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(CHemisTaY IXINOTES INTRODUCTION To CHEMISTRY ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter #01 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY 3. 7. PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSB@TACOM ‘Which one of these was the first to use opium as anesthesia? a. Jabir-ibin-Haiyan. b. BuAliSina c. AlBeruni dv Al-Razi ‘Which gas is studied by J-Black. a. carbonmonodioxide bv carbondioxide| ¢. _ sulpherdioxide d. hydrogen chloride, Scheele discovered . a.v chlorine b. — Fluotine c. — lodine dig Oxygen ‘Who discovered the periodic arrangement of the elements? a. Berzelius b.) Gay Lussac c.V Mendeleev da Faraday Which of these branches of chemistry deals with the study of compounds of living organisms, a. Organic chemistry b. Analytical chemistry c. _ Environmental/chemistry d.v_ Biochemistry The study of laws)and)principles governing the combination of atoms and molecules in chemical reaction is Galled . a. Phisicalichernistry b. Industrial chemistry c. _Attalytical’chemistry d. Inorganic chemistry ‘Greek philosopher introduced the concept of elements on earth. @. |) Three b.v Four Five d. Six ‘Which one of these scientists is known as Father of Chemistry? a.V_ Jabir-bin Haiyan b. BuAliSina c. Al-Beruni d. Aristotle Information acquired through careful observation is known as: av Facts b. Prediction c. Theory d. None of them PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemisTRY IX NOTES INTRODUCTION To CHEMISTRY ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ‘A theory when repeatedly gives the same results after experimentation and offers correct explanation of the scientific facts, it then becomes av law b. Principle ¢. Both a and b d. None of them Which one of these scientists suggested the symbols of elements? a. Dalton b. — Wholer c Faraday dv Berzelius ‘Who studied the process of electrolysis in details? a. Boyle b. Gibbs c. Hess d.V Faraday ‘What work Lavoisier did? a.v Oxygen constituted about one fifth of air. b. Developed the atomic theory. c Suggested the symbols of elements, d. Arranged the elements in periodic table. Madam Curie did valuable research in a.v_ Radioactivity 'b. @, Evaporation ¢. Distillation do None of them ‘Sulphuric acid was discovered by: a Al-Beruni b. AL-Razi c.¥ Jabir Bin Hayan d. BuAli Sina The information obtained from observation is called av Fact b. Theory c. Principle da Law A hypothesisis tested by: a. Observation b.V_ experiment G Comparison with scientific laws dd. Comparison with other theories. ‘Scientific method comprises steps. a Two b.v Four c. Five d. Three ‘Who presented the laws of electrolysis? a. Neil Bohr Rutherford cv J.Berzelius d. Michael Faraday r PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHEnisTRY IX NOTES INTRODUCTION To CHEMISTRY = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 20. Who discovered nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid? a.V Jabir Bin Hayan b. Al-Razi c. AlBeruni d.— Al-Haitham 21, Man started chemical activities by looking at a. Condensation b. Photosynthesis ¢.¥ Combustion d. Respiration 22. The Muslim period extends from: a.V 600-1600 A.D b. 800-1300 A.D c. 100-1000 A.0 d. 200-2000 A.D 23. The compounds of what are used in toothpastes to prevent the détay of teeth a. Chlorides b.v_ Fluorides c. — Halides d. Oxides 24. A theory, which gives the same results after repeated experiments become a a. Hypothesis. b. 9 Fact) cv law de Trith: 25. Golden script writing with iron pyrites was introduced by a. ALRazi bv Jabir Bin Hayan c. AbBeruni id. Ibne Sena For More.Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 3 (CHemistay IX NOTES CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 02 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSBG.COM 1. Mass can neither be created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction, is the lawof a.V conservation of mass b. constant composition c. multiple proportion d. reciprocal proportion 2. Law of Multiple proportion was proposed by a. Louise Proust b. Lavoisier c.V John Dalton d. — Ritcher 3. _Berzelius performed the experiments on the preparation of a. HS b.v PbS c. ZnS gy FeS 4. A combination of symbols of atoms of ions/lthat are held together chemically in a compound is called a. empirical formula BV formula c. molecular formula d. simplest formula 5. 2 moles of CaCO; is equal to a. 100g b.v 200g c. 88g d. 160g 6. 23. a.m.u, of Naisequalto av mole b. 2moles c. 3méles 4. 4moles Heat 7. CaG03—> CaO + CO; is an example of; a0 | “addition reaction b. combustion reaction ‘c. Wsingle displacement d.V_ decomposition reaction 8. A reaction in which substances reacts with oxygen is. a. decomposition reaction b, single displacement reaction c. addition reaction d.¥ combustion reaction 9. Which type of reactions are neutralization and hydrolysis reaction? a. decomposition b. single displacement c. addition d.V__ double displacement PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHemistay IX NOTES CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ‘The number in front of the formula in a chemical equation is called a. expression b. subscript c.v co-efficient d. none of these. Symbol A represents a. state of matter b.V_ heat c. light do catalyst How many grams atoms arc therein 5 moles of carbons? a ae b. 248 c. 36g d.v 60g N, represents a atomic number b. mass number c.¥ Avogadro’s Number d. mole A reaction in which two or more substances react to form a Single substance is called a. decomposition reaction b.9 Combustion reaction c. displacement reaction dav" yaddition reaction Avogadro’s Number shows the number of a.V particles ba neutrons ¢. protons id. electrons The formulas for all atoms in/aAiemipirical formula of a compound is a. Molecular formulas b. Chemical formulas c.¥ Empirical formilas d. Structural formulas In 1961, the standard forlatomic masses was designated by the isotope of: av C2 b. C43 . Ci4 da HA ‘One molelof ahy substance contains a. Equal riumber of particles b. Unequal number of particles ¢.W. \AvOgadro numbers of particles d. Dalton numbers of particles ‘AVogadro number is constant. Its value is: a 3.02 x10” b.v 3.0210” c 3.02x10" d= 3.02x10" Benzene has molecular formula Céllj. Its empirical formula will be a Catia b Gtis ce. GH dv CH PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |2 (CHEMISTRY IX NOTES CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 21. One mole of CO, contains CO, av 44g b. 12g c 32g d. 22g 22. In water, the ratio between the masses of hydrogen and oxygen is: a 2:16 bv 18 c. 21 da. 1:2 23. The mass of one mole of substance is called: a. Formula mass b. — Atomicmass c. Molecular mass d.v Molar mass Q written on the: av Right b. Middle a. HS 25. The symbol = represents a a. One way reaction onan ction c.v Two way reversible reaction & iy Feaction For More eS NLINE QUIZZES PRACTICAI s BLOGSPOT.COM SS & Ss e 24. In a chemical equation, reactants are written on the left hand ae are PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistay IX NOTES ATOMIC STRUCTURE = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Chapter # 03 Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => ATOMIC STRUCTURE 1. The nucleus of an atom consists of: a. Electrons and protons c. Electrons and neutrons bv d. 2. Which particle is the lightest in the following: a.V Electron c. Neutron 3. Which particles is heavier than others. a. Electron c.¥ Neutron 4. The mass of electron is: a 9.11. x 10% cv 9.11x 10% 5. The mass of proton is: a L67x 10% cv 167x10% > tas were discovered by Goldstein cv JJ Thomson 9. James Chadwick discovered the a. Electron c.v¥ Neutron b. d. av Chemistry - IX PRACTICALCENTRE BLOGS#BR COM Protons and neutrons _ None of these 1.67 x 10% 1.67 x 107%. 16x 108. 16x10, reneither created n or destroyed in chemical reaction is the assumption of b.v Dalton 4. Rutherford b. Rutherford d. James Chadwick b. Proton d. Nucleus PRACTICALCENTRE,BLOGSPOT.cOM Pace | 1 (CHemistay IX NOTES ATOMIC STRUCTURE = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 10. Which rays deflected towards negative pole in electric or magnetic field. av Alpha rays b. Beta rays c. Gamma rays d. Cathode rays 11. The e/m ratio of the rays varies with the nature of gas in the discharged tube, a. Beta rays b. Cathode rays c. Gamma rays d.v Positive rays 12. In Rutherford’s experiment very few alpha particles are a. undeflected b. _ Deflected at large angles, cv bounced d. hone of these 13, Atomic number of oxygen is a 6 b 7 cv 8 ad 9 14. Tritium and isotopes of hydrogen contains, neutrons. a. 1 b.Vp 2 ¢. 3 a. none 15. Chemical properties of an element depend on the in the shells. a neutrons b.¥ electrons &. Protons d. none of them 16. Mass number of protium is: av 1 b 2 c. 3 ad 4 17. When cathode rays\hit an object, they produce a. Effervescerice b.V_ Fluorescence c. Darkness d. Sound 18. (A neutron has a mass equal to a proton and it has a Positive charge b. Double positive charge c.¥ Nocharge d. Negative charge 19. A proton is how many times heavier than an electron? a. 1636 b. 1736 cv 1836 d. 1936 PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |2 (CHenistay IX NOTES ATOMIC STRUCTURE = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Radioactive rays are of a. 2 types e Vv 3 types c. 4types d. 6 types Who put forward his atomic model in 1911? a.v Rutherford b. Neil Bohr c. Aufbau d. Goldstein ‘The mass of an atom is concentrated in the a. Shell b. Energy level c. Orbit d.v_ Nucleus Atomic number shows the number of electrons or protons in’an.atom and is denoted by av Z bo c. N d. M The maximum number of electron in a shall is found out by the formula a on bev y2n® can doen ‘Which particle is the lightest in the folloiwi nee a.v Electron Proton c. Neutron i a-Particles ‘Which particles is heavierthan others? a. Electron b. Proton c.v_ Neutron d.— o-Particles For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistay IX NOTES PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 04 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTS PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSB@I.COM 1. _ Doberiener’s classification was based on a atomic number b. atomic mass c. physical behavior d.v chemical behavior 2. Which one of these groups can make Dobereiner’s triads? av Li,Na,K b. C1, Br,S c. Ca, Sr, 1 dd. -§,Se,Ca 3. According to Newland’s Law of Octaves, with in the“arrangemént of elements, every Eight element will have properties similar to the: a.V first element b.a ‘second’element c. third element @)) ~ fourth element 4. — According to Law of Octaves, the properties of Liesembles with: avo Na bo Be c Mg ac 5. Which elements occupy the’peaks ofthe curves of Lothar Meyer's graph? a.V Alkali metals b. Alkaline earth metal c. Noble gases d. — Halogens 6. Which one of thesevelements was suggested as transition clement by Mendeleev? ao oN bv Ni c Ne doN 7 Potassium 39K is allocated in: alV Group IA b. Group IIA ¢. (Group IIIA d. Group IVA Bi). Mendeleev named the elements of group Vill as: a. Alkali metals b. Alkaline earth metals c. Noble gases d.v__ Transition elements 9. Nahas valency 1, its group is a.V Group! b. Group I! ¢. Group Ill d. Group IV PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistaY IX NOTES PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Mg is present in group It, what will be its valency? a bv 2 c. 3 d. 4 The number of noble gases is? a 2 bo 4 av 6 da 8 According to Mendeleev’s periodic table, which one of the element belongs tothe group ‘VIN? a Fe b. Co «Ni d.v_ Allof them ‘One what basis, Moseley arranged elements in periodic table? a. Atomic mass b. Mass number c. Nucleon number d.v_Atofhic number The atomic number of K is. a. 18 bv 13 c. 20 id. @ 2h How many groups were present in Méndelee\’s periodic table? av 8 b. 18 . 7 ad 12 How many periods were present in’Mendeleev's periodic table? a 18 b 8 cv 12 a 7 How many groups ate, present in modern periodic table? av & b. 10 cc. 4 dad 18 HoWaman periods are present in modern periodic table? av a b 9 12 d. 18 Group | to Vill of modern periodic table are further divided into two parts. What are these parts known as? a. Sub-group A b. Sub-group B c.¥ Bothaandb d. None of them PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHemistaY IX NOTES PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ‘Where is group VIII B placed in modern periodic table? a.V Onrright side b. Onleft side c. Second to first on left side d. At the centre How many elements arc present in first period of modern periodic table? a. 1 bv 2 c 8 de 18 Which elements are present in first period of modern periodic table? av H.He bo He, Li c Li, Be d. Be, B How many elements are present in second period of the moderf peri a 2 bv & « 18 d. 32 ‘Which period of the periodic table is the longest? a. First bi» (Fourth cv Sixth de Eighth ‘Which period of the modern periodic table is still incomplete? a. First ba Third c. Fifth dV Seventh ‘Oxygen(0) belongs to group/VIA ofithe modern periodic table. How many electron are present in the outermostishell of the atom? a ol b 2 cv 6 a 8 Chlorine (Ci),belongs\to group VIIA of the modern periodic table. How many electrons are presént inthe outer most shell of its atom? a t b 3 « © dv 7 There are 7 electrons in the outer most shell of lodine (I). To which group of the modern periodic table it belongs? a. MA b.v VIIA c. VIB d. WA Which one of these metals occurs in liquid form at room temperature? av Mercury b. Chlorine c. Bariumd d. None of them PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemustay IX NOTES PERIODICITY OF ELEMENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. ‘Which element of group IA is none-metals? a.V Hydrogen b. Sodium c. Potassium d. Robedium Which of these elements are radioactive elements wholly? a. Alkali metals b. — Halogens cv Actinides d.— Lanthanides Kj/mol is unit of? a. Ionization energy b. Electron affinity c. Atomic radical dv aandb ‘What is formed on the removal of electron from a neutral atom? a.V_ Positive lon b. Negative ion c. Negative radical d. Molecule ‘What happens to the energy of an atom when a positive joniis formed? a. Itremains constant b.v_ Itis absorbed c. Itis released d.» (None ofthem ‘What happens to the energy of an atom whenawnegative ion Is formed? a. Itremains constant bi. Itis absorbed cv Itis released da None of them How ionization energy is decreased ita group? a.V From top to bottom b. From bottom to top From right to left d. From left to right ‘Which one of thesejhas greatest ionization energy? avo Li b. Na €. K dd. Rb Which one of thése is the relative tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract shared pair of electron to itself. ag” Electron affinity b, —_ lonization energy &. Vy Electro negativity d. None of these For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE. BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 4 (CHemustay IX NOTES (CHEMICAL BONDING = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 05 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => CHEMICAL BONDING PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSB@T.COM 1. The force which hold atoms together in molecule to another atom is called: a. —_ lonic bond b. Covalent bond c. Co-ordinate covalent bond d.¥_ Chemical bond 2. The bond which is formed by the transfer of one or more electrons\from one atom or crystal is called: a.V tonic bond b. Covalent bond ¢. Co-ordinate covalent bond d. — Chemical'borid 3. The bond which is formed by the mutual sharing ofelectrons between the atoms called: a tonic bond bv ‘Covalent bond c. Co-ordinate covalent band @)) ~ Chemical bond 4. The bond which is formed by one sided sharingof pair of electrons is called: a. lonic bond BD” Covalent bond ¢.V Co-ordinate covalent bond, d. Chemical bond 5. The bond in MgO is: a.V_ Electro-valent bond: b. Covalent bond c. Co-ordinate covalent bond d. Chemical bond 6. The shared pair of electrons which links the atoms in a molecule is known as: a. Electro-Valent bond b.V Covalent bond c. Go-Ordinaté.covalent band d. Chemical bond 7 Double covalent bond is denoted by: a. )Sirigle short line b.v_ Two short line ¢. Three short line d. None of these Bly The atom which supplies the pair of electrons for bond formation is known as: a. Acceptor b.v¥ Donor c Receiver d. None of these 9. Co-ordinate covalent bond is always formed between the two: a. Like atoms bv Unlike atoms ¢. Similar atom d. Like and unlike atoms PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistaY IX NOTES CHEMICAL BONDING = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ‘The shared pair of electrons in a co-ordinate covalent bond is denoted by: a. Asingle line b. Double line c. Anequal sign dv Anarrow Electronegative value of N is av 3.0 b. 25 2d do 35 ‘CHBr has a a. Non polar covalent bond b. tonic band c.v Polar covalent bond d. hydrogen bond ‘The attraction that binds Na and Cl ions together is called a. Covalent bond b.v_ Electrovalenitbond c. Polar covalent bond d. — Metallic'bonid, In molten state ionic compounds are a.V good conductors bi» badjconductors c. non conduct d. insulators. Covalent compounds are soluble in a. water by NaOH solution cH, $0, id.V__ organic solvents Energies of London forces ard tithe jrange of: a.V 1.10kg /ml. b. 4.08kg/ml. c.— Lkg /ml. d. 5.20kg/ml. ‘Which bond is importantlin proteins and nucleic acids. a.V Hydrogen bond b. Metallic bond c. tonic bond d. Covalent bond. 4 is the electronegative value of a. Nitrogen b. Chlorine Cc. Hydrogen d. Fluorine Mg.atom has a. Lvalence electron b.v valence electrons c. 8 valence electrons d. valence electrons Ionic compounds are soluble in av water b. Ch c. benzene d. None of them PRACTICALCENTRE,BLOGSPOT.cOM Pace |2 (CHemisTRY IX NOTES CHEMICAL BONDING ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. In coordinate covalent bonds, the shared pair of electron is provided by: a.V Oneatom b. Twoatom c Three atom d. Four atom The atom which donates shared electron pair is called a.V Acceptor b. Recipient «Donor d. Giver ‘The bond which is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between atoms, jis called a. tonic bond b.v Covalent bond ¢. co-ordinate covalent bond d. Chemical bond ‘The bond which is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between atoms, is called: a. tonic bond b.V_ Covalent bond) c. co-ordinate covalent bond d. Chemical bond: Double covalent bond is denoted by: a. Single short line b.v¥ Towsshort lines ¢. three short lines d.. (none of these The shared pair of electrons in a coordinate covalent bond is denoted by: a. single line ‘by Double line c. Anequal sign dv” Anarrow For More Notes, cas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALGENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 CHemistay IX NOTES STATES OF MATTER = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 06 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > STATES OF MATTER PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSBGI.COM 1. The number of common states of matter is: a § bo 4 av 3 d. None of them 2. Neither definite shape nor volume is the property of. a. Solid b.v Gas c. Liquid d. None of them 3. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to its external pressure is called. a. Melting point by Boiling point ¢. Triple point dy) Freezing point 4. The state of matter in which molecules are tightly packed and possess only transition motion is. a. Gaseous state b.vV Solid state c. Liquid state d. None of them 5. ‘The process in which molecules escape from the surface of liquid is called. a Sublimation b.V¥ Evaporation c. Boiling d. Melting 6. The process ii'which solid directly changes to gas is called. a. Evaporation b. Melting c.V Sublimation d. None of them 7. —_Defiiite Volume but no definite shape is the property of: 2. solid bev liquid Cy gas d. none of them 8. Change of state from solid to liquid is called: a. vapourization b. condensation cv fusion d. none of them PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistay IX NOTES STATES OF MATTER = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 9. 10. 11. 2. 13. 14, 1s. 16. 17. 18. The temperature at which solid starts melting is called: a. boiling point b. freezing point c.V_ melting point d. none of them The molecules neither slip nor slide over one another: a. gases b.v solid c. liquid d. none of them The state of matter which has fixed volume due to intermolecular forces is: a. solid bv liquid c. gas d. none of them They have a fixed shape and a fixed volume a.v Solids b. Liguids c. Gases d. None of thé They have no fixed shape and no fixed volume: a. Solids b. Liquids cv Gases d.» \Nofie ofthese The kinetic energy of molecules increases‘on: a.V_ Heating bay Cooling ¢. — Sublirning da Condensing If a solid directly changes from solid to, gaseous state, without changing into liquid first, the process is called a. Condensation b. Sublimation ©. Evaporation d.V__ Distillation The temperatureat which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the external ‘or atmospheric pressure is called its: a. Mélting)point b. Cooling point c. _EVaporatien point d.V_ Boiling point ‘The fasticontinuous and zigzag movement of suspended particles in a medium is called; @. (Variable movement b. Constant movement “Uniform movernent dv Brownian movement a. Liquids b. Gases ¢.V Solids d. Colloids PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHemistaY IX NOTES STATES OF MATTER = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 19. 20. a. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ‘Cohesive forces are weakest among the molecules of: a. Liquids b.V Gases c. Solids d. Colloids ‘On heating evaporation: a.V_ Increases b. Decreases c Remains the same d. Stops. Which energy increases when solids are heated? a. Potential b.v_ Kinetic c. Nuclear d. Tidal The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration is called: a.V Diffusion b. Hydrolysis ¢. Evaporation d. Condensation ‘The process of diffusion is very fast in: a. Solids bs, \Liduids cv Gases d. @ Colloids The number of common states of mattabis: a Ss bo 4 av 2 d. None of them Neither definite shape norvolume's the property of: a Solid b.v Gas c. Liquid d. None of them The process in.which)molecules escape from the surface of liquid is called: a. Evaporation bv Melting c. _ Subliriation d. None of them For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistRy IX NOTES SOLUTION & SUSPENSION = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 07 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > SOLUTION & SUSPENSION 6. PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSB@IACOM ‘The suspended particles in suspensions are generally of the size. a 20nm b. 100nm cv 100nm da imm The sum of the mole fractions of solute and solvent is equal to: a 8 b 2 c. 0 dvi 1 Solubility is defined as the amount of solute in solvent’at a given temperature, dissolved in of the solvent. a 20g bey 100g) c 10g @) (20008 ‘The process in which a solid directly changes tovapours is known as. a.V Sublimation BD Evaporation c. Diffusion d. Fusion The solubility of a gas with the rise in temperature. a. Increase b.v Decrease c. Normal d. None of these A homogeneous mixture of two or more substance is called: a. solute’ b. solvent c.v_ solution d. none of these Whehithe Water is solvent the solution iscalled__solution. al, \saturated b. unsaturated £.V aqueous d. supersaturated ‘Which type of mixture is cloud? a. gas ingas b. gas in liquid c. solid in gas div liquidin gas ‘Which type of mixture is air? a.V gas in gas b. gas insolid ¢. — gasin liquid d. liquid in solid PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistaY IX NOTES SOLUTION & SUSPENSION = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. How many types of solutions are produced on mixing solid, liquid and gas? a 8 bv 9 . 7 a 6 The solubility of sugar in water at 100€ is: a. 179 g/100ml b.v 487 g/100ml c 189 g/100ml d. 478 g/100m! ina liquid is directly proportional to the presstifeof gas’ b.v gas d. none of above A solution containing less solute than its capacity to dissolve is: a.V_ unsaturated solution b. saturated sélution ¢. supersaturated solution dd. aqueousisolution ‘When number of moles of solute are dissolved_in\ 2 litre"(1dm’) of a solution, than solution is said to be: a. normal solution bs molal solution c. percentage solution id. Vp molar solution It is heterogeneous mixture: a. solution b.V_ suspension c. solute d. none of these Homogenous mixture of saluteland solvent is called a: a. Solvent b. Solute c.v Solution d. Suspension The solution that{contains 1 mole of solute in 1. dm’ of solution is called a: a. Normal. b. Saturated cv Molar dd. Molal 2molesiofwater is equal to: a. |) 18g b.v 36g 56g d. 46g ‘One litre is equal to: a. 100.em* b. 10cm* e 500m? div 1000 cm? PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |2 (CHEMisTRY IXINOTES SOLUTION & SUSPENSION = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 20. Asolution formed by mixing only two substances is called av Binary solution b. Unified solution ¢. Colloidal Solution d. Saturated solution 21. Supersaturated solutions are: a. Stable b.v_ Unstable Constant d. Volatile S 22, There are how many ways of representing percent concentration: Qy a One b. Two Q c. Three div Four e @ For More Notes, Mcas, ONLI Ss PRAcTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT. PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 ‘CliemistRY IX NOTES EUECTROCHEMISTRY— MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter #08 Chemistry - 1X Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => ELECTROCHEMISTRY PRACTICALCENTRE. BLOGS®BT.COM 1 The branch of chemistry that deals with the study of relationship between electrical and chemical energy is called: a. Thermo chemistry b. Physical chemistry c.V Electrochemistry d Analytical chemistry 2. The substance used for electrolysis is called: av Electrolyte b. —Non- electrolyte ¢. Electrolytic solution d. None ofthese 3. Sodium chloride melts at a 750°C bay 700°C c 850°C ‘div 800°C 4 Electrodes are made of av metals 6) non metals c. metalloids d. alloys 5. The quantity of charge which deposits or liberates exactly one gram equivalent of a substance is a. Ampere b. Coulomb cv Faraday d, Electro chemical equivalent 6. The process (of coating one metal onto another is called a. Electro chemical process b.¥ electroplating c._fusting d. none of these 7. _One'Faraday is equivalent to >. (996000 Coulombs b.¥ 96500 Coulombs Gp 95600 Coulombs d, 96550 Coulombs 8. Which one of these is not electrolyte? a. Acidulated water b. Sodium chloride solution cv Sugar d. Sodium hydroxide solution Pace | 4 ‘CliemistRY IX NOTES ELECTROCHEMISTRY— MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 3. The unit of electro chemical equivalent is a. Ampere . Coulomb: rm G/coulomb d.v_ Kg/coulomb: In dry cell electrolyte is the moist paste of a. NH,Cl+ MnO, . MnO, + ZnCl, c.V NHaCl+ ZnCl, |. NHaCl + ZnSOq Aweak electrolyte i a. Sulphruic . Nitric acid c. Acaustic alkali d.v¥ Citric acid The electrolysis of fused sodium chloride is carried out in: a Galvanic cell b. Voltaic cell c.V Down’s cell d. — Drycell The electrodes used in the electrolytic cell to carry out electrolysis of water are made of: av Platinum b. Carbon c. Graphite d. (Copper During electrolysis of which hydrogen is réléasedjat the cathode and oxygen is released at the anode? av Water be NaCl c. Hg @ 4,0, One Faraday has av 96,500C b. b 94,500 C « — 93,9500¢ d. 92,500¢ The deposition of aimetal 6n another metal is called: a. Electrolysis b. Oxidation «Reduction d.V_ Electroplating In electroplating; the thing to be electroplated is made the: a.v (Cathode b. Electrolytic cell ofp Anote d. Electrolyte Ih, which cells, oxidation loss of electrons occurs at anode and reduction gain of electrons occurs at cathode? a.V Electrochemical b. Electrolytic Primary d. Secondary PRAcTICALCeNTRE. BLOGSPOT.COM (CHenistay IX NOTES ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 09 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#@R.COM 1. The substances whose aqueous solution change the blue litmus to red: av Acids b. Bases c. Neutral d. Salts 2. The substances having a tendency to lose one or more protons are called: av Acids b. Bases c. Neutral d. Salts 3. The substances which donate the pait of electrons for Bond formation, is known as: a. Acids b.v Bases c. Neutral dy Salts: 4, When equivalent quantities of acid and base are mixed, salt and water are formed, the reactions is termed as: a. Hydration BD Hydrolysis c.v_ Neutralization d. None of these 5. The acids, which contain onf@ acidic hydrogen are called a.V_ Mono-protic b. — Di-protic c. — Triprotic d. Poly protic 6. The number of acidic hydrogen atoms present in a molecule of an acid is called: a. Acidity’ b.v_ Basicity c. Neutral d. Hydrolysis 7. The numberof replaceable [OH] ions present in a molecule of base is called: alv Acidity b. Basicity <. (Neutral d. Hydrolysis Bly An acid that produces large number of (H") ions in aqueous solution is called: a. Strong base b. Weak base c.v Strong acid d. Weak acid 9. Anionic compound, that is formed when an acid neutralizes a base, is called: a. Acids b. Bases ¢. Neutral div Salts PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHenstay IX NOTES ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. Salts that formed by the reaction of weak acid with srong base are: a. Neutral b.v Acidic c. Basic d. Normal 11. Salts that formed by the reaction of weak acid with strong base are: a. Acidic b.v_ Basic c. Neutral d. Normal 12. Alumsare: a. Single salts b.v_ Double salts c. Triple salts d. Normal salts 13. The formula of washing sod: a. NaC; b. Na,CO3.6H;0) c.¥ NayCO3. 10H;0 dd. NaHCOy 14, All the citrus fruits contain a. Acetic acid b.v, (Ascorbic acid c. — Lacticacid ds, \pButyric acid 15. All the acids and bases react together to form)salt and water, the reaction is called. a. Hydrolysis b.” Decomposition ¢ Synthesis d.V_ Neutralization 16. According to Arrhenius, a basélgives hydroxide OH ion in water, while an acid gives a.V_ Hydrogen ion b. Metallic ion ¢. Nonmetallic d. Ammonium ion 17. According to Bronsted - Lowry theory, an acid is a proton donor while a base is a/an. a.v_ Proton aécepter b. Electron acceptor c. _ Neutrénvaccepter d. None of them 18. Accordingto Lewis, an acid is an acceptor of an electron pair while a base is a donor of: a. \Proton’pair b. Neutron pair cov Electron pair d. None of them 49.) ‘Neutralization is an: a. Endothermic reaction b.v Exothermic reaction ©, Addition reaction d. Odd reaction 20. Double salts usually have which molecules attached to their crystals: a HQ, b.v 1,0 c. co, ad co PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHenistaY IX NOTES ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 21. Formic acid is found in: a. Lemons b. Vinegars c. Grapes d.V Sting of insects 22. Which is a weak acid? a. NCI b. —-H,SO, ¢ HNO; div H,CO; 23. pH of anacidis: a Equalto7 b. Equal to 14 ¢. More than 7 d.v Less than 7 24, NazCOsis called: a. Baking soda b. Caustic Soda c. Lemon Soda d.V_ Washing Soda 25. Formula for potash alum is: a.V_ K;S0;Al(SO4)3.24H,0 b. K,SOqAl(S0;)5-23H,0 C. —_KySOxAl(SO«)s.22H20 de. K:S0,.Al3($0,}3-21H0 26, The pH of human urine is: a 3-5 bv 5-7 c. 7-9 da 9-11 27. Copper sulphate is also called: a.V Blue stone b. Yellow Stone c. Gems stone d. Red Stone 28. Ascorbic acid is also.called vitamin: a oA b B cv Cc dD 29, The acids which’contain one acidic hydrogen are called: a.V (Mono-protic b. Di-protic c@ Tei-protic d. Poly protie 30%) The number of acidic hydrogen atoms present ina molecule of an acid is called: a.” Acidity b.v Basicity c. Neutral d. Hydrolysis 31. Alums are: a. Single salts b.V_ Double salts c. Triple salts d. Normal salts PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistay IX NOTES CHEMICAL ENERGETICS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 10 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => CHEMICAL ENERGETICS 3. 5. PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#OR.COM Inan exothermic reaction. a.V Heat energy is lost b. Heat energy is gained c. Heat energy islost aswell as gained d. None of them Inan exothermic reaction. a.V Container becomes hot b. Container becomes cold c. The temperature of container remains the same. d. None of them During an endothermic reaction. a.V Container used becomes cold b. Container used becomes hot c. The temperature of container used remains same d. Total energy of reactants increases The heat evolved during the formation)of 1 mole of water from H; and Oz is. a.V 286 Kilo Joules/mol. b. 186 Kilo joules/mol. c. 300 Kilo joules/molt d. — 200Kilo joules/mol. The formation of waterfrom H2 and 0; is example of: a.V Exothermic reaction b. — Endothermic reaction c. Neutralization reaction d. None of them In endothermic,reaction: a.V heat igabsorbed b. — heatis evolved e. heat is neither absorbed not evolved d. none of them imexothermic reaction: a. heat is absorbed b.v heatis evolved c. heat is neither absorbed not evolved d. _—none of them. The Brach of chemistry which deals with the study of heat changes in chemical reaction iscalled: a. biochemistry b. inorganic chemistry ¢.V_ thermo-chemistry d. organic chemistry PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistRY IX NOTES CHEMICAL ENERGETICS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 9. During the combustion of coal, energy released is: a. 890 KJ/male b. 286 Ki/mole c. 3.53 KI/mole div 393.7 KJ/mole 10. _ Using exothermic reaction to warm food, the temperature of foad reaches to: av 60°C b. 50°C c 55°C de 60.5°C 11. The flameless radiation heater contains a mixture of: a... Mg, Caand H,0 b. Mg, Ca and NaCl c. Mg, NaandH,0 div Mg, Fe and Nac 12. Which of the following reaction is endothermic? a. Combustion of Coal b. Burning of Methane c. The formation of H20 from Hand Q, d.¥ The decomposition of HO 13. The reaction between an acid and base to form salt and water is called: a.V Neutralization b.» Decomposition c. Addition ds, None of These 14. The formation of NO from % N, and % O, is anjexample of: a. neutralization reaction bs exothermic reaction c.V¥ endothermic reaction d. none of these 15. When methane is burnt amountoof heat released is: a. 286 KI/mole b.v 890 Ki/mole c. 296 KJ/mole d. 92.0 KI/mole For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHemistay IX NOTES HYDROGEN ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 11 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] => HYDROGEN PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#OT,COM 1. Select all those things which result when sodium metal is placed in a beaker of water: av Hand NaOH b. Sodium disappears after sometime c. Water becomes acidic d. No action. 2. Hydrogen is a diatomic molecule with bond energy: a. 200K) / mol b. 100,K.1/'mol ev 104 K.Cal / mol 4. 150,KiGal /ol 3. Deuterium is present in natural hydrogen in the ratio: a 11200 ly (415000 c. 10050000 aio 4. A human being consumes water about everyday. a. Slitres bv 2litres c Llitre d. 10 litres 5. Polluted water i For drinking purposes. av unfit b. fit c. useful d. used 6. Mol. mass of Reavy water a alma b. 22amu cv 20am dd 16amu 7. The thaximum density of water at 4°C is: 2. Vi ROg/em* b. 0,9988/cm? Ch, 0.918g/cm? d. 1.2g/dm* 8. The freezing point of heavy water is a ore b.v 381°C c aC a 1c PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistay IX NOTES HYDROGEN ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 9. 10. 11. 122. 13. 14, 1s. 16. 17. 18) 19. ‘Cavendish in 766 discovered. a. Nitrogen b. Oxygen c.V Hydrogen d. Helium Sun and other stars are largely composed of: a. Oxygen b.v Hydrogen c. Helium d. Nitrogen Inthe earth crust hydrogen is the most abundant element: a 7 b. 8™ cv gf d 10" ‘Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen H, and av CO b. CO, « Ch d. SO, During the reaction of natural gas and steam the catalyst used Is a. Fe b. Zn cv Ni da cr Hydrogen has isotopes a. 2 be 3 av 4 de 5 The number of electron hydrogenjcontains in its K shell is avo. bo 2 « 3 da 4 Smallest element’by sizes, a. Oxygen. b. Helium c. Nitrogen, div Hydrogen Gas filled,in weather balloon is a. (Oxygen b. Ammonia cy Nitrogen div Hydrogen Carbon black and H, are formed when is decomposed thermally above 700°C. a.V CH, b. Oc c CO, qd. CH, =CH, In sodium hydride NaH oxidation sate of hydrogen is a 2 boot 2 dvoid PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |2 (CHemistay IX NOTES HYDROGEN ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Atomic hydrogen is called a. Protium b. — Deutrium c.V Nascent hydrogen 4. Tritium The most common substance known and remarkable is a. — Hydrogen b.v Water c. Oxygen d. Nitrogen ‘Water shows anomalous behavior between av Oto4°C b. = Oto S°C c Oto-4°C d. 4to arc ‘The density of ice at O°C is a. 0,99 8g/cm? b. 0,998 g/ern?) Vv 0.918 g/em* d. 0.98i.g/emn* The density liquid water at 0°C is a.V 0.99 8g/cm? bs 0.998 e/cm? c. 0,918 g/cm? d. @, 01981 g/cm When mater reacts with more electropesitive metals it gives of metals a. Oxides b. — Hydroids c. Peroxides dV Hydroxide ‘Water containing dissolvedimpurities of hydrogen carbonates, chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium is called. a. Heavy water b. Soft Water c. Natural Water d.V Hard Water ‘Temporaty hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolve hydrogen carbonates of av CMandig b. Ba and strontium c. (Naandk d. Znand Ni Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolved and sulphates of Ca and Mg. a.” Carbonates b.v Chlorides c. Nitrates d. — Bromides Permanent hardness of water can be removed by a. Heating b. Clark's method c.V__ lon exchange method d. Bosch process PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistay IX NOTES HYDROGEN ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, 37. 38. Permutit is: a. Potassium zeolite b.v_ Sodium zeolite c. Calcium zeolite d. Magnesium zeolite Molecular formula of heavy water is av D,0 b. AO & hO d G0 The salts containing water molecules as water of crystallization are called a. Oxides b. Hydrides c. _Hygroscopic div Hydrates Disease caused by contaminated water containing microbes is a. Malaria b. Myopia c.¥ Cholera d. None ofithese ‘The water fit for drinking purpose is a. Natural b.» Treatedwater c. Distilled water dV Potable water Which treatment is used to destroy bacteria and pathogenic organisms in water. a. Hydrogenation bv Filtration c. Chlorination id. Coagulation Nascent hydrogen is more reactive than molecular hydrogen because: a.V_ {tis in atomic state, b. thas less amount of energy c. tis lighter in mass d. itis stable Hydrogen burnswith a: a. Golden yellow flame b.v_ Blue flame ¢. Crimson flame d. Green Flame Water has the maximum density at: ag O'€ b. 100°C c 45°C dv 4°C For More Notes, Mas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE. BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 4 (CHEMISTRY IXINOTES CARBON SILICON & THEIR COMPONENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 12 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > CARBON SILICON & THEIR COMPONENTS PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.CON 1. Graphite bars are used in atomic reactors because graphite is a. Soft solid b. Good conductor of electricity) c. More reactive than diamond div Slows down the neutrons. 2. Diamond is used as abrasive because it is a.V Hard b. Soft c. Cubic d. Bad conductonof electricity. 3. Silicon is most abundantly found in nature as, a.V_ Silica (SiO,) b. Silicon, carbide (SiC) c. Sodium silicate dg Caleium'silicate 4, China clay is used in making of a. Glass. b. Electrical insulator c. Ceramics d3v Crockeries 5. Fused Silica which is also known as.quartz glass is used for making; a. Concrete or cement b. Silicon carbide c.V Optical lenses and prisms. d. Absorbent 6. Melting point of sodiumisilicate is a 21009°C b.v 1090°C c. 1410°¢ de 990°C 7. — Soft coalis called a. (Lignite b. Peat ofv)\ Bitumen d. Anthracite 8.) ‘The hardest Natural Substance Known to man is a.V Diamond b. Graphite c. Bucky Balls a. 9. Boil or carbando is the a. Green Diamond b. Blue Diamond c. Yellow Diamond div Black Diamond PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHemistay IX NOTES CARBON SILICON & THEIR COMPONENTS ~ IMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 2B. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19) 20. ‘Clusters of carbon atoms as molecules of a. Plumbago b. Bort c.V Bucky Ball d. Coke Shape of diamond crystal is a. Cubic b.v Octahedral c. Needle like d. hexagonal The layers are arranged in parallel form one above the other a. Silica b. Diamond c. Water Glass d.v Graphite Coal is the amorphous form of the a. Calcium b. Iron ¢. Silicon d.v_ Carbon Coke is produced by heating bituminous coal to very hightemperature about a. 1090°C b. 350°C cv 1300°C dd. 1400°C burns in air with no smoke and leavesivery little residue. av Coke b. ¥ Charcoal s. Coaltar d. Coal All the different carbon allotropesiare black or grayish black solids except a. Graphite b. Bucky Balls c.¥ Diamond d. None of these Allotropes of carbon have high melting point, above av 3000°C b. 1000°¢ c. 2000°C 4. 4000°C Carbon is powerful a. (Bleaching agent bv Reducing Agent coy Oxidizing agent d. None of these The ability of the carbon atoms to bond itself forming long chains and rings a.V Called b. Conduction c. Carbonization d. None of these ‘Which one of the following is bad conductor of electricity a. Graphite b. Silver c. Copper 4.¥_ Diamond PRACTICALCENTRE,BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHenistay IXINOTES CARBON SILICON & THEIR COMPONENTS ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30) 31. Silicon is a.V Metalloid b. — Non-Metal c. Metal d. Liquid Metal The pure crystalline form of silicon in combined state is quartz and flint such as a.V_ Opal and onyx b. Agate ¢. Garnet d. Sand ‘Which one of the following is hydrated aluminum silicate. a Tale b.v China Clay c Garnet d.— Feldspar The colour of amorphous silicon is a.V Brown b. Grey c. Black d. Yellow The boiling point of silicon is a 1410°C b. 2a08°¢ c. 3500°C d.v 2600°C SiO) is the formula of a. Silicon by Silicate cv Silica d..” Water Glass ‘Which one of the following is used intmaking optical lenses and prisms? a. Large quartz b. Powdered quartz cv Quartz glass d.— Kieselguhr Which one of thefollowing is'used as absorbent? a. Silica b. Sand c. Quart Glass d.v_ Kieseighur ‘What is formed when sodium silicates is dissolved in hot water and pressures? a. (Silicajel b.v Water Glass com tel, d. Chemical Garden What will formed when a dilute solution of water glass mixed with some crystals of NITROGEN & OXYGEN PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#OR.COM 1. When ammonium chloride is heated with a base, the gas liberated is: a.V¥ ammonia b. oxygen c. nitrogen d. nitric oxide NO 2. The catalyst used for the catalytic oxidation of NH; in Ostwald’s method is: a. nickel b. chromium c.v platinum d. —-vanadiumpenta oxide 3. The boiling point of liquid oxygen is: a. -196°C. b.v 483°C, c. -200°C dd 01875°C 4. The air we breathe in, usually contains a highet|propartion of: a.V nitrogen be oxygen c. carbon dioxide water vapours 5. Which one of the following isthe @asylway to distinguish ozone from oxygen. a. by comparing their sofUbility’s b. by comparing their oxidizing properties c. by comparing allotfopic forms d.v__ by comparing their odours 6. The most abundantlelemefit found in nature is: a. oxygen b.v_ silicon c. nitrogen d. hydrogen 7. Ureais pfodticed by heating carbon dioxide CO, with a. “nitricacid b.v ammonia ol hydrogen d. potassium nitrate 8.) Hydrogen peroxide is produced in the laboratory by heating sulphuric acid with: a. sodium peroxide b. potassium peroxide c.v barium peroxide d. strontium peroxide 9. Oxygen contains in its valence shell: a.V Gelectrons. b. — Selectrons c. 8electrons d. 2electrons PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemistRY IX NOTES NITROGEN & OXYGEN = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. By mass of water oxygen constitutes a. 86.8% b. cv 88.8% d. 80.8% 89.8% ‘Oxygen can be prepared in the laboratory by heating av KCIO; b. c. Fe,03 d. ‘CO; is the example of KNO, cao a.V Super oxides b. Normal oxides c. Acidic oxides d. Sub oxides Ozone oxidizes Pbs to a.V PbO b. — PbCl, c. — Pb(NOs)2 d. PbSO, Formula of Sodium peroxide is a. NaO b.» \NaQ, cv Na;O; do. yNasO. ‘Oxygenated water is another name of a. HNO; bev H,0; c HCl id. H,S0, NaClis used for initiating a. Oxidation reaction, b. — Nitration c.V_ Polymerizationjreaction dd. Halogenations ‘Ozone was discoverediby a. Scheel, b.v_ Schonbein ce. Lavoisen a. J.Soret Chapfal named’ the gas ad, Oxygen b. Chlorine %c. (Ozone div Nitrogen Nitrogen belongs to a. VI-A group. b.v VAgroup c. Ib group d. VBgroup By mass of the earth's atmosphere N, is a 78% b. 72% Cv 75% d. 71% PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |2 (CHemistay IX NOTES NITROGEN & OXYGEN = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 21. Formula of Carbon Suboxide is a —©,05 b.v C,02 c. GO; d. C02 22. Ammonia gas is collected by delivery downward displacement of air as it is a lighter gas than air. a. Downward b. Direct cv Upward d. Indirect 23. The biggest use of ammonia is in the manufacture of: a. Nitricacid b. Fertilizers c.V__ Nitrogen trichioride d. Nitrogen 24. Loss of electrons is: a Oxidation b.v Reduction c. Redox dd. Noneof them 25. Gain of electrons is: a. Oxidation bs Reduction c. Redox id. Ve None of them 26. Ozone liquefies at: av -212°C b. -112"C c “182°C d. -282°C 27. When ammonium chloridéiis heated with a base, the gas liberated is: a. Ammonia b. Oxygen c. Nitrogen dV Nitric oxide NO 28, The most abundant lement found in nature is: av Oxjgen b. Silicon c. Nitrogen d. Hydrogen For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.cOM Pace |3 (CHemistRy IX NOTES SULPHUR & ITS COMPOUND = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 14 Chemistry - IX Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > SULPHUR & ITS COMPOUND 4 PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#OT,COM Sulphur is the second member of group. a INA b. bVA cv VIA da VIIA ‘What is the percentage of sulphur in earth’s crust? a 1% b.v 0.1% c. 1.1% d. 0.01% The sulphur obtained by Frasch process is a 98% b. 98.5% c. 97.5% diy, 99.5% ‘Which are of the following is non crystallinévallatropic forms of sulphur? a. Rhombic Sulpur b. )y Monoclinic Sulphur c.v_ Plastic Sulphur d® None of these Density of rhombic sulphur at20°Gis av 2.08 g/cm? b. 2.99g/em? cc. 3.80g/em? d. 1.08g/cm? Shape of the monoéliniesulphur is a. Octahedral b.V_ Needle shaped ce. Cubic d.— Hedagonal ‘Transition temperature for rhombic and monoclinic sulphur is a. 95°C bv 96°C a ORE d. 98°C ig Point of a sulphur is a 333°C b. 440°C c. 434°C dv 444°C ‘Sulpur burns with a bright blue flame to form av SQ; b. S05 c. HS. d. None of these PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemstay IX NOTES SULPHUR & ITS COMPOUND = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Purity of sulphuric acid obtained by the contact process is a. 98.99% b. 99% c. 99.5% d.v 100% The catalyst used in the contact process is a 305, b. P30 GV Vi0s d. P25, The formula of oleum is a. HOS;0) b.vH:5;0; c. HOS, dd. Hy5:0s Oil of vitriol is a. Nitricacid b. — Hydrochloricacia c.V_ Pure conc. Sulphuric acid d. — sulphruos‘acid ‘Specific gravity of conc. Sulphuric acid is av 184 b. amas c 155 dy 175 A process used in the manufacture of sulphuric atid is a. Frasch Process b. VY Contact Process cs. Haber Harch Process d. Froth Floatation process ive metals to liberate Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with less electrop: a. SQ) gas b. HS gas c. SOs gas div Hp gas Hot conc. H250, oxidizes some metals to their sulphates liberating. a. SOs gas b. Hp gas cv SO; gas d. HS gas ‘Sulphuricacidiis strong a. Diacid b.V_ Diabasic ch \Monobasic d.— Tribasie ‘Sulphuric acid reacts with sugar to form a CO+H,0 b. CO; +H,0 ev C+H,0 d. CH, =CH, +H,0 Blue CuSO,.5H,O changes into anhydrous white CuSO, when reacts with a. Cone. HNO; b. Cone. HC! c Cone. HsCOs dV Cone. HSO, PRACTICALCENTRE,BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHenistaY IX NOTES SULPHUR & ITS COMPOUND = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. ‘Which one of the following is powerful drying or dehydrating agent. a.V HS, b. HCl c. HNO; d. Oxalic acid A substance that changes the speed of a chemical reaction without affecting the yield is a. Oxidizing agent b.v_ Catalyst ¢. Reducing agent d. Electrolyte Which statement is not true for sulphuric acid? a.V_ Food preservation b. Petroleum refining G. Dehydrating agent d. Paints and pigment manufacturing Sulphuric acid reacts with metal oxide like MgO to form water and a. Magnesium Sulphide b. Magnesium Hydrogen ¢.V¥ Magnesium Sulphate d. — Magnesiumitiydroid Which statement is not true for sulphur? a. Usein the manufacture of H,SO, b. —_Used:for bleaching wood pulp c. Used for disinfecting houses d.v_ (0Sed inirefining the petroleum For More Notes, Mc@spONLine Quizzes PRACTICALCENTRE, BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3 (CHemistRY IX NOTES HALOGENS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Chapter # 15 Multiple Choice Questions - [MCQs] > HALOGENS 5. 6. 7 10. Which of the following is a good organic solvent? av CCl, and CHCl; c. DDTand CH3;QH Chemistry - IX PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#OI,CON ‘Which are of the following is known as satanic element? a. Fluorine cv Chlorine lodine and its compounds are used in medicines as a. Active reagent ¢. Chemical reagent Pure chlorine is produced by heating conc“HCl with: a KMNnO, ev KCr,07 Nelson’s Cell is used for the production of;, a. Bleaching powder c.v_ Chlorine Gas ‘Which one of the following catches fire on reaction with chlorine? a. Sulphur c. Sodium metal Formula of mustard gas is a Coch c.¥ e(GHaCh}s Atontic Number of lodine is 2. a7 Cp 35 (Na,AIF,) is the formula of a. Fluorspar c.V Cryolite Ethene reacts with chlorine gas to form a.V 1, 2-dichlore ethane ¢. 1, 4-diehloro ethane PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.cOM b. — CH,OH and CCls d. HOH and CH,Clz b. Carbon d. Nitrogen b.v_ Catalyst) 4. Companelits. b.)KCio, d. yy MnO; b. Hydrogen Chloride d. Hydrochloric Acid b.v_ Phosphorous d. Hydrogen gas b. CCINO, dd. CaOCh, b 9 dv 53 b. Teflon d. — Flourapatite b. — Monochloro Ethane d. — 1,3-dichloro ethane Pace | 1 CHenistay IX NOTES HALOGENS = MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20, AgBr is used in: av Photography b. Dyes c. Fumigants d. Pesticides Each kg of sea water contains salt NaCl: a 108 b. 208 cv 40g d 30g lodine deficiency leads to enlargement of; a.V_ Thyroid gland b. Parathyroid gland c. Pineal gland d. Pituitary gland PVC is acommon: a Gas b.vV Plastic c. Medicine d. Rubber ‘Which one are the most abundant and a very importaht member of Group VII A.? a Fp bv Ch c. Bra dn ik The concentration of HCI in stomach is: av 0.5% bh 07% c. 0.9% dd. 0.8% The reactivity of halogens down, the group: a.V Decreases b. Increases c. Remain constant d. none of them lodine gives violet vapours when it: a. Melts b. Boil c.v Sublimes, d. Freezes ‘Chlorineis how many times heavier than air? a «OS bv 25 c. 35 do 45 The most'abundant and useful halogen is: a. Bromine b. Fluorine hy» Iodine dv Chlorine For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE. BLOGSPOT.COM PRACTICALCENTRE,BLOGSPOT.cOM Pace |2 (CHEMistRY IX NOTES METALS & THEIR EXTRACTION ~ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS vatinte choice Questions - [MCQs] om > METALS & THEIR EXTRACTION 1, FeCOsis the formula of a, Magnetite c. —_Limonite 2. Iron ores are found in a. — Attock . Tharparker 3. Formula of limonite is a.V Fe;03.H;0 t Fe,05 4. — Cu,S.CuS.FeS is the formula of a. Malochite cv Bornite 5. Azurite is an ore of a. Chromium A Aluminum YS 6. Copper has been kn sce a.V Bronze age Stone ag 7. Kaolina ORGANIC CHEMISTRY PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGS#@R,COM 1, The branch of chemistry, which deals with the compounds of carbon is called: a. Physical chemistry b. Inorganic chemistry ¢.V Organic chemistry d. Analytical chemistry 2. The first synthetic organic compound is: a. Methane b. Ethane cv Urea d. Acetic acid 3. Which is pure carbon: a. Coaltar b. Coal gas cv Coke d.@) Noneof these 4. Residue left after fractional distillation of coaltars a. Coke b.Viy Matte c Pitch dd) None of these 5. Natural gas mainly consists of: av Methane b. Ethane c. Propane d. Butane 6. __ Fraction of petrofeum containing 10-13 carbons, and its boiling range 150°C-230°C; a. Natural gas b. Gasoline cv Kerosene d. Light oil 7. Fraction of petroleum containing Ca — Cio boiling range is above 400°C, a. Light oil b.v Heavy oil of \Praffin wax 4. Bitumen 8.) The oils that have been carefully purified and decolourized, act as mild laxative are: a. Gasoline b. Kerosene c.v Light oil d. Heavy oil 9. The process in which the octane rating of gasoline can be increased, is called: a. Cracking b. Refining cv Reforming d. isomerism PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 1 (CHemustay IX NOTES ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ~ IMIULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. A series of compounds, in which each member differs from the preceding one by a ‘constant ratio of (>CH,) methylene group, is called: a. Monologous series b.V_ Homologous series ¢. — Isomerism d. None of these Isomerism in which the compounds possess the same molecular formula but different arrangement of carbon atoms in the hydracarbon Chain is called: a.V_ Chain isomerism b. Functional isomerism c. Position isomerism d.— Metamerism A process that breaks large molecules into smaller one, is called: a. Refining b. Reforming eV Cracking d. None of these Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen elementts, are called: a. carbohydrates b.v Hydrocarbons c. — Halides d. Noneof these ‘The hydrocarbons which contain one or more double.or triple bonds, are called: a. Saturated hydrocarbons b. Vp Unsaturated hydrocarbons c. Paraffin d.) Halogens The first member of alkene a. Methane b. Ethane cv Ethene d. Ethyne ‘The hydrocarbons in‘which carbon atoms are arranged in rings, are called: a. Aliphatic b. Aromatic cv Alicyclic d. None of these The quality ofpetrol is measured by: a. Cfackinig b. Reforming c.v¥ (Octane number d. Decane number ‘General formula for alkan BV "CyHanee b. CHa, C7 CHa d. CyHonet ‘The first member of Alkyne series is: a. Methane b. Ethane ¢ Ethene div Acetylene PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace | 2 (CHenistry IX NOTES ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ~ IMIULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 20. The number of isomers in butane is: a. 1 b.v c. 3 d. 2 4 21, An atom or group of atoms present in a molecule and is responsible for chemical behaviour is called: a. Alkyl group b. — Alkenyl group ¢.¥ Functional group d. Aryl group 22. —_Iso-butane possesses: a. Position isomerism b. Functional isomerism c. Metamerism d.V Chain isomerism 23. Preparation of ethane from ethyl Alcohol is an example of: a.V_ Dehydration b. Hydration ¢. _Dehalogenation d. — Hal6genation 24. The Hydrocarbons which possess double bond in their molecules are called: a. Alkanes b.V)) Alkenes c. — Allkynes d.)_. Paratfins 25. The alkanes are also called: a. Olefins Bev Alkynes c. — Paraffins d.— Acetylenes 26, Which is the functional groupiof alcohols: aX b. = -COOH c -OH dv >C-O 27. Which of the following molecules is alkane: a Gs b. Cotto «GH dv CHa 28. Methane islalso know af) Oilgas b. Kerosene &. (Gasoline d.v_ Marsh gas ‘29. Range of carbon atoms per molecule for gasoline or petrol: aV Cs=Gio bo G=G c. Cy -C18 dC — Cao, 30. Range of carbon atoms per molecule forkerosene oil is: a Co-Cap bv Cy-Ge ¢. C5-Cs d. q-G, PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Pace |3

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