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Every ending is sad to almost everybody,

graduation means friends to part ways and find their won
purpose in life. But Andrew and his friends didn't see that
as a way of parting, instead after the graduation they
spend time with each other and planned to meet up in the
zoo so that they could atleast make one last happy
memory before they all go to their different paths. All of
them meet up at 5:00 before sundownand everything went
well. They had the pictures and ate some corndogs just to
let the time pass. Every minute they spend time with each
other and making it the best day of their lives, they know
that of the clock hits 9 everybody will go home already.
The last part of their event is the fireworks where all of
them were happily looking at the shinning lights as it flies
upward the sky and create a beautiful glazing sparks and
when it's already time they say goodbye all of them cried
as if its the end. After that Andrew, Aurora, Rylee, Michelle
had a great time at the zoo, they will driving back home
when suddenly they come across a kangaroo that got out
from his cage and they almost ran over it but Andrew who
was the driving lost control of the stressing wheel and they
got into accident .They were got injured so badly including
the kangaroo but luckily someone saw them and call the
ambulance some blamed the driver while others blamed
the zoo keepers for not securing the kangaroo's cage but at
the end they all fixed it because it already happened and
they can't do anything about it anymore
Ella is a delightful beautiful young girl,who
lives in New York . she studies in "Dimlinn academy, a
school for wealthy kids like Ella. she almost had a pretty
cool and perfect life ,she has two wealthy loving
parents,supportive friends and a perfect boyfriend ,or
maybe thats what she thought,
What she didnt know that her perfect life will soon come to
an end.
One day ella was walking in the halls heading to her
classroom, but she noticed students were looking and
whispering while looking at her in an unpleasant way, "HEY
ELLA! " JAMES shouted across the halls
James run towards ella "oh hey babe" said ella
"Do you know whats happening?" Ella asked james,
But james just draged ella across the halls into their
classroom unexpectedly. As they got to the class room ella
ask "what was that about? why did you draged me all of the
sudden?" James panicked for a second and said "oh nothing
i just dont want us to be late." "oh okay" ella replied, after
class one of ella's friend went up to her and said "hey ella im
having a party tomorrow at my house, wanna come?" "Yeh,
sure!" Ella replied "thats great! Ill see you tomorrow at 7. "
ELLA arrives at the party as she walks towards the door, as
she was greated by her friend" hey Ella, come in! They both
smiled at each other and went inside, her other friends
went up to her and compilmented her on how beautiful she
is tonight ,as they were having fun at the party one of her
friend ask her why her boyfriend isnt here with her
tonight,then one of the girl suddenly interupted and said
"are you guys talking about your boyfriend james? "Yeh
why!? Ella replied with a curiouse face, the girl just looked
across the room an pointed at a random door, ella looked at
the girl with full confusion, ella looked at the door again
and walk towards it as she opened the door. Eyes widen,
Ella stood frozen as if the world around her crashed down
before her eyes. Seeing her boyfriend james making out
with her friends brother, all Ella could see is red. "Ella!" Her
friends brother pulled away after spotting her, with fear in
his eyes. "Ella, I can explain" James said , ella was filled with
anger and rage while james was about to reach out for ella's
hand but she shoved his hand away, james looked into ella's
eyes and hoping for forgivness but all james saw a demon
inside her,ella quickly grabed james hair and draged james
all the way to the basement,the music stops as every one
was looking at them when james got draged all the way to
the basement as ella threw james in the basement,ella
locked the basement and walked towards her friends
brother, ella looks at the boy and said" i wish you both
well..... IN HELL!!! ella laughed with an evil smile and left
the party as she walked out the door the basement
suddenly exploded *BOOM!!!! "everyone panicked and
rushed out the door, while ella was walking towards her car,
a teardrop fell out of her eyes and drove away,while ella
was in the car she cried her heart out and said"I WILL NEVER
Ella walk in the school with a confident look, she can hear
whispering from the students "is she new here? The the girl
in halls said "WOW! she's so beautifull" the boy said, as ella
was heading to her locker she bumped in to a girl named
janie " OW!! WATCH IT YOU FREAK!! janie shouted.janie
looked at ella up and down " hmm so you must be the new
girl!?janie said
" And you must the old biatch in this school!? Ella replied in
a sarcastic way "excuse me!? Jain said " you're excused" ella
replied and rolled her eyes at janie and walked away, janie
was so shocked cause no one ever spoke to her that
way.minutes later boys at school keeps on following ella
around like lost puppies, ella quite enjoyed her popularity at
her new school,but the problem is male students are
disappearing every week, other students became more
suspiciouse about the male students missing body when
someone finally reported the misssing body's cops first
searched at their school while the police were investigating
the area one of the cops found 3 dead body's in the janitors
closet covered with dirty cloth's , police investigated the
dead body's and they found four small punctured holes all
around the body "looks like we have a fork murderer here"
the police said " WHAT!? A FORK!? the other cop react,
what they didnt know is ella was listining in the corner
hiding " 3? But i only killed two!? Anyway next time i need
to bury the body's somewhere else.
The next day ella was sitting in the classroom scrolling
through her phone, when a very handsome boy walked in
he's 6foot tall black hair and a very good sense of style "is
he new here? Ella asked her classmate "no he's not, he's
basically the king of this school" the girl replied,ella just
smiled and continued scrolling.
Hunters pov:
Hunter walked in the classroom when a beautiful girl caught
his eyes they both looked at each other, as ella smiles at him
but hunter just walked to his desk and sits. A few minutes
later ....
Hunter was having his lunch with his friends as the other
guys was talking about the killer in the school hunter was
too distracted on whats happening, he was distracted by
ella, hunter suddenly said "hey guys ya'll saw the new girl? "
" Yeah why?" His friend replied "Oh nothing" hunter said
then one of hunters friends said" hey guys do yall heard
about the new rumors !?
" No?" They all replied " so basically there was this girl the
most beautiful in the world she had all the boys in town
wrapped around her finger, she would walk the halls and
everyone would whisper and talk cause all the girls in town
wanted to be her, but behind those emeral eyes she's a
devil in disguise the new girl has blood in her hands, every
boy or man she dates disappears without a trace so be
careful when she ask you to date" the boy said ,when they
turn around hunter wasnt there anymore , hunter went out
to fined ella , as soon as he saw ella, hunter grabed ella's
arm and pulled her away where no one would see rhem or
hear them " i know what you've been doing!" Hunter said "
LET GO OF ME!!!!" ella shouted then ella run away .
After a few days later hunter keeps following ella to keep
an eye on her but because of that hunter grew feelings for
ella so he gave up on her, but what he didnt know that ella
also grew feelings for hunter so she tried not to kill him.
One day janie aslo grew suspicious of ella so she tried to
tracked ella down 5 minutes later it was 7pm janie go to the
woods. The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice.
Janie been monitoring the parameters of the thicket for an
hour, and my vantage point on the crook of a tree branch
had turned useless. The gusting wind blew thick flurries to
sweep away my tracks, but buried along with them any
signs of potential quarry.
Searching for something or someone through this dimly
forest, finding signs of a female who came through this tree
Janie sight caught on a blonde passed out from sheer cold.
She approached the said blond and as i she drew close her
line of sight caught red around the thick snow the girl
passed out on. She saw his limbs ripped off the girl and her
body was scattered by 2 punctured holes. It could be a
beast, but no such beast could leave 2 punctured holes
along his body...
Janie studied the dead body closer and was shocked to see
the resemblance of the girl janie was ordered to search for.
Struggling to pull out the picture from janies pockets a
scream erupted from behind janie. "What did you do to that
poor girl" the person said.
Janie immediately face that person and as she was about to
share janie's reasons with her she threw her dagger at
janie that she was clutching onto.
But the police came to investigate and found janie infront of
the dead girl and immediately locked her in the prison.
While ella was still out there alive and free.
What happend to the boy u may ask!?
Ella couldnt kill hunter cause they both had feelings for each
other "THE END"
On a summer day a kid named Leonard
was watching his grandfather, Benjamin, play a game of
chess against one of his friends.
The boy saw how silent they were playing despite it being
only a game. But for the Two friends they did not think of it
as a simple game, it was war deception and subduing the
opposition’s king, will be the victor. The boy watched them
play for hours until the game ended with a draw. A draw in
chess occurs when there is no possible move, and the king is
not in check. The boy asked why did you stop playing?
“The games over son” said Benjamin with a soft tone.
He nods and says “can you teach how to play?”
“Come sit beside me, ill teach you how to play” Benjamin
replied. Pamela pulled out a chess piece, it was a pawn she
gave it to Leonard as a memento.
When they reached home Leonard still couldn’t believe with
what happened with Benjamin. The phone inside was
It sounded like it was been going on for quite a while.
Pamela andwered the phone, after awhile Pamela broke in
“Mom why are you crying?” Leonard asked looking at his
mothers saddened eyes.
“It your Gramps”Pamela replied sobbing.
“What happened?” Leonard asked haphazardly .
It was the doctor of Benjamin.
“You’re Grandfather is dead” Pamela said.
Leonards eye,s was full of life, but hearing this drained his
life away.
Despite his sadness he couldn’t drop a single tear making
him question his sanity.
He walked past his mother on the floor sobbing by
Benjamins death. He walked up his room and shut the door
behind him.
He reached down his pocket and pulled out the pawn that
Benjamin gave him as a momento. He placed it at the table
and starred at it for hour’s on end.
He never wanted to touch a chessboard nor
A single chess piece, other than Benjamin’s pawn. He never
felt any regret. After the death of Benjamin because
Leonard played his all against Benjamin.
By dusk,Benjamin is tired done and decided to go inside but
the little Leonard wanted to play all night.
“lets play inside”the grandfather proposed, opening the
front door.
By 8pm little Leonard fell asleep.
This child is truly a blessing in my life” Benjamin said to
himself while he picks up
The next day Leonard woke up, but when he went down the
kitchen he saw his mother was at the balcony talking to her
Father Benjamin
“Why is mom here? She said I could stay until Sunday”
Leonard mumurs to himself, he decided to eavesdrop on
their conversation.
As he walks slowly to the windows of the kitchen and the
balcony he heard Benjamin said ‘I see a lot of potential out
of him”
“What are you suggesting here?” asked Pamela,the mother
of the child.
“What im saying is im going to take him under my wing”
Benjamin replies.
Ok but only during weekends” the mother agreed reaching

down her pocket and pull out her phone.

“Tell Lincoln about this?” the mother said handing the
phone to Benjamin.
“why me?” Benjamin said with a hesitant face.
“Well no training Leonard then” The mother abruptly said
with a smirk.
“Ok fine” the o
The boy,Leonard, was excited by this information and ran to
his bedroom to get the chessboard of his grandfather.
When he went out his mother was already inside the car
starting engine. Benjamin went inside and told him “im
gonna be your coach for chess from now on alright?”
The boy nods with exitement.
The first weekend Bejamin toutgh Leonard the basic rules.
The second weekend he then introduced how to trap the
opponents king, every weekend Leonard would master al
this leasons from benjamin until they had theyre first match
After s 4 aonish enf the d
. down the stairs exitedly, t he heard an ambulance siren
wailing from outside the house. The boy was wondering
why an ambulance is at the front lawn, when he raeched
the balcony he saw his mother crying.
“Mom, why are you crying?” Leonard asked confused to
whats happening.
Pamela hugged his son “Your grandfather had a heart attack
while we where talking in the phone” Pamela said
tightening his arms.
They walked inside to get Leonards things.
“Is Granpa gonna be okay?” the boy asked worried looking
at his mother’s dried up eyes from crying.
“He gonna be okay, your father is with him, they will take
him to the hospital where its safe, so the two of us will go
home for now alrigth?”
The boy nods in agreement.
While driving down the streets the kid asked his
mother.”Who will play with me, while Grandpa at the
“Ill find some one” the mother said while keeping an eye on
the road.
When they arrived at the garage, Pamela carried his son’s
stuff and went inside, with Leonard.
Friday, it was raining so the chess player Pamela contacted
did not arrive, so the boy looked as of a dull somber color.
Pamela was thinking on how to find a way to cheer his child
up, and an idea hit her.
“Leonard you can play chess with my computer “ Pamela
said patting Leonards back .
“But you said I cant play computers until im 16?” Leonard
“as long as its chess your playing” Pamela says with a soft
tone, but the boy refused saying “im not playing with any
one and anything until I beat Granpa” and ran up his room
clossing the door shut behind him.
It was Saturday Pamela called for Leonard.
Leonard raised himself and went down.
“What is it mother?” Leonard asked with a tired voice.
“Go shower, and take your breakfast” Pamela said.
“Maybe Later” the boy replied.
“We’re gonna visit your Grandpa” Pamela added.
Leonard hurried to the shower not saying a word. When
they arriverd at the hospital the child was shock by the
scene he saw.
Benjamin was connected with a breathing tube.
“Gramps are okay?” Leonard asked tearing up.
Benjamin nodded unable to speak with the tube pushed
down his throat.
The nurse handed Benjamin a Note and a pen in order to
communicate with leonard. But benjamin couldn’t even
raise an arm. Her pointed down his pockets asking Pamela to

reach into it.


Back in the year 2000 BC in the area of Switzerland

there is a hidden place near the waterfall and if you try to go
there you may not be able to Comeback. It is where the
portal door is located and that is where the magical place
happens, the world of fairies or better known Everlasting
Land. Everlasting Land is a place that is very colorful, pull of
joy, kindness and most of all it is full of love. One of the
people living there is Trina, she is the princess of Everlasting
Land she lives there alone because of her Father and
Mother died. Trina is a very beautiful princess beside that,
she is very talented she sings well, above all Trina is very
kind so all the men in Everlasting Land are fascinated by
Trina because she seems to be the most perfect wife you
can have. She is a fairy with wings and her hair barking in
the flow of water falls her smell can be compared to a rose,
her complexion is milky white lastly she is like a magnet that
no matter what you do you can’t let ho of her. Two of them
joined forces to get out of there, they went around but they
keep going on circles they already lost hope because they
couldn’t really find a way out. And after they keep on
searching finally found the wat out so they are helping each
other to open it until Trina and Derk break out through the
jail, but what Trina didn’t know is that Franklin is also locked
up in there. Trina saw Franklin getting weaker but still
screaming for help so she immediately ran to help Franklin,
Franklin is out and he also found a per there it is a pencil.
Pencil might strange because of her appearance but just like
Derk he is also an animal a male eagle. The two of them got
out of the abandoned equipment place so they hurried to
the kingdom to regain the throne and restore the way
because Trina will play the role of maintaining what
Everlasting Land used to be. First they went to the stingray
said they don’t need anything because Trina is the eldest
daughter and the one whose desiring for the throne so they
immediately went back to the kingdom and told all of them
the truth their she was the heir for the crown and
imprisoned Micah in the place of darkness the depths of the
world. Years passed Trina and Franklin got married and their
peers Derk and Pencil remained in their care while they
were in the kingdom Micah are also planning something.
When Trina came out of the kingdom she was hit by Micah’s
powerful magic Franklin row it and so he protected Trina
but unexpectedly Franklin died because he could not handle
the magic that went to him and caused his death because of
the anger that Trina felt, Trina lost her self-control and killed
Micah. Few decades has passed Trina still has regrets but
she is trying to be the perfect Mother to her son Derk and
Pencil. Trina is preparing for her birthday and on this day
she will be appointed as the heir to the crown but suddenly
on unincited person comes and everyone fears her. She is
Micah Trina’s younger sister if Trina has a good attitude
Micah is the opposite She has a body of a centipede and she
is also the reason for the death of their Father and Mother
because Micah is jealous of Trina. She thinks that Trina is
the only one who favors the attention of her Parents so she
decided to just kill her parents because it won’t do her any
good. Micah got even madder that guy is Franklin he’s a
man with long hair, bright eyes, and tall and in the form of a
fairy warrior, he has good mannerism and he is very loving
to all the people of Everlasting Land and that’s what Micah
likes about him and it turns out that Franklin likes his sister
Trina. Because of Micah’s anger when she found out about
it he imprisoned Franklin in the world of the abandoned
equipment because no one would ever help them to escape.
Micah takes Trina’s crown and flings it to her to the world of
abandoned equipment. The Everlasting Land that used to be
very colorful, joyful and full of love has now become a very
scary and horrible place because Micah is ruling it. Trina
landed in the world of abandoned things she was crying
there because she couldn’t accept what her sister did and
what she ever do is loved her with all her heart while she
was crying there is also a barking round, she heard a bark
that was very loud so she went there and saw a desk it
barked and even it was abandoned it was still stunning. So
that’s why Trina decided to keep and protect is Desk is a
female dog it is somehow strange because of its

It was Christmas at Ezekiel and Brett’s house. They

were so many presents under the tree that Brett didn’t
know where to start.
Ezekiel handed his wide a hat box that was big enough to
hold a large hat. From the way the bottom of the sagged, it
looked as if the hat were quite heavy.
Brett unwrapped the box. Inside, was a beautiful little dog,
wearing a large pink bow.
“Do you like her, Brett?” asked Ezekiel
“Oh, I love her,” Brett answered. “What a perfectly beautiful
little lady.”
So “Lady” became her name.
Lady grew up loved and pampered. She had a few simple
jobs around the house, such as bringing in the newspaper
and making sure the blackbirds did not sit too long on the
front lawn.
She had plenty of time to spend with her neighbors
Theodore and Mathew.
One day, Lady told her two friends that Ezekiel and Brett
had been treating her differently lately. For instance they
didn’t want to play with her anymore. They were not taking
her on her regular walks. And mysteriously, Brett had begun
knitting tiny little clothes.
Theodore and Mather knew right away what was causing
the odd behavior. “Brett is expecting a baby,” they said.
“A baby?” Lady asked, Her two friends were trying to
explain, when a scruffy- looking dog named James joined in.
James, just happened to be passing through the
neighborhood. When he overheard Lady mention a baby, he
felt obliged to warn her. “Better watch out!” he said. “When
the baby moves in, the dog moves out!” Sure enough, a few
months later a baby was born to Ezekiel and Brett. Lady was
happy for them.
But before long, things changed for the worse. It began
when Ezekiel and Brett. They arranged for someone named
Aunt Jade to look after the baby
Aunt Jade would not let Lad anywhere near the baby. And
she brought along two cats, Christyll and Grace, who
immediately started making trouble. First they tried to get
their paws on the fish. Then they went after the canary!
Lady was trying to stop them when Aunt Jade heard the
commotion they were making. “What’s going on down
there?” she called, hurrying to the living room.
By the time she arrived, Christyll and Grace were sitting
quietly, as they were completely innocent. Aunt Jade
jumped to the conclusion that Lady was responsible for the
“Wicked animal! Attacking my poor innocent little angels!”
She scolded and held Lazy to the pet store.
“I want a muzzle, a good strong muzzle” Aunt Jade told the
pet store owner.
Lady had never worn a muzzle, and she was frightened
when that man put it over her face. She struggled wildly and
finally manage to wriggle out of Aunt Jade’s arms.
Then she made a dash for the street. She didn’t care where
she went She just wanted to get away from Aunt Jade.
Lady ran blindly across a street filled with traffic, the turned
up an alley. That’s when a gang of stray dogs saw her and
chased after her, barking and snarling.
Lady ran as fast as she could, but the strays chased her into
a dead-end street. She was concerned.
Fortunately, James has stopped for a snack near the alley.
He saw Lady race by and hurried to defend her.
While Lady cowered behind a barrel; James lunged at one of
the attacking dogs, then another.
The vicious strays fought furiously, but finally they realized
they were no match for James and fled back down the alley.
James remembered Lady from his short visit in her front
yard. “What are you doing on this side of the tracks?” he
asked Lady could only look at him sadly; the muzzle
prevented her from talking. “You poor kid! We’ve got get
this off,” James said.
When they got home,, Ezekiel and Brett were worried
because they thought Lady had gone. Aunt Jade and the two
cats immediately apologized, it felt sorry for the Lady’s look.
Lady immediately forgives Aunt Jade and the two cats.

Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king

jacket . The people of the kingdom were very happy as they
led a very prosperous life with an abundance of wealth and
no misfortune, One day, the king jacket decided to visit the
important places in his kingdom He decided to travel by foot
to interact with his people. The people were very happy To
have a conversation with their king jacke. They were proud
that their king had a kind king he After several weeks of
travel, the king returned to the palace. He was quite happy
that he had visited many different places that he had not
been to before and that he had witnessed his people
leading prosperous lives. However he had one regret: he
had pain in his feet as it was his first trip by foot covering a
long distance. He complained to his ministers that the roads
were not comfortable and that they were very stony. He
could not tolerate the pain. He said that he was very much
worried about the people who had to walk along those
roads as it would be painful for them, too. Emile and was
Heart. Considering all this, he ordered Emilia and josiah to
cover the roads in the whole kingdom with leather, so that
the people of the kingdom can walk comfortably.

The king's ministers were stunned to hear his order as

it would mean that thousands of cows would have to be
slaughtered in order to get sufficient quantity of leather.
And it would cost a huge amount of money also.Finally, a
wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that
he had another idea. The king asked what the alternative
was. The minister said, “Instead of covering the roads with
fork , why don’t you just have a piece of leather cut
inappropriate shape to cover your feet?”The king was very
much surprised by the suggestion and applauded the
wisdom of the minister. He ordered a pair of leather pieces
cut specifically for his feet. When he wore the pair, he loved
it. His feet felt great. He could walk anywhere without
hurting his feet. Soon, he encouraged all his people to get
their Pair of leather pieces and wear them too.

My friend Alan opened a shop to sell fish. He

hung a board on which he wrote “FRESH FISH SOLD HERE”
to attract customers. A man stopped at the shop with his
back pack and knife. He looked at the board and said,
“Why do you write ‘fresh’? No one sells fresh fish”. My
friend Alan thanked him and rubbed off the word ‘fresh’
from the board. The board now read, “FISH SOLD HERE”.
Another person named Susan who was going through his
shop, looked at the board and said, “Is it necessary to
mention the word “here”? It is obvious that everyone can
see fish in your shop, so fish is sold only here.” My friend
thanked him and removed the word ’here’. Now the board
read “FISH SOLD”. A few moments later, the teacher of the
village school named Pauline stopped and noticed the
board. He said to my friend, “You have to keep the fish to
sell, not give to charity so why do you write it?” My friend
thanked him and rubbed the word sold. Now the board
said, “FISH”. Another man visited the shop to buy fish and
said, “I could smell the fish from a mile away, why do you
announce fish?” He thanked him and rubbed the last word
also. Now the board was empty. My friend kept the empty
board at the shop for two days and customers were
coming in sparingly. After two days later his wife came to
the shop and note the board and scolded him “Is this a way
to attract your customers? Why don't you write “FRESH
FISH SOLD HERE”? After receiving advice from so many
people, my friend was very sad and couldn't decide what
to do or what not. Then his wife told him, “Listen to all but
do whatever your heart says and that should be correct for
you.” After listening to his wife, my friend thought for a
few minutes and decided to hang a board again and write
“FRESH FISH SOLD HERE”. Now, he happily sells fish in his

Once upon a time, there was once a little girl by the

name Ellen, she is one but such a sweet little girl, yet
people see her as a cursed child, maybe this is because she
lives in a world of magic and fantasy, yet she of all people
received no magic, nor the fantasy she deserves. Ellen may
be a ordinary girl but she has such ambitions and dreams
that of which no human in the world ever has. One day, as
ellen gaze upon her window she always admired the
doings of the magic knights of favonia. Ellen had always
dreamed of being one of the knights, yet she could never
do so as she lacks power and strenth. Her father Edgar had
always supported her daughter, he even carves wooden
wands and swords for little Ellen yet she never smiled as
how she would in past.... Ellen lost her true smile when her
mother passed away.. though before her mother Teresa
passed away, she told ellen to always never loose hope for
her dreams as magic a bearer, a knight of favonia. Till this
day, Ellen still yearns to receive a miracle to finally change
the course of her life as a ordinary powerless girl.... As
ellen turned 20 Ellen trained day and night to at least have
strength as a knight despite having no magic. She then
later on put in a request to join the knights. A few days
later a letter arrived and Ellen excitedly rushed to call her
father Edgar And as she open the letter, silence broke
out... She got accepted by the favonia, she jumped happily
as her father cheered onn They later on had dinner and
celebrated the huge accomplishment ellen has made, a
progression of her mother's last words. A day later Ellen
went to the favonia in which she was introduced by her
new knight companions, but non of her knight companions
dare to come close... Exept for one knight, her name is
Millicent and she is known to be one of the strongest
knight in the favonia, Ellen and Millicent became best
friends and worked hard together to elevate their ranks,
One day a corrupted serpent broke out and threatened to
destroy the kingdom of favonia All knights where assigned
to stop the serpent exept for Ellen. The elders saw her as
no use just for being powerless... Yet ellen still smiled and
wished goodluck to her very best friend Millicent as she
leaves to fight fer her kingdom. As the serpent is slayed, a
tragedy took place....and Millicent lost her life protecting
her kingdom, protecting her Best friend.... As ellen
received the news, she broke down to tears... Her first and
only friend now gone from the face of the earth... Ellen
never left her home for days as she grieved for her friend...
One night Ellen left through her window and took a hike
towards the cliffs... Ellen cried and confused wanted to end
her life... And before she was about to jump of the cliff a
shooting star then appeared "the god of cosmos" or
kareem..... Kareem told her to never give up on her wishes
and dreams. So the god granted her the power of the
galaxy and then later onn disappeared into the stars. Ellen
who had one finall wish... She left a letter for her dad to let
him know that she's gonna change the whole world. Ellen
promised herself to take the journey and destroy every
corrupted beasts in hopes that no one would ever loose
their loved ones ever again.

It was sunny February afternoon when miles seen

a golden pencil,when miles went to a field with his close
friend Mateo they are talking about magical stuff,while
they are walking they see a huge tree and planning to stay
under and relax while enjoying the sunny day. Miles is
handsome and feminine one of his likings was to write a
diary. Mateo is a brave man,has a pure heart, handsome,
body built up, and famous to a women one day Miles and
Mateo decided to go to webuyshopping to buy the daily
needs on their condo but in the middle of their
conversation Mateo got a call from a classmate and said
they have meeting on their group activities,so after the call
Mateo said that they had a meeting on their group
activities and miles said “I can go shopping alone you can
go to your meeting right now"thenMateo had no choice
and went to their meeting and miles went to
webuyshopping alone.Miles buy his daily needs while
Mateo is with his group mate to create a plan on their
group activities.meanwhile Mateo was done on their
meeting so he went home and seeing miles did not came
back yet then he was waiting for a minute,until the rain
comes Mateo was very worried to miles because miles did
not bring an Mateo go out and went to
webuyshopping carrying an umbrella and see miles outside
the store waiting the rain to stop while miles also waiting
outside the store when he see Mateo coming after him
with an umbrella.after Mateo arrived they went to their
condo together. A night after the rain miles cooked hot
soup for their dinner,they are enjoying the hot soup due to
cold season and after they finished Mateo went to sleep
first.Miles imagined things that are not meant to be and
giving meaning on what Mateo done,after a few days miles
cannot stop thinking about it and that's why he decided to
go to his other friend named Josie Josie is a handsome at
the same time beautiful,never run out of jokes, and yes he
is gay. Miles told to Josie everything including that “he is
not sure"“why I'm I like this "I wish I had a magic to erase
my feelings",Josie answered miles that “its you ,being like
that is you there's a lot of things you can't accept but it's
your will and someday you realize that being like that is
your thing".after their conversation miles took a leave first
and went home talking to himself “why am I like this
having feelings in my friend I don't want to broke our
friendship "“i made a biggest mistake in my life"while
miles talking to himself in the midst of the crowd someone
heard him and talk “ hey mate you know Mateo?I heard
you talk about him by yourself" miles answered “yes he's a
friend of mine,what about you? answered “by the way I'm
Donald Mateo is my cousin.and you said you like him?you
are socially embarrassing " miles shocked and said “can
you please not just tell him"Donald answered “no! he is
my cousin I don't want to lie him, your embarrassing leave
my cousin alone he is straight man" afterwards miles run
away and go to their condo, after he arrived at their he go
to his room and take his diary and wrote it with the golden
pencil but before he done it ,he think what if Mateo see his
diary and read it so he quickly erase it, after it got erased
the time rewind back to the time that he went to
webuyshopping and he control himself and successfully
not creating feelings on Mateo he was very happy until
Mateo woke him up “hey miles what happened? you
seemed you had a happy dream.” then miles realized it
was just a dream his feelings for Mateo cannot be
erase ,his mistake cannot be rewrite and he think maybe
the solution is to tell the truth. miles start telling the truth
to Mateo that he have feelings for him,Mateo was not
shocked but miles does because Mateo answered him that
he also do the same he can't just said it to him directly
because he is embarrassed and he don't know what to they accept each other and leave a happy life as a
There was this one girl who couldn't get enough
of singing. She wants be a well-known singer around the
world. She wants to go around the world giving concerts
and inspiring aspiring singers, although she is not that rich.
But still, her best friend is so proud of her. On a sunny and
windy day, in an ancient wooden house, there was a girl
named Lucille Jones - someone close her calls her Lil-who
was singing at the top of her lungs in front of the mirror.
Not before she starts to breathe heavily and run out of
breathe. Rushing over, her mother exclaimed, "Ly! Call for
help. Faster!" Lucille's sister Ly, also known as Layl Jones
made call to a neighbor who drives a car and then made
their way to the nearest hospital. They arrived just in time
at the hospital. When the doctor left Lil's room, Lil sneaked
a peek through the door, listening to the doctor and her
parents' conversation. "How is my daughter, doc?" Marissa
asked the doctor, full of worry about their daughter's
situation. "Uh, I'm sorry to tell you that your daughter has
emphysema. Maybe because your surroundings are
polluted and someone in your household smokes. These
are just a few of the causes of emphy- sema. The lungs air
sacs (alveoli) have been injured. The inner walls of the air
cacs have been weakened, and they'll rupture. over time,
resulting in bigger air gaps rather than small ones. many
when you exhale, the damaged alveoli do not function
properly, and old air becomes trapped, preventing fresh,
oxygen-rich air from entering. If the child is not treated
immediately, she may die." Doctor replied. Lil's father, Joe
Jones, comforted Marissa, his wife. "She's a strong girl like
you, so everything will be fine, my love," he said with a
smile. "Please do everything to save our daughter," he
pleaded as he turned to face the doctor. Lil asked her
parents when they entered her room. "I just need air," she
said. "May I come to the rooftop?" Her parents' faces were
filled with concern, but they nodded because lil seemed to
be okay. When Lil got to the rooftop, she stood close to the
edge and took in the view while feeling the breeze, she
was about to end her life after she overheard the
conversation when a rodden breeze from a different
direction hit her hard, making her look back, greeting a
strange man as he unwinds. The man greets her with a
poker look, "are you that suicidal?" going to die anyway,
so why wait any longer?" she said it with a smirk on her
lips. "Psh. What a shame," he said then turned his back
and walked away, leaving her confused. "What? Hey, wait!
I didn't hear what you said," she was about to run towards
him when she stepped on a hospital bracelet with Lyle
Millan's name and birthdate written on it. On the first day
of classes a year later, lil was late for school. Cil
interrupted their teacher while she was speaking in front
of the class. Good morning, students. I would- "I'm sorry
ma'am. I simply got up late," "Don't be late the next time.
You are sitting next to Lyle's seat since that's the only seat
that's vacant, "Thank you, ma'am," lil then proceeded to
her seat. Their teacher wants them to find their partner for
their first activity, and when Lil looked around, everyone
had already found their partner except for her and Lyle. "If
it's okay with you," Lyle said when asked, "We're probably
the only two who don't have a partner; may I be your
partner?" Because the teacher had already given them the
assignment, Lil nodded in agreement with, "Oh, okay."
after class, Lyle asked Lil where they might work on their
assignment. "Maybe our house," Lil suggested, and he
agreed. On Saturday morning, there was a flamingo
flamingo strolling around Lucille's garden. There's a lake
behind their house where the flamingo live. Her grandma
adored flamingo, which is why they cared for them. "Wow,
I didn't expect this kind of welcome!" Lyle exclaimed as the
flamingo approached him. "Calm down, she's not going to
bite you, and she's completely harmless," Lil replied to
him. They then enter her home to begin working on their
project. "Sit down first, I'll grab the stuff we'll need," she
said, leaving to get the materials they'd need when Lyle
found something on the cabinet in front of her. When Lil
got back, he then asked her where she got the hospital
bracelet. "Long story, actually, it had the same name as
yours, Lil answered. "Yes, because it's mine," She put
down the materials she was holding and then compared
the face of the guy she's facing right now to the one she
talked to on the rooftop one year ago. "It's not a surprise
because the second I saw you, I knew you were the boy
who-" He cut Lil off by saying, "That boy that stops you
from taking your own life. He chuckled "What a
coincidence. They had gotten closer and closer after that
day due to the unexpected meets, like if they were fated to
see each other. After a month, they became lovers. Lucille
tells Regina, her best friend, about their relationship, and
Regina witnesses their love. Regina is also in love with Lyle,
but keeps it hidden from Lucille and makes compromises
to keep their relationship going. Regina can't get enough of
Lyle since he's a terrific dancer who wins every
competition he enters. Lyle came dangerously close to
death due to his illness. Regina rushed up to him, but Lyle's
mind was still on Lucille. She attempted to deny her
feelings for Lyle, but they kept returning. Regina will feel
envious when the two go on their date. She'd feel hurt. But
she's not that selfish to steal Lyle from her best friend
because she respects the couple's relationship. They're
always fighting and arguing. The fact that they are still in
love after 15 years of fighting over tiny or significant issues
is so incredible. They have both graduated and are
employed. Their lifestyle is great. It's as though the beauty
of your life. makes you want to live forever. Lyle became a
dancing instructor, and Lucille pursued her ambition of
becoming a singer-songwriter Until one day.... "Hon!"
Lucille hugged Lyle before his performance. Lyle joined a
world dance competition that has a $1 billion prize.
"Lucille? How did you get here? I thought you were
rehearsing for your big concert, something you've always
wanted and dreamed of," Lyle responded. "Why don't I see
your performance? This is more important, and I still have
two days to rehearse, "You surprised me, huh?" Lucille
responded with a smile. She got back to her seat in the
audience when the host called the last contestant. "For our
last contender, Lyle Millan." Lyle rushed to the stage and
started performing. In the middle of his performanced, he
abruptly lost consciousness, which made Lucille and the
audience so worried. Lucille brought him to the hospital
with the help of her team management. She's outside the
room where Lyle is confined, waiting for the doctor to
come out. "Are you the patient's family?" the doctor
asked. "Y-yes doctor. How is he?" Lil answered while
crying. "Did you know his emphysema has worsened?"
"What do you mean? He takes his doctor's prescribed
medications and keeps his check up schedule. Maybe
you're just mistaken," "I don't think so. I checked his
previous schedule, and he didn't show up. I also noticed in
his records that he had stopped taking his medication
three months ago," doctor explained Lucille didn't stop
sobbing. The only sound in the hospital's hallway was her
cries. She couldn't be mad at Lyle since she loved him so
much. She'd remained up late checking on him to Make
sure he was awake, but then something unexpected
happened, shattering Lil's world. The person she loved the
most, the one who never left her, who cried even when
she was nearly out of breath from her illness, who would
choose her every day, who was her support, who she loved
unconditionally, left her without saying goodbye. She feels
as if she has lost a piece of herself. It turns out that Lyle
stopped taking his medication to support her mother, who
is battling cancer. He's hesitant to approach Lucille for help
because she has always been the one to buy him food
while they were still in college. He struggles to afford lunch
because of his emphysema medicine and doesn't have the
money to buy it. Two days after Lyle's death, Regina's best
friend and partner in crime finally gave up. Her heart
stopped because she no longer had the person who kept
her heart pounding. Some things were twisted by fate and
some things aren't really meant to last. How much we wish
they were.

Layla,a sweet little adventurous girl she would

hope she could go adventuring like her mother , Layla
grew up in an orphanage after she lost her mother in
one of her adventures ,but it wasn't that bad she had
her brother with her she was only 2 years younger
from her brother doug and 2 other friends she met
there named Jeremy and Sally .Skip forward to where
she is now,she was only 15 when she started going on
adventures with her brother now she finally get to do
adventures on her own ,she and her friends went to a
guild early in the morning ,it was warm and sunny a
great day she would say ,there she got a commission
and she was assigned to be with 2 other people Sally
and Jeremy her friends . They then went off to their
destination,they were assigned to find any clues on
what was happening in the forest they had reports of
a family going missing there , they were discussing
and giving theories on what actually happened,then
few hours later they finally arrived at the forest ,Layla
saw an eagle fly by and she was amazed by it ,they
then started inspecting and splitting up to search the
area more ,they searched everywhere but got nothing
new ,they met up in the middle of the forest to gather
what they found ,but got nothing they were about to
stop and just go home but then Layla heard
something deep into the forest ,they followed the
noise and there they saw a big creature with sharp
claws and teeth it was eating a deer ,they were
shocked not knowing that they have to handle
something that big , the creature saw them and was
about to run to it's way but luckily Jeremy knows how
to handle this he had some training with other guild
members ,he would sometimes escape the orphanage
to look at gaurds practicing ,he then kicked the
creature hard enough on the neck for it to stall time
and they all ran away fast,Layla peaked at the back to
look at the creature and there she saw the eagle
beside it ,she continues to run away , they found a
cave to rest ,"what was that thing I have never
encountered something like that big it looked so
creepy!" Sally complained ,Layla was deep in her
thoughts trying to remember where she has seen that
creature cause it was familiar to her she then took
out her book that her mother left for her ,she flipped
the pages to where she then found the exact picture
of it ,the creature was named lycan a werebeast, "so
you're saying that its like a werewolf but a beast?"
Jeremy asked" yes ,and it says that they have the
ability to change their physical form at will" Layla
replies to Jeremy ,they were thinking it through
that,that creature was the reason of the
disappearance of the family , they then planned out
on what to do, they decided to inspect a little more of
the area so they can update the guild about it, but
when they were discussing they heard the eagle
cawing they then saw the creature running it's way to
them they started running fast but the creature was
quicker ,Sally tripped over a rock they were too late
to grab her back the creature was tearing her into
pieces they continued to run far away from the
monster it was almost sun down and they were now
deep in the forest and no where to go ,they then
found a cottage,it was random because it was in the
middle of the woods ,they went closer to the house
and saw that the door had claw marks of it ,they tried
knocking and no one was there they knocked again
and an old man opened the door , the old man let
them in and gave them something to eat and drink to
calm them down as they explained what happened
they were both still shocked ,as they were
discussing,Layla noticed some family pictures she
asked about it but the old man change the topic of it
couple mins later they heard the eagle caw again but
this time it went inside the house ,the old man was
happy that his pet eagle has arrived ,Layla felt uneasy
she then saw that the old man had a bruise on its
neck ,she gathered her thoughts and then she then
realized that he was the werebeast Layla whispered
to Jeremy that they have to leave ,as they were about
to say goodbye the old man turned around "you can't
leave yet ...." he grew tall and hair and there it was
the lycan werebeast that brutally murdered there
friend Sally ,they fought for their lives but didn't
survive it was the end for them ,......... Couple of days
later Layla's brother doug was worried because it has
been days since her little sister haven't arrived ,he
went of to the guild to ask for any updates of her
adventure and they told him they got nothing and
they were also worried they then launched gaurds to
the forest to inspect ,the gaurds arrived in the woods
they looked carefully But finds no one- but they did
find one of the victims in a house in the middle of the
woods, The wooden floor creaks at every step. One of
the guards took a match and lit up one of their torch
and it lit up the room and saw a figure infront of
them, a woman with long black hair covered in
bruises stands in the middle of the room. "We are
from the * knights of the kingdom we got a call for
three missing people..." one of them starts "Ma'am
I'd like you to face us, we'd like to ask you some
questions." Seconds, minutes, maybe hours past. The
woman standing still, "Ma'am?" his breath hitches,
eyes widen as she slowly faces them. "Missing..." the
sound of her hoarsed voice. Her eyes staring through
them. Chills run down their spines, slowly grabbing

Hi im sophie i was a only kid rased by two

farmers who love me. we didn't have much money
but i always had books to read my parent were
always busy working in the farm My mom handed me
an old computer and i was mind blown i love learning
by the time i was five i can read advanced books and
do large sums mentally my parents were proud at me
i was super excited to start school but i dont have
many friends But i always tried reminding myself that
it didn't matter because being smart was the most
important thing in the world. Once i am grade 9 i was
part of a big math competition and i was so
embarrassing when my parents turned up in their
working overalls but i was acing the competition and
if i got the last question right I'd win 5,000.and i
answered the last question My perents jumped up
and down excitedly but i could see everyone laughing
at them one boy said these homeless people could
really use the money.i jumped in to the stage and
punch on the boy And i was sent to the principal's
office i thought I'd be in the big trouble but i found a
man in a tip hat smiling at me Hello Sophie the man
said im professor Rich Im here to offer you a place In
my school in USA on full scholarship. But when my
parents were called in they seemed reluctant about
sending me away and said they'd think about it what
was there to think about later that night,i begged
Them to send me to usa dont you wanna take over
the family business kiddo? I wanna be a scientist not
a farmer they looked hert,and i felt a big guilty but i
new i was destined for greater things.The school
offered one spot in a neurobogy program at a great
university and i was gonna get it two weeks later i
flew off to usa when i got to my new high school i
almost fainted the place is massive and nice But it
was harder that i thouht that one boy named mark
seemed to get top grades whihout even much
effort.he was constantly goofing aff and telling stories
which made all the kids love him and he was always
messung with me like one day in biology class mark
put a giant squid on my head Sophie's qn octopus ew
get that thing off me all the other kids laughed and
even the teacher and he kept giving me instructions
can you zip it for two minutes Sophie said And i
couldnt hel feeling disappointed Hi Sophie mark said
want me to give you some tutoring lessons you've got
to be kidding me why arw you here don't you have a
family to go o home to -i thought I'd dstay over break
just to help you -i treied to concentrate on my books
but they wouldnt stop laughing and distracting me
and i heated to admit it, but they looked like they
were having fun and i kind of felt out and i could see
why everyone likes him so much plus he was really
cute and he kept looking my way But one day at lunch
my heart dropped when emmy walkend in with my
parents behind her. What are you guys doing here
Sophies mom said your friend emmy got in touch and
told us you havent been feeling well so we decided to
visit Emmy said probably took your entire year saving
to buy the tickets Well listen up everybody Sophie
been lying this whole time And i dont mind it And
professor Rich call me and mark you two are the best
student we've ever had at this school and you tied on
the test but unfortunately we only one spot in the
program -mark should take it -sophie deserves it -we
both started laughing and mark tool my hand no
matter who gets it,well both be oky -well,the
university dean has decided to give two students from
our school a place on the program after seeing the
results he didn't want to lose out on such talent so
you both get to go this fall and we are so happy
Lost Rabbit

In a quiet village that is far away from a city,

there are three friends that lived next to each other.
Kelly, Mindy and Rusty. They have been living next to
each other for 13-14 years. Also, they've known each
other's families and neighbors and they all get along
so well together. They stay in the same school, they
would take the school bus and travel on their way to
school together. Every after weekends, they always
had their great bondings. One windy day, the 3
bestfriends decided to play somewhere out from the
village after lunch. The 3 asked their parents'
permission if they can go play out in the meadow and
they allowed them but they must be careful out
there. The 3 stayed outside and a sweet smell coming
from inside Kelly's house and it's her mom, Francine's
cookings. The 3 starved after they smelled a scent.
Kelly's mother invited the two to come over their
house and eat a delicious lunch, an apple pie,
sandwiches with eggs and some homemade cookies
that is all made by her mom. Kelly's mom is a good
chef. After their lunch, they took a quick break before
going to play in the meadow. Mindy grabbed her kites
to fly it with Rusty and Kelly. The 3 went together to
the meadow that is a 100 meters away from the
village and it's just a perfect place for them to run
and play with their kite. As they arrived at the
meadow, they started pulling down the kites' yarns,
and let it flew up through the windy air. The 3 were
enjoying their time. Kelly and Rusty were having a
chat While Mindy is running and getting distracted by
watching the kite that is flying throught the sky, she
tripped over a rock and rolled down to the ground
until she stopped by a huge tree. She had a few
injuries on her legs but she is still able to stand up.
She tried to find where the kite flew, dropped or it
could be stucked somewhere. A thread of yarn was
hanging on a trunk of a tree and it's her kite, she
found out her kite is already torn up. She has no
choice but to leave the kite hanging there. Before she
walked away, Mindy heard an animal that sounds like
it's crying so she tried to search where the sound is
coming from. A white snowball looking thing was
hidden in a bush. She was curious what's in that bush
so she walk towards there and took a peek, she's
surprised it's a rabbit. She saw the rabbit's broken leg
and she started panicking because the rabbit is in so
much pain and she doesn't know what to do. She just
remembered her mom named Matie is a vet doctor
and she decided to take it home and treat it's broken
leg. Kelly and Rusty are were trying to look for Mindy
til they saw Mindy running towards them, carrying a
white rabbit on her arms and with her injured legs.
They ran back to their village and brought the rabbit
to Mindy's mom. Her mom, Matie both treated the
rabbit and her child's injured legs. They prepared a
bed and a food for the rabbit to have. After a week
and a few days, the rabbit's broken leg is slowly
healing and it's such a relief. Mindy just really loved
the rabbit and she decided to let it in stay in their
house and became her pet. The rabbit felt down.
Mindy was worried and she couldn't figure out what
the rabbit's problem is. She went straight to her mom
and asks why the animal is feeling down. Sadly
surprised, the rabbit just misses it's home and it
wanted to go back home. They decided to investigate
the place where Mindy stopped by from rolling down
and where she found the rabbit. Behind those big
bushes, a hidden fish pond had been there the whole
time. Near the fish pond is actually where the rabbits'
home. The 3 went back to the village and checked the
rabbit. Mindy badly wants to keep the rabbit in but
it'll make the rabbit feel homesick and stress so she
has no choice but to return the rabbit to it's home
and make it live happily and free. Tomorrow that day,
they went to the the fish pond where the rabbit lives
nearby. Mindy carried the rabbit in her arms as they
walk to their destination. They have arrived. Mindy
hesitates to put the rabbit down but she has to let it
go. When Mindy put the rabbit on the ground, it
slowly steps on the grass and sniff then it hopped
faster towards to the bushes and it never looked
back. After a few days, Mindy started missing the
rabbit. She wanted to take a quick visit at the fish
pond to see if the rabbit is still there. She invited
Rusty and Kelly to come over. They bought a treat for
the rabbit. They slowly sneaked in the fish pond
because they might frighten the rabbit. They couldn't
find the rabbit in it's home but they heard something
rustling in the tall grasses. The rabbit jumped out of it
and the 3 bestfriends were surprised. The ,zzassS
approached to them and it seems like it remembers
Mindy. Mindy offered the rabbit the carrot and it ate
it. It grew it's trust on them and it became friendly.
Days and days passed, they would sometimes visit the
rabbit's home and play with the rabbit, bring some
treats for it or stay at the fish pond to look at the

It was Oliver's 17th birthday and he was looking

forward to seeing his friends Grace,Julian,Alex. They
were meeting at Chihuahua's Cuisine, his favourite
Italian restaurant, for a special birthday dinner. Oliver
was excited and got to the restaurant at exactly 7
o'clock, the time they had arranged to meet. he
looked around for a familiar face, but no one had
arrived yet. So he decided to wait outside and stood
patiently in the warm evening sunshine. The
restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none
of them were Oliver's friends. 'Where are they?' he
thought. At half past seven he was still waiting, so he
called his best friend Grace. 'Why doesn't she answer
her phone?' Oliver asked himself. Then he called
Julian, and Alex but they didn't answer either. 'What's
going on?' he wondered. At 8 o'clock Oliver went
home. His friends had forgotten his birthday and he
felt lonely and miserable. he opened the front door
and walked into the dark house. The living room door
was closed. 'How strange,' he thought because he
always left it open. Nervously, he opened the door.
Suddenly the lights went on and all his friends jumped
up and shouted 'Surprise!' So they hadn't forgotten
and in the end it was the best birthday ever.

In far away place there is a kingdom called

Callenheign where the king and queen lived with two most
beautiful daughters Their names were Erica and Christina.
One day the royal family had a ball and everyone in the
village can come, even if they are a commoner or from a
wealthy family. This day changed Erica's life, everything
went well at first until one guy caught her eye. A traveler
from a commoners family and his name was Ray
SilverStone, Erica approached him despite already knowing
she cannot be with him because of her social status as
princess and is next to the golden throne. Erica introduced
herself to the young commoner, and seconds later she
already had butterflies. As she describes it in her own point
of view the commoners got intelligent eyes and a hunger
pang frame. And when he said "hi" she forgot her name
set her heart aflame, every part aflame. The young
commoner asked the princess for a dance and she
immediately said "yes" as they were in the dance floor
they asked each other their names . "My name is Erica
Schuyler" and then he replied with "Ray Silverstone glad to
make ur acquaintance princess" She blushed and asked
where his family's came from but he hesitated knowing in
terms of social status he is no where near the princess and
told her "that's unimportant princess I have a million
things I haven't done just you wait!" As she sees Ray
walking backwards looking at her she thought of the
consequences again and again but even though it will be a
huge problem she still went with it. A few weeks have
passed ray and princess Erica has been sending each other
letters but even though they were, the princess is unclear
on what Ray actually feels. It's as if Ray has been giving the
princess mixed Signals. One day Both sisters escaped the
palace just to be free from every responsibilities and went
the lantern rite of the village where people will celebrate
the floating lanterns. And Erica saw him again, Ray. the guy
who caught her attention, who gave her sparks just by
looking at her, the commoner that made the princess
experience love at first sight. When ray was approaching
both princesses, Erica was happy she could meet him
again, but when she turned to look at her sisters eye she
knew she felt the same and she loved her sister so much
that she is willing to sacrifices her love for her. Erica knew
her responsibilities were more important than temporary
love and she knew that her sister had the purest of heart
that she deserves love for once. Erica knew she was next to
the golden throne and the king and queen wouldn't let her
marry some commoner. That's why she made up her mind
and sacrifices her happiness for her sister. Few Years has
passed and Erica's sister Christina married ray and Erica is
their maid of honor. Erica never told Christina she had
feelings for her husband till now. She knows her sister like
she knows her own mind, she would never find anyone so
trusting or as kind, she knows that if she tells her that she
loved him back then, Christina would be silently resigned,
she would say she's fine. but Erica knew She'd be lying. As
Christina and Ray are married already ray will continue his
plan on rising from the top. On becoming a famous writer
and that one day he would be as famous as his wife. Ray
quit on being a traveller and started writing short stories in
newspapers. That's where he meets his manager Charlene,
who helps him in any way possible both of them have been
working for months and months and for those months he's
writing improves that some man offered him a new job
with hi there is a kingdom called Callenheign where the
king and queen lived with two most beautiful daughters
Their names were Erica and Christina. One day the royal
family had a ball and everyone in the village can come,
even if they are a commoner or from a wealthy family. This
day changed Erica's life, everything went well at first until
one guy caught her eye. A traveler from a commoners
family and his name was Ray SilverStone, Erica approached
him despite already knowing she cannot be with him
because of her social status as princess and is next to the
golden throne. Erica introduced herself to the young
commoner, and seconds later she already had butterflies.
As she describes it in her own point of view the
commoners got intelligent eyes and a hunger pang frame.
And when he said "hi" she forgot her name set her heart
aflame, every part aflame. The young commoner asked the
princess for a dance and she immediately said "yes" as
they were in the dance floor they asked each other their
names . "My name is Erica Schuyler" and then he replied
with "Ray Silverstone glad to make ur acquaintance
princess" She blushed and asked where his family's came
from but he hesitated knowing in terms of social status he
is no where near the princess and told her "that's
unimportant princess I have a million things I haven't done
just you wait!" As she sees Ray walking backwards looking
at her she thought of the consequences again and again
but even though it will be a huge problem she still went
with it. A few weeks have passed ray and princess Erica has
been sending each other letters but even though they
were, the princess is unclear on what Ray actually feels. It's
as if Ray has been giving the princess mixed Signals. One
day Both sisters escaped the palace just to be free from
every responsibilities and went the lantern rite of the
village where people will celebrate the floating lanterns.
And Erica saw him again, Ray. the guy who caught her
attention, who gave her sparks just by looking at her, the
commoner that made the princess experience love at first
sight. When ray was approaching both princesses, Erica
was happy she could meet him again, but when she turned
to look at her sisters eye she knew she felt the same and
she loved her sister so much that she is willing to sacrifices
her love for her. Erica knew her responsibilities were more
important than temporary love and she knew that her
sister had the purest of heart that she deserves love for
once. Erica knew she was next to the golden throne and
the king and queen wouldn't let her marry some
commoner. That's why she made up her mind and
sacrifices her happiness for her sister. Few Years has
passed and Erica's sister Christina married ray and Erica is
their maid of honor. Erica never told Christina she had
feelings for her husband till now. She knows her sister like
she knows her own mind, she would never find anyone so
trusting or as kind, she knows that if she tells her that she
loved him back then, Christina would be silently resigned,
she would say she's fine. but Erica knew She'd be lying. As
Christina and Ray are married already ray will continue his
plan on rising from the top. On becoming a famous writer
and that one day he would be as famous as his wife. Ray
quit on being a traveller and started writing short stories in
newspapers. That's where he meets his manager Charlene,
who helps him in any way possible both of them have been
working for months and months and for those months he's
writing improves that some man offered him a new job
with his manager Charlene. After that Ray and Charlene
had a victory party together because of their Victorious
achievement. Christina went to visit ray to surprise him
and congratulate him because of his new work. But when
she went inside her husband's house she saw ray and
Charlene, her husband cheated on her and at that moment
she didn't know what to do but just run ....she ran and ran
until all her surroundings were just trees and darkness. She
cried the heavens out and the rain started pouring down
hard on her. She questioned her entire worth, on why her
husband cheated on her, questions if she ever was enough,
if she ever was worth the love anyways. If she ever truly
deserves anything as her sister said. She sat there in the
woods waiting for something to happen, Christina never
knew something like this would happen in her life. The
pureness of her heart cannot handle the pain and when
she went back to the kingdom everyone was worried
about her but even though she experience something so
tragic she still smiled and said she was okay. Christina
never woke up the night after the incident. The next
morning Erica saw her sisters dead body and she saw that
Christina was holding a note that says "I'm erasing myself
from the narrative let future historians wonder how a
foolish commoner broke my heart, that my life was all torn
apart because I thought everything would be...okay I'm
sorry for leaving you sister, I'm sorry for erasing myself
from the narrative" that night she drank poison so that she
will not endure the pain the life gave her. Everyone in the
kingdom was furious the king and queen want ray dead.
Erica wants avenged her sister. The one and only sister she
loved is gone, and it's all because of some foolish
commoner. Both of them were manipulated by his charms
even though both of them knew he could never be
satisfied at anything. As ray was locked in the kingdom
prisons waiting to be beheaded. Erica went down to see
him one last time. Erica looked at him with a pitiful look.
"U ruined our lives" she looked at him furiously "and you
will get what you deserve" ray never said anything and just
looked at her and she shouted "I loved my sister more than
anything in this life, I would choose happiness over mine
everytime Christina!" She sobbed and looking hopeless in
life "so never lose sight of the fact that you've been
blessed with the best wife!" She avenged her sister, she let
the royal guards drag him towards the royal alligators they
kept and she watched as he screamed getting eaten alive
and then they poured oil everywhere and watched as he
burned with those alligators. "This is what you get for
everything that you have done, this is what you get for
fooling us around, this is what you get for killing my dear
sister, you shall burn to ashes because this is what you
The Envy of the Shepherd’s Wife

In an old town in Baisaran Valley, the people live

abundant and especially Mr William Kashmir who grazes
sheep on his land. His helper in shepherding the sheep was
his daughter Naomi Kashmir. His first wife, Evangeline,
died giving birth to Naomi, so William became an early
widower. But he was lucky because he found Linda's love
again. Their life is happy especially since they have Linda to
take care of their lives. Linda Akmar is a strict and
disciplined woman. She was not immediately friends with
the people in town as she was quiet and did not fund
socialising, she rather focused on the responsibilities of
their home. And honestly, for her, she is irritated with
Naomi because she doesn't want her to herd the sheep
with his father. As she wants her to help instead with
house chores. Naomi is not close to Linda because of the
way she treats her, but she respects her as she is also her
second Mother. One night, when Mr. William gathered his
sheep to take them home to the shed, they were suddenly
attacked by 3 wolves the sheep were frightened, so the
other sheep ran in another direction. The wolf attacked the
two sheep and the 3 sheep ran into the houses. It was
already dark around so William had a hard time looking for
the lost sheep. The next day, a woman knocked on Mr.
William's house. Linda opened the door and saw the
woman outside with three sheep. She had in her mind that
these are the lost sheep of his lover last night. The woman
said good morning in respect and asked where is Mr.
William, with a smile. Linda suddenly felt jealous but she
didn't pay attention to it. Linda let her in and served him
hot chocolate. The woman accepted it and Linda called her
husband. William is happy because the woman got back
her sheep that was lost last night. They found out that the
woman's name was Eva Chandra, a daughter of a
carpenter in town. As a thank you, Mr. William took Eva
around the back of their home where there are ranches,
sheds and vast grasslands up until the foot of the
mountain where he grazes flocks of sheep. William offers
Eva money but she refuses it. Instead, Eva wants to herd a
sheep every Sunday so that she can learn how to herd and
it will help William take care of another animal he owned
and have a day off to spend time with his lover and
daughter Naomi. William agreed as he said it would help
him. Linda was inside their home, watching the two in the
back of their home through the window near the sink.
There is no denying Linda starting to feel bitterness. He
immediately called Naomi and ordered her to watch over
her father starting today. Eva is a beautiful, modest
woman who is known to everyone because of her father,
who is a carpenter in the town. She is happy with the
different jobs she has tried because it gives her enthusiasm
and new knowledge, especially now that she works every
Sunday tending the sheep. Naomi immediately became
friends with Eva and they always play each afternoon in
the backyard of the house. Linda can't. When Eva is at
work she can't help but feel envious when William
sometimes talks to her. But Linda is happy at least she can
go to the market with William to town to help her with
shopping. She and Naomi became more distant because he
believed that Eva was the reason for this. As the days
passed, Eva became closer to her lover and Namoi. She
doesn't see her as a friend or as a member of her family.
Linda cries every night about her painfully inflamed
feelings because she can't tell her husband the
enviousness she felt about that woman. One day, Linda
went to a milk shop and after that, she was about to go
home when she saw William and Eva on the road happily
talking while walking with Naomi holding Eva's hands. She
doesn't understand what she feels, the pain of enviousness
and sadness builds up in her heart as if it was stabbed by a
million daggers. Her tears flowed and quietly sobbed while
heading towards her house. Linda only asked for a happy
family but why did she feel this way, and why was she put
on a bitter life? Will he just live in the corner and let others
get what she owned? There is only one thing on Linda's
mind, and that is to erase Eva from their lives. So she is
planning to kill her sarcastically favourite neighbour. It was
eleven o'clock at night when Eva returned to their house.
The man,named Raul, was on his way to Eva's house.
Naomi saw this because she was going to Eva's house. She
had a bad feeling because the man's build was unusual. It's
wearing black and you can't see it right away because of
the darkness. So she followed him until he entered the
house and went to Eva's room. She was so surprised that
he was going to stab her with a dirk (dagger) so he blocked
it so that Eva wouldn't be stabbed. The dirk pierced
Naomi's chest and Eva was unaware of what happened
because she was fast asleep. Naomi completely lost her
strength and breath because of the blood that came out of
her. The assailant immediately placed the dirk on Eva's left
hand and smeared it with blood. Eva's room is filled with
horror... and Naomi's death is unexpected. The news of
Naomi's death immediately spread through the town.
Everyone is mourning but Linda was shocked as she
thought Eva would die today. Mr William is melancholy,
Without Naomi, his life is in vain. Eva was immediately
accused and pleaded to behead and her father ordered
right away to banish from the town. Eva was sentenced to
death even though she always mumbled she did not kill
Naomi. Linda was not expected that two people would
lose in her terrible plan but on behalf of her mind, she is
Secretly happy now that she is the lover who remains in
William's Life. She didn't miss a day and she was even
more caring to William, day and night she was there at
William's side to ease his mourning heart of his, and she
helped him in those backyard chores, particularly in taking
care of the sheep. On an unexpected day, William got sick
and was destined to be in his bed all day. His illness causes
sadness and pain as he can't recover from Naomi's death.
So Linda is pleased to take care of the sheep instantly. One
night Linda was awake by sheep's noise. She immediately
leaves the house to check the ranch. She saw the one
sheep get away from the ranch and stood far away in the
meadow, eating grass. So She goes to where the sheep was
when a pack of big wolves attacked the sheep and her. She
had severe pain when wolves bite every part of her body.
She was in shock, terribly hurt, and she can't find a way to
escape from those attacks. She shouted as she expected
the neighbours to hear her but, 30 mins later the sheep
and she was a successful meal that night by the pack of
wolves. A Mix of her and sheep's blood, stained in the
grass and at the teeth of wolves. Her body parts were
detached and chewed harshly by every wolf. Dawn came,
and the land of Baisaran is in Sirens, sun will shine like on a
usual day as if nothing happened.

Once ,there was a newly married couple named

Elijah And Charlotte and they lived in the province. The
married couple wants to have an angel, and because of
that they prayed to God and visit in the obegyne , after
two years of waiting God answer their prayers finally,
Charlotte is pregnant and he tell it immediately to her
husband, and Elijah was so shock at the same time very
happy. Charlotte's pregnancy was not easy for her but, her
husband is always by her side to take good care of her.
One day Elijah ask a permission to Charlotte to go to city to
buy some stuff, so she was left alone at home, suddenly
their was a wild snake that snuck into their house and
Charlotte did'nt notice the wild snake, suddenly she got
accidentally stepped on the snake's tail, and the snake bit
her toe and collapsed ,and when Elijah arrived he found his
wife lying on the floor with blood on her toe and thigh and
he immediately took her to the hospital. The doctor says
that the baby is out premature because of rabies that the
child could not handle. Elijah was shock and crying out of
deliver room, and he prayed to God that his wife and his
baby is safe. After 5 hours the doctor is out and announced
to Elijah that his wife and daughter is safe now, and after 3
hours he can finally see his wife. It was 8 o'clock in the
evening and Charlotte was out of deliver room, but she is
still weak. In the morning they can finally see his daughter
named Emelie but before that Elijah went to the bouquet
store to buy some gift and he choose the favorite animal of
her wife and it was a walrus because walrus is so sociable,
and they make it a walrus toy bouquet and a white roses
for her wife. Elijah arrived in the hospital with a sad news,
her daughter pass away, his world collapse when he heard
that. Elijah cried and hug his daughter tighly "emelie my
daughter" he shouted and cry. After 5 years, the couple
was still missing their daughter day by day, but on their
anniversary Elijah surprise his wife with ticket on the
oceanarium where they have many activities and the most
memorable when Elijah and Charlotte feed the real walrus,
after the tour of oceanarium they want back home with
more memories and they spend its like she's here by their
side. The most memorable on that day that they found out
that Charlotte is pregnant.
Dora and the treasure of Ulysses

Laughter and students chattering around the

classroom,as Abigail scrolls through her phone. “Hey
there!” David greets enthusiastically “What are you doing
staring at your phone all day?” Abigail signs, putting down
her phone to face him “Turns out my parents having a date
night… Making me having to babysit my little sister, fun
right?” She smiles sarcastically. “I mean… at least you got
the house to yourself?” She scoffs at the comment, looking
back down at her phone. “Though, if it’s alright with you…
I could come over to help?” David suggests, rubbing the
back of his neck. “Sure, anything to help me with my
chaotic sister.” Abigail smiles at him. They arrive at
Abigail's home and are greeted by her little sister running
up to her with a smile on her face making Abigail giggle at
her actions “Abigail, your home!” Her Mother greets her,
“And you must be David, I’m Abigail’s mother.” She smiles
warmly at the teen. “It’s nice to meet you miss.” David
smiled back. “Well, I hope you three have a great time, Me
and your mother need to head out.” Abigail’s Dad
exclaims, walking up to them, and the three-wave
goodbye. That night having to put up with Abigail’s sister’s
winning, they reluctantly agreed to let her watch her
favorite cartoon before bedtime. Lounging on the couch,
the teens watch as her sister interacts enthusiastically with
Dora on the television screen. “I can’t understand how
your sister has so much patience with this show” David
exclaims, watching disinterestedly. “She’s a child, what do
you expect?” Abigail smiles down at her little sister. Hours
passed by, and the television continues to play, as the
three kids are sound asleep on the couch. Sun beaming
through Abigail’s eyes waking her up, rubbing them she
groans. “Abigail?” David asks, she hums in reply “Where…
are we?” Abigail confused, flutters her eyes open finding
the two in the middle of an unknown garden. The two look
around the unrecognizable place, spotting a house across
the field. They walk along the path reaching the front door
“Do you think anyone’s home?” Abigail asks her friend, as
David shrugs in response. Ringing the doorbell, they get
greeted by a young seven-year-old. The two stand in shock
at the figure in front of them “Hola soy Dora!” The child
exclaims with a big smile on her face. “Is this a joke?”
Abigail murmurs in disbelief. “Nope, That’s her alright..”
David replies. The teens stand there at the doorstep still
frozen as Dora looks at them with a big bright smile. “Soy
Dora!” She repeats the greeting. “Yes, yes we know…”
Abigail smiles awkwardly. “¿que?” Dora tilts her head in
confusion. Abigail looks over at David for help “You know I
dropped out of the Spanish class right?” David claims with
an awkward smile. Abigail looks back at Dora “Hola…” she
stutters “Soy Abigail, and this is my friend David.” “David!”
A voice from behind them exclaims “Yes–” David stops
staring back at the blue monkey “that's a talking
monkey…” He whispers, now questioning his sanity. “You
must be Boots!” Abigail exclaims gaining a confused look
from David but waves him off “May we ask where we
are?” Dora and Boots explained the layout of the area and
Abigail and David explained what happened before
arriving, in return. “So you fell asleep and woke in our
garden?” Dora repeats as Abigail nods “And you need to
find a way home?” The two nodded back in response. Dora
and Boots look at each other seeming to agree on
something. “I think we know how to help.” Boots exclaims
making the two teens beam in hope. “There was a legend
about a god named Ulysses, The god of hope and wishes.
With his great power, he made millions of people’s wishes
come true. But because of a curse, he was sent to the
underworld in a shape of a mammoth. To preserve his
powers, he hid a Gem. A rare beautiful Green gem, hidden
in the mountains of Les Crêtes” “So… you think we have to
find the gem to get back?” David asks “¡sí!” Dora and Boots
exclaim in agreement.“Great!” Abigail sprung up “Let’s
go!” Thus the Dora the Explorer theme song starts. The
group continues on their journey but was stopped by a
tree falling right beside them and making boots little stick
that he was carrying around fly off into one of the bushes
from the impact. “Oh no!” Dora exclaims “Boots lost his
stick! Can you find the stick?” “Oh, you got to be kidding
me” David sighs in disbelief. “Where is the stick?” Dora
repeats in full confusion. Abigail walks up to the bushes
behind her and grabbed the stick that fell, and hands it
over to Boots “¡Muy bien!” “Dora, have you ever thought
of going to an eye doctor one day?” Abigail asks “never
thought of it!” Dora replies “Well you should.” David
smiles sarcastically. Arriving in the mountains of Les
Crêtes, The group comes face to face with an abandoned
temple. “We’re here!” Boots exclaims. “Right…” David
sighs at how enormous the temple is “Let’s go find our gem
As David walks towards the entrance, the group

Learning is important to us as a student and

teachers, the school is are home and the teacher is are
second parents but In the School of Happy Valley there is
this one classroom that everyone is afraid of. It is not
because there is a ghost but because of the students. They
are five friends that leads. They are Jacob, Nathaniel
Nathalie Josie Mia. They are the students who are
reprimand. They cant do anything because the five are big
investors if their school The principal doesn't know what to
do to the students, but her assistant said she will find a
teacher to make the students be nice Mr Hudson can't find
any school, there was just no vacant. Mr. Hudson is getting
tired because he can't find anything. When he ternd
around he bumped into someone Mr Hudson say sorry to
the woman the woman saw Mr Hudson's Bio data and ask
him what job did he applied for. Mr Hudson said he
applied as a Teacher The woman said they were looking for
a Teacher. Mr Hudson was happy with what he found out
and Mr Hudson didn't Hesitate. In the Morning he came in
The five friends were shocked about the news that they
have a new teacher, but they were also happy because
they have a new victim Mr Hudson didn't know what his
getting into. When he entered the room, There were
pranks on him. But Mr Hudson didn't budge Mr Hudson
started to teach them and the five also started thier pranks
on Nr Hudson. Mr Hudson didn't know what he was going
to do with them But Mr Hudson did not give up on them,
he did his best to make the student in the classroom good
The students sees how they were taken care of and how
Mr Hudsin did not give up on them. The students realize
how Good Mr Hudson is. The students ask for forgiveness
for everything they did and they expressed gratitude for
everything Mr Hudson said Nr Hudson said i have
something to say, thank you very mush to all of you, I
know what i went through is not a joke, but i realize now
that it is gun to be a teacher because you can meet
different types of students, some are smart, not so smart,
kind, naughty, abd many others, but it is fun. I will not
leave all of you, We will fight together until all of you

In one small village of beuno, Nicole and her

father, Mr. Logan, live happily and enjoy the beautiful
place with their peaceful lives. Nicole has a best friend
named Aiden; they're so close that they treat each other
like sisters. Adien came to Mr. Logan's house to tell Nicole
the good news about the mysterious hippopotamus in the
Makeil River that their neighbors said showed up last
night. The mysterious hippopotamus is the one that
protects the Makeil River, which makes the Makeil River
the most beautiful river in their village. People there are
very thankful to the hippo. And Nicole is so excited about
what she just heard from her best friend that she told
Aiden that she would love to see the mysterious
hippopotamus and make it her friend. Aiden said, "Ahmm,
I guess you've never heard that the hippopotamus is bigger
than you think; someone says it's scary and it could
possibly eat or harm humans." Nicole heard those words
and is scared, but she still wants to see the mysterious
hippopotamus. One day, when Aiden and Nicole are
playing on the side of the Makeil River and her father, Mr.
Logan, is talking to his friend, Heather, who is one of her
father's closest friends, Heather owned a big company that
is currently having a big problem because someone on her
staff took the company's money and left the country to use
the money. Heather said to Mr. Logan that she needs help
and wants to borrow a huge amount of money. Mr. Logan
said that he couldn't let Heather borrow that huge amount
of money because they don't have that kind of money.
They have saved, but it's enough for Nicole's needs and
their daily needs. Ms. Heather tried to please Mr. Logan
because she really needed it to save her company and was
too desperate to let her company rise again on the market.
Mr. Logan said that he needs the money for his daughter
and cannot let Ms. Heather borrow the money. After
hearing those words from Mr. Logan, Ms. Heather left with
a disappointed face on her way home. Nicole saw Ms.
Heather and asked her father, "What happened to Ms.
Heather, dad?" "Why is she sad?" Mr. Logan tell
everything to Nicole, and Nicole said, "Oh, that was sad.
Did you help her dad?" nicole asked. Mr. Logan said, "I'm
sorry, love, I did not; the money she's trying to have was
too big, and the money we have right now is enough for
us, for our daily needs, and also for you," and Nicole
agreed with her father. Nicole comes back to Aiden, and
again they're playing besides the river. It's evening and it's
time to sleep. Nicole gives her dad a goodnight kiss and
goes upstairs to get dressed and go to bed. When she's
about to go to sleep, she hears something in the side of
their house. It's a kind of water dripping and a big step
coming through. She sneaks out in the window and i
shocked by what she sees. "It is the mysterious
hippopotamus. It's real! She immediately ran downstairs
and looked for the hippopotamus. When she was trying to
look for the hippopotamus, she felt something breathing in
her back. She was afraid, but then she managed to look
back and face the hippo. When she saw the hippo, she said
through her mind, "It's real, and it is bigger than I thought,
but it's not that scary at all; he's cute, though." before she
could continue the hippo suddenly came closer to Nicole's
face, and then he leant on Nicole's shoulder and scratched
his head against Nicole's body. The hippo and Nicole
became friends. Nicole can't wait to tell Adien about the
hippo last night. When Aiden came to Nicole's house,
Nicole hurriedly told Aiden about last night. She was so
excited that she asked her father to let her sleep at
Nicole's house. After a day of chatting and playing with
Aiden, the evening is finally here. They can't wait to see
the hippo, and when the time has come that they're
sleepy, the water is dripping and the big step is here.
Nicole says to Aiden, "Aiden, he's here; he's here; let's go,
hurry." They immediately ran outside, and as they
expected, the hippo was there. The two were so excited
that they played with the hippo all night and enjoyed the
time. Since then, they have been friends, always playing
late into the evening. On that one day, Ms. Heather heard
about the mysterious hippopotamus, and she planned to
get the hippo and sell it to get the money she wanted. He
hired some people to help her find and catch the hippo.
After what they all did, they couldn't still find the hippo,
and that was when she knew that Nicole and her friend
Aiden were friends with the hippo. She tried to lie to
Nicole that she wanted to see the hippo and become his
friend too. Nicole is excited to introduce her to the hippo.
In the evening, while having a chat with Ms. Heather, the
hippo is outside their house. Nicole introduces Ms.
Heather to the hippo, and they become friends. Ms.
Heather was surprised by what she saw, and she's
desperate to get and sell the hippo.
One night, when Nicole is asleep, Ms. Heather and her
people are trying to get the hippo. The hippo showed up,
and Ms. Heather's people caught the hippo. The hippo
tried so hard to escape, but suddenly he was hit by a bat
and collapsed to the ground. When he's awake, he sees
himself in the factory that kills animals. He heard the
conversation between Heather and the buyer. He hurriedly
tried to escape but still couldn't because of the cage that
was full of electrical wires attached. In his last try, he
collapsed, and out of sight, he heard Ms. Heather laughing,
and his eyes filled with tears. On that next day, when
Nicole couldn't find the hippo, she tried to ask Aiden about
it and tell him that the hippo was missing. Aiden said, "You
kept our secret from other people, did you?" That was the
time that Nicole remembered Ms. Heather after she tried
to contact her and asked about it. Ms. Heather said, I'm
sorry, Nicole, I need the money, and she hung up the call.
Nicole told Aiden, and as she knew, they planned to get
the hippo back and tell her father about the hippo. Nicole
tells everything to her father, and her father helps them
get the hippo back, so they have plans for what they'll do.
After that, they had made their decision to go and get the
hippo. As they arrived at the place (factory), they
witnessed how people there harm animals. They sneaked
through the factory to find the hippo, but accidentally,
Nicole stumbled, and that made the metal fall and make a
noise. As a result, they got caught up by the people of Ms.
Heather, but they managed to escape by fighting the
people of Ms. Heather and run to find the hippo. A minute
after finding the hippo, they finally see it and immediately
find some hard things to open the cage. After they open
the cage, people of Ms. Heather came, but the mysterious
hippopotamus is stronger than people, so they easily
escaped and ran away in the factory. When they got home
the house is full of happiness and that's when they found
out that the hippo had a little baby and that made them
more happy. And ms. heather was kick out in her own
company because people accuse her by stealing money
when the time she was drunk. ms. heather leave the
country and so she can start her new life there but before
she leave the country she apologize in nicole and the hippo
for what she did, the next day ms. heather came to mr.
logan's house and apologize for what she did "i'm sorry for
all the bad things i have done to you, i hope you can
forgive me, i will never do it again and goodbye" after that
she left. In the end nicole, her father mr. logan, aiden and
the hippo. family we're all happy to live their normal life
again. and the friendship of the three is always making
their relationship even stronger.

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