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Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins: A Case

Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017 in Northern Kyushu, Japan

Article in Journal of Disaster Research · October 2018

DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p0860


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3 authors, including:

Shakti P. C. Tsuyoshi Nakatani

National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience


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P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.


Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River

Basins: A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan
Shakti P. C.† , Tsuyoshi Nakatani, and Ryohei Misumi
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, Japan

Corresponding author, E-mail:
[Received April 11, 2018; accepted August 28, 2018]

The heavy rainfall event that occurred on 5–6 July are triggered mainly by heavy rainfall, they are also in-
2017 in Northern Kyushu, Japan, caused extensive fluenced by other phenomena such as land-use patterns
flooding across several mountainous river basins and and human activities on river floodplains. Therefore, in-
resulted in fatalities and extensive damage to infras- creases in the scale and frequency of floods can be at-
tructure along those rivers. For the periods before tributed to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Of
and during the extreme event, there are no hydrolog- these factors, flooding that results from heavy rainfall
ical observations for many of the flooded river basins, is recognized around the world as an important issue.
most of which are small and located in mountainous Several projections and analyses of precipitation patterns
regions. We used the Gridded Surface Subsurface Hy- have reported that the frequency of heavy rainfall events
drologic Analysis (GSSHA) model, a physically based may increase in the future [1–6]. Hence, flooding caused
model, to acquire more detailed information about the by heavy rainfall is emerging as a major issue in many
hydrological processes in the flood-affected ungauged countries around the world. Analyses of historical flood
mountain basins. We calibrated the GSSHA model us- data and studies of more recent flood events in Japan [6–
ing data from an adjacent gauged river basin, and then 9], indicate that large areas of the country have frequently
applied it to several small ungauged basins without been affected by floods caused by heavy rain. Further-
changing the parameters of the model. We simulated more, projections from existing data under a changing
the gridded flow and generated a map of the possible climate indicate that heavy rainfall events and associated
maximum flood depth across the basins. By compar- floods may increase in the future in Japan [6–10]. There-
ing the extent of flood-affected areas from the model fore, it is necessary to develop methods for estimating the
with data of the Japanese Geospatial Information Au- extent of flooding caused by extreme events over a range
thority (GSI), we found that the maximum flood in- of scales and across all types of river basins [6, 8, 9–11].
undation areas of the river networks estimated by the In Japan, flood events in small to medium mountain-
GSSHA model are sometimes less than those estimated ous river basins in recent years have resulted in signifi-
by the GSI, as the influence of landslides and erosion cant loss of life and damage to infrastructure. For exam-
was not considered in the modeling. The model accu- ple, torrential rain on 11 September 2000 caused flooding
racy could be improved by taking these factors into in the Tokai region of Japan, which necessitated the evac-
account, although this task would be challenging. The uation of about 58,000 persons and resulted in damage
results indicated that simulations of flood inundation to 65,000 houses [12]; additionally, on 13 July 2004, a
in ungauged mountain river basins could contribute major flood disaster occurred in Niigata prefecture as a
to disaster management during extreme rain events. result of heavy rainfall and resulted in several deaths and
tremendous damage to agricultural and urban areas [13].
A heavy rainfall event in July 2012 caused severe flooding
Keywords: extreme rain, flood inundation, hydrologic in many small river basins throughout Northern Kyushu
modeling, ungauged basin, GSSHA and resulted in extensive damage to agricultural lands and
several houses [14], while extreme rainfall over the Kanto
region in 2015 caused heavy flooding across the Kinu-
1. Introduction gawa river basin with loss of life and property [15]. In
general, the above-mentioned flood disasters had marked
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people world- differences from one another in terms of their flood char-
wide are affected by flooding, which is one of the most acteristics. More recently, on 5–6 July 2017, heavy flood-
common water-related disasters. Flooding threatens hu- ing in many river basins in Northern Kyushu caused sig-
man life and infrastructure in both large and small river nificant loss of life and property damage [16, 17]. The
basins and their surrounding areas [1]. While flood events event was characterized by serious flooding in many small

860 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan

Fig. 1. Aerial photograph of the flooded river basins in Northern Kyushu during the July 2017 event. The areas affected by floods
and landslides are indicated in pink and yellow, respectively [26]. River basin boundaries are shown in black lines and red points
indicate the river basin outlets.

river basins in the mountainous region. Forecasts of heavy ungauged river basin, where observational data are not
rainfall, the likelihood of flooding, stream flow, and prob- available, is a formidable challenge. This lack of data
able inundation areas are routinely issued by government also means that hydrological models are generally ap-
agencies, municipalities, and other related organizations. plied to gauged river basins rather than ungauged river
However, because there are no streamflow data for many basins. Due to these factors, the analysis of flood events
of the small mountainous river basins in Japan – known in ungauged river basins remains a challenge. P. C.
as ungauged river basins – it takes considerably more ef- et al. [16] used the Hydrological Engineering Center-
fort to predict and estimate water-related disasters in such Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) to simulate
areas. the discharge at the outlet of an ungauged river basin for
Many previous studies have used various hydrologi- the extreme rainfall event in Northern Kyushu during the
cal models and methods to predict discharge in ungauged period 5–6 July 2017. Because the HEC-HMS model can
river basins. Kojima et al. [18] proposed a distributed only be used to simulate the discharge at the outlet of
hydrological model for flood prediction in the ungauged a river basin or sub-river basin, the extent of inundation
basins of Japan, and concluded that the model could be was not simulated. Serious flooding was recorded in sev-
useful. Sun et al. [19] simulated discharge at the out- eral mountainous river basins in Northern Kyushu during
let of a large ungauged river basin and compared the re- an extreme weather event in July 2017 (Fig. 1). Because
sults with remote sensing data; this method is particu- there were no hydrological records or monitoring before
larly suited to large river basins. Yamanaka and Ma [20] or during the extreme event, there is no data in regard to
have proposed a novel approach for predicting runoff for hydrological processes, such as the maximum flood depth,
poorly gauged river basins using the Tank model; how- flood inundation area across the river, and time to flood
ever, this approach is less reliable for determining peak peak.
runoff. The simulated results of these studies were ver- Hydrological modeling is a powerful hydrological pro-
ified with a period of observed data, although the study cess analysis technique that can contribute to the mitiga-
areas were based on different types of ungauged river tion of water-related disasters in many ways. However,
basins [18–20]. Obtaining reliable simulated data from hydrological models have generally been designed for cal-

Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018 861

P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

culating river discharge at the basin or sub-basin level dur- in the following sections.
ing specific time intervals, rather than the calculation of Hydrological data from other models, similar basins,
flood inundation. If we want to acquire a detailed under- or post-event survey data for flood events could be use-
standing of flood processes, it is necessary to carry out ful when assessing or discussing simulated results. The
more advanced hydrological modeling in river basins that Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has pre-
are affected by floods. In fact, in such cases, flood inun- pared maps of the areas affected by floods [26] in many
dation analysis may be the only appropriate option to in- rivers in Northern Kyushu after extreme events (Fig. 1).
tegrate information in regard flood disaster risks [7]. Sim- While this mapped information is important for manage-
ulating flood inundation at a high resolution for small un- ment purposes, it could also be used to cross-check the
gauged river basins is quite challenging. There are several results from hydrological simulations.
flood inundation models available, however they often re- In this study, we used simulated discharge data from an
quire discharge or water-level boundary conditions. In ad- earlier study [16], an advanced physically distributed hy-
dition, many studies have focused on large river basins drological model, and GSI data for the areas affected by
and long-term simulations, rather than the analysis of sin- floods in ungauged river basins to examine the flood inun-
gle events, and have therefore generated output data with dation in small ungauged river basins in northern Kyushu.
coarse temporal resolutions [1, 8, 19, 21]. Additionally, We believe that the results will be useful for planners,
it has been recommended that grid-cell based distributed engineers, and other interested parties. Moreover, if the
hydrological model could be very useful for flood predic- model gives reasonable results for the ungauged river
tion in ungauged river basins [18]. In response to these basins in this study, the findings may provide a useful ref-
issues, we used the physically distributed Gridded Sur- erence for assessing floods in other river basins during fu-
face Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model in ture extreme events.
the present study for the inundation analysis of small un-
gauged river basins, which can simulate the rainfall-runoff
and flood inundation processes simultaneously at the river 2. Hydrological Model
basin scale. Previous studies have also suggested that the
GSSHA model can be applied to single events [22–25]. In this study, we used the Gridded Surface Subsurface
The usefulness of the GSSHA model has been recog- Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model developed by the
nized in several countries around the world. For exam- United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) [22].
ple, the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the This is a two-dimensional, physically based, distributed-
USA has listed the GSSHA among hydrological models parameter, structured grid, hydrological model that sim-
that could be relevant for flood hazard studies or mapping ulates the hydrological response of a watershed to given
efforts. However, previous studies have not yet consid- hydro-meteorological inputs. The model has been used
ered the application of the model to severe flood events in a variety of analyses and engineering studies [23, 27]
in small ungauged river basins using weather radar rain- and is particularly useful for predicting hydrological re-
fall data with high spatial and temporal resolution as in- sponses during extreme storm events [22–25]. Major
put. The selected ungauged mountainous river basins are components of the model include precipitation distribu-
very small in size, ranging from about 2.5 to 21 km2 . On tion, precipitation interception, infiltration, surface-water
the other hand, weather radar rainfall data are available retention, surface runoff routing, channel flow routing,
at a high spatial and temporal resolution for this extreme groundwater flow, and overland flow. The model solves
event, which can be used as input into hydrological mod- transport equations using finite difference and finite vol-
els. We believe that the flood inundation analysis of small ume techniques, and it uses 2D diffusive-wave overland
ungauged mountainous river basins in northern Kyushu flow routing and 1D diffusive-wave channel routing.
during the extreme rain event of 5–6 July 2017 using the The U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station consid-
GSSHA model can produce a realistic, high-resolution ered this model to be promising and therefore fully incor-
scenario. If the model results are reliable, the model might porated it into the Watershed Modeling System (WMS).
then be used to estimate the flooding inundation of entire The GSSHA model can use gridded rainfall data at any
ungauged river basins in other regions, thereby providing time interval. The output hydrological parameters can
a sound basis for estimating future extreme events in dif- also be calculated at each node or link of the river net-
ferent regions. Therefore, this study has implications as a works within a watershed. Because topography and wa-
potential key reference for conducting hydrological simu- tershed information are important for the rainfall-runoff
lations of small river basins anywhere in the world. simulation model, we used 10 m DEM data downloaded
To verify the model results, we followed the method from the GSI website for our simulations; we used
adopted by P. C. et al [16]. First, we establish and val- the Green-Ampt parameters, surface roughness, channel
idated the GSSHA model for the gauged river basin and roughness, and initial soil moisture at the grid cell level.
applied this model to the ungauged basins without chang- We defined and smoothed the river channels to give reg-
ing the parameters of the model. For this method to be ular slope profiles that could be used in the 1D channel
successful, the basins shared similar physiographic and model. The whole basin was then divided into 10 m
topographical characteristics. A description of the model grid cells to generate the 2D grid. We generated in-
calibration process for the gauged river basin will be given dex maps for surface roughness and soil moisture prop-

862 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan

erties from information on global land-use and soil data

for the watershed. We defined the source of precipita-
tion data in the model as radar rainfall, after which the
model was ready for the simulation. We used WMS to
set up the model. Comprehensive information about the
GSSHA model can be found on the GSSHA wiki website

3. Rainfall Data
Rainfall data are a key input parameter for hydrolog-
ical modeling. While rainfall data collected from rain
gauges have traditionally been used as inputs for hydro- Fig. 2. 48 h accumulated rainfall over Northern Kyushu
logical modelling, it is generally accepted that the qual- from XRAIN for the period from 0000 UTC 5 July 2017 to
ity of the modeling results can be improved with the use 0000 UTC 7 July 2017. The black circle and number indi-
of high temporal and spatial resolution gridded rainfall cates the 48 h accumulated rainfall data from AMeDAS.
data [28]. However, the spatial and temporal resolution
of gridded rainfall data available worldwide varies con-
siderably. In Japan, rainfall data at high spatial and tem- least for this event. The high spatial and temporal reso-
poral resolution from weather radar observations are now lution radar rainfall data from XRAIN were therefore im-
used in hydrological modeling for research and opera- portant for this study and were the key parameter in the
tional purposes, although there have been concerns about flood inundation analysis.
the performance and accuracy of the model, especially for
heavy rainfall. Estimated radar rainfall data for the whole
country are available from various sources; for example, 4. River Basin (RB) Profile
the Japanese Meteorological Agency provides estimated
radar rainfall data for the entire country at a spatial reso- Multiple river basins were flooded during the extreme
lution of 1 km and a temporal resolution of 5 min. The event of 5–6 July 2017 (Fig. 1). The five river basins
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism selected for this study are small and variable in shape.
provides estimated radar rainfall at spatial and tempo- All of the river basins received high amounts of rainfall
ral resolutions of 0.25 km and 1 min, respectively, for (Fig. 2). The rivers from these basins merge into the
most parts of the country, known as the X-band polari- Chikugo River, which is the longest river in the Kyushu
metric radar network (XRAIN). Various researchers have Region and flows through the prefectures of Kumamoto,
reported that the accuracy and reliability of the XRAIN Oita, Fukuoka, and Saga. The outlets of selected river
data are consistent with the ground truth data, especially basins were fixed around the Oita expressway, which is
over flat areas [15, 29], but that the estimates for rainfall close to the Chikugo River. We generated the basin pro-
over some complex mountainous regions may be less ac- files of the rivers from the 10 m DEM data. We could
curate because of partial beam blockage [15, 29]. How- only find local names for many of the rivers in the five
ever, beam blockage is not considered to be an issue in river basins, particularly for the small river basins; conse-
Kyushu because there are several radar observation net- quently, we used abbreviations for the river basins (RB),
works in the study area. For these reasons, we did not namely RB 1, RB 2, RB 3, RB 4, and RB 5 (Fig. 3).
check or compare the quality of the radar rainfall data in Each RB is briefly described in the following sections.
this study. While high-resolution rainfall data are impor-
tant for hydrological simulations, they have rarely been
used in previous studies [28]. 4.1. RB 1 Profile
In this study, we used XRAIN radar rainfall data for the RB 1, which covers an area of about 21 km2 , is the
period from 0000 UTC 4 July to 0000 UTC 7 July 2017 as largest of the five basins. It lies in a mountainous region
input for the hydrological model. The 48 h accumulated and its main channel is known as the Akatani River. The
rainfall over northern Kyushu (Fig. 2) showed consider- topography of the basin varies greatly, and the elevation
able spatial variation in the rainfall distribution within the ranges from about 45 to 690 m a.s.l. Most of the basin is
selected river basins. A rain gauge close to Asakura that covered with forest, with small areas of paddy fields and
belongs to the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisi- settlements [16]. The flow of the main river and its tribu-
tion System (AMeDAS) received about 600 mm over the taries is from north to south across the entire basin. There
48 h period (Fig. 2), which was similar to value from was extensive flooding in RB 1 during the extreme event
the radar rainfall data. Unfortunately, there were no rain of 5–6 July 2017 [30], and aerial photographs of the basin
gauge measurements from the AMeDAS network for the before and after the flooding have been reported previ-
ungauged river basins, which means that it may be diffi- ously [16]. The XRAIN data showed an average rainfall
cult to capture variation in the distribution of rainfall, at amount of 552 mm in RB 1 between 0000 UTC 4 July

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P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

4.5. RB 5 Profile
RB 5 covers an area of only 2.6 km2 and contains just
one channel, the Naragatani River. The basin is covered
by forest with small areas of paddy fields and settlements.
The elevation ranges from 44 to 514 m a.s.l. (Fig. 3) and
the basin received an average rainfall amount of 672 mm
during the study period. The rainfall was uniformly high
across most of RB 5.

5. Results and Discussion

In this section, we will briefly discuss the results of the
simulation based on the GSHHA model. The GSSHA
model has only recently started to be used in Japan, there-
Fig. 3. Topographic variation in the selected river basins fore the essential reference information for setting up
(abbreviated basin names are shown) in northern Kyushu.
and validating the model was collected from a variety of
The areas affected by floods and landslides are indicated by
pink and gray, respectively [26]. The red points indicate the
sources. The model set-up was based on a gridded ap-
outlet points of the river basins. proach. In accordance with other studies, we used the
WMS software because it provided a custom interface that
offered a simple way to set the model parameters, as well
as a graphical user interface to run the model and visu-
and 0000 UTC 7 July 2017. The upper reaches of RB 1 alize the results [23–24, 27]. We hope that the results of
received more rainfall than the lower part (Fig. 2). our simulation will form the basis for an improved un-
derstanding of the hydrological processes in similar small
and ungauged river basins during extreme events.
4.2. RB 2 Profile Rainfall data are a key input for hydrological model-
ing and are particularly important for modeling extreme
RB 2 is smaller than RB 1, and covers an area of about events. The severe flooding analyzed in this study oc-
3.7 km2 . The Shirakitani River is the main stream in curred in the period 5–6 July 2017. Therefore, to ensure
RB 2. The basin is mostly covered with forest (Fig. 1), that the simulation was stable, the timeframe of the out-
with only small areas of paddy fields and settlements. The put was fixed from 0000 UTC 04 July to 0000 UTC 07
elevation of the basin ranges from about 44 to 588 m a.s.l. July. Furthermore, we used XRAIN radar rainfall data
(Fig. 3) and the average rainfall amount in the basin dur- with a 5 min timestep. When running the model, we used
ing the period of interest was 534 mm. Similar to RB 1, a 60 sec timestep for hydrological simulations and out-
RB 2 received more rainfall in the upper reaches than in putted the simulated data every 10 min to ensure that the
the lower reaches (Fig. 2). level and flow of the water in each grid of the river basins
were consistent.

4.3. RB 3 Profile
5.1. Model Calibration
RB 3, located between RB 2 and RB 4, covers an area
of 2.4 km2 and is dominated by forest, with only small ar- There was no hydrological observation data available
eas of paddy fields and settlements (Fig. 1). The elevation for the selected river basins either before or during the
ranges from 63 to 531 m a.s.l. and the Sougu River is the extreme rain event. P. C. et al. [16] previously calibrated
only stream in this basin (Fig. 3). An average 593 mm of the model parameters in a nearby river basin when setting
rainfall fell on the basin during the study period, although up the HEC-HMS hydrological model. They then used
with marked spatial variations (Fig. 2). the calibrated model for the simulations of the ungauged
river basin (RB 1). We applied the methodology used in
this study [16] to set up and calibrate the GSSHA model.
Additionally, we employed the land-use profiles dis-
4.4. RB 4 Profile
cussed by P. C. et al. [16]. The land-use profiles indi-
RB 4 covers about 6.8 km2 , making it larger than RB 2 cated that the selected river basins were mostly covered
and RB 3. The main channel in RB 4 is the Kita River and by forest, with only small areas occupied by agriculture
the basin is mostly covered with forest, with only small ar- (Fig. 1). We could have opted to use more detailed in-
eas of paddy fields and settlements. The elevation ranges formation of land use, but we aimed to generalize the
from 28 to 514 m a.s.l. (Fig. 3) and the basin received an model’s parameters over forest land (the dominant land
average 623 mm of rainfall during the study period. The use in the river basins), during an extreme event. Since we
rainfall was higher in the upper reaches than in the lower considered only a single extreme event, it is unlikely that
reaches of the basin (Fig. 2). the simulations would be strongly influenced by adopt-

864 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan

Fig. 4. Comparison of estimated and simulated discharges using the GSSHA model at the outlet of the Hikosan River Basin for the
5–6 July 2017 event.

ing a uniform land use, therefore we assumed that land and 23.70 m3 /s, respectively. These values show that,
use was uniform. We first established the model over based on the optimized parameters for the Hikosan River
the Hikosan River Basin [16]. As river basins we se- Basin, the results for the selected river basins were reli-
lected were small, we chose a grid size of 10 m to con- able (Fig. 3).
struct the GSSHA model. As with most watershed mod- The GSSHA model was then applied to the ungauged
els, GSSHA overland flow models are generally driven river basins separately using the reference parameters for
by precipitation. Furthermore, there are some parameters RB 1. We compared the results of the GSSHA model
in each method that can be optimized for a given basin. at the point where the discharge was previously simu-
We assigned roughness values of 0.028 to the stream area lated at the outlet of RB 1 using the HEC-HMS [16], and
because it is a natural channel with a significant amount found that they were closely related (Fig. 5). The dis-
of coarse sediment and minimal meandering. We used charge modeled by the HEC-HMS and GSSHA reached
the Green-Ampt parameter for soil moisture redistribution their maximum at 329 and 319 m3 /s at 12:00 UTC on 5
for the infiltration process. We routed the overland flow July 2017. Additionally, we observed peaks in the dis-
with the 2D diffusive wave equation based on the ADE charge of 280 and 299 m3 /s at 09:40 UTC on 5 July 2017,
method. The XRAIN data were spatially and temporally respectively. Overall, the results from both models for the
distributed across the watershed using the inverse distance RB 1 outlet were similar for the extreme event that took
weighted (IDW) interpolation method, at spatial and tem- place during the period 5–6 of July 2017, even though a
poral resolutions of 250 m and 5 min, respectively. The uniform land-use profile was used in the GSSHA model
GSSHA model was automatically calibrated to account and a variable land-use profile was used in the HEC-HMS
for the hourly stream flow using the Secant Levenberg- model [16]. Therefore, these results suggest, that the land-
Marquardt (SLM) method within fixed ranges for the pa- use profile was not an important factor in modelling this
rameters. extreme event.
After the model was prepared, we ran an automatic cal-
ibration routine for the Hikosan River Basin. We fixed
the roughness and initial moisture at 0.25 and 0.30, re- 5.2. Simulation of Stream Flow
spectively. The parameters that represented the infiltration There are no reference values against which to com-
process, namely the hydraulic conductivity, the capillary pare the modeled results obtained for basins RB 2 through
head, the porosity, the pore distribution index, the residual RB 5. The simulated discharge profile at the outlet of
saturation, the field capacity, and the wilting point, were each river basin is shown in Fig. 6 (also visible as red cir-
fixed at 0.55 cm/h, 18.62 cm, 0.46 m3 /m3 , 0.25 cm/cm, cles in Fig. 3). The flow rate was extremely unstable and
0.027 m3 /m3 , 0.27 m3 /m3 , and 0.12 m3 /m3 , respectively. changed frequently over time. Overall, there were two
The retention depth was fixed at 1.5 mm. The simu- higher peaks in the hydrograph of approximately 0900
lated and estimated hourly discharges at the outlet of the and 1200 on 5 July 2017 in all river basins. The time dif-
Hikosan River Basin after calibration are compared in ferences between the two peaks at the outlets of RB 1 and
Fig. 4. The values of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, the RB 2 were shorter than for the other river basins. Max-
root mean square (RMS) error, the peak difference, and imum discharges of 299, 57, 50, 89, and 77 m3 /s were
the mean absolute error were 0.89, 52.50 m3 /s, −16.90%, predicted for 1200, 0920, 0920, 0930, and 0830 UTC on 5
July 2017 in RB 1, RB 2, RB 3, RB 4, and RB 5, respec-

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P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

Fig. 5. Time series profile of the average basin rainfall and simulated discharge (GSSHA and HEC-HMS model) at the outlet of RB 1.

Fig. 6. Time series profile of the average basin rainfall and simulated discharge at the outlets of the ungauged river basins (RB 2 to
RB 5).

tively. The time differences between when the discharges the GSSHA model for this study because it provides grid-
peaked in the different basins reflected the different sizes scale information on the spatial distribution of discharge
of the river basins. The average amount of rainfall in the over an entire basin.
basin was highest in RB 5 (672 mm) and lowest in RB 2 Some of the basins in our study contained several river
(534 mm). The HEC-HMS model can only simulate the channels. While most studies only simulate the stream
discharge at the outlet of the river basin, not the discharge flow at the basin outlet, it would be useful to obtain in-
for each grid square in a basin [16]. Therefore, we used formation regarding stream flow at other points along the

866 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan

Fig. 8. Simulated maximum flood inundation depth over the

Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of discharge over the river net- river basins for the event on 5–6 July 2017.
works in the river basins at given times (UTC) on 5 July
to the minor rivers and smaller tributaries. The computa-
tion was performed for each 10 m square grid in each of
main channels or along the tributaries. The spatial dis- the river basins so that we could produce high-resolution
tribution of the discharge for the entire river network for inundation maps. It would have been useful to have some
each 10 m grid cell during the peak flow at the outlets of observation data of the maximum flood depths during the
each basin is shown in Fig. 7. The time selected to ana- flooding event in order to validate the simulated inunda-
lyze the spatial distribution of the stream flow was fixed tion depth, however it is difficult to obtain observation
based on peak flow at the basin outlet. Maximum peak data for these river basins. Furthermore, as discussed be-
flow occurred at different times at the basin outlets on 5 low, it is difficult to observe the inundation depths along
July 2017. the river channels because of the debris from heavy land-
slides and erosion.

5.3. Flood Inundation over the Basins

5.4. Relationship Between Modeled and Mapped
The estimation of river discharge, water depth, and the
inundation area are the primary information used in many (GSI) Flood-Affected Area
water-related hazard studies. Therefore, simulations of A GSI map of the flood-affected area was compiled
flood inundation areas have been emphasized in flood from orthogonal images and survey data collected after
disaster mitigation [7, 21, 31]. It should be noted that the extreme rain event, shown in pink in Fig. 8. We
high resolution spatial and temporal radar rainfall data overlaid the GSI map onto the modelled flood inunda-
(XRAIN) were used in the GSSHA model to generate a tion map and found that in most cases, especially around
high-temporal-resolution hydrological simulation, which the lower reaches of the river basin, the two data sets
is important especially in small river basins. Research matched closely. In the upper reaches of each river basin,
suggests that an assessment of the area and depth of pos- the flood-affected area mapped using GSI covered a wider
sible flood inundation in river basins can be an appropri- area along the river channel than the modelled data.
ate means of integrating information about flood disaster To gain more insight into this comparison, it was neces-
risks. In this study, we calculated the maximum inunda- sary to understand how GSI determined the flood-affected
tion depths for each 10 m grid square across the channel area. It is clearly visible that the flood-affected area deter-
network in the study area. There is no observed data for mined by the GIS extends along the major river and into
the flow depth in the study area, therefore it is currently some of the tributaries of the basins, however most tribu-
difficult to validate the results. taries in the basins (including major rivers) were included
This study compiled a flood inundation map in un- in the simulation data. Furthermore, the map showed that
gauged river basins for an extreme event that took place in there were landslides in the upper reaches of each river
the period 5–6 July 2017. The maximum flood depths and basin. The flooded areas were well-defined for the main
the area profiles of the river basins during the rain event rivers in the basins, especially over the lower reaches.
are shown in Fig. 8. The maximum inundation depth var- Areas in the basins that were affected by landslides and
ied considerably within each basin, and maximum inun- erosion (Fig. 1) were not included in the flood simula-
dation depths of 5.5, 2.5, 2.2, 4.4, and 3.1 m were mod- tion model. It should be noted that eroded area and de-
elled for RB 1, RB 2, RB 3, RB 4, and RB 5, respec- bris flow that transported huge amounts of wood along
tively. The inundation areas were observed in the lower the river channels were not delineated in the GSI flood-
reaches of the major rivers of each basin, which extended affected area. The GIS map of the flood-affected was

Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018 867

P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

Fig. 9. Aerial photographs of different parts of the study area after the extreme rainfall event of 5–6 July 2017. (a), (c), (d), and
(f) show the deposition of sediments and wood in the river channel. (b) and (e) show the landslides adjacent to the flood rivers, and
areas of erosion.

prepared mainly using survey data and orthogonal im- near the river channels (Fig. 9). The images show that
ages taken just before and after the flood events. There- the rivers were inundated with huge amounts of debris
fore, there are many uncertainties involved in developing from these landslides and eroded areas. Therefore, the
a map using post-flood aerial photographs and limited sur- flood inundation map produced by the simulation under-
vey data [26]. Therefore, a detailed quantitative compari- estimated the flood-affected area, as demonstrated by GSI
son between the flood-affected areas presented in the GIS map (Fig. 8). It is highly likely the debris flow from land-
map and simulated flood area within the basins was not slides and eroded areas influenced the depth and pathway
included in this study. of the stream flow in river networks during heavy flood-
We examined the flood-affected areas throughout the ing. It is generally accepted that debris flows are major
study area in more detail from post-flood aerial pho- geological hazards; however, their composition is com-
tographs, which show landslides and erosion in differ- monly neglected because it is difficult to assess the me-
ent parts of the river basin (Fig. 9). Numerous land- chanics of the debris [32]. Researchers have modeled
slides, eroded areas, and debris flows that transported debris flow and other related sediment processes, which
huge amounts of wood are visible throughout the basins occur during extreme rain events in watersheds world-

868 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
in Northern Kyushu, Japan

wide [32–34]. They found that the percentage of the basin good agreement throughout the study area (Fig. 2). To-
affected by floods may increase because of the debris flow tal rainfall was highly distributed over the selected small
triggered by landslides and erosion [34]. Moreover, debris river basins. Comparison of time series of instantaneous
flows transporting huge amounts of wood and large rock rain rate from XRAIN and other nearby AMeDAS data in
boulders may intermittently block river channels, which a previous study [16] showed that the XRAIN data were
may also cause sediment-laden flood water to spread into underestimated for some peak events, whereas some de-
the area adjacent to the river channel. As visible in the gree of over estimation occurred in the data from some
GIS map, this is one of the reasons why flood-affected ar- gauging stations. However, the total rainfall amounts
eas were found along the river channels close to landslide were closely comparable. To investigate the quality of
areas in the upper reaches of the river basins and in the XRAIN data, it would be necessary to collect ground truth
lower reaches of the basins (indicated in pink in Fig. 8). rainfall data over the study area. However, because the
In general, the movement of soil particles downstream selected study area is located in a mountainous region.
caused by gravity is included in the sediment transport Due to the unavailability of gauging data from the selected
model, although several landslides, a huge amount of ero- basins, it is difficult to judge the accuracy of these estima-
sion, and wood deposition can be seen in the study area tions, and this is particularly the case for our study area.
(Figs. 1 and 9). Presently, it is quite difficult to incorpo- In this study, we did not analyze the quality of the XRAIN
rate the information about these process into hydrologi- data, and this could be another topic for future research.
cal simulations, including the time when landslides and In Japan, river basins play an important role in the man-
other related phenomena occurred, the amount of sed- agement of water resources and infrastructure. On 5 July
iments deposited in river, particle size distribution, and 2017, an extreme rain event caused severe flooding over
other properties of sediments. Ideally, sediment processes Northern Kyushu, Japan. Most of the rivers in the region
would be considered by the model; however, this is be- were flooded, several people were killed, and infrastruc-
yond the scope of the present study. The flood inundation ture was extensively damaged. The mountainous river
map would most likely change if the flood water in these basins that were subject to flooding are relatively small.
rivers was mixed with huge amounts of sediment. In ad- Most previous studies has focused on large river basins
dition, the flood inundation analyses were based on 10 m and long-term simulations, rather than the analysis of sin-
DEM data. Variations in the topography of a river basin gle events; as such, they have generated output data with
are also important, especially in the lower reaches of a a course temporal resolution. In general, the structure of
basin, as a change in topography can result in differences most hydrological models is not suitable for the consider-
between the ground truth and modeled flood data. The ation of input and output data with a high temporal reso-
hydraulic properties of rivers may also be important but lution. Therefore, the adoption of suitable advanced hy-
were not considered in the model. Bridges and other ar- drological models for small ungauged river basins during
tificial structures along the course of the river (Fig. 9(d)) extreme events would be useful for improving grid-scale
might also change the flood inundation map of the entire information on the spatial distribution of river flow or wa-
river basin. ter level data over an entire basin.
In this study, we applied the GSSHA model, a physi-
cally distributed hydrological model, and high spatial and
6. Summary and Conclusions temporal resolution radar rainfall data to gain an insight
into the extent of flood inundation in ungauged moun-
Extreme rain events cause severe flooding every sum- tainous river basins during extreme events. This study
mer in Japan and it seems that the frequency of such showed that small river basins can produce unexpectedly
events and the associated loss of life and damage to in- high flow or water levels in their networks. An impor-
frastructure have increased in recent years. High-quality, tant part of this study is that we successfully adopted the
near-real-time rainfall data at high spatial and tempo- GSSHA model for a small river basin using XRAIN rain-
ral resolutions are available for all of Japan, and these fall data. It was found that flow rate was extremely un-
high-quality radar rainfall data can be used for hydro- stable and changed frequently over time. The maximum
logical modeling. While radar rainfall data have already peak flows at each grid scale occurred at different times
been used in advanced hydrological modeling applica- on 5 July 2017. Overall, two higher peaks were found
tions, their application has mainly been limited to ma- in the high temporal hydrograph around 0900 and 1200
jor gauged river basins. Progress in advanced hydrolog- on 5 July 2017, in all of the river basins. Additionally,
ical modeling has mostly been restricted to gauged river we demonstrated the possibility of applying a hydrologi-
basins, and previous studies have largely not considered cal model developed in a gauged basin to a neighboring
the numerous ungauged small river basins in mountain- ungauged basin to successfully estimate its hydrological
ous areas for which no hydrological records are available. properties.
Several X-band MP (multi-parameter) radar observa- We adopted the guidelines for modeling ungauged
tions cover the study area, so a composite map was gener- mountainous river basins proposed by P. C. et al. [16]. Be-
ated to estimate rainfall from the XRAIN data. A compar- cause most of the study area was covered with forest, we
ison of total rainfall amounts based on the XRAIN with considered the land use as uniform. We first calibrated the
AMeDAS data from the vicinity to Asakura city shows GSSHA model to reflect a gauged river basin. Following

Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018 869

P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

this, we applied the model to the ungauged river basins of the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) through the
with the parameters optimized for the gauged river basin. National Key Technology, Marine Earth Observation Exploration
We then compared the discharges estimated for RB 1 by System. The authors acknowledge the support of the NIED.
the HEC-HMS and GSSHA models, and found that the Part of this work was supported by Council for Science, Tech-
peak discharge at the basin outlets were slightly overes- nology, and Innovation (CSTI), Cross-ministerial Strategic Inno-
vation Promotion Program (SIP), “Enhancement of Societal Re-
timated by GSSHA model. This finding was similar our
siliency against Natural Disasters” (Funding agency: JST). We
previous study in relation to XRAIN rainfall data [16]. wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for their supportive ad-
The areas of the river basins that we modeled ranged from vice and comments, which enabled us to improve this paper con-
approximately 2.5 to 21 km2 . The total rainfall was dis- siderably.
tributed unevenly throughout individual basins; as such,
we found differences between the times at which maxi-
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Authors are thankful to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, 9–10 September 2015 in the East Kanto region, Japan,” J. Disaster
Transport, and Tourism (MLIT), Japan Meteorological Agency Res., Vol.11, No.5, pp. 1003-1016, 2016.
[16] S. P. C., T. Nakatani, and R. Misumi, “Hydrological simulation of
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publishing and updating the important information and related rainfall event of July 5–6 2017,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.13, No.2,
data sets about the event in their webpages. We thank Dr. Ry- pp. 396-409, 2018.
ohei Kato, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Dis- [17] A report from Disaster Management Agency on damages due
to the heavy rainfall and typhoon, Report No.68 (in Japanese),
aster Prevention Resilience (NIED), Tsukuba, Japan for sharing
the information regarding the hydrological simulation. XRAIN A0%B1%E3%80%916%E6%9C%8830%E6%97%A5%E3%81%
data sets used for this study were provided by MLIT, Japan. The E5%8F%8A%E3%81%B3%E5%8F%B0%E9%A2%A8%EF%
DIAS data set was archived and provided under the framework BC%93%E5%8F%B7%E3%81%AE%E8%A2%AB%E5%AE%

870 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

Analysis of Flood Inundation in Ungauged Mountainous River Basins:
A Case Study of an Extreme Rain Event on 5–6 July 2017
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discharge estimation in ungauged basins: Calibration of rainfall- Associate Research Fellow, National Research
runoff models based on satellite observations of river flow width at Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Re-
basin outlet,” Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., Vol.14, No.10, pp. 2011- silience (NIED)
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Hydro-logic Analysis (GSSHA) User’s Manual, Version 1.43 for 2013- National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
Watershed Modeling System 6.1, System Wide Water Resources
Program,” Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps, Resilience (NIED)
Res. and Dev. Cent., 2016. Selected Publications:
[23] F. L. Ogden, N. R. Pradhan, C. W. Downer, and J. A. Zahner, “Rel- • S. P. C., R. Misumi, T. Nakatani, K. Iwanami, M. Maki, T. Maesaka, and
ative importance of impervious area, drainage density, width func- K. Hirano, “Accuracy of quantitative precipitation estimation using
tion, and subsurface storm drainage on flood runoff from an ur- operational weather radars: a case study of heavy rainfall on 9–10
banized catchment,” Water Resour. Res., Vol.47, No.12, W12503, September 2015 in the East Kanto region, Japan,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.11,
2011. No.5, pp. 1003-1016, 2016.
[24] H. O. Sharif, A. A. Hassan, S. B. Shafique, H. Xie, and J. Zeitler. • S. P. C., “Quantitative precipitation estimation and hydrological
“Hydrologic modeling of an extreme flood in the Guadalupe river modeling in Japan,” J. of Japan Soc. of hydrol. and Water Resour., Vol.30,
in Texas,” J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., Vol.46, No.5, pp. 881-891,
2010. No.1, pp. 6-17, 2017.
• S. P. C., T. Nakatani, and R. Misumi, “Hydrological Simulation of Small
[25] C. W. Downer and F. L. Ogden, “GSSHA: Model To Simulate Di-
verse Stream Flow Producing Processes,” J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol.9, River Basins in Northern Kyushu, Japan, During the Extreme Rainfall
No.3, pp. 161-174, 2004. Event of July 5–6, 2017,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.13, No.2, pp. 396-409,
[26] [accessed December 28, 2017]. 2018.
[27] R. Sith and K. Nadaoka, “Comparison of SWAT and GSSHA for Academic Societies & Scientific Organizations:
high time resolution prediction of stream flow and sediment concen- • Society of hydrology and meteorology Nepal (SOHAM)
tration in a small agricultural watershed,” Hydrology, Vol.4, Vol.2, • Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
Article 27, 2017. • Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources (JSHWR)
[28] S. P. C., “Quantitative precipitation estimation and hydrological
modeling in Japan,” J. of Japan Soc. of hydrol. and Water Resour.,
Vol.30, No.1, pp. 6-17, 2017.
[29] S. P. C., M. Maki, S. Shimizu, T. Maesaka, D.-S. Kim, D.-I. Lee,
and H. Iida, “Correction of reflectivity in the presence of partial
beam blockage over a mountainous region using X-band dual po- Name:
larization radar,” J. Hydrometeor., Vol.14, No.3, pp. 744-764, 2013. Tsuyoshi Nakatani
[30] Activity status for early recovery from the heavy rain
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[31] Y. Kwak, K. Takeuchi, K. Fukami, and J. Magome, “A new
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pp. 70-75, 2012.
[32] T. Takahashi, “A review of Japanese debris flow research,” Int. J.
Eros. Control Eng., Vol.2, No.1, pp. 1-14, 2009. Address:
[33] S. Tjerry, O. Z. Jessen, K. Morishita, and H. G. Enggrob, “Flood 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, Japan
modelling and impact of debris flow in the Madarsoo River, Iran,” Brief Career:
WIT Trans. on Ecology and the Environment, Vol.90, pp. 69-78, 1982- Research Assistant, Gifu University
2006. 1997- Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd.
[34] M. Mergili, W. Fellin, S. M. Moreiras, and J. Stotter, “Simulation 2012- National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
of debris flow in the Central Andes based on Open Source GIS: Resilience (NIED)
possibilities, limitations, and parameter sensitivity,” Nat. Hazards,
Vol.61, No.3, pp. 1051-1081, 2012. Selected Publications:
• “Report of the 1st International Workshop on TOMACS,” TENKI,
Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.61, No.7, pp. 557-564, 2014.
Academic Societies & Scientific Organizations:
• Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
• Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ)
• GIS Association of Japan (GISA)

Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018 871

P. C., S., Nakatani, T., and Misumi, R.

Ryohei Misumi

Head, Storm, Flood and Landslide Research Di-
vision, National Research Institute for Earth Sci-
ence and Disaster Resilience (NIED)

3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, Japan
Brief Career:
1992- National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
Resilience (NIED)
Selected Publications:
• R. Misumi, N. Sakurai, T. Maesaka, S. Suzuki, S. Shimizu, and K.
Iwanami, “Transition process from non-precipitating cumuli to
precipitating convective clouds over mountains: Observation by Ka-band
Doppler radar and stereo photogrammetry,” J. Meteor. Soc. Japan,
Vol.96A, pp. 51-66, 2018.
Academic Societies & Scientific Organizations:
• American Meteorological Society (AMS)
• Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ)
• Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science (JSNDS)

872 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.13 No.5, 2018

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