour you spend at least five minutes doing work
activities away from your screen such as photocopying, making calls, etc. There
are also a number of workstation exercises that can be performed at your desk to
help prevent fatigue, pain and discomfort. As well as organizing your time, it is
beneficial to organize your workspace. For example, the items that you use most
frequently should be stored in the closest proximity to you and the ones used
more rarely kept further afield. Furthermore, keeping your desk free from clutter
is vital.

Why is it Important to Use Your Display Screen Equipment Correctly?

 Poor safety regarding DSE usage can result in a multitude of ailments, including
aches and pains, headaches, musculoskeletal disorders, stress and tired eyes. In
order to protect workers from these unpleasant repercussions, it is essential to
put a spotlight on proper DSE usage. Display screen equipment training is a
fundamental way of generating awareness of the importance of workers looking
after their own health. Cleanliness
 Cleanliness is the absence of dirt, dust, stains, and bad smells, aiming for health,
beauty, and avoiding contamination. It improves physical and mental health,
fosters a good character, and is an essential part of healthy living. Maintaining
cleanliness is everyone's responsibility, promoting positive thoughts and reducing
disease occurrence.
Cleanliness is important for maintaining good health, preventing diseases, and
creating a pleasant environment. Regular cleaning and hygiene practices help in
achieving cleanliness in homes, workplaces, and public spaces.
Some Clean Habits That Should Be Followed:
 One should always wash their hands before eating.
 You should brush your teeth at least twice.
 No one should litter.
 Taking a bath every day is mandatory.
 Washing hands after playing is also very essential.
 Covering your nose while sneezing or covering your mouth while
yawning is also necessary.
 If someone has pests and rodents in their house, they must get rid
of them as soon as possible.
 One must always cover their food.

Health and Welfare in the Workplace

 Everyone should maintain personal hygiene at work. It’s professional,

considerate, and creates a healthier environment for everyone. Good workplace
hygiene can lead to a drastic reduction of illness, increasing staff attendance and
 How do you maintain a hygienic workplace?
• Implement a workplace hygiene policy
 Provide staff with a written workplace hygiene policy. Inform them of your
intentions and expectations for a clean workplace. This helps communicate to
staff that a hygienic workplace is a serious issue . A hygiene policy might include
an employer’s expectations about:
 Personal hygiene rules – Including regularly washing hair, hand washing and
 Not attending work with a contagious illness – This can help with infection
 A clean desk policy- Employee’s might be responsible for cleaning and tidying
their own desk.
 A kitchen hygiene policy – Including how to prepare food safely and maintain
good hygiene practices while preparing food, eating and cleaning up afterwards.
 Rules to ensure staff maintain hygiene in the staff bathroom.
 Personal hygiene requires everyone at the workplace to:
 Cover their coughs and sneezes with their elbow or a clean tissue.
 Avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth.
 Dispose of tissues and cigarette butts hygienically (e.g in closed bins).
 Wash and dry their hands after smoking a cigarette.
 Stay home when they have an infectious illness.
 You can ensure your staff practice personal hygiene by asking that they regularly
shower, wash their hair and facial hair, groom, clean their nails, and wash their
work clothes.
 To maintain personal hygiene in the workplace, you must keep doing the
following things
 Regularly clean your desk. Stop infections from spreading, and dust from
gathering, by cleaning your desk.
 Sanitize your hands at least once day. Another method of halting infections in
their tracks. Sanitizers kill bacteria and viruses in ways that soap won’t
 Regularly wash your cups, mugs, plates and cutlery. Be safe rather than sorry by
regularly washing the kitchen equipment you regularly use.
 The Workplace Regulations 1992 cover a wide range of basic issues that could
affect almost any working environment, with Section 2 stating that all employers
have a general duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health,
safety and welfare of their employees at work.

Working Environment Considerations

 Ventilation
 All working environments must have a sufficient supply of fresh air, either via a
mechanical ventilation or air conditioning system, or by opening windows or
 Temperature
 A normal working temperature should offer reasonable comfort for workers.
 In a non-physically demanding environment, this should be a minimum of 16ºC.
 In a physically demanding environment, this should be a minimum of 13ºC.
 In some environments, the temperature cannot be set to provide reasonable
comfort and this could result in heat or cold stress. For example, in storage
chillers, or outdoors in hot weather. In these situations other factors must be
considered, such as providing hot or cold drinks, warm clothing or heaters, rest
periods to limit exposure, PPE and adequate training. Keep a box of tissues on
your desk. In case you need them, to cover a sneeze or clean your face, make
sure your tissues are within arms-reach of you, always.
 Toilets
 There should be an appropriate number of toilets and sanitary conveniences
available for the number of staff. Male and female toilets should be kept
separate, and staff and public toilets should also be kept separate. The
exceptions are if the workplace is small, the toilets are fully lockable and staff will
not be delayed by the public.
 Rest and eating
 An area should be provided for employees to take their breaks and eat meals.
Usually this will include at least a kettle and a means of heating food (a
microwave). This area should be clean and free from any work-related
 There should also be suitable facilities for pregnant women to lie down if required
and a private area for nursing mothers.
 Changing rooms
 If staff are required to change into a uniform or PPE to carry out their job, a
private area for changing and a secure area for storing personal belongings must
be provided.
 Maintenance
 Any equipment, tools or machinery that are used by employees, or present in the
workplace, must be regularly serviced and maintained to ensure their safety.
 Ensuring the welfare of employees is essential to guarantee both legal
compliance and a happy, productive workforce. To find out more, give the team at
Health and Safety Training a call. We’ll be happy to discuss your requirements
and even offer courses on working and managing safely that can be adapted to
consider the specific risks at your workplace.
 A positive general working environment is essential for several reasons. Firstly it
significantly impacts employee well-being and mental health, fostering a sense of
belonging and reducing stress. Secondly a supportive environment promotes
productivity and creativity, as employees are more likely to share ideas and
collaborate effectively. Moreover, a comfortable workplace encourages employee
retention, reducing turnover rates and associated recruitment costs. Additionally,
a positive working environment enhances teamwork and communication, leading
to better problem- solving and overall organizational success. Lastly. It reflects
the company’s values, which can positively influence its reputation and
relationship with clients and partners.

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