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How to use capital budgeting

to make investment decisions
Published on October 25, 2022
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Ramish Kamal Syed

28 articles
SEO Content Writer

Investment is all about identifying the right place to put your money in.
Unfortunately, you can’t time travel and learn which ventures succeed.
So you’ll never truly know whether an investment decision was right
until after you make it and see what happens. That said, you don’t have
to shoot in the dark and hope you land a bullseye. Instead, you can
make a reasonably informed choice on whether an investment is likely
worth it via financial analysis, specifically capital budgeting.

What is capital budgeting?

Capital is the money invested in a business as equity or debt. It’s a

scarce but invaluable resource. So managers carefully choose what
activity or sector to invest capital in. Their goal is to maximize business
firms and create value for the company. Page 1 of 18
(1) How to use capital budgeting to make investment decisions | LinkedIn 26/10/2022, 3:40 PM

Capital budgeting is the process of selecting which areas to invest

capital in. Naturally, Capital budgeting is a vital business activity.

The most useful function of capital budgeting is as an analytical tool.

You can apply it to a company’s asset, department, project, or an entire
firm. It objectively reveals how well an entity manages their finances.

Specifically, a capital budget is used to evaluate the quality of a firm’s

financial leadership. A financially intelligent firm will invest capital in
areas with high returns, while an ineffective one will squander money
on useless projects.

Why is capital budgeting important?

The alternative to capital budgeting is intuition. A manager thinks that

investing in a project ‘just feels right' in the absence of statistics or
objective information. An intuition-led approach is unreliable and a
recipe for disaster.

A single manager’s intuition may prove accurate in some cases. But

without a systematic and data-led approach, a firm will leave their
future to chance. Apart from sabotaging their performance, not using
capital budgeting will also likely lead to a company losing investment

Investors give you their money because they expect a return. The Page 2 of 18
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modern investor is a data-savvy individual who’s extremely concerned

with how his money is spent. Naturally, they want to ensure they invest
in companies that are least likely to spend their capital on activities
with low to no returns.

Failure to capital budget is a massive red flag. It’s evidence that your
company can’t be trusted with money. And so potential investors won’t
give it to you, and they’ll be right not to. After all, how can they trust
your intuition over solid financial planning?

How does capital budgeting work?

The important concept for capital budgeting is the concept of the time
value of money. The time value of money states that money has a time
value because it provides a return via interest when invested in a
successful enterprise.

For example, $1.00 in today’s money would be worth $1.10 next year if
invested at 10% today. $1.00 is the money’s present value, and $1.10 is
its nominal future value.

But the value of money isn’t constant over time.

The effect of inflation Page 3 of 18
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Inflation actively decreases money’s value. $1.10 next year may only
be worth $1.05 in today’s money. The real value of money is defined by
its purchasing power, not its nominal value.

So we need to use a present value/discounted cash flow analysis. This

means that we’ll adjust the money in our analysis to a fixed point in
time, say today.

Let’s say inflation hits 5%. So $1.00 next year is worth only $0.95 in
today’s money. Going back to our above example. That means at 5%,
$1.00 invested today at a 10% interest rate yields a nominal return of
$1.10 and a real return of $1.05.

You’ll use a present value/discounted cash flow analysis to analyze an

investment opportunity.

Investors consider the time value of money when deciding whether to

invest in a business. To win over an investor, your company doesn’t
just need to give investors more money in the future than they gave you

You have to give investors more money in the future than they gave
you today in today’s money.

The concept of Net Present Value (NPV)

Net Present Value(NPV) is the time value of money calculation used in Page 4 of 18
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Capital Budgeting. NPV is the future cash flow expressed in today’s

money minus the initial investment in today’s money. It expresses the
expected future profit in today’s money.

A project is profitable when its NPV is greater than 0. A positive NPV

means that a project will return more money in the future, in terms of
today’s money, than the money needed to invest in the project.

Conversely, a negative NPV means a project is unprofitable. A negative

NPV means that a project will lose value. An NPV below 0 means a
project either earned more nominal cash than was invested in it but
couldn’t outcompete inflation OR the project earned less nominal,
hence less real, income than the investment.

How do I make a capital budget?

Let’s say we have a company ‘ABC’ that wants to capital budget for a
truck they want to buy. ABC’s goal is to buy the truck, use it for 4 years
to make deliveries, then sell it.

ABC also assumes that their weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
is 16%.

They’ll follow the following 6-step approach to create a capital budget

to decide whether to buy the truck. Page 5 of 18
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Step 1: Find the total amount of the investment

Total investment is the money needed for all aspects of a project.

ABC needs the following investment for their truck:

Purchase price: $50,000

Sales Tax: $3,500

Vehicle Registration Cost: $1,500

Total Capital Investment: $55,000

Step 2: Determine the net cash flows

Net cash flow refers to the real returns of an asset, NOT its nominal
returns. The standard way to approach a net cash flow is with an
income statement projection.

ABC has the following 4-year projection, assuming no taxes.

Cash Flows Page 6 of 18
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Step 3: Find the residual/terminal value of the asset

There’s a finite number of future cash flows in capital budgeting.

Meaning the asset will eventually stop providing cash flows. In ABC’s
case, they intend to sell the truck after 5 years. At that point, the truck
will stop providing cash flow.

The residual value of an asset is what the company obtains in exchange

for selling that asset. Therefore the residual value of ABC’s truck is
what they can sell their truck for after 5 years. The truck’s residual
value is $0 if ABC assumes they can’t sell the truck and have to scrap it

If ABC chose not to sell their truck, their asset will have a terminal
value. The terminal value of an asset beyond its projection date. It’s Page 7 of 18
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assumed that the asset performs at the same return indefinitely at the
level it was in the last year of its projection.

Put simply, the terminal value of ABC’s truck would be $212,000.

That’s the return ABC’s truck is assumed to provide indefinitely.

Step 4: Calculate annual cash flows

ABC will calculate their cash flows by using the values obtained in
steps 1 to 3. The cash outflows will be negative values, while the
inflows are positive values.

ABC will calculate their annual cash flow by summing the cash flow
value of each period. Notice that the $0 residual value shows that ABC
expects to scrap their truck at the end of 4 years. Page 8 of 18
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Step 5: Calculate the Net present value (NPV)

NPV is the sum of each year’s cash flow in present value. They’ll
calculate it with the following formula:

Net Present Value = $14,667

Since the NPV is positive, ABC concludes they probably should invest
in the truck. The $14,667 NPV means the company will earn the
equivalent of $14,667 in today’s money in 4 years. Hence, the truck is a
good investment. Page 9 of 18
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Step 6: Perform a sensitivity analysis

A positive NPV doesn't guarantee a company should invest in a project.

Remember, NPV is calculated using projections, not real values. It's
impossible to know the future real value of a truck. We can only
estimate it. The truck's positive NPV value only holds true if the
projections are accurate.

There are many ways their projections might be wrong. For example,
what if the truck actually costs more than $55,000 because of an
increase in taxes? What if the truck costs more to operate than
expected? And what if the truck breaks down and has to be scrapped
before the expected 4 years?

All these scenarios are possible. And each one dramatically alters the
truck's NPV. Businesses have to test their projections for these
possibilities. They achieve that with a sensitivity analysis.

A sensitivity analysis involves systematically changing all the variables

in a calculation, like operating expenses, capital investment, and
discount rate, to see how that impacts the truck's NPV.

The following table shows an example sensitivity analysis in which

ABC assumes a higher capital investment cost with all other variables
held constant. Page 10 of 18
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Notice that the truck’s NPV remains positive until a 120% base
projection. This means that ABC shouldn’t invest in the truck if its
capital investment needs more than $66,000. Similarly, ABC will
systematically alter the other variables to determine how safe the
investment is if their projections prove wrong.

Analyzing these scenarios helps ABC’s executives better define the risk
of buying the truck. They’ll likely invest in the truck if their
calculations reveal a consistently positive NPV in the different
scenarios. They may decide it’s a bad investment if the truck’s NPV
decreases too drastically under different scenarios.

NPV limitations Page 11 of 18
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NPV only determines whether a project provides enough return to

repay its capital cost. It does not provide the return on the investment,
which is the internal rate on return(IRR).

ABC’s truck’s IRR is the accounting return they directly receive from
their truck.

What are the applications of capital budgeting?

You can use capital budgeting to analyze any investment from buying a
truck to mortgaging a house and starting a new business.

Here are two other examples of capital budgeting in action:

1. Acquiring a Portfolio of Assets

Let's say John wants to acquire a portfolio of assets consisting of

existing commercial real estate from a lender. He could calculate the
portfolio's NPV using the portfolio's cash flow and return rate.

He could also apply sensitive training to further clarify his investment's

risk and establish whether it's justified. This information lets him better
understand whether the investment is worth it.

He could also better negotiate with the lender using this information.

2. Starting a new business Page 12 of 18
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Let's say Sarah is an entrepreneur who wants to know whether she

should open a new Caribbean restaurant in her city. Food tastes aside,
she can use capital budgeting to estimate her returns.

The following is her capital budgeting analysis. Since she expects the
business to operate after the 4-year projection, she uses a terminal value
in her analysis.

Discount rate = 20%

Net Present Value = $758,102

Further applying a sensitivity analysis would reveal that her restaurant’s

NPV is positive until her capital investment exceeds $2.75 with all
other factors held constant.

Meaning, she should open this business unless the capital costs exceed
$2.75 million.

How can I make an accurate capital budget? Page 13 of 18
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Capital budgeting can be complicated. The analysis makes a lot of

assumptions about future values that could be totally off the mark.
Even the world's financial experts can't produce 100% accurate capital
budgets. You should follow the following rules and conventions to
improve the accuracy of your capital budget.

1. Understand the importance of accuracy

An accurate projected cash flow is the most important part of capital

budgeting. For accuracy, you want to account for all cash flow sources,
like changes in working capital, accounts receivables, and inventory.
Your residual or terminal values should also be meaningful.

You want a seasoned financial professional to use accurate and detailed

information to prepare a capital budget for you. Even getting just one
variable wrong could drastically alter the accuracy of your capital
budgeting. The result is a potentially disastrous business decision.

2. Use detailed information

By far, the most common reason for inaccurate capital budgets is not
using detailed information. Let's say a company, A, wants to purchase
another company, B. They make a capital budget to evaluate whether to
buy company B. Page 14 of 18
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But company A only uses company B's target projected income

statement as their only operating cash flows. And company A uses
company B's net income, Not their cash value. Lastly, company A
ignores how changes in working capital impact company B's cash

Lastly, they don't create a meaningful residual value. The result is that
company A seriously undervalued company B. Company B is still
valued enough that they want it. So company A makes an offer far
below company B's value and is rejected.

3. Don’t overestimate the residual or terminal values

Imagine that an entrepreneur, Sam, is capital budgeting for his new

business. He mistakenly attributes a high residual value to his company
by assuming his company's value would markedly rise after going

His incorrect residual value provides him a positive NPV, suggesting he

should start this business. In reality, a realistic residual value would
provide him with a negative NPV.

Since he’s assumed an inaccurately high residual value, which has led
to a positive NPV, Sam opens a business that he probably shouldn’t. Page 15 of 18
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Final Thoughts

To recap, capital budgeting is a financial analytical tool. It’s used for

everything from deciding whether a company should buy a new truck
to whether you should start a new business. The idea behind capital
budgeting is to predict whether a business activity will generate more
value in the future, in today’s money, than it costs today.

Published by
Ramish Kamal Syed 28 articles
SEO Content Writer
Published • 22h

This is my detailed guide on how to use capital budgeting to get new assets, start new
businesses, or evaluate whether you should make any other capital-intensive investment.

It's part of my new set of finance and investment articles.

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