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Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

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Research Paper

Thermal properties of harzburgite and dunite at 0.8–3 GPa and 300–823 K

and implications for the thermal evolution of Tibet
Jianhua Ge a, b, Baohua Zhang a, *, Zili Xiong a, b, Lanfang He c, Heping Li a
Key Laboratory for High-Temperature and High-Pressure Study of the Earth’s Interior, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China


Keywords: Thermal diffusivity (D) and thermal conductivity (κ) of harzburgite and dunite from Luobusha ophiolite were
Thermal diffusivity simultaneously measured up to 3 GPa and 823 K using the transient plane-source method in a multi anvil
Thermal conductivity apparatus. The results show that the values of D and κ of both samples systematically decrease with increasing
temperature and increase with increasing pressure. By combination of the thermal physical data of rocks and
Thermal evolution
minerals and geophysical constraints, we performed numerical simulation on the thermal evolution of Tibet vary
Tibet over depth, distance and geologic ages. The present results provide new constraints on occurrence of partial
melting and its geophysical significance beneath Tibetan crust.

1. Introduction pressure data to deep Earth may be problematic because of significant

pressure derivate of the thermal properties (e.g., Hofmeister, 2007).
The understanding of heat transport processes in the Earth interior However, the thermal transport properties of harzburgite and dunite
requires the knowledge of thermal properties of minerals and rocks. from the Luobusha ophiolite have never been investigated so far, which is
Thermal parameters (thermal diffusivity D and thermal conductivity κ) of vital for correctly inferring the thermal state of southern Tibet, as well as
rocks vary with temperature, pressure and composition (Clauser and the origin of these podiform chromites.
Huenges, 1995; Hofmeister et al., 2007, 2014). Therefore, precise In this study, we report simultaneous measurements on the thermal
determination of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of transport properties of serpentinized harzburgite and dunite as a function
minerals and rocks at relevant conditions would provide critical insight of temperature (up to 823 K) and pressure (up to 3 GPa). The present
into the temperature evolution and dynamics of subducting slabs. results show that the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of
Harzburgite and dunite are the most important rock types known in these two rocks decrease with increasing temperature up to 823 K, while
the upper lithospheric mantle, especially for the Luobusha ophiolite in a positive pressure effect is observed. In addition to reporting measure-
southern Tibet (Yang et al., 2007; Yamamoto et al., 2009; Xu et al., ments of thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of harzburgite and
2011). In the past half century, systematic exploration and studies have dunite, our aim is to apply the data in an uncertainty analysis of thermal
been carried out on the Luobusha ophiolite since the discovery of the lithosphere models. By varying the values of input parameters (D, κ, heat
largest reservoir of chromite in China in 1956 (Zhang et al., 1996). Most production and boundary condition values), we model the thermal evo-
of the studies have focused on the mineralogy, lithology, economic ge- lution of Tibet in calculated temperature and geological time.
ology, tectonics; and the origin of these podiform chromites (e.g., Zhang
et al., 1996; Yang et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2015). Up to 2. Geological setting
date, only Gibert et al. (2003) and Pertermann and Hofmeister (2006)
measured the thermal diffusivity of Harzburgite and dunite under The Luobusha ophiolite outcrops in the eastern part of the Yarlung
ambient pressure. It is worth noting that extrapolation of atmospheric Zangbo suture zone between India and Asia, which locates about 200 km

* Corresponding author. Key Laboratory for High-Temperature and High-Pressure Study of the Earth’s Interior, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China.
E-mail address: (B. Zhang).
Peer-review under responsibility of China University of Geosciences (Beijing).
Received 10 August 2019; Received in revised form 18 November 2019; Accepted 2 January 2020
Available online 3 February 2020
1674-9871/© 2020 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

Fig. 1. Schematic tectonic map of study area and surrounding areas, hexagrams showing the sampling site. The inset shows the three blocks and two suture zone that
separate the three blocks.

east-southeast of Lhasa in southern Tibet where it extends east-west such as orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel, brucite and magnetite. The
along the Yarlung Zangbo River for ~40 km and ranges from 0.7 to 4 major elements of each sample were determined by X-ray fluorescence
km in width (Yamamoto et al., 2009, Fig. 1). Based on available outcrop (XRF) spectrometry (Table 1). The accelerating potential and beam cur-
observations and drill-core results, the major lithotypes within the Luo- rent used were 20 kV and 22 nA, respectively.
busha ophiolite consists mainly of mantle peridotite and dunite with Samples without visible cracks were prepared for the thermal prop-
sparse mafic cumulates. At the base is a thin melange zone containing erty measurement as disks of ~6 mm diameter and ~1 mm thickness.
dismembered volcanic rocks and chert in a serpentinite matrix (Yang The sample surfaces were lapped parallel, and polished first with sand-
et al., 2007; Yamamoto et al., 2009). The mantle peridotite consists paper and then with 1 μm diamond powder to minimize contact resis-
chiefly of harzburgite and clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgite with minor tance. Samples were cleaned in acetone and ethanol using an ultrasonic
lherzolite and dunite, whereas the cumulate rocks include wehrlite, py- cleaner and dried in a vacuum oven at 473 K for 24 h to remove any
roxenite, dunite and gabbro (Fig. 1). Although the origin of Luobusha possible absorbed water before assembling.
ophiolite formation remains controversial (Huot et al., 2002; Yamamoto
et al., 2009; Xiong et al., 2015), geochronological studies suggest that the 3.2. Thermal property measurement and data analysis
ophiolite underwent a two-stage development, starting with formation at
a mid-ocean ridge at 177  33 Ma (Zhou et al., 2002), followed by Thermal properties of harzburgite and dunite under high temperature
modification in a suprasubduction zone environment at ~126 Ma and high pressure were measured on YJ-3000t multi-anvil apparatus in
(Malpas et al., 2003). This explanation is also supported by mineralogical Institute of Geochemistry, CAS. The cell design for the thermal property
and geochemical observations (Xu et al., 2011; Li et al., 2012). measurement is essentially the same as that in our previous study (Fu
et al., 2019). Three thin disks of nearly identical double polished speci-
3. Experimental methods mens were piled at the center of the pyrophyllite cubic pressure medium
(Fig. 3). A K-type thermocouple and an impulse heater were set on each
3.1. Sample preparation and characterization interface between two disks, respectively. The pressure was calibrated
via the phase transition of Bi (2.54 GPa at room temperature) and melting
The two natural samples investigated (Table 1) include one harz- of halide (high temperature). The uncertainties of pressure estimation
burgite and one dunite, which were collected from the Luobusha and temperature measurement with a K-type (NiCr–NiAl) thermocouple
ophiolite in southern Tibet (Fig. 1). These two samples appear dark grey are ~0.1 GPa and less than 0.5 K, respectively.
to black, medium-to-coarse grained, and no crack is observed. The Measurements were performed at 0.8–3.0 GPa and 300–823 K by
mineralogical composition of the samples was determined by careful employing the transient plane-source method (Dzhavadov, 1975; Osako
examination of thin sections by point counting. Microphotographs indi- et al., 2004). The present pressure and temperature conditions were
cate that these harzburgite and dunite samples underwent high degree of within the stability of serpentine (Ulmer and Trommsdorff, 1995) to
metamorphism (Fig. 2), which contain a large number of serpentine ensure that serpentine does not decompose during thermal property
(10%–20%) veins, olivine (70%–80%) and small amounts of constituents measurements. The samples were compressed in a stepwise fashion with

Table 1
Major chemical compositions of the rocks (wt.%).
SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Cr2O3 BaO SO3 SrO LOI Total

Harzburgite 40.64 0.02 1.56 8.74 0.12 38.0 1.82 0.20 0.01 <0.01 0.41 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 8.58 100.17
Dunite 35.11 <0.01 0.18 8.00 0.10 40.5 0.05 0.13 <0.01 <0.01 0.29 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 15.46 99.88

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

temperature and the fitting errors of A and B. Sample geometry during

compression and heating was corrected based on the equation of state of
olivine (Liu et al., 2005) and harzburgite (Arafin et al., 2008) with the
assumption of isotropic contraction of the rock sample. The temperature
disturbance across the sample associated with the pulse heating is ~3 K
with 10 W pulse power. Thus, the effect of temperature heterogeneity on
measured results is negligible in our assembly. Consequently, the total
experimental uncertainties in Eq. (2) mainly derived from temperature
and sample geometry was estimated to be less than 5% in this study.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Harzburgite

The temperature dependence of the D and κ of the harzburgite are

shown in Fig. 4a and b, respectively, at various pressures. All raw data on
D and κ measured under high temperature and high pressure conditions
are given in Table 2. At a given pressure, a decreasing, concave-up
relationship between the present obtained D and κ and temperature
can be fitted by the following empirical function forms:

D(T) ¼ a0 þ a1/T þ a2/T2 (3)

κ(T) ¼ b0 þ b1/T þ b2/T (4)

where T is the absolute temperature, and fitting results for coefficients a0,
a1, a2, b0, b1 and b2 are summarized in Table 3. It is worth noting that
both D and κ systematically decrease with increasing temperature, but
increases with increasing pressure.
Fig. 4c and d shows the pressure dependence of D and κ of the ser-
pentinized harzburgite measured at different temperatures. At constant
temperature, both D and κ increase with increasing pressure, which is
consistent with the Debye theory that suggests that D or κ should increase
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of harzburgite and dunite under cross-polarized light. with pressure for most geomaterials (Hofmeister, 2007). Thus, variation
Ol, olivine; Serp, serpentine; Opx, orthopyroxene.
of D and κ with pressure can be linearly fitted to the following empirical
a press load, and the temperature was changed in 50 or 100 K steps. At
DðPÞ ¼ D0 þ c  P (5)
least three repeated measurements for each temperature were performed
to check the reproducibility. When the impulse heater heats the sample
κðPÞ ¼ κ0 þ d  P (6)
(Fig. 3), thermal perturbation can be detected by the thermocouple at
each temperature step. The temperature disturbance ΔT at the position of
where the fitting coefficients D0, c, κ 0, and d are given in Table 3. With the
the thermocouple is expressed as:
temperature increasing from 300 K to 823 K, the calculated pressure
! coefficients (c and d) for D and κ of serpentinized harzburgite are in range
1 nπ nπ d   2  
ΔT ¼ A sin sin exp  n2
Bt exp n Bτ  1 : t > τ (1) of 0.354–0.439 mm2 s-1GPa-1 and 0.189–0.217 W m-1K-1GPa-1,
n2 3 h respectively.

where t is the time from the start of pulse heating, τ is the duration (s) of
impulse heating, d is the distance (m) between the impulse heater and the
thermocouple, and h is the total height of three sample discs (m). The
quantities A and B are defined as follows:

2Qh π2 D
A¼ ; B¼ (2)
π 2 κS h2

where Q is the power (W) of the impulse heating, S is the area of the
impulse heater (m2), κ is the thermal conductivity (Wm-1K-1), and D is the
thermal diffusivity (mm2s-1). Eq. (1) is derived under the boundary
condition of constant temperature at the both sample ends (Dzhavadov,
1975). Given the rapid converge of series (1) for ΔT, summation up to n
¼ 10 yields sufficiently accurate value for the present experimental setup
(Osako et al., 2004; Yoneda et al., 2009).
Once the parameters A and B in Eq. (2) are determined through the
least square fitting of experimental data to Eq. (1), both the thermal
conductivity (κ) and the thermal diffusivity (D) can be calculated from
Eq. (2) if other necessary parameters are available. Obviously, the ac-
curacy of the experimental results on D and κ mainly comes from the Fig. 3. Cross section of the sample assembly and the top views of thermocouple
uncertainty of sample thickness h, heating area S, pulse heating power Q, and impulse heater.

J. Ge et al.
Table 2
Thermal diffusivity D and thermal conductivity κ of harzburgite and dunite as a function of temperature and pressure.

0.8 GPa 1.5 GPa 2 GPa 2.5 GPa 3 GPa

T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1)

300 1.177(15) 2.957(34) 300 1.330(15) 3.152(31) 300 1.459(11) 3.374 (18) 300 1.567(9) 3.580(11) 300 1.649(18) 3.801(21)
323 1.106(10) 2.875(23) 323 1.288(13) 3.017(28) 323 1.386(10) 3.117(16) 323 1.495(7) 3.421(10) 323 1.559(14) 3.647(17)
373 1.060(9) 2.720(21) 373 1.227(8) 2.853(16) 373 1.331(8) 3.013(15) 373 1.458(7) 3.227(9) 373 1.518(12) 3.358(14)
423 1.014(7) 2.538(16) 423 1.184(7) 2.741(14) 423 1.286(9) 2.923(18) 423 1.387(7) 3.065(9) 423 1.447(11) 3.278(15)
473 0.966(7) 2.430(17) 473 1.156(6) 2.653(13) 473 1.260(8) 2.843(15) 473 1.339(6) 2.940(9) 473 1.420(11) 3.180(15)
523 0.932(7) 2.362(16) 523 1.114(9) 2.598(13) 523 1.254(9) 2.745(18) 523 1.318(7) 2.841(8) 523 1.335(11) 2.966(15)
573 0.902(12) 2.310(28) 573 1.094(4) 2.550(11) 573 1.172(5) 2.678(10) 573 1.277(7) 2.759(9) 573 1.319(7) 2.980(11)
623 0.880(13) 2.257(29) 623 1.041(5) 2.398(12) 623 1.150(5) 2.610(11) 623 1.235(8) 2.677(12) 623 1.296(7) 2.867(11)
673 0.823(6) 2.190(17) 673 1.017(5) 2.455(15) 673 1.105(6) 2.557(15) 673 1.230(8) 2.625(12) 673 1.263(8) 2.790(13)
723 0.796(6) 2.185(20) 723 0.999(6) 2.338(16) 723 1.101(8) 2.504(17) 723 1.210(10) 2.567(14) 723 1.238(9) 2.714(14)
773 0.784(7) 2.233(23) 773 0.974(7) 2.317(18) 773 1.122(7) 2.464(16) 773 1.194(10) 2.524(15) 773 1.256(10) 2.750(15)

823 0.777(9) 2.163(18) 823 0.944(10) 2.325(31) 823 1.094(7) 2.429(16) 823 1.182(11) 2.536(18) 823 1.243(11) 2.623(17)


0.8 GPa 1.5 GPa 2 GPa 2.5 GPa 3 GPa

T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1) T (K) D (mm2s-1) κ (Wm-1 K-1)

300 0.999(42) 2.634(37) 300 1.058(45) 3.025(17) 300 1.153(05) 3.145(15) 300 1.231(78) 3.271(12) 300 1.338(89) 3.326(13)
323 0.953(01) 2.591(35) 323 1.020(55) 2.900(19) 323 1.137(37) 3.040(15) 323 1.207(06) 3.187(13) 323 1.297(04) 3.274(14)
373 0.904(45) 2.463(27) 373 0.963(29) 2.768(25) 373 1.098(21) 2.920(16) 373 1.179(96) 3.110(17) 373 1.235(48) 3.178(14)
423 0.850(47) 2.381(26) 423 0.921(89) 2.635(36) 423 1.057(08) 2.817(18) 423 1.148(56) 2.973(21) 423 1.197(93) 3.117(18)
473 0.811(37) 2.349(52) 473 0.888(66) 2.553(39) 473 1.045(97) 2.772(23) 473 1.109(98) 2.872(24) 473 1.162(41) 2.932(21)
523 0.795(22) 2.300(66) 523 0.870(73) 2.488(44) 523 1.007(55) 2.667(28) 523 1.072(75) 2.845(27) 523 1.130(08) 2.970(21)
573 0.768(62) 2.274(48) 573 0.850(39) 2.435(38) 573 0.982(61) 2.612(22) 573 1.043(90) 2.745(22) 573 1.107(41) 2.827(18)
623 0.754(57) 2.247(27) 623 0.834(44) 2.393(30) 623 0.970(62) 2.553(24) 623 1.024(92) 2.593(23) 623 1.079(46) 2.706(17)
673 0.740(13) 2.235(40) 673 0.828(83) 3.363(33) 673 0.947(60) 2.502(25) 673 1.003(98) 2.621(22) 673 1.055(44) 2.715(20)
723 0.739(75) 2.214(36) 723 0.830(55) 2.329(32) 723 0.938(48) 2.451(26) 723 0.982(56) 2.566(26) 723 1.030(21) 2.608(20)
773 0.723(22) 2.202(23) 773 0.818(59) 2.309(34) 773 0.925(27) 2.420(27) 773 0.971(03) 2.531(27) 773 1.014(97) 2.622(22)
823 0.715(22) 2.215(32) 823 0.810(71) 2.298(28) 823 0.912(45) 2.373(28) 823 0.956(68) 2.526(31) 823 0.999(27) 2.609(23)

Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

Table 3
Coefficients of fitting parameters for thermal diffusivity (D) and thermal conductivity (κ) as functions of temperature and pressure.
D(T) ¼ a0 þ a1/T þa2/T2 κ(T) ¼ b0 þ b1/T þ b2/T2
2 -1 2 -1 2 -1 2 2
a0 (mm s ) a1 (mm s  K) a2 (mm s  K ) R b0 (Wm-1 K-1) b1 (Wm-1) b2 (Wm-1K) R2

Harzburgite at 0.8 GPa 0.432 (48) 313.496 (46) -28627 (10408) 0.991 1.929 (112) 114.440 (108) 60458 (24131) 0.986
Harzburgite at 1.5 GPa 0.601 (35) 334.547 (34) -35746 (7643) 0.994 1.856 (118) 364.276 (114) 5386 (25364) 0.987
Harzburgite at 2.0 GPa 0.843 (77) 211.581 (75) -9577 (16715) 0.972 1.916 (144) 442.189 (140) -8139 (31077) 0.983
Harzburgite at 2.5 GPa 0.945 (39) 196.637 (38) -3928.714 (8447) 0.993 1.975 (54) 411.672 (52) 20044 (11715) 0.998
Harzburgite at 3.0 GPa 1.021 (65) 161.222 (63) 7031 (14133) 0.984 2.049 (156) 493.038 (151) 7804 (33456) 0.988
Dunite at 0.8 GPa 0.622 (18) 56.420 (17) 16918 (3861) 0.997 2.087 (31) 41.915 (30) 37252 (6856) 0.997
Dunite at 1.5 GPa 0.767 (13) 6.900 (12) 24240 (2863) 0.998 2.074 (20) 120.542 (20) 49561 (4442) 1
Dunite at 2.0 GPa 0.698 (17) 197.573 (17) -18237 (3768) 0.997 1.780 (48) 550.181 (66) -44001 (10452) 0.997
Dunite at 2.5 GPa 0.655 (17) 285.158 (16) -33902 (3724) 0.998 1.807 (116) 635.054 (112) -59290 (24888) 0.987
Dunite at 3.0 GPa 0.746 (21) 231.293 (20) -16802 (4543) 0.997 1.826 (149) 701.371 (144) -73114 (32050) 0.978

D(P) ¼ D0 þ cP κ(P) ¼ κ 0 þ dP

D0 (mm2 s-1) c (mm2 s-1 GPa-1) R2 κ0 (Wm-1 K-1) d (Wm-1 K-1 GPa-1) R2

Harzburgite at 300 K 1.007 (17) 0.206 (28) 0.995 2.613 (42) 0.387 (20) 0.992
Harzburgite at 323 K 0.960 (28) 0.207 (13) 0.988 2.527 (102) 0.349 (48) 0.945
Harzburgite at 373 K 0.901 (25) 0.213 (12) 0.990 2.446 (50) 0.299 (23) 0.981
Harzburgite at 423 K 0.873 (27) 0.199 (13) 0.987 2.256 (27) 0.333 (13) 0.995
Harzburgite at 473 K 0.829 (32) 0.203 (15) 0.983 2.159 (43) 0.332 (20) 0.994
Harzburgite at 523 K 0.819 (63) 0.189 (30) 0.929 2.177 (37) 0.267 (18) 0.993
Harzburgite at 573 K 0.780 (40) 0.190 (19) 0.970 2.088 (46) 0.288 (22) 0.991
Harzburgite at 623 K 0.745 (28) 0.191 (13) 0.986 2.035 (48) 0.269 (22) 0.979
Harzburgite at 673 K 0.687 (43) 0.204 (20) 0.970 2.013 (55) 0.260 (26) 0.970
Harzburgite at 723 K 0.667 (51) 0.205 (24) 0.959 1.996 (30) 0.237 (14) 0.990
Harzburgite at 773 K 0.639 (48) 0.217 (22) 0.968 2.002 (73) 0.233 (34) 0.938
Harzburgite at 823 K 0.621 (38) 0.217 (18) 0.979 2.010 (10) 0.207 (4) 0.998
Dunite at 300 K 0.850 (40) 0.156 (14) 0.974 2.457 (98) 0.321 (46) 0.940
Dunite at 323 K 0.807 (24) 0.160 (11) 0.984 2.392 (62) 0.309 (29) 0.973
Dunite at 373 K 0.759 (34) 0.161 (16) 0.970 2.239 (63) 0.330(30) 0.976
Dunite at 423 K 0.702 (33) 0.169 (16) 0.973 2.125 (21) 0.336 (10) 0.997
Dunite at 473 K 0.669 (39) 0.170 (19) 0.964 2.153 (65) 0.277 (31) 0.964
Dunite at 523 K 0.659 (31) 0.160 (14) 0.975 2.040 (23) 0.313 (11) 0.996
Dunite at 573 K 0.635 (27) 0.160 (13) 0.980 2.064 (33) 0.262 (16) 0.989
Dunite at 623 K 0.628 (31) 0.155 (15) 0.972 2.091 (36) 0.208 (17) 0.979
Dunite at 673 K 0.622 (25) 0.149 (12) 0.980 2.046 (19) 0.224 (9) 0.995
Dunite at 723 K 0.637 (25) 0.136 (11) 0.977 2.061 (30) 0.190 (14) 0.983
Dunite at 773 K 0.622 (26) 0.136 (12) 0.976 2.033 (16) 0.195 (8) 0.995
Dunite at 823 K 0.618 (25) 0.132 (12) 0.976 2.039 (40) 0.186 (19) 0.962

Fig. 4. Effects of temperature and pressure on thermal properties of harzburgite.

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

Fig. 5. Effects of temperature and pressure on thermal properties of dunite.

Fig. 6. Comparison of our result with previous research of the similar rocks or the constituent minerals. The data without pressure marks are obtained under ambient
pressure or extrapolated to ambient pressure.

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

Fig. 8. The thermal conductivity of serpentinized harzburgite and olivine

with depth.

obtained in the present experiment and Xu et al. (2004). Gibert et al.

(2003) investigated the influence of temperature, pressure and defor-
mation fabric on the D of upper mantle rocks including lherzolite,
harzburgite and dunite. Their results showed that the D of lherzolite is
almost the same as that measured by Miao et al. (2014), and also the D of
harzburgite is consistent with that obtained in this study. On the other
hand, in order to examine the effect of serpentinization on thermal
properties of harzburgite and dunite investigated in the present study,
the D and κ of serpentine measured by Petrunin and Popov (1995) and
Osako et al. (2010) were also depicted in Fig. 6. Compared with other
upper mantle minerals or rocks, serpentine has relatively lower D and κ.
The D and κ of harzburgite and dunite measured in this study are basi-
cally lower than that of olivine or rocks mainly composed of olivine, but
higher than that of serpentine. This observation suggests that the ser-
pentinization of rocks would lead to a reduction of D and κ to a consid-
erable extent.
Due to the limitation of experimental technology on thermal transport
property measurement, except for the present experiments and Osako
et al. (2004, 2010), few studies have simultaneously measured D and κ of
Fig. 7. The illustration of numerical model, (a) represents the model at 10 Ma; harzburgite and dunite under high temperature and pressure. In general,
(b) represents the model at 20 Ma; (c) represents the model at 30 Ma. The cut the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity is calculated
line denotes the line along which the temperature distributions are compared. through the relation κ ¼ ρDCP, where ρ is the density and CP is the specific
heat capacity. As shown in Fig. 6b, the averaged κ of olivine single crystal
(Osako et al., 2004) are higher than those of olivine aggregates (Xu et al.,
4.2. Dunite 2004) and those of lherzolite (Miao et al., 2014), as well as harzburgite
and dunite reported in this study. Similar to temperature dependence of
Very similar to the trends observed in harzburgite, Fig. 5 shows the D, the κ of serpentine is the lowest in Fig. 6b, except for the results of
effects of temperature and pressure on D and κ of serpentinized dunite. Osako et al. (2010).
The temperature and pressure dependence of D and κ of dunite were also The pressure dependence of D and κ of harzburgite and dunite
fitted by Eqs. (3) and (4) and Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively. We should measured here in comparison with previous data are shown in Fig. 6c and
note that the calculated pressure derivative for D and κ of dunite are in d. The averaged D and κ from three crystallographic axes for olivine
range of 0.132–0.170 mm2 s-1GPa-1 and 0.683–0.719 W m-1K-1GPa-1, single crystal (Osako et al., 2004) is evidently higher than that of poly-
respectively. These values are distinctly smaller or larger than those of crystalline olivine measured by Xu et al. (2004). The D and κ of serpen-
observed D or κ in serpentinized harzburgite (Table 3). tine (Osako et al., 2010) are almost independent from the pressure at
room temperature. Our results on pressure dependence of D and κ of
4.3. Comparison with previous data harzburgite and dunite lie between those of olivine (Osako et al., 2004)
and serpentine (Osako et al., 2010). However, the average pressure de-
Pertermann and Hofmeister (2006) measured the D of dunite at rivatives of D or κ of harzburgite and dunite at 300 K are 0.206 mm2
ambient pressure and temperature up to 1773 K by laser-flash method. s1GPa1 and 0.156 mm2 s1GPa1 or 0.387 W m1K1GPa1 and 0.321
They found that the D of dunite is largely controlled by olivine, especially W m1K1GPa1, respectively, which are larger than those of olivine
dominated by [010] orientation. Pertermann and Hofmeister’s data are (Osako et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2004) and serpentine (Osako et al., 2010).
very close to those averaged from three crystallographic axes for olivine This discrepancy may be derived from the different porosity and crack
single crystal reported by Osako et al. (2004), but higher than those between the present study and other investigations. In the previous

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

Table 4
Parameters for modeling.
Serpentinized slab Primitive slab and mantle (approximated as olivine)
-1 - 2
Thermal conductivity (Wm K κ(P, T) ¼ (1.8154þ70.22217/Tþ1816.62438/T )(1þ0. 131P) κ(P, T)a ¼ (2.15þ977.82/Tþ91591/T2)(1þ0.044P)
Heat capacity (Jkg-1K-1) CP(T)b ¼ 130.21þ60017.45T(0.5)4.68108T(-2)þ7.711010T(-3) (273 CP(T)c ¼ (233180–180.16T(-0.5)26.7941010T(-3))/
K–800 K) 140.7
CP(T) ¼ 1415 (800 K–1800 K)
Density (kg/m3) 2700 3300
The temperature dependence is from Hofmeiser et al. (2007), pressure derivative is evaluated from that of olivine (Osako et al., 2004).
Evaluated from Osako et al. (2010) and modified according to Berman et al. (1996).
From McKenzie et al. (2005).

studies (Osako et al., 2004, 2010; Xu et al., 2004), their samples are revealed that the evolution of the Tibetan plateau involves subduction of
sintered pure olivine or natural serpentine specimens with minimum Indian lithosphere, thickening of Tibetan crust and eastern extrusion of
initial porosity and crack so that the pressure dependence of D or κ is Tibetan lithosphere, and extended sub-horizontally (at the depth about
relatively small. In contrast, the porosity and crack for serpentinized 200 km) over a distance of 500 km north of the Greater Himalaya (Li
harzburgite and dunite are larger in this study compared to previous et al., 2008).
works (Fig. 2). At low pressure, the thermal diffusivity and thermal In order to better understand the thermal evolution of Tibet, we
conductivity of serpentinized harzburgite and dunite are lower than conducted quantitative simulations of how temperature evolved beneath
those of olivine, while the D or κ increase with increasing pressure due to southern and central Tibet on the basis of the thermal properties of rocks
the reduction of the porosity and crack during thermal property measured in this study and geophysical constraints, using a well-verified
measurement. finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics. To describe the dynamics of
the most prominent case of active continental collision, we make several
simplifications: we consider a model along two-dimensional, vertical
4.4. Implications for the thermal evolution of Tibet cross-section in the direction of convergence with the origin located at
the surface near the Main Central Thrust where it dips (20 ) northward
Since temperature plays a critical role in determining the strength of beneath the Greater Himalaya (Wang et al., 2013; Fig. 7). The onset time
the lithosphere (McKenzie et al., 2005), it is a key to understanding the of collision was assumed to be 50 Ma and the convergence velocity is
dynamics of continental collision. The processes controlling the tem- about 10 mm/yr (Hebert et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013). The crust of the
perature structure beneath Tibet are poorly understood. Geological and Tibetan plateau is considered to be doubly thickened crust by continental
seismic observations (e.g., Royden et al., 2008; Hung et al., 2011) have

Fig. 9. (a, b, c) The temperature of slabs without serpentinized harzburgite; (d, e, f) the temperature of slabs with serpentinized harzburgite; (a, d, g) the temperature
at 10 Ma; (b, e, h) the temperature at 20 Ma; (c, f, i) the temperature at 30 Ma. (g, h, i) the contrast of temperature distribution between serpentinized subduction slab
and primitive subduction slab.

J. Ge et al. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) 947–956

collision, which is assumed to be 70 km thickness with 35 km upper crust interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
and 35 km lower crust. The surface temperature of Tibet was fixed at 273 the work reported in this paper.
K, the right boundary has no heat flux across it and the lower boundary is
considered to be adiabatic, which is set far from the area of interest to Acknowledgments
avoid any numerical artifacts. The major components of crust and mantle
of Tibet are considered to be granite and olivine, respectively. In addi- This study was supported by Key Research Program of Frontier Sci-
tion, if considering the stability of serpentine (Rupke et al., 2004; Renard, ences of CAS (ZDBS-LY-DQC015), National Natural Science Foundation
2013) and the effect of serpentinization on thermal evolution, we of China (Nos. 41973056, 41773056, 41303048) and Science Founda-
assumed that ophiolite (serpentinized harzburgite) is the major rock in tion of Guizhou Province (2017-1196, 2018-1176).
the topmost 20 km thickness of the subducted slab. The radioactive heat The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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