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Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments
will not be accepted for marking/review without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.

Qualification Title CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Unit Code CHCADV002
Unit Title Provide advocacy and representation services.
Student Name
Student ID
Student Email
Assessor Name
Campus ✘ Melbourne Sydney Perth
Due Date Week 6
Submission Date
Assessment Task Task One - Questions

Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed
in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
• The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my
• I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of
assistance used in my assessment work.
• I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission
guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my
assessments being returned not assessed by my trainer/assessor.
• I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the
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• I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
• I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the
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Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is
entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.

Student Signature

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 2

Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
 This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
 This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory
performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in
the prior attempt at the assessment.
 The written assessment may be re-attempted on two occasions (maximum of three attempts).
 This is an open book assessment.
 Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
 You must answer all questions correctly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your
assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.

Required Resources
 You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.

 You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by
handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
 Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover
sheet will not be accepted.

When and where will this assessment take place?

 Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
 Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.

What if the assessment is not suitable?

 If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor
may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.

What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?

 If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback.
You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your
 In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
 If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your
assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 3

Question 1 Identify at least 3 conditions to consider during representation in consultation with
individuals and key groups.
Answer Respect for each individual/group opinions and acknowledging their needs.
Transparency and accountability are also important factors to consider.
Conflict of interest- If there is conflict of interest it is best to avoid such situations.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 2 Underpinning the work in the community and health services sector is the principle of
human rights. Explain what this means, and give at least 4 examples of human rights
Answer Work in the community and health sector ensures the key human rights of individuals
are respected. Work in the community ensures right to work and right to education
can be respected. Right to life and right to health are also respected by ensuring the
health service sector is functioning well.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 3 Give two examples of a type of advocacy where a person represents themselves.
Answer Legal Self-Advocacy- individuals may choose to represent themselves in court in legal
disputes. This does not require there to be a lawyer present.
Consumer Rights Self-Advocacy: Individuals may advocate for their consumer rights
when dealing with businesses or service providers. This can involve addressing issues
related to product quality, billing disputes, or fair treatment as consumers.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 4

Question 4 Give an example of a type of advocacy that may be requested by an individual person,
such as a parent.
Answer Community Advocacy- Parents may advocate for improvements in their local
community, such as safer streets, better public services, access to parks and
recreational activities, or the development of youth programs

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 5 Give at least two examples of group advocacy.

Answer Consumer Advocacy groups- This can be formed to advocate for issues concerning fair
treatment of consumers, billing and quality of products being bought.
LGBTQ+ Advocacy Organizations- These are groups that advocate for LGBTQ+ rights,
including marriage equality, anti-discrimination laws, and transgender rights.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 6 Explain raising awareness as a function of advocacy. Why is it important?

Answer Raising awareness is an important part of advocacy because it empowers individuals

with information and better understanding of the issues being advocated for. This is
important as the issues advocated for can get a lot of support from larger group of

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 7 Explain the role of advocacy in acting on behalf of a person.

Answer Advocacy on behalf of a person can enable the person be represented especially in
conflict resolution. This can help in mediation and negotiate for solutions that are
anchored towards the well-being of the individual.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 5

Question 8 Give two examples of types of written documents may be required as a function of
Answer Letters of Advocacy-Letters may be addressed to policymakers, government officials,
or relevant authorities to express concerns, advocate for specific issues, or request
Signature Petition- Signature petitions are important as they are evidence of the
support from members in the community.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 9 Explain how representation and advocacy are different from decision-making made on
behalf of a person or a service provider.
Answer Representation and Advocacy tends to aim for objectives which are set by a person or
a group as a whole.
Decision making on behalf of a group or a person aims for outcomes that do not
necessarily satisfy the needs of the person/group.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 10 Explain why it is important to understand the processes of a particular industry and/or
government before representation begins.
Answer This is important because it helps the advocate become knowledgeable on the day-
to-day operations in that particular industry and can better represent their interests
and needs.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 11 Why is it important to have an understanding of the nature and structure of the
community services and health industries?
Answer Understanding the structure of these industries allows professionals to provide more
effective services. It also makes it easier to advocate for the betterment of services to
the community and the health industry.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 6

Question 12 How does an understanding of the processes and structures relevant to an
organisation’s goals and objectives assist in representation?
Answer Understanding processes and structures in an organisation makes it easier to
understand any difficulties experienced in the industry and also the needs of the
individuals you are representing.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 13 How does an understanding of the processes, structures and boundaries relevant to
your work role assist in representation?
Answer Understanding processes, structures and boundaries relevant to my work role can
help in representation because I am able to do self-advocacy and advocate for my
specific needs.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 14 Provide two examples of processes and systems that can be used to support advocacy,
including electronic campaigning.
Answer Fundraisers – Advocacy requires creating awareness and it requires funding this can
be done physically and also online to enable support for advocacy
Social media campaigns – This can be done on different platforms to raise awareness
and support for the advocacy.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 15 Explain both individual and group advocacy with an example for each.

Answer Individual advocacy focuses on the needs of a single person e.g., Financial Advocacy
to advocate for better credit terms and facilities.
Group advocacy focuses on the needs of a group e.g., Youth Advocacy groups to
advocate for youth programs in the community and safety of the youth.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 7

Question 16 Why is it important to identify and seek the support of key people and develop strategic
Answer This is important especially in advocacy matters as the issues being advocated for are
able to garner support from more people and it helps to create awareness of the
issues advocated for.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 17 What are the requirements for reporting, accountability and evaluation in
representation and advocacy?
Answer Reporting- There should be proper documentation and data collection.
Accountability- There should be adherence to the set codes of conduct through which
advocacy is done.
Evaluation- There should be an assessment of the impact ot advocacy.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 18 Explain two ways to identify the relevant interests and concerns of clients in
accordance with organisation objectives and priorities.
Answer Benchmarking and Best Practices- Compare your organization's performance and
client feedback with industry benchmarks and best practices.
Client History and Records- Review the history and records of clients to identify any
recurring issues, patterns, or past concerns.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 19 Explain ‘power of attorney’.

Answer Power of attorney refers to a legal authorization that gives a designated person the
power to act for someone else.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 8

Question 20 What is guardianship?
Answer Guardianship is when a person who has been appointed by a court or otherwise has
the legal authority to make decisions relevant to the personal and property interests
of another person who is deemed incompetent.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 21 What is the legal status of parents and guardians of people under the age of 18?

Answer They have the primary responsibility for the care and upbringing of their children.
They are legally required to make the best decisions regarding the child's education,
healthcare, and general well-being.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 22 Give at least two reasons for why it is important to communicate and promote the
purpose and objectives.
Answer Communication is important because it enables participant know and understand
what is expected of them in order to achieve objectives that are set.
Communication is important to make the individuals understand the progress made
in achieving objectives.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 23 Give at least two reasons for why it is important to promote and facilitate collaborative
planning and action?
Answer 1. Collaborative planning enables informed decision-making by considering a
wider range of viewpoints and interests.
2. Collaborative planning allows for pooling of resources that can fund
achievement of specific goals.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 9

Question 24 Provide an example of a model of support and negotiation.
Answer Win-win negotiation model is whereby both parties involved in negotiations find a
solution that benefits both parties and puts them at a better position than they were
before the negotiations e.g., if an employee asks for salary increment, the employer
can ask the employee to work for additional hours.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 25 List two examples of types of community consultation processes and describe the
decision-making process.
Answer Online surveys – from the feedback in the survey a decision can be arrived at.
Organising community meetings in town halls and people can vote on a specific

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Question 26 Explain the benefits of analysing the actual work outcomes and documenting and
reporting against agreed objectives and priorities.
Answer The benefit of analysing work outcomes is to enable one to see if the objectives have
been achieved. Documenting and reporting against agreed objectives allows for one
to compare and evaluate the level of progress.

Result Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Assessor Name
Assessor Signature

Student Name
Student Signature

CHCADV002 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192401) 10

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