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1st Quarterly Assessment in MAPEH VI


Identify the following notes and rests. Choose your answer inside the parenthesis and underline it.

1. (Whole rest, Whole note) 6. (Whole rest, Whole note)

2. (Half note, Half rest) 7. (Half note, Half rest)

3. (Quarter note, Quarter rest) 8. (Quarter note, Quarter rest)

4. (Eight rest, Eight note) 9. (Eight rest, Eight note)

(Sixteen note, Sixteen Rest) 10. (Sixteen note, Sixteen Rest)


Draw a happy face if the statement is true and a sad face if it is false.

_______11. A logo design has to be interesting and unique.

_______12. A logo has no meaning.

_______13. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses.

_______14. Making Art designs like logo making has no elements to be considered.

_______15. Logos must be easier to see and remember.

Choose the letter of the correct answer and wrote it on the space provided before each number.

_______16. When did Philippine comic art start in the country?

A. Circa 1940 B. Circa 1950 C. Circa 1960 D. Circa 1970

_______17. Who started comic art in the Philippines?

A. Carlos Francisco
B. Fernando Amorsolo
C. Carlo Caparas
D. Antonio Velasquez
_____3. How did Philippine comic art start in the country?
A. By being inspired with the work of Tony Velasquez.
B. By copying the works of American writers.
C. Through other foreign illustrators.
D. Through the works of Fernando Amorsolo.
_____4. Who is Tony Velasquez’s famous cartoon character?
A. Bentoy
B. Bantay
C. Kenkoy
D. Dantoy



Task: Help Omar by suggesting the appropriate personal management skills he needs
to demonstrate to prevent health issues and concerns. Find the options below and write
only the letter of your answer on the blank before each item.
_____1. He doesn’t want to have bad breath, cavities, and gingivitis.
_____2. Neither he wants to become obese nor wasted or very thin.
_____3. He wants to have good posture so he can project poise.
_____4. Omar doesn’t want to have any foul or stinky smell or odor on his body.
_____5. He desires to come to school on time, fresh, and alert during class discussions.

A. Eat only enough and with the right kind of nutrition.

B. Take a bath daily, use germicidal soap and shampoo, and apply deodorant if possible.
C. Sleep on time at night at least 8-10 hours.
D. Sit, stand, and walk properly and straightly.
E. Brush your teeth 3 times a day or every after meal.

Directions: Read each statement that explains the importance of health appraisal
procedures. Write T on the blank line if the statement it true and F if false.

____1. Health appraisal is a series of procedure to assess or determine the health condition of the
____2. It is not necessary to undergo vision test regularly to identify children with visual impairment or
eye condition.
____3. Hearing test is part of an ear exam that test how well a person is able to hear.
____4. A simple screening test cannot detect potential problem or unevenness of the spinal column.
____5. Height and weight is being monitored during puberty to know the growth of a child and also to
get to its BMI to describe the body’s condition

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