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4 (a)

(i) Diagonal relationship is a trend in which certain pairs of diagonally adjacent

elements in the second and third periods of the periodic table exhibit similar
chemical properties. (01 Mark)
(ii) Four diagonal relationships between Beryllium and Aluminium (04 Marks)
 Tendency to form covalent compounds
Both beryllium and aluminium have a tendency to form covalent compounds,
rather than ionic compounds. This is because their electronegativities are similar
to those of the elements with which they typically bond. For example, beryllium
chloride (BeCl2) and aluminium chloride (AlCl3) are both covalent compounds.
 Formation of amphoteric oxides and hydroxides
The oxides and hydroxides of beryllium and aluminium are both amphoteric,
meaning that they can react with both acids and bases. For example, beryllium
oxide (BeO) can react with hydrochloric acid to form beryllium chloride, and it
can also react with sodium hydroxide to form sodium beryllate.
 Catalytic activity
Both beryllium chloride and aluminium chloride are Lewis acids and can be used
as catalysts for a variety of reactions. For example, they are both commonly used
as catalysts for Friedel-Crafts reactions.
 Formation of carbides that react with water to produce methane
When beryllium and aluminium carbides come into contact with water, methane
gas is released. This is because the carbides react with water to form methane and
the corresponding metal hydroxide. For example, beryllium carbide (Be2C) reacts
with water to form methane and beryllium hydroxide.

 Formation of complexes with bases

Both beryllium and aluminium can form complexes with bases. This is because
both elements have vacant orbitals that can accept electrons from bases. For

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example, beryllium hydroxide (Be(OH)2) can react with sodium hydroxide to
form sodium beryllate (Na2BeO2).

(b) General trends in physical properties Across the period and down the group

(i) Atomic size (02 Marks)

Across a period, the atomic size of elements decreases from left to right. This is because the
effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a period. The effective nuclear
charge is the net positive charge experienced by an electron in an atom, taking into account
the shielding effect of other electrons. The shielding effect is the reduction of the effective
nuclear charge experienced by an electron due to the presence of other electrons in the atom.

Down a group, the atomic size of elements increases from top to bottom. This is because new
electron shells are added as you go down a group. The new electron shells are further away
from the nucleus, so the outer electrons are not as strongly attracted to the nucleus.

(ii). Ionization energy (02 Marks)

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove the outermost electron from an atom.
Across a period, the ionization energy of elements increases from left to right. This is because
the effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a period. The higher the
effective nuclear charge, the more strongly the outer electrons are attracted to the nucleus,
and the more energy is required to remove them.

Down a group, the ionization energy of elements decreases from top to bottom. This is
because the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus as you go down a group, so
they are not as strongly attracted to the nucleus and less energy is required to remove them.

(iii) Electronegativity (02 Marks)

Electronegativity is a measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons in a chemical bond.

Across a period, the electronegativity of elements increases from left to right. This is because
the effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a period. The higher the
effective nuclear charge, the more strongly the atom attracts electrons.

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Down a group, the electronegativity of elements decreases from top to bottom. This is
because the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus as you go down a group, so
they are not as strongly attracted to the nucleus.

(iv) Electron affinity (02 Marks)

Electron affinity is the energy released when an electron is added to an atom. Across a period,
the electron affinity of elements generally increases from left to right. This is because the
atoms become more stable as they gain electrons and fill their outer electron shells.

Down a group, the electron affinity of elements generally decreases from top to bottom. This
is because the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus as you go down a group, so
they are less strongly attracted to the nucleus and less energy is released when an electron is

(c) (i) Methods of Metal purification and concentration before extraction (02 Marks)

 Froth Flotation
 Magnetic Separation
 Gravity method
 Leaching

(ii) Metals often produce slags because: (02 Marks)

o Removal of impurities: Slag acts as a flux, which is a substance that

combines with impurities in molten metal to form a low-melting liquid that
can be easily removed. This process is known as slag-metal separation.

o Protection of molten metal: Slag forms a protective layer over molten

metal, which prevents it from reacting with the atmosphere and
oxidizing. This is important because oxidation can weaken the metal and
make it more susceptible to corrosion.
o Control of temperature: Slag can be used to control the temperature of
molten metal. For example, if the metal is getting too hot, slag can be
added to absorb some of the heat.
o Modification of metal properties: Slag can be used to modify the
properties of metal, such as its strength, hardness, and ductility. For

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example, adding certain elements to slag can make the resulting metal
more resistant to wear and tear.

(d) Economic considerations may affect extraction in the following ways:

(i) Nature of the ore used

The cost of the ore is a major economic consideration. Ores with higher concentrations of the
desired metal are more valuable and will be more attractive to extractive companies.
However, it is also important to consider the cost of mining and transporting the ore. Ores
that are located in remote or difficult-to-reach locations may be less attractive, even if they
have a high concentration of the desired metal.

The complexity of the ore is another economic consideration. Ores that contain many
impurities may be more difficult and expensive to extract the desired metal from. Extractive
companies may choose to focus on ores that are easier to process, even if they have a lower
concentration of the desired metal.

(ii) Nature of the reducing agent used

The cost of the reducing agent is a major economic consideration. Reducing agents such as
carbon and hydrogen are relatively inexpensive, but they may not be the most efficient
reducing agents for all metals. More expensive reducing agents, such as aluminum and
magnesium, may be more efficient, but they may not be economically viable for some metals.

The environmental impact of the reducing agent is another economic consideration. Reducing
agents such as carbon and hydrogen can produce harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide
and sulfur dioxide. Extractive companies may choose to use more expensive reducing agents,
such as aluminum and magnesium, if they are more environmentally friendly.

(iii) Location of the industrial plant at which extraction is carried out

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The cost of land and labor are major economic considerations when choosing the location of
an industrial plant. Extractive companies may choose to locate their plants in areas with low
land and labor costs.

The availability of water and energy are also important economic considerations. Extractive
processes often require large amounts of water and energy. Extractive companies may choose
to locate their plants in areas with abundant water and energy resources.

5 (a) (04 Marks)

(i) (i) The information about bromine not reacting with the given alcohol (C 6H12O) suggests
that the alcohol is likely a saturated, non-aromatic compound. Bromine water (Br 2 dissolved
in water) is typically used to test for the presence of unsaturation (such as carbon-carbon
double bonds) in organic compounds. If it doesn't react, it indicates the absence of
unsaturation, meaning the compound is saturated.

(ii) The fact that the alcohol does not react with bromine water also implies that it does not
contain any benzene rings or other aromatic structures. Aromatic compounds typically react
with bromine due to the presence of double bonds within the ring.

(iii) The structure of the alcohol can be drawn as follows:

(iv) The name of the alcohol is Based on the structure provided, the suggested name for the
alcohol is "1-hexanol."

(b) (i) (02 Marks)

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(ii) Yes, alcohols can act as nucleophiles. This is because the oxygen atom in the hydroxyl
group (-OH) has a lone pair of electrons, which can be donated to an electrophile.

A nucleophile is an electron-rich species that can donate electrons to an electrophile. An

electrophile is an electron-deficient species that can accept electrons from a nucleophile. (1.5

Apparatuses and chemicals must be dry when using PCl5 or SOCl2 to test for the presence of
an OH group because these reagents react violently with water to produce hydrogen chloride
gas. Hydrogen chloride gas is a toxic and corrosive gas, and it can cause serious health
problems if inhaled. (1.5 Marks)

PCl5 + H2O → POCl3 + 2 HCl

SOCl2 + H2O → SO2 + 2 HCl

(c) Negative impacts of polymers (06 Marks)

1. Non-Biodegradability: Most synthetic polymers, including common plastics like

polyethylene and polypropylene, are non-biodegradable. They persist in the
environment for hundreds of years, contributing to litter, landfill overflow, and ocean
plastic pollution.

2. Microplastic Pollution: Over time, plastics break down into smaller fragments called
microplastics. These tiny particles can be found in soil, water bodies, and even the air.
They pose risks to wildlife and ecosystems and can enter the food chain, potentially
affecting human health.

3. Resource Depletion: The production of polymers consumes significant amounts of

fossil fuels and natural resources, contributing to resource depletion and energy
consumption. The extraction and processing of these resources have their own
environmental impacts.

4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The production of plastics releases greenhouse gases,

particularly during the extraction and refining of raw materials, as well as in the
energy-intensive manufacturing processes. These emissions contribute to climate

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5. Toxic Additives: Many polymers contain additives such as plasticizers, flame
retardants, and colorants, which can be toxic. When polymers break down or are
incinerated, these additives can be released into the environment, posing health risks
to humans and wildlife.

6. Waste Management Challenges: Managing plastic waste is a global challenge.

Improper disposal and limited recycling infrastructure result in plastic waste ending
up in landfills, incinerators, or the natural environment, leading to visual pollution,
habitat degradation, and harm to wildlife.

5(d) Answer (05 Marks)

The hybridization of a complex ion is determined by the number of ligands surrounding the
central metal atom and the geometry of the complex ion.

The structural names of the complex ions are based on the names of the ligands and the
central metal atom. The ligand name is placed before the central metal atom name, and the
oxidation state of the central metal atom is placed in parentheses. The coordination number is
also indicated in the structural name by using prefixes such as hexa- (6), tetra- (4), etc.

The bond angles in complex ions are determined by the geometry of the complex ion. In
octahedral complexes, the bond angles between the ligands are 90 degrees. In tetrahedral
complexes, the bond angles between the ligands are 109.5 degrees.

For [Fe(CN)6]-3

[Fe(CN)6]-3 has a coordination number of 6 and an octahedral geometry. Therefore, the Fe 3+

ion in [Fe(CN)6]-3 is sp3d2 hybridized.

Hybrid orbitals: sp3d2

Structural name: Hexacyanoferrate (III) ion

Coordination number: 6

Bond angles: 90 degrees (between the CN- ligands) and 120 degrees (between the sp 3d2
hybrid orbitals)

For [Ni(F4)]-2

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[Ni(F4)]-2 has a coordination number of 4 and a tetrahedral geometry. Therefore, the Ni 2+ ion
in [Ni(F4)]-2 is sp3 hybridized.

Hybrid orbitals: sp3

Structural name: Tetrafluoro nickelate (II) ion

Coordination number: 4

Bond angles: 109.5 degrees (between the F- ligands) and 109.5 degrees (between the sp3
hybrid orbitals)

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