SOI PLUSU4interviewsworksheet

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which types of science do the speakers mention? Do you have anything in common
with any of the speakers?

2 Watch part 1 of the video from 0:15–1:43 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each sentence.
1 Samantha was good at science at school. F Samantha
2 She wasn’t very good with numbers.
3 She thinks scientists and inventors haven’t changed
our lives much.
4 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in

Glossary: hopeless at = very bad at

3 Are you more sciencey or are you more artistic? Watch Part 1 of the video from 0:15–1:43 and complete the sentences
with one word in each gap.

Juliet Anthony

Caitlin Atri

Juliet: I think quite 1logically but I think I have to be quite 2 in my logic.

Anthony: I work in 3
at an inpatient rehab hospital in Austin, Texas so definitely
the science.
Caitlin: I definitely studied, or 5 to study, a few subjects of science in school
but didn’t 6
and now I am an English lit., theatre, 7 ,
so yeah, definitely more artsy.
Atri: I’m studying theatre directing and I’m 8 a theatre director.

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4 What can you remember about studying science at school? Watch Part 2 of the video from 1:46–. Tick (✓) the speakers
who say they enjoyed science at school.

Errol ✓ David

Anthony Caitlin

5 Watch Part 2 again. Underline the alternatives the speakers say to complete the sentences.
1 Errol: … it was always a lesson that I really looked forward to going/go to.
2 David: Er, I can remember being supremely bad at chemistry and so I fell/dropped out of that very early on in the
O-level stage.
3 Anthony: … there’s many different ways to get to a certain conclusion/decision with science.
4 Caitlin: I actually was going/reading through my old science books the other day, clearing/cleaning out my house,
and was surprised at how much I used to know.
6 Can you name any famous scientists? Watch Part 3 of the video from 3:00–3:58 and match the scientists 1–5 with
what the speakers say.
1 Albert Einstein … you could for people like …
2 Ernest Rutherford you can go for …
3 Max Planck you could go for …
4 Anthonie van a scientist I was particularly Leeuwenhoek fascinated by was …
5 Stephen Hawking … comes to mind

Glossary: admire = respect someone for something they

have done

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Are there any scientific inventions you couldn’t live without? Watch Part 4 of the video from
4:01–4:53 and match each sentence with Atri (A) or Roxanne (R).

Atri Roxanne

1 especially when you’re, you’re missing them.

2 I think just hearing someone’s voice on the other end is always a nice thing to hear.
3 I think I’d be stranded without both of those things.
4 I think I would be really be lost.

8 What do the expressions in bold mean?

9 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 Are you more sciencey or artistic?

2 What can you remember about studying science at school?

3 Can you name any famous scientists from your country?

4 Are there any scientific inventions you couldn’t live without?

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