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Sports & Recreation

Issue & Impact

Jaiisha Mehra


Global Perspectives
* SPORT: A sport is basically an activity that requires physical efforts and skills in which
a person or team competes against each other. Sports can be taken forward as a
currier for people and they can earn a good amount of money from it.
* RECREATION: An activity done as a hobby for fun and leisure.
* Health: A person’s mental and physical state/condition.
* Hygiene: Situations or actions that support good health and illness prevention,
particularly through cleanliness.
* Well-being: When you are comfortable, happy and healthy.

Sports and Recreation is described as activities carried out with the primary focus on human activity, mainly
requiring physical exercise, for relaxation, having a good health and wellbeing, and for enjoyment.

Examples :

* Ball sports - football, rugby, volleyball, basketball, golf, tennis.

* Athletics - running, jumping, throwing, triathlon, decathlon, gymnastics
* Water sports - canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water polo, diving.
* Martial arts - karate, judo, , taekwondo.


A) Improved Cardiovascular Health: Playing sports frequently helps to increase
cardiovascular fitness. It improves the heart health, brings down blood pressure,
and lowers the risk of heart disease.
B) Weight management: Exercise helps you burn calories and keep your weight in
check. This is crucial for reducing obesity and diseases like diabetes that are
related to it.
C) Bone and Muscular health: Sports encourage the development of strong muscles
and bones, which benefits muscular and bone health. Particularly weight-bearing
activities can boost bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis.
D) Improved Flexibility and Balance: Flexibility and balance are essential for many
sports, which can help prevent injuries and enhance general athletic ability.


* Injuries: Sports-related accidents can result in injuries, which can range in severity from
minor sprains and strains to more serious conditions including fractures, dislocations,
and concussions. Repetitive activities without enough rest might lead to overuse injuries
like tendinitis or stress fractures.
* Concussions: Sports that involve contact, like football, rugby, and hockey, run the risk of
concussions. The health of the brain may suffer long-term effects from frequent
* Heat-Related Illnesses: Sports participation in high temperatures might result in heat-
related disorders including heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Both dehydration and
excessive heat can be dangerous and even fatal.
* Overtraining: When athletes overtrain without getting enough rest and recovery,
overtraining syndrome can develop. Fatigue, poor performance, and a higher risk of
injury are some symptoms.
* Eating Disorders: Sports with weight classes or other aesthetic standards, in particular,
can have an impact on the development of eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.
Athletes could experience pressure to keep up a certain body weight or composition.
* Burnout: Burnout is defined by physical and emotional tiredness, a loss of drive, and a
lack of enthusiasm in athletics. It can be brought on by intense training and competition
* Performance-Enhancing Substances: In order to obtain a competitive edge, some
athletes may turn to the use of performance-enhancing substances (such as steroids and
stimulants), which can have detrimental effects on their health.
* Psychological Stress: The pressure to perform well in sports, particularly among elite
athletes, can result in psychological stress, anxiety, and despair.
* Social Isolation: For some people, excessive sports participation can cause social
isolation since they prioritize sports and training over social relationships.
* Financial Burden: Choosing a professional sports career may be expensive, and many
sportsmen wind up in debt or with unstable finances following their careers.
* Sports with repetitive motions, like tennis or running, can cause orthopedic problems
like tendinitis, cartilage damage, and joint troubles.
* Substance Abuse: Athletes who are experiencing pressure and stress from their sport
may occasionally use alcohol or drugs as a coping technique.

* Personal Hygiene: Playing sports frequently encourages good hygiene habits. In order
to keep themselves clean, athletes frequently take showers and change their clothes
before and after workouts or tournaments.
* Regular sports participation stimulates physical activity, which might cause sweating.
Sweating aids in toxin removal and can support brighter skin and a more attractive
overall appearance.
* Sports can help you de-stress, and de-stressing can help with hygiene. Reduced levels
of stress can result in better sleep, a decline in stress-related skin diseases, and an
improvement in mental health as a whole.
* Community Hygiene: To establish a secure and healthy atmosphere for athletes and
spectators, many sports organisations and facilities place a high priority on cleanliness
and hygiene. This covers routine maintenance of the tools, locker rooms, and communal


* Skin illnesses: Skin-to-skin transmission of illnesses like ringworm, impetigo, or staph

infections can be increased by close physical contact in contact sports like wrestling or
martial arts. The transmission of these illnesses might be aided by poor personal
hygiene practices and dirty sporting equipment.
* Body Odor: When intense physical activity, such as that involved in sports, is paired
with poor personal hygiene habits, it can result in excessive sweating and body odor.
This problem can be made worse by taking inadequate showers, dressing in clean
clothes, or applying the right deodorants.
* Athlete's Foot: A lot of sports are played in venues with communal amenities like
showers or locker rooms. Athletes risk developing fungal infections like athlete's foot
by walking barefoot in these places.
* Sport-related Hygiene: In contact sports like football or rugby, athletes can sweat a
lot and come in close touch with one another. Infections can be avoided with proper
equipment maintenance and personal hygiene habits like frequent showering and skin
* Oral hygiene: Players in contact sports like football or boxing, where mouthguards
are required, may fail to exercise good oral hygiene habits, which can result in dental
problems and foul breath.
* Unclean Equipment: If shared sporting goods like helmets, pads, or exercise equipment
aren't frequently cleaned and sterilized, they can turn into a haven for bacteria and
fungi. Skin infections or other ailments might result from using contaminated equipment.
* In order to avoid numerous restroom trips during games or contests, sportsmen may
choose to forgo drinking water in particular sports. Dehydration can have a bad
effect on dental health and raise the danger of UTIs.
* Digestive Problems: Consuming food or supplements that have not been handled or
stored properly in a sporting environment might result in food poisoning and digestive
* Injury Care: Skipping the necessary cleaning and treatment of sports-related wounds
can lead to infections or other problems.
* Neglected Personal Care: Due to the strain of training and competition, athletes may
occasionally forget to take regular showers or groom themselves.

* Cognitive Health: Sports frequently require quick decision-making, strategic thinking,

and problem-solving abilities. Participating in sports can improve mental agility,
cognitive function, and the capacity to manage challenging situations.
* Work-Life Balance: Sports give you a scheduled respite from your everyday tasks and
work. Participating in sports can help people maintain a healthy work-life balance
while reducing stress and enhancing general wellbeing.
* Quality of Life: Sports make daily activities more exciting, enjoyable, and fulfilling,
which enhances overall quality of life. They offer chances for exploration, personal
development, and enriching life experiences.
* Physical Relaxation: Playing sports, especially after a demanding or hectic day, can
physically relax the body, ease tension in the muscles, and encourage relaxation.
* Environmental Connection: Since many sports are played outside, people have the
chance to get in touch with nature. This has been demonstrated to have a variety of
positive impacts on both mental and emotional health.
* Sports provide a healthy release for stress and bottled-up energy. Individuals can
relax, release physical and mental tension, and generally manage their stress better
through physical engagement in sports.
* Building resiliency and a growth mentality via obstacles, setbacks, and competitiveness
in sports. In sports, overcoming challenges can boost self-confidence and flexibility.
* Sense of Identity: Participating in sports can help people develop a sense of self and
purpose. They frequently integrate into a person's self-concept and might strengthen
their sense of self.


* Performance Pressure: Athletes, particularly those competing at the professional or

elite levels, may feel a great deal of pressure to perform well. Anxiety and other
mental health problems may result from this pressure's detrimental effects on the mind
and heart.
* Some athletes may grow to fear getting hurt, which can have a negative effect on
their performance and general well-being. This anxiety may be particularly strong
following a serious injury.
* Sports that are overly demanding or competitive might cause people to lose their
early enthusiasm for the activity, which can have a detrimental impact on their
emotional wellbeing.
* Financial Stress: Pursuing a career in professional sports may be expensive; many
sportsmen end up in debt or with unstable finances after their careers. Stress related
to money might affect general health
A) Physical fitness: Participating in sports and leisure activities helps to increase physical
fitness by boosting muscular strength, flexibility, and overall physical conditioning as
well as cardiovascular endurance. Regular exercise can help you control your weight
and lower your chances of developing chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease,
and obesity.
B) Mental Health: Sports and recreational activities have a positive impact on mental
health. They can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing endorphins (feel
good hormones), which help in lifting up the mood. Physical activity can also improve
cognitive function, memory, and concentration.
C) Social Interaction: Whether through team sports, group fitness courses, or community
events, participating in sports and recreational activities frequently entails social
interaction. These interactions can help build social bonds, enhance communication skills,
and combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.
D) Stress Reduction: Sports and leisure activities provide a cure for anxiety and stress.
Physical activity can assist people in relaxing, clearing their brains, and minimising the
harmful consequences of stress.
E) Self-Esteem and Confidence: Reaching goals in sports and leisure activities can
increase one's sense of self-worth and confidence. This sense of achievement can carry
over into other aspects of life.

F) Participating in sports and leisure activities promotes the formation of healthy habits.
Active people typically choose healthier diets, more hydrating drinks, and lifestyles in
G) Lifespan: Regular physical activity is linked to a longer life expectancy and a lower
risk of dying young. As people age, it may also aid in maintaining functional
H) Injury Prevention: Warm-up exercises and other approaches are frequently used in
sports and leisure activities that are properly planned to lower the risk of injury.
Strength, flexibility, and balance enhancements might also lessen the risk of accidents
in daily life.
I) Sports and leisure activities frequently bring people from different groups together,
generating a sense of communal pride and belonging.
J) Development of Skills: Participating in sports and leisure activities enables people to
learn new skills and improve their current ones, which may be useful and personally
K) Physical exercise can assist people in regulating their emotions, dealing with
difficulties, and building resilience in the face of adversity.


* Physical activity: Many leisure activities require physical activity, which can cause
perspiration. Sweating aids in toxin removal and can support brighter skin and a more
attractive overall appearance.
* Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Recreation is frequently used to relieve stress.
Through better sleep, a reduction in stress-related skin disorders, and an improvement
in mental health, lower stress levels might indirectly affect hygiene.
* Social interaction: Engaging in recreational activities frequently entails interacting with
others and getting involved in the community. Social support can drive people to
maintain cleanliness and promote good personal hygiene practices.
* Community Hygiene: To promote a safe and healthy atmosphere for participants and
visitors, recreation centers, parks, and other public areas often prioritize cleanliness
and hygiene. This includes regular cleaning of the tools, bathrooms, and common


* Physical Health: Recreation often involves physical activities such as hiking, swimming,
cycling, or team sports. Engaging in these activities helps improve cardiovascular
health, muscle strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. Regular physical activity
can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, promote longevity, and enhance physical well-
* Recreation offers chances for stress management and relaxation. Spending time in
nature, practicing yoga, or other relaxation techniques can all help to lower stress,
anxiety, and sadness. Recreation encourages mindfulness, allowing people to
disengage from daily concerns and concentrate on the present.
* Mental Health: Recreation offers chances for stress management and relaxation.
Spending time in nature, practicing yoga, or other relaxation techniques can all help
to lower stress, anxiety, and sadness. Recreation encourages mindfulness, allowing
people to disengage from daily concerns and concentrate on the now.
* Emotional Well-Being: Taking part in leisure activities that make you happy, satisfied,
or give you a sense of accomplishment can have a good effect on your emotional
well-being. Recreational pursuits of interests, passions, and hobbies can improve
mood, self-worth, and confidence.
* Socialization: Because many leisure activities are essentially sociable, people can meet
others who share their interests. Through recreation, one can create and sustain social
connections that help fight loneliness and promote a sense of community.
* Cognitive Health: Solving problems, being creative, and picking up new skills are all
common components of leisure. Engaging Playing games, solving puzzles, or creating
art can all help to improve cognitive function and mental agility.
* Work-Life Balance: Recreation offers an essential break from the pressures of the
workplace and everyday responsibilities. Maintaining a positive work-life balance
through leisure helps reduce burnout and enhance general wellbeing.
* Quality of Life: By providing diversity and delight to daily routines, recreation helps to
improve quality of life. It offers chances for exploration, adventure, and personal
development, enhancing one's life experiences.
* Environmental Connection: Connecting with nature through outdoor activities like
gardening, hiking, or camping has been found to have a variety of positive effects on
mental and emotional health.
* Sense of Purpose: Pursuing one's hobbies and passions provides one a sense of
direction and purpose, which can help one live a happy and meaningful life.
* Reducing stress: Recreation gives you a way to release tension and excess energy.
Individuals can relax and eliminate tension from their bodies and minds by
participating in recreational activities.
* Building resilience: Overcoming difficulties while engaging in leisure activities can
increase resilience and a sense of accomplishment, which can lead to improved
wellbeing in other areas of life.


* Physical Health:
A) Positive: Beneficial regular exercise in sports and leisure activities improves muscle
strength, lowers the risk of obesity and related disorders, and improves cardiovascular
B) Negative: When injuries might happen when playing sports, this risk can be reduced with
the right preparation and safety precautions.
* Mental health:
A) Positive: Sports and leisure activities can help people feel less stressed, anxious, and
depressed. Endorphins are naturally occurring mood boosters that are released while you
B) Negative: Sports performance pressure, especially at competitive levels, can cause stress
and mental health problems.
* Social Connection:
A) Positive: Sports and recreational activities frequently strengthen social ties and present
chances for civic involvement.
B) Negative: Unhealthy rivalries and strained relationships can develop when sports are
overly competitive.
* Emotional Well-Being:
A) Positive: Reaching personal goals in athletics can increase self-worth, self-assurance, and
general enjoyment.
B) Negative: Emotional tiredness and diminished wellbeing can result from burnout and
excessive strain.
* Work-Life Harmony:
A) Positive: Recreation gives people a vacation from their jobs and other daily obligations,
which helps to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
B) Negative: An excessive dedication to sports or leisure activities may cause problems with
work-life balance.
* Positive Quality of Life:
A) Positive: Recreation enhances life experiences, diversifies daily routines, and offers
chances for adventure and personal development.
B) Negative: Limiting one's life experience in favor of sports or recreation might result in
neglecting other facets of life.

* Case Study 1: Physical Health Improvement through Recreation

-Background: Sarah, a 45-year-old office worker, had been leading a sedentary
lifestyle for years. She was overweight, had high blood pressure, and struggled with
low energy levels.
-Impact of Recreation: Sarah decided to take up recreational swimming as a form of
exercise. She started swimming laps at a local pool three times a week. Over the
course of several months, she noticed significant improvements in her physical health.
Her blood pressure normalized, she lost weight, and her energy levels increased.
Sarah also reported feeling less stressed and more confident in her appearance.
-Conclusion: Sarah's case demonstrates how engaging in recreational activities, even
as an adult, can have a profound impact on physical health, leading to positive
changes in weight, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being.

* Case Study 2: Overcoming Adversity through Sports

-Background: Alex, a 19-year-old, was diagnosed with clinical depression at a young
age. He struggled with feelings of isolation and low self-esteem.
-Impact of Sports: Alex discovered rock climbing as a recreational sport during a
therapy program. Climbing became a passion for him, providing an outlet for stress
and anxiety. Over time, he joined a local climbing club and made new friends who
shared his interest. As he improved his climbing skills, his self-confidence grew.
-Conclusion: Alex's case illustrates how participation in recreational sports can serve as
a powerful tool for mental health recovery and personal growth. Engaging in sports
and finding a supportive community helped him overcome depression and build a
positive outlook on life.

* Case Study 3: Building Community through Team Sports

-Background: A small, close-knit community in a rural area was experiencing social
isolation among its residents, particularly the youth.
-Impact of Sports: Community leaders decided to organize a local youth soccer
league. They created teams and provided coaching and facilities. Participation in the
league grew rapidly, and the community began to come together to support the
teams. Families gathered to watch games, and local businesses sponsored events.
Over time, the sense of community strengthened, and young people developed
friendships, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging.
-Conclusion: This case demonstrates how recreational sports, especially team sports,
can have a positive impact on community well-being by fostering social connections,
building a sense of identity, and providing opportunities for both youth and adults to
engage in healthy, positive activities together.
Impact on Covid-19 on Sports and Exercise

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